AutoMagic select box not populating in CakePHP - cakephp

I've got the following relationship set-up between two models
Story belongsTo StoryType
StoryType hasMany Story
I've set-up a form to select the StoryType for each story using the following code:
echo $this->Form->input('Story.story_type_id', array('tabindex' => 2));
with this code in the controller to populate the list
$this->set('story_types', $this->Story->StoryType->find('list', array ('order' => 'title')));
But it's not populating the select box with anything. I know that the find() option is working because doing a debug within the controller produces this:
[1] => First Person
[3] => Third Person
The weird thing is that it's exactly the same code, just querying other models, to populate select lists for things like users and genres, it's just the story types that isn't working.
Any ideas? Cheers.

You don't mention which version of CakePHP you're using, but try setting storyTypes rather than story_types:
$this->set( 'storyTypes', $this->Story->StoryType->find( 'list', array( 'order' => 'title' ) ) );
Older versions of CakePHP (pre-1.3) modified set variable names to headlessCamelCase and, even if you're using 1.3.x, there may be a little bit of that infrastructure lingering. It's a bit of a reach, but it's easy enough to test and it seems plausible that this could be the root of your problem.
I'll be curious to see what you find out.

This is a little hacky, but I think it will work:
echo $this->Form->input('Story.story_type_id', array('tabindex' => 2, 'options' => $story_types));

here's what you should really do .. (esp, for version 2.x) - in case if some people are facing the same problem.
[inside your constroller action]
$oneOfTheColumns = 'title'; //just for sake of making it clear - if you have to order the results
$storyTypes = $this->Story->StoryType('find', array('order'=>$oneOfTheColumns));
[inside your view]
echo $this->Form->input('StoryType');


cakephp saving data for a related model's related model (not typo)

I've run into a bit of a problem saving data in cake php.
here are the models/relationships.
District hasMany Departments
Department hasMany Groups
I am in a view for creating new district, in which I've allowed the user to create multiple new departments. while creating each department, the user may create multiple groups for that dept. Now the trouble is I'm unsure of how to save the group data.
for each department that is created on the fly, im using the multiple index method for the inputs (i.e. "", Department.0.type) so this will be a cinch to save using the saveAll method. However, for each group that is created, i will need a department_id, and since none of the District's departments have yet been saved, they don't have an id. how can i save this new district's data, saving the new departments, and their associated new created groups? is there a way that i can address the name attribute of the group inputs that will create the proper association, something like "", for instance?
Thanks in advance!!! if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to say so, I'll be glad to rephrase.
What does your POST data array look like?
If it is not in the correct format, the associated models won't get saved.. Cake knows to grab the "lastInsertId()" of the models which haven't been saved yet, so you don't have to worry about those... What i'm not sure about, and the docs don't really go into, is how deep the save goes. The example provided is as follows:
$this->data =
[Article] => Array
[title] => My first article
[Comment] => Array
[0] => Array
[comment] => Comment 1
[user_id] => 1
[1] => Array
[comment] => Comment 2
[user_id] => 2
This is the correct structure (cakephp 1.3) for saving associated models of a 'hasMany' relationship, but i'm not sure if it goes any deeper than one child.
One thing that comes to my mind is to build the array according to the format above, but leave the parent model out. Then manually save the parent model data, grab the ::getLastInsertId(); then do a saveAll on departments and groups.
I just tested your theory and it will work the way you intend.
echo $this->Form->input('');
Will produce:
<input name="data[Department][0][Group][0][name]" type="text" id="Department0Group0name">
I did some exploring in lib/Cake/Model/Model.php and found this:
public function saveAssociated($data = null, $options = array()) {
... // code omitted.
if ($options['deep']) { // This will recurse infinitely through all associations
$saved = $this->{$association}->saveAssociated($values, array_merge($options, array('atomic' => false)));
... // code omitted.

CakePHP: add/substract with save()?

I'm trying to simply perform the following via Cake's save() function.
UPDATE user SET value = value-1
However, it seems it can only set. It will not understand anything I pass to it to increment or subtract, and no one on the internet seems to be having this issue. :P Even when going through a full piece of software someone built on CakePHP 2.0, I'm finding $this->query() used for updating by increments! Is this really how I'll update if I don't already have the value to be setting?
(code appears as follows)
$data = array('id' => uid, 'value' => "Users.value = Users.value - 1");
The code for producing an increment or decrement in CakePHP database is as follows:
$this->User->updateAll(array('value' => 'value - 1'), array('id' => uid));
Arun's answer was not correct; you must put the - 1 within quotes to get Cake to recognize it is part of the query. Else it will try to set all User.value to -1. Note that you must put the information (identifiers) of the columns that you want to update on in the second condition.
basically you just have to use updateAll for atomic queries like this
$this->User->updateAll($fields, $conditions);
You can do so using following query:
$this->User->updateAll(array('User.value' => 'User.value' - 1));
//$this->User->updateAll(array('User.value' => 'User.value' - 1), array('' => $uid));

CakePHP Fulltext search MySQL with rating

I've read that, to be able to rank search results you may query MySQL like this:
MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('$search') AS rating
FROM posts
WHERE MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('$search')
Is there a way to do this in CakePHP 2.X?
Also, I need to do this while paginating at the same time. So I think I would need to write condition for the paginator, not a direct 'query'.
Thanks for your help!
Use like this it will prevent mysql injection too
array("MATCH(User.current_position) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)" => $srch_arr['text'])
Ok, it took me some time... Since, the key issue was to get a rating on the resulting matches, the complicated part in this query was the specific field:
MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('$search') AS rating
I figured that I should just write that field in the "field" option, in the pagination array.
The resulting code was the following:
$this->paginate = array(
'limit' => 15,
'fields' => array('*', "MATCH (data) AGAINST ('$q') AS rating"),
'conditions' => "MATCH( AGAINST('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
'order' => array(
'rating' => 'desc',
$paginatedResults = $this->paginate('SearchIndex');
And that worked seamlessly!
I think this is the best way to achieve real search results using Cake. Unless someone has a better alternative :)
Searching phrases in between double quotes will give you the results you should expect!
I have used the above database call by Thomas (thank you) and it does work seamlessly.
However the code:
'conditions' => "MATCH( AGAINST('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
removes the Data Abstraction Layer and opens up your site to SQL injection.
It's probably not quite as good (haven't fully tested it) but try:
' LIKE'=>'%'.$search.'%'
I hope this is helpful in someway.

CakePHP AutoComplete Question

I am working on a book review application and I am using autoComplete to search for titles in when creating a review. The review model has an associated book_id field and the relationship is setup as the review hasOne book and a book hasMany reviews.
I am trying to pass the (into the book_id field), but I want to display for the user to select from. With the default setup (accomplished via CakePHP's tutorial), I can only pass Is it possible to display the name and pass the id?
Also, I am passing it via the following code in the create() action of the review controller:
$this->data['Review']['book_id'] = $this->data['Book']['id'];
Is that the proper way to do it in CakePHP? I know in Ruby on Rails, it is automatic, but I can't seem to make it work automagically in CakePHP. Finally, I am not using the generator because it is not available in my shared hosting environment... so if this is the wrong way, what do I need other than associates in my models to make it happen automatically?
Thanks for the help and I promise this is my question for awhile...
UPDATE- I tried the following, but it is not working. Any ideas why?
function autoComplete() {
$this->set('books', $this->Book->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
' LIKE' => $this->data['Book']['name'].'%'
'fields' => array('id','name')
$this->layout = 'ajax';
The problem is that when I use the code above in the controller, the form submits, but it doesn't save the record... No errors are also thrown, which is weird.
I have determine that the reason this isn't working is because the array types are different and you can't change the array type with the autoComplete helper. As a workaround, I tried the follow, but it isn't working. Can anyone offer guidance why?
function create() {
if($this->Review->create($this->data) && $this->Review->validates()) {
$this->data['Review']['user_id'] = $this->Session->read('');
$this->Book->find('first', array('fields' => array(''), 'conditions' => array('' => $this->data['Book']['name'])));
$this->data['Review']['book_id'] = $this->Book->id;
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$errors = $this->Review->invalidFields();
Ok, I found that the helper only takes the find(all) type or array and that the "id" field wasn't passing because it only applied to the autoComplete's LI list being generated. So, I used the observeField to obtain the information and then do a database lookup and tried to create a hidden field on the fly with the ID, but that didn't work. Finally, the observeField would only take the characters that I put in instead of what I clicked, due to an apparent Scriptaculous limitation. So, I ended up going to a dropdown box solution for now and may eventually look into something else. Thanks for all of the help anyway!
First of all, $this->data will only contain ['Book']['id'] if the field exists in the form (even if it's hidden).
To select something by name and return the id, use the list variant of the find method, viz:
$selectList = $this->Book->find('list', array(
'fields' => array(
$this->set('selectList', $selectList);
In the view, you can now use $selectList for the options in the select element:
echo $form->input('', array('type' => 'hidden'));
echo $form->input('template_id', array(
'options' => $selectList,
'type' => 'select'

Select from a table where associated table fieldname = 'x' in Cake PHP

In CakePHP, I have two tables, Countries & Networks. They have a HABTM relationship and are joined by countries_networks.
I'm trying to get all countries from the countries table where the 'name' field in Networks = 'o2'
I've realised I can't do this using a basic find(), so I've been experimenting with the containable behaviour. I have managed to restrict the returned data, but it looks as though 'containable' doesn't exactly work as I want. Heres my code:
$countries = $this->Country->find('all', array('contain' => array(
'Network' => array(
'conditions' => array(' =' => "o2"),
This query however returns ALL countries, and the if its 'o2'. What I really need to do is return ONLY the countries that have a of 'o2', and no others.
Can anyone help? Thanks.
"=' =>"
What is it? there is no needed to use "=" symbol after ""
Your query returns you exactly what your ask.
Try to select from Network.
$countries = $this->Country->Network->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => "o2"),
'contain' => array('Country')
$countries = $countries['Country'];
You should be able to do something like this:
$this->Country->hasAndBelongsToMany['Network']['conditions'] = array(''=>'o2');
$myCountries = $this->Country->find('all');
I haven't tested this, but it should get you pretty close to where you need to be.
Also, bear in mind that changing the hasAndBelongsToMany array like this will affect all subsequent queries against that model during the current page load (but it will be reset the next time the model is instantiated).
I'm on my way out the door, so sorry for the brief explanation.
I think what you want is a HABTM relationship, but to be able to filter based on the associated model's data. To do this, check out the "Containable" behavior in Cake's manual. Pretty sure that's what you're after.
