Database which increasea every month, which design strategy should I use? - database

I have a database that increases every month. The schema remains the same, so I think I use one of these two methods:
Use only one table, new data will be appended to this table, and will be identified by a date column. The increasing data every month is about 20,000 rows, but in long term, I think this should be problem to search and analyze this data
create dynamically one table per month, the table name will indicate which data it contains (for example, Usage-20101125), this will force us to use dynamic SQL, but in long term, it seems fine.
I must confess that I have no experiences about designing this kind of database. Which one should I use in real world?
Thank you so much

20 000 rows per month is not a lot. Go with your first option. You didn't mention which database you'll be using, but SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase and PostgreSQL, to name just a few, can handle millions of rows comfortably.
You will need to investigate a proper maintenance plan, including indexing and statistics, but that will come with lots of reading and experience.

Look into partitioning your table.
That way you can physically store the data on different disks for performance while logically it would be one table so your database stays well designed.


SQL Server table design with non fixed column

I need your help in designing one table.
I have some groups tables and we need to load data in that group tables from xml files that contain column names and data.
The column name is actually index of some main column like activity_col1, activity_col2 and so on and not fixed every time, there is possibility that same table file contains 1000 columns sometimes and 10 column values some time also there is maximum limit is also defined so no file will contain more than
2000 column per group.
So I need to design a table that is the best possible solution for this also I need to do the aggregation of column values. The files contain min level data and I need to store this data in min table and after that this min data need to be aggregated in an hour, day, week and month.
If I create max columns in all tables but data will not come every time in all columns so this design seems not good because most of the values will be null.
If I insert column name as rows in column_name column and values against each column value in values column then aggregation will be a tedious task for me
and it will impact performance.
Please suggest.
One option would be EAV, but it's more complicated to build, to query and to insert, and readability is very low.
You require a schema-less design, Allowing an unlimited number of columns,
your best bet is probably to use a NoSQL solution. Even though the weaknesses of EAV relative to relational databases also apply to NoSQL alternatives.
Also take a look at here :
Benefits of NoSQL
Recommendations (as priority):
Choice EAV, If you are using a relational-database and this is
where you turn either the whole table or a portion (in another
table) on its side. This is a good choice if you already have a
relational-database in-house that you can't move away from easily.
Choice NoSQL, If does not matter kind of DBMS for you It is very
flexible and fast and not all of the report writers out there
support this style of storage. There are many example database
implementations of NoSQL. The one that seems to be most popular
right now, is MongoDB.
and the last option that I don't recommend you to use it:
Choice Standard tables with XML columns, If the you don't need to
query them, and you just want to be stored and retrieved as plain
text for using some extra usage.
I hope to be helpful for you:)

Best way to design Data WareHouse DWH

I have question about creating Data warehouse.
We have system that generate more than 50 million records per day, I do some pre-process in these records then load them to table in data base.
Now you should see the problem which is: the size of single table and the how you can manage it (after about ~15 days of load ~50M record/day) and I need to keep records from 60-days old.
Now my question is: the best way to design my data warehouse is:
to use different table for every day or for every let say week.
OR use single table with many partitions.
OR some other Approach that you find is better for my case?
I need Headline to start my designing for DWH. I'm using Oracle 11g as my database.
Use partitioning if it's available.
Partitioning gets you the best of both worlds. You can access all your data at once, in one simple table. If the query predicates or partition name syntax is used correctly the table will act like it's magically much smaller than it really is. And you can manage the data by day - bulk operations like loading and dropping data can be done in a way that only affects a single day's worth of data.
Interval partitioning makes things even easier. You don't even have to specify the partitions. Just tell Oracle, "make each day a new partition". There are a few new things to learn. But it's a small price to pay for a significant boost in performance and manageability.
If you're using Enterprise Edition and have already licensed the partitioning option then there's no reason not to use it.

Database design: storing many large reports for frequent historical analysis

I'm a long time programmer who has little experience with DBMSs or designing databases.
I know there are similar posts regarding this, but am feeling quite discombobulated tonight.
I'm working on a project which will require that I store large reports, multiple times per day, and have not dealt with storage or tables of this magnitude. Allow me to frame my problem in a generic way:
The process:
A script collects roughly 300 rows of information, set A, 2-3 times per day.
The structure of these rows never change. The rows contain two columns, both integers.
The script also collects roughly 100 rows of information, set B, at the same time. The
structure of these rows does not change either. The rows contain eight columns, all strings.
I need to store all of this data. Set A will be used frequently, and daily for analytics. Set B will be used frequently on the day that it is collected and then sparingly in the future for historical analytics. I could theoretically store each row with a timestamp for later query.
If stored linearly, both sets of data in their own table, using a DBMS, the data will reach ~300k rows per year. Having little experience with DBMSs, this sounds high for two tables to manage.
I feel as though throwing this information into a database with each pass of the script will lead to slow read times and general responsiveness. For example, generating an Access database and tossing this information into two tables seems like too easy of a solution.
I suppose my question is: how many rows is too many rows for a table in terms of performance? I know that it would be in very poor taste to create tables for each day or month.
Of course this only melts into my next, but similar, issue, audit logs...
300 rows about 50 times a day for 6 months is not a big blocker for any DB. Which DB are you gonna use? Most will handle this load very easily. There are a couple of techniques for handling data fragmentation if the data rows exceed more than a few 100 millions per table. But with effective indexing and cleaning you can achieve the performance you desire. I myself deal with heavy data tables with more than 200 million rows every week.
Make sure you have indexes in place as per the queries you would issue to fetch that data. Whats ever you have in the where clause should have an appropriate index in db for it.
If you row counts per table exceed many millions you should look at partitioning of tables DBs store data in filesystems as files actually so partitioning would help in making smaller groups of data files based on some predicates e.g: date or some unique column type. You would see it as a single table but on the file system the DB would store the data in different file groups.
Then you can also try table sharding. Which actually is what you mentioned....different tables based on some predicate like date.
Hope this helps.
You are over thinking this. 300k rows is not significant. Just about any relational database or NoSQL database will not have any problems.
Your design sounds fine, however, I highly advise that you utilize the facility of the database to add a primary key for each row, using whatever facility is available to you. Typically this involves using AUTO_INCREMENT or a Sequence, depending on the database. If you used a nosql like Mongo, it will add an id for you. Relational theory depends on having a primary key, and it's often helpful to have one for diagnostics.
So your basic design would be:
Table A tableA_id | A | B | CreatedOn
Table B tableB_id | columns… | CreatedOn
The CreatedOn will facilitate date range queries that limit data for summarization purposes and allow you to GROUP BY on date boundaries (Days, Weeks, Months, Years).
Make sure you have an index on CreatedOn, if you will be doing this type of grouping.
Also, use the smallest data types you can for any of the columns. For example, if the range of the integers falls below a particular limit, or is non-negative, you can usually choose a datatype that will reduce the amount of storage required.

How to design this database?

I have to design a database to store log data but I don't have experience before. My table contains about 19 columns (about 500 bytes each row) and daily grows up to 30.000 new rows. My app must be able to query effectively again this table.
I'm using SQL Server 2005.
How can I design this database?
EDIT: data I want to store contains a lot of type: datetime, string, short and int. NULL cells are about 25% in total :)
However else you'll do lookups, a logging table will almost certainly have a timestamp column. You'll want to cluster on that timestamp first to keep inserts efficient. That may mean also always constraining your queries to specific date ranges, so that the selectivity on your clustered index is good.
You'll also want indexes for the fields you'll query on most often, but don't jump the gun here. You can add the indexes later. Profile first so you know which indexes you'll really need. On a table with a lot of inserts, unwanted indexes can hurt your performance.
Well, given the description you've provided all you can really do is ensure that your data is normalized and that your 19 columns don't lead you to a "sparse" table (meaning that a great number of those columns are null).
If you'd like to add some more data (your existing schema and some sample data, perhaps) then I can offer more specific advice.
Throw an index on every column you'll be querying against.
Huge amounts of test data, and execution plans (with query analyzer) are your friend here.
In addition to the comment on sparse tables, you should index the table on the columns you wish to query.
Alternatively, you could test it using the profiler and see what the profiler suggests in terms of indexing based on actual usage.
Some optimisations you could make:
Cluster your data based on the most likely look-up criteria (e.g. clustered primary key on each row's creation date-time will make look-ups of this nature very fast).
Assuming that rows are written one at a time (not in batch) and that each row is inserted but never updated, you could code all select statements to use the "with (NOLOCK)" option. This will offer a massive performance improvement if you have many readers as you're completely bypassing the lock system. The risk of reading invalid data is greatly reduced given the structure of the table.
If you're able to post your table definition I may be able to offer more advice.

Limits on number of Rows in a SQL Server Table

Are there any hard limits on the number of rows in a table in a sql server table? I am under the impression the only limit is based around physical storage.
At what point does performance significantly degrade, if at all, on tables with and without an index. Are there any common practicies for very large tables?
To give a little domain knowledge, we are considering usage of an Audit table which will log changes to fields for all tables in a database and are wondering what types of walls we might run up against.
You are correct that the number of rows is limited by your available storage.
It is hard to give any numbers as it very much depends on your server hardware, configuration, and how efficient your queries are.
For example, a simple select statement will run faster and show less degradation than a Full Text or Proximity search as the number of rows grows.
BrianV is correct. It's hard to give a rule because it varies drastically based on how you will use the table, how it's indexed, the actual columns in the table, etc.
As to common practices... for very large tables you might consider partitioning. This could be especially useful if you find that for your log you typically only care about changes in the last 1 month (or 1 day, 1 week, 1 year, whatever). You could then archive off older portions of the data so that it's available if absolutely needed, but won't be in the way since you will almost never actually need it.
Another thing to consider is to have a separate change log table for each of your actual tables if you aren't already planning to do that. Using a single log table makes it VERY difficult to work with. You usually have to log the information in a free-form text field which is difficult to query and process against. Also, it's difficult to look at data if you have a row for each column that has been changed because you have to do a lot of joins to look at changes that occur at the same time side by side.
In addition to all the above, which are great reccomendations I thought I would give a bit more context on the index/performance point.
As mentioned above, it is not possible to give a performance number as depending on the quality and number of your indexes the performance will differ. It is also dependent on what operations you want to optimize. Do you need to optimize inserts? or are you more concerned about query response?
If you are truly concerned about insert speed, partitioning, as well a VERY careful index consideration is going to be key.
The separate table reccomendation of Tom H is also a good idea.
With audit tables another approach is to archive the data once a month (or week depending on how much data you put in it) or so. That way if you need to recreate some recent changes with the fresh data, it can be done against smaller tables and thus more quickly (recovering from audit tables is almost always an urgent task I've found!). But you still have the data avialable in case you ever need to go back farther in time.
