Database paid users and trial users in same table - database

If you had to design a database with paid users and trial users would you put them in the same table and differentiate between them with a field? Or would you put them in two separate tables?
Or would you do the best of both worlds and put them in the same table but create two views 1) PaidUsers and 2) TrialUsers

I just express some performance considerations in following opinions.
In single user query(ex. login check, or data retrieving for single user), there are not significant differences between these two strategies.
But if you need some statistic data, for example, one for paid users and another for trial users. And seperating to two tables may be a good idea.
Otherwise, if you need some statistic data whatever paid users or trial users, single table may be a good idea.
What if you need both of scenarios? Well, I think that would be a case which some common attributes exist between two kinds of users.
These common attributes should be put in one table, and dedicated attributes for particular users should be put in 'sub-table' inheriting from former table. Just as vonPetrushev said.

Since your paid users would probably be related to some additional data, but still have the same fieldset as non-paid, the correct way to do this is [is-a] approach:
user_id [fk->User::id]
.... [other addidional data]
EDIT: Now, the trial users will be all records in User that does not have entry in Paiduser. I'm assuming that Paiduser fieldset is a superset of the fieldset of a trial/normal user [User].
EDIT 2: To get a list of trial users, which are 'set difference' between User and Paiduser, the following sql should work:
select u.*
from (User as u
join Paiduser as p on<>p.user_id)

The best solution may depend on database type. My experience is with MySQL and SQL Server. I've always put all users into a single table. Then differentiate as needed using fields. This could apply to paid/ unpaid or anything else. This solution meets 3NF standards and seems easier to me for maintenance etc. What reason would there be to use multiple tables?


How can I fit these 3 columns into one?

For a project, I have a database with some tables.
All of them are related between them. The table organization has a relationship with offer and user, etc.
However, I have some columns that only serve to link two tables together.
Take a look at the diagram. I use users_interests to link the user to his interests. Same thing for badges and group.
It doesn't really feel efficient. When I try to get the interests of a users, I must first go through requesting the user interests and from that, require the interest details.
Is there a way that I can request the interests of an user without having to go through a second table ?
There's a couple things you should consider when looking at this question/functionality and what you're going to be doing with the data.
Do you have a unique set of interests that will remain the same or be added to, without duplicates?
Do you need to have multiple interests for a single user?
If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then you should leave things the way they are. You'll be able to reuse the same interests entry for multiple users as well as each user being able to have multiple interests.
If you only want one interest per user, but want to keep a "master list" (aka: lookup table) of interests, then you can move the interest_id to the users table.
If you don't care about duplicates, but you still want each user to have multiple interests, move the name column to the users_interests table.
Finally, if you don't care about duplicates and you want each user to have a single interest, move the name column to the users table.
FYI, how you currently have the tables structured will likely take up less disk space for a large amount of users.
It's unclear what you're trying to do, so I included all options. Each option has it's own set of pros and cons, and each will be required of some other project or another at some point. You might want to learn the difference and reasoning behind why you would use one option over another now, so you don't have to think too hard about it later.
You can do it if you will make interests like this
but then you will lose uniqness of your interests, you will have many rows with the same name only because they connect to different users. Now db is perfectly ok according my understanding...It is as it should be

How can I store an indefinite amount of stuff in a field of my database table?

Heres a simple version of the website I'm designing: Users can belong to one or more groups. As many groups as they want. When they log in they are presented with the groups the belong to. Ideally, in my Users table I'd like an array or something that is unbounded to which I can keep on adding the IDs of the groups that user joins.
Additionally, although I realize this isn't necessary, I might want a column in my Group table which has an indefinite amount of user IDs which belong in that group. (side question: would that be more efficient than getting all the users of the group by querying the user table for users belonging to a certain group ID?)
Does my question make sense? Mainly I want to be able to fill a column up with an indefinite list of IDs... The only way I can think of is making it like some super long varchar and having the list JSON encoded in there or something, but ewww
Please and thanks
Oh and its a mysql database (my website is in php), but 2 years of php development I've recently decided php sucks and I hate it and ASP .NET web applications is the only way for me so I guess I'll be implementing this on whatever kind of database I'll need for that.
Your intuition is correct; you don't want to have one column of unbounded length just to hold the user's groups. Instead, create a table such as user_group_membership with the columns:
A single user_id could have multiple rows, each with the same user_id but a different group_id. You would represent membership in multiple groups by adding multiple rows to this table.
What you have here is a many-to-many relationship. A "many-to-many" relationship is represented by a third, joining table that contains both primary keys of the related entities. You might also hear this called a bridge table, a junction table, or an associative entity.
You have the following relationships:
A User belongs to many Groups
A Group can have many Users
In database design, this might be represented as follows:
This way, a UserGroup represents any combination of a User and a Group without the problem of having "infinite columns."
If you store an indefinite amount of data in one field, your design does not conform to First Normal Form. FNF is the first step in a design pattern called data normalization. Data normalization is a major aspect of database design. Normalized design is usually good design although there are some situations where a different design pattern might be better adapted.
If your data is not in FNF, you will end up doing sequential scans for some queries where a normalized database would be accessed via a quick lookup. For a table with a billion rows, this could mean delaying an hour rather than a few seconds. FNF guarantees a direct access lookup path for each item of data.
As other responders have indicated, such a design will involve more than one table, to be joined at retrieval time. Joining takes some time, but it's tiny compared to the time wasted in sequential scans, if the data volume is large.

Use one table or multiple tables for multiple client software system?

This question may answer itself, but it is also a question of best practices.
I am designing an application that allows users (comapnies) to create an account. Those users are placed in a table "Shop_table". Now each shop has dynamic data, however the tables would be the same for each shop, like shop_employees, shop_info, shop_data.
Would it be more effective to have a specific table for each shop or would I just link their data by the shop id.
For example:
shop: Dunkins with id:1
shop: Starbucks with id:2
would dunkins have its own dunkins_shop_employees, dunkins_shop_info, dunkins_shop_data tables
and Starbucks have its own starbucks_shop_employees , starbucks_shop_info , starbucks_shop_data
or would i have one table shope_employees, shop_info, shop_data and link by id 1 or 2, etc..
Definitely one table for each entity with a field to identify the company.
If all the companies have the same information there is no need to create tables for each, and if you did your queries will become a nightmare.
Do you really want a load of UNION queries in order to get any aggregate data across companies? You will also have to modify all queries in your DB as soon as another company (and therefore multiple tables) are added.
Define your tables independently, model the entities you want to store and dont think about who they belong to.
You should have only one table ( for each shop_info etc.. )
Creating similar tables is a maintenance nightmare. You will need to create similar foreign keys, similar constraints, similar indexes, etc.
If your concern is privacy, this should be controlled in your application. You application should always add a "WHERE" clause based on who is logged in/ querying.
If you absolutely need to - you can create views which where clause as shop_id. You can give rights to various people on the view only. This would only make sense if you had a big customer who wanted some SQL level query ability.

Creating several database tables for user data?

I need to have a lot of user data in the database. Now, I've been thinking about having two tables, users that would have only the id, username and password and another table userData that would have everything else like name, lastname etc.
Is this a prefered method?
The simplest design would put all the fields in one table. From that point, though, there are a bunch of reasons you might want to consider splitting that information up into multiple tables. From your description, I cant' tell whether there are any valid reasons to do so.
If you start with one table, you might find it advantageous to split the data for reasons such as:
Reducing contention (different parts of the app update different information)
Truly huge column lists (look into the limit for your DB)
Other?? (how you're going to maintain your app, maybe?)
In short, I'd try to start simple and have a reason to pick the more complex design if you go that route.
There is nothing wrong with that design IMHO. You can have a users table and link it to a users_custom table that has additional information. Just be consistant with your design. Just remember that in order to get any additional user information you will always have to JOIN to that data.
To me this is a matter of preference, if you feel that this table will grow over time, consider your design, if not just keep it all in one table and properly index columns that you deem necessary.
You can go further by having a UserLog table to build a historical view of values as they change.
Yes it is :) In theory there are this so called "normal forms" (3NF BCnF, etc...). Using them, means seperating table into smaller ones :)
I think it might be better for you to keep it all in one table. Assuming you will be enforcing unique usernames, all the fields (password, first_name, and last_name) have a functional dependency on username. Therefore, you can put them all in the same table and still have a normalized database.
Although you can certainly separate first_name and last_name into their own table, queries will get a lot easier (fewer JOINs) if you keep all those fields in one table.

Separating user table from people table in a relational database

I've done many web apps where the first thing you do is make a user table with usernames, passwords, names, e-mails and all of the other usual flotsam. My current project presents a situation where non-users records need to function similarly to users, but do not need to the ability to be a first order user.
Is it reasonable to create a second table, people_tb, that is the main relational table and data store, and only use the users_tb for authentication? Does separating user_tb from people_tb present any problems? If this is commonly done, what are some strategies and solutions as well as drawbacks?
This is certainly a good idea, as you are normalizing the database. I have done a similar design in an app that I am writing, where I have an employee table and a user table. Users may a from an external company or an employee, so I have separate tables because an employee is always a user, but a user may not be an employee.
The issues that you'll run into is that whenever you use the user table, you'll nearly always want the person table to get the name or other common attributes you would want to show up.
From a coding standpoint, if you're using straight SQL, it will take a little more effort to mentally parse the select statement. It may be a little more complicated if you're using an ORM library. I don't have enough experience with those.
In my application, I'm writing it in Ruby on Rails, so I'm constantly doing things like, where if I kept them together, it would be just or
From a performance standpoint, you are hitting two tables instead of one, but given proper indexes, it should be negligible. If you had an index that contained the primary key and the person name, for instance, the database would hit the user table, then the index for the person table (with a nearly direct hit), so the performance would be nearly the same as having one table.
You could also create a view in the database to keep both tables joined together to give you additional performance enhancements. I know in the later versions of Oracle you can even put an index on a view if needed to increase performance.
I routinely do that because for me the concept of "user" (username, password, create date, last login date) is different from "person" (name, address, phone, email). One of the drawbacks that you may find is that your queries will often require more joins to get the info you're looking for. If all you have is a login name, you'll need to join the "people" table to get the first and last name for example. If you base everything around the user id primary key, this is mitigated a bit, but still pops up.
If user_tb has auth info, I would very much keep it separate from people_tb. I would however keep a relationship between the two, and most of users' info would be stored in people_tb except all of the info needed for auth (which i guess will not be used for much else) Its a nice tradeoff between design and efficiency i think.
That is definitely what we do as we have millions of people records and only thousands of users. We also separate address, phones and emails into relational tables as many people have more than one of each of these things. Critial is to not rely on name as the identifier as name is not unique. Make sure the tables are joined through some type of surrogate key (an integer or a GUID is preferable) not name.
I always try to avoid as much data repetition as possible. If not all people need to login, you can have a generic people table with the information that applies to both people and users (eg. firstname, lastname, etc).
Then for people that login, you can have a users table that has a 1~1 relationship with people. This table can store the username and password.
I'd say go for the normalized design (two tables) and only denormalize (go down to one user/person table) if it will really make your life easier down the line. If however practically all people are also users it may be simpler to denormalize up front. Its up to you; I have used the normalized approach without problems.
Very reasonable.
As an example, take a look at the aspnet_* services tables here.
Their built in schema has a aspnet_Users and aspnet_Membership with the later table having more extended information about a given user (hashed passwords, etc) but the aspnet_User.UserID is used in the other portions of the schema for referential integrity etc.
Bottom line, it's very common, and good design, to have attributes in a separate table if they are different entities, as in your case.
