How to access SQL Server without using SQL Server Management Studio - sql-server

I have two windows servers X and Y.
And I have SQL Server database on Y. X doesn't have SQL Server Management Studio on it.
How can I access Database on Y from X without using (installing) SQL Server on X.
Thanks for your help

You can use a tool like SQuirrel SQL (free) or Aqua Data Studio.

One can use the sqlcmd utility.

You need to install SQL Server Client tools on X. From the installation kit choose only Client conectivity tools. It is impossible to access a SQL server from a non SQL server without having at least the Client tools installed on the non-SQL server. You will be able to connect after installing either from SQL management studio or sqlcmd (cmd-line)

Use Management Studio Express?

You can use to access your SQL server from web.

You can use the SQL Server Management Studio of Database Y to connect to Database X. When you are asked to connect to a Database via the "Connect to Server", change the Server Name to Database X. Enter your credentials and this will connect to the SQL Server on Database X.


Connect to your sql server without credentials

I created a project in visual studio and I want to use SQL Server Management Studio to see database. What should be the server name?
On connecting to sql server, it gives error:
I tried finding server name using cmd so the result was:
My sql server configuration manager doesn't contain any sql server services. I was using sql server 2012 so now I downloaded sql server 2017 but same, so services are shown.
How can I connect to sql server?
You will not be able to connect to the SQL server if the SQL Server service is not running. Once you have verified your service is running, you can use the option in the Server name to select your SQL Server Name.
You can connect to SQLServer with two ways:
Usually you run SQLServer instance as service and connect using server credentionals
Sqlexpress "embedded" style - connect to mdf/mdb-file. Behind the scenes it will start localdb service and attach db-file.
First way is recommended in most cases.
Run services.msc and look for sqlserver instances. If they are down - start one. If they are notexistent - rerun installation and check options.

Creating new local SQL Server

I have SQL Server 2014 Management Studio. I'd like to create my own database, but I don't have any local server.
Can you guys help me create a local server?
Run SQL server installation again and while installing it will give you options to install features. Choose Only SQL Server as all other components you already have

Unable to login to sql server

I dont know much about sql server.
I have just re-installed windows 7 on my laptop. After that I installed Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition. I also Installed SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2.
Now when I try to log in to sql server management studio by using server name as . or (local) or .\SQLEXPRESS or PC-Name\SQLEXPRESS and using Windows Authentication I get the error as below.
Please dont mark this question as negative as I have searched on google for last 4 hours but did not understand the problem.
There are many reasons that may cautioning the problem:
SQL Server is not running
SQL Server is not properly configured
You try to connect with a worng instance Name
You can try the following:
Go to Mycomputer->Rigt Click->Manage->Application and Services
And from there check that SQL Server Express is running
2.From there also, gCheck the Instance name of your SQL Express and be sure when you log on to Management Studio you Provide the same Instance name
Confirm that the service is installed and running. Under Computer Management, drill-down into Services and Applications -> Services.
There should be a service named "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)". Try a restart or start of the service.
If any other instance of SQL Server is installed it will be listed - try connecting to LOCALHOST(whatever the instance is listed as) to verify the installation is functional.
UPDATED following further information from comments:
You may have only installed the client tools (management studio), and have not installed the database service. Ensure you have the correct installer which includes the database services engine.
First check that the SQL Server parameters are set accordingly.
Go to Start -
All Programs — Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 — Configuration tools —
SQL Server Configuration Manager
Under SQL Server Services, make sure that the instance is running :
SQL Server ()
SQL Server Browser
Under SQL Server Network Configuration - Protocols for (), these are enabled:
Named Pipes
Do the same under SQL Native Client 10.0 under Client Protocols

SQL Server not visible in Server Explorer

If there is a SQL Server 2000 installed on a Server, and i have a VWD Express 2008 on a PC on that network, what could be the possible reasons for the SQL Server not being visible in the Server Explorer of the VWD ? Both PC's are on the same workgroup.
I also tried keying in the name of the server, and the Login and password, but the databases in that server do not appear in the Dropdown list.
Any suggestions helpful.
Does Visual Web Developer Support SQL 2000? As per my knowledge it does not. Why not use SQL 2005 Express or SQL 2008 Express.
Also you can download SQL Management Studio Express (05/08), Install it on the PC with Visual Web Developer & try to connect to SQL 2000 Machine. If it cannot, It will throw an error which will help you a little more to know the reason.
One last thing (very fundamental..) Is your SQL 2000 running?

Error while connecting remotely

i m using sql server 2005 with service pack-2.
When I connect sql server with by registering the remote server with IP, username and password. I have done all the neccessary setting for connecting remotely "SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration".
i got following error while connection:
This version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 servers. (ConnectionDlg)
Can you please provide me possible reasons for the above mentioned error.
I would also add that this can also happen if you are trying to connect to a lower version too!
I would also suggest checking which version of SQL 2005 you are attempting to connect to and make sure it is a RTM or higher, and not an older CTP release.
The other possibility is that there is another SQL Server instance (not 2000, or 2005) running on the IP that you are connecting to. Try connecting via server or instance name if possible.
Only reason for this can be if you are trying to connect to higher version of SQL Server. Please check again if it is SQL Server 2005 or 2008 you are trying to connect.
Here is similar problem and solution for it at sql-server-performance site
edit:- also if you have installed some version of SQL Server 2008 it may also break Management Studio.
Right - to get to the bottom of this I would check the version from the command prompt, from the machine experiencing the problem:
sqlcmd -Q "SELECT ##VERSION" -S myserver\myInstance -U myUserName -P myPassword
This will give you the version of SQL Server you are connecting to. 'sqlcmd' will run against old and new versions of SQL Server.
You can use the same technique, with different SQL to identify which server you are really connecting to, etc.
