Special character entity display error in ie7 - internet-explorer-7

i am giving ur section as a value inside textarea
All browsers shows ur section
But in ie7 display inside textarea is like this...
ur section
Help me how to avoid this ยง display i need to print &section_id

Others browser
Code: <textarea>ur section<textarea>
Output: <a href="www.site.com?&section_id=10">
Code: <textarea>ur section<textarea>
<a href="www.site.com?&section_id=10">
Only code in Above format is supported by ie7 to display &section_id inside textarea
How stupid IE7 is


React with tinyMCE - how to output HTML without seeing balises in front-end?

I'm a new user of TinyMCE, and i'm trying to incorporate it in my React App. But i'ma actually getting an output problem. When try "format:text" in the tiny component, and try to create a post in my blog using bold and italic options, when the post is posted, the displayed text is just normal, without bold or italic properties. So, I've tried the "format:html" but in this case, I get my text without any styles at all, AND we see the <p> balises.
So, it can looks like a stupid question but, how do we output the posted text correctly ?
As always, thx in advance !
This happened to me as well. If you do not want to see the attributes on your output then go to the React Component which is responsible for output and in your React component when you use the return() keyword you should create a div use the
dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute inside.
Here's [a link] (https://blog.logrocket.com/using-dangerouslysetinnerhtml-in-a-react-application/)

angularjs string variable to html element

AngularJS code:
$scope.checking="<div style="color:red;">check</div>";
HTML code:
Result in HTML page in browser:
Now what I want is that the $scope.checking variable be parsed in HTML as if it's a tag I defined.
So the result in html page should be:
and the above should come in red color
Any way to do it? hopefully its simple... AngularJS experts please help!
i got the output but the string doesnt come in red! the style tag is ignored! how can i do it? do i use interpolate?
Use ng-bind-html!
Here is the docs-page for ng-bind-html. This will help you.
ng-bind-html will render your html-string in the browser.
Perhaps you have to "trust" your html string like here: http://erikaugust.com/thoughts/ng-bind-html/

Showing 'tick marks' with HTML range sliders

I am trying to show 'ticks' with HTML range sliders. Like this:
While the HTML range directive allows for ticks with "step" and "datalist", Safari does not honor it while Chrome does. I am building an ionic/Angular app, so this means it does not work for iOS devices.
There are some 3rd party sliders like angular-awesome-slider that do support a form of ticks, but they have other issues which make them less usable for my need.
So my requirement is this: Given an HTML range slider, how do I go about adding an overlay on top that displays "|" marks at specific places on top of the slider?
(Note that the positioning of the "|" needs to take into account the display width of the slider)
I've set up a codepen here:
(SO insists if I insert a codepen link, I need to also insert code, so here is the code for the input)
<input type=range ng-model="myRange" min=0 max=20 step = 1 list="vals">
<datalist id="vals">
with an input range. As you see it shows ticks on Chrome but not on Safari. Can someone be so kind as to help me get started with my objective?
This is way late :-) But are you sure (I don't have an installed Safari to check) that it wouldn't help if your <datalist id="vals"> tag matched your </data-list> tag?
I'm frankly surprised that it works for Chrome! Though it definitely breaks if you change the opening tag to <data-list>

ExtJS 5 textfield bug (Chrome)

I create simple application with window and 3 field:
Fiddle Link (Use Chrome)
When I enter a value in the field, it looks fine.
But when I change the focus,text in field moves down.
All fields work similarly.
After click on trigger (if field has it) text looks fine.
This bug only in Chrome.
IE, Opera, Firefox and Vivaldi work right.
How can I fix that?
It's a known bug for chrome. Take a look here for the workaround:
Css fix:
.x-form-text { display: inline; }
Demo here: http://ext4all.com/post/extjs-5-textfield-chrome-bug-fix.html

Angularjs interpolateprovidor not working in IE9

I just want to use different interpolator for rendering bound values in HTML page..
But in IE9 browser, my interpolators <% %> are not working at all ...
I have created a fiddler enter link description here
Please help me resolving this issue..
IE9 will interpret any symbol starting with < as a tag, which means that you will have to use other symbols if you want this to work on IE9.
You could try soomething like (( )) instead.
