Treatment of Arrays in Go - arrays

Having read the following at
Arrays are values. Assigning one array to another copies all the
In particular, if you pass an array to a function, it will receive a copy
of the array, not a pointer to it.
... I expect in the following code that arr2 to be distinct from arr, and main()'s arr to be distinct from shuffle()'s arr. Can someone please explain why the following code shuffles arr2? I know Go is still a young language; perhaps the treatment of arrays has changed?
package main
import (
func shuffle(arr []int) {
for i := len(arr) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
j := rand.Intn(i)
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
func main() {
arr := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
arr2 := arr
for _, i := range arr2 {
fmt.Printf("%d ", i)

I think your problem is that you're confusing arrays and slices.
Arrays are fixed-length lists of values. You're actually not using any arrays in your example. Arrays can be declared a few ways:
arr1 := [3]int{1, 2, 3} // an array of 3 integers, 1-3
arr2 := [...]int{1, 2, 3} // same as the previous line, but we're letting
// the compiler figure out the size of the array
var arr3 [3]int // a zeroed out array of 3 integers
You're using slices. A slice is a reference to an underlying array. There are a few ways to allocate new slices:
slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3} // a slice of length 3 containing the integers 1-3
slice2 := make([]int, 3) // a slice of length 3 containing three zero-value integers
slice3 := make([]int, 3, 5) // a slice of length 3, capacity 5 that's all zeroed out
Any other slice assignments are just duplicating a reference to an array.
Now that we've established that, the line
arr := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
creates a slice referencing an anonymous underlying array that contains the numbers 1-5.
arr2 := arr
duplicates that reference -- it does not copy the underlying array. So there's one underlying array and two references to it. That's why the contents of arr2 change when you modify the contents of arr. They're referencing the same array.


Does Go slicing operator allocate new underlying array?

I was reading this article which explains how slices in Go are implemented under the hood:
At the end of the article is this snippet of Go code:
func main() {
slice:= make([]string, 1, 3)
func(slice []string){
My first guess was this would print:
2 [b b]3 [ b b]
In fact it prints:
2[b b]1[]
Which suggests that when anonymous function creates a new local slice by slicing the one passed to it as argument causes a new underlying array to be allocated for the slice. I've confirmed this with this modified version of code:
func main() {
slice := make([]string, 1, 3)
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice))
fmt.Printf("adress of underlying array in main: %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data))
func(slice []string) {
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice))
fmt.Printf("adress of underlying array in func before slicing: %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data))
slice = slice[1:3]
slice[0] = "b"
slice[1] = "b"
hdr = (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice))
fmt.Printf("adress of underlying array in func after slicing: %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data))
Which prints:
adress of underlying array in main: 0xc0000121b0
adress of underlying array in func before slicing: 0xc0000121b0
adress of underlying array in func after slicing: 0xc0000121c0
2[b b]
My question is: why is the slicing operation in anonymous function causing a new array to be allocated? My understanding was that if in main we are creating a slice with capacity 3, an underlying array with length 3 is created and when anonymous function is manipulating the slice, it is manipulating the same underlying array.
As mkopriva mentioned, the reslicing does not reallocate anything. Reallocation happens only when appending new values would exceed the slice's capacity (source).
The output you got is because the elements you are "able to see" in a slice (including when you print it) depend on its length:
The number of elements is called the length of the slice and is never negative. [...] The length of a slice s can be discovered by the built-in function len;
The original slice constructed with slice := make([]string, 1, 3), has length=1, so when you print it, the output will be the one element at position 0 of the backing array, which is an empty string.
With this code:
slice = slice[1:3]
slice[0] = "b"
slice[1] = "b"
you are effectively mutating the elements at position 1 and 2 of the backing array, none of which is an element of the original slice.
If you reslice the original slice up to capacity — thus extending its length, it will print what you expect:
slice = slice[:cap(slice)]
fmt.Println(len(slice)) // 3
fmt.Println(slice) // [ b b]
// ^ first is empty string

How to copy array without changing original array?

I want to copy an array but the copied array always makes changes to the original array as well. Why is this the case?
Below is a code example of the issue:
package main
import (
func main() {
array := make([]int, 2)
for i := range array {
array[i] = 0
oldArray := array
array[0] = 3 // why does this also change oldArray?
oldArray[1] = 2 // why does this also change the original array?
fmt.Println(oldArray, array)
// I expected [0,2], [3,0]
// but it returns [3,2], [3,2]
I tried to initiate the variable oldArray before array but the result is the same.
In your example code, you're working with slices, not arrays.
From the slice documentation:
A slice is a descriptor for a contiguous segment of an underlying array and provides access to a numbered sequence of elements from that array.
When you assign a slice to a variable, you're creating a copy of that descriptor and therefore dealing with the same underlying array. When you're actually working with arrays, it has the behavior you're expecting.
Another snippet from the slice documentation (emphasis mine):
A slice, once initialized, is always associated with an underlying array that holds its elements. A slice therefore shares storage with its array and with other slices of the same array; by contrast, distinct arrays always represent distinct storage.
Here's a code sample (for the slices, the memory address of the first element is in parentheses, to clearly point out when two slices are using the same underlying array):
package main
import (
func main() {
// Arrays
var array [2]int
newArray := array
array[0] = 3
newArray[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Arrays:\narray: %v\nnewArray: %v\n\n", array, newArray)
// Slices (using copy())
slice := make([]int, 2)
newSlice := make([]int, len(slice))
copy(newSlice, slice)
slice[0] = 3
newSlice[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Slices (different arrays):\nslice (%p): %v \nnewSlice (%p): %v\n\n", slice, slice, newSlice, newSlice)
// Slices (same underlying array)
slice2 := make([]int, 2)
newSlice2 := slice2
slice2[0] = 3
newSlice2[1] = 2
fmt.Printf("Slices (same array):\nslice2 (%p): %v \nnewSlice2 (%p): %v\n\n", slice2, slice2, newSlice2, newSlice2)
array: [3 0]
newArray: [0 2]
Slices (different arrays):
slice (0xc000100040): [3 0]
newSlice (0xc000100050): [0 2]
Slices (same array):
slice2 (0xc000100080): [3 2]
newSlice2 (0xc000100080): [3 2]
Go Playground
use copy function.
oldArray := make([]int, len(array))
copy(oldArray, array)

How to set the length of an array during runtime

I have to basically set the length of an 2 dimension array depending of how many elements I found on a Json File, not sure how to do it. I already have a method who is going to read my Json File, however Im not sure how to set the length of my 2 dimension array after I finished to read it.
json.Unmarshal will allocate slices as needed. Go slices are what you probably mean by variable-sized arrays. Here's a simple example:
b := []byte(`[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]`)
var slice2d [][]int
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &slice2d); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unmarshaled", slice2d)
If you're reading into something else and not directly into a 2d slice, then perhaps you're just looking for make?
This will allocate a 2D slice, NxM:
twoD := make([][]int, N)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
twoD[i] = make([]int, M)
// Now you can write into twoD[i][j], given i<N, j<M
// and no extra allocation will be incurred.

Array of slices - GO

For below slice declaration,
var a [][3]string
creates a single slice(a) that points to array of 3 strings, len(a) = 3 and cap(a) =3 but not cap(a) >= 3
a = make([][3]string, 5)
creates 5 slices, where each slice(say a[0]) points to array of 3 strings, len(a[0]) = 3 and cap(a[0]) = 3
For slice declaration,
var b [][3][6]string
creates a single slice(b) that points to 3 arrays of 6 strings each, where len(b) = 3 and cap(b) =3
b = make([][3][6]string, 5)
creates 5 slices, where each slice(say b[0]) points to 3 arrays of 6 strings each
In both cases, after making slices, I said, creates 5 slices,
Considering the syntax, below are my two questions,
a = make([][3]string, 5)
My question:
Is it 5 slices, where each slice(a[0]) is array of 3 strings?
Is it a single slice(a) pointing to 5 arrays of 3 strings each?
How do I know the type of an element? slice or array?
1) In such scenarios, "array of" terminology has to be cautiously used.
2) There are no implicit pointers involved in GO unlike C
Slices and arrays are two different types: an array in memory is a contiguous sequences of values of the same type. In Go a type has a fixed size. The very same concept is present for example in C++ and
int x[5]; // C and C++
x [5]int // Go
are basically the same thing (not 100% the same because arrays in C and C++ are "second class citizens" and behave strangely in a few places, Go is more uniform on that).
A slice in Go is instead a "view" of a portion of an array, and is more or less equivalent to a C++ structure with a pointer to the first element, a number of used elements (relative to first) and a number of available elements (relative to first)
// C++
template<typename T>
struct Slice {
T *first;
int size, capacity;
Slice<int> x{nullptr, 0, 0};
// Go
var x []int
The Make special function is able to create slices associated to newly created arrays, given size and optional capacity:
// C++
template<typename T>
Slice<T> make(int size, int capacity=-1) {
if (capacity == -1) capacity = size;
return Slice<T>{new T[capacity], size, capacity};
// Go
x := Make([]int, size, capacity)
Slices can be efficiently passed around in O(1) (independently on size/capacity) and you can also take a sub-slice of a slice in O(1)... note that Go is garbage collected, doing the same in C++ would require some extra work (for example also keeping a pointer to the original array object and its size in the slice).
You can of course have arrays of slices, slices of slices, slices of arrays and arrays of arrays. Note however that in Go Make is used only to create slices (and maps) not for arrays...
x := Make([][2]int, 3) // a slice of 3 arrays of 2 ints each
// Same thing (except for content)
y := [][2]int{[2]int{1, 2},
[2]int{3, 4},
[2]int{5, 6}}
// An array of 3 slices of two ints each
z := [3][]int{[]int{1, 2},
[]int{3, 4},
[]int{5, 6}}
While for example both y and z in the playground would look the same [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] when using fmt.Println, they are very different types, for example you can add a new pair to y with
y = append(y, [2]int{7, 8}) // now [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]
and you can instead increase the length of first element of z with
z[0] = append(z[0], 99) // now [[1, 2, 99], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
but you cannot add new elements to z (it's an array) and you cannot extend an element of y (because elements are arrays)
1) Considering the syntax,
a = make([][3]string, 5)
Is it 5 slices, where each slice(a[0]) is array of 3 strings?
Is it a single slice(a) pointing to 5 arrays of 3 strings each?
Its a single slice with 5 elements where each element is an array of 3 strings.
How do I know the type of an element? slice or array?
Slices and arrays are different types. You can not interchangeably assign arrays and slices to the same variable, hence if the declaration declares it as an array, its an array, if it declares it as a slice, its a slice. If it has a number in the brackets ([5]string) its an array, if the brackets are empty ([]string) its a slice.
2) For slice declaration,
var b [][3][6]string
creates a single slice(b) that points to 3 arrays of 6 strings each,
where len(b) = 3 and cap(b) =3
b = make([][3][6]string, 5)
creates 5 slices, where each slice(say b[0]) points to 3 arrays of 6 strings each
No. Former code just declares a variable, it doesn't hold a slice yet. Latter code creates one slice with five elements.

GO array expansion

I was testing some go array initialization and general usage but I can not figure out why can not expand an array initialized with a defined length?
package main
func main() {
arr0 := []int{1, 2, 3} //
add(arr0...) // OK
arr1 := [3]int{1, 2, 3} //
slice := arr1[:] //
add(slice...) // OK
arr2 := [3]int{} //
arr2[0] = 1 //
arr2[1] = 2 //
arr2[3] = 3 //
add(arr2...) // cannot use arr2 (type [3]int) as type
// []int in argument to add
func add(terms (sum int) {
for _, term := range terms {
sum += term
As other said:
[n]type - Array (fixed size)
[]type - Slice
A quick solution for your case would be a simple conversion from array to slice.
That will just make it a slice pointing to the storage of arr2 (not a copy)
when use the operator ... as a tail, such as T.... T should always be slice.
