Database indexes - does the table size matter? - database

What I mean is: Does a table with 20 columns benefit more from indexing a certain field (one that's used in search-ish queries) than a table that has just 4 columns?
Also: What is the harm in adding index to fields that I don't search with much, but might later in the future? Is there a negative to adding indexes? Is it just the size it takes up on disk, or can it make things run slower to add unnecessary indexes?
extracted from a comment
I'm using Postgres (latest version) and I have one table that I'll be doing a lot of LIKE type queries, etc but the values will undoubtedly change often since my clients have access to CRUD. Should I can the idea of indexes? Are they just a headache?

Does a table with 20 columns benefit more from indexing a certain field (one that's used in search-ish queries) than a table that has just 4 columns?
No, number of columns in a table has no bearing on benefits from having an index.
An index is solely on the values in the column(s) specified; it's the frequency of the values that will impact how much benefit your queries will see. For example, a column containing a boolean value is a poor choice for indexing, because it's a 50/50 chance the value will be one or the other value. At a 50/50 split over all the rows, the index doesn't narrow the search for a particular row.
What is the harm in adding index to fields that I don't search with much, but might later in the future?
Indexes only speed up data retrieval when they can be used, but they negatively impact the speed of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements. Indexes also require maintenance to keep their value.

If you are doing LIKE queries you may find that indexes are not not much help anyway. While an index might improve this query ...
select * from t23
where whatever like 'SOMETHING%'
... it is unlikely that an index will help with either of these queries ...
select * from t23
where whatever like '%SOMETHING%'
select * from t23
where whatever like '%SOMETHING'
If you have free text fields and your users need fuzzy matching then you should look at Postgres's full text functionality. This employs the MATCH operator rather than LIKE and which requires a special index type. Find out more.
There is a gotcha, which is that full text indexes are more complicated than normal ones, and the related design decisions are not simple. Also some implementations require additional maintenance activities.


Is there a benefit in eliminating the unique-ness of a redundant unique index on SQL Server?

Whilst analyzing the database structure of a legacy application, I discovered in several tables there are 2 unique indices which both have the exact same columns, except in a different order.
Having 2 unique indices covering the same columns is clearly redundant, so my first instinct was to completely drop one of them. But then I thought some of the queries emmitted by the application might be making use of the index I might delete, so I thought to convert it instead into a regular index.
To the best of my knowledge, whenever a row is inserted/updated in a table having a unique index, SQL Server spends some milliseconds validating each unique index/constraint still holds true - so by converting one of these indices into a non-unique I hope processing of this table might be sped up a bit, please confirm or dispel.
On the other hand, I don't understand what's the benefit in having to unique indices covering the same columns on a table. Any ideas what this could be done for? Could something get lost if I convert one of them onto a regular one?
check the index usage stats to see if they are both being used.
If not, delete the unused index.
Generally speaking, indexes are used for filtering, then ordering. It is possible that you may have queries that are needing to filter on the leading columns of both indexes. If that is the case, you'll reduce how deep the query can be optimized by getting rid of one. That may not be a big deal as it may still be able to satisfactorily use the remaining index.
For example, if I have 2 indexes with four columns:
1: Columns A, B, C, D
2: Columns A, B, D, C
Any query that currently prefers #2 could still gain benefits by using #1 if #2 is not available. It would just limit the selectivity to column B rather than all the way down to column D.
If you're not sure, try disabling (not deleting) the less used index and see if you notice any problems. If something slows down, it is simple enough to enable it again.
As always, try it in a non-production environment first.
Yes you can safely remove the uniqueness of one of the indexes. It only needs to be enforced by one of them. The only concern would be if the vendor decided to do the same and chooses the other index.
However, since this is from a vendor, I'd recommend you contact them if there are performance concerns. If you're not running into a performance issue worth a support request to them, then just leave it alone.

Performance of Column Family in Cassandra DB

I have a table where my queries will be purely based on the id and created_time, I have the 50 other columns which will be queried purely based on the id and created_time, I can design it in two ways,
Either by multiple small tables with 5 column each for all 50 parameters
A single table with all 50 columns with id and created_at as primary
Which will be better, my rows will increase tremendously, so should I bother on the length of column family while modelling?
Actually, you need to have small tables to decrease the load on single table and should also try to maintain a query based table. If the query used contains the read statement to get all the 50 columns, then you can proceed with single table. But if you are planning to get part of data in each of your query, then you should maintain query based small tables which will redistribute the data evenly across the nodes or maintain multiple partitions as alex suggested(but you cannot get range based queries).
This really depends on how you structure of your partition key & distribution of data inside partition. CQL has some limits, like, max 2 billion cells per partitions, but this is a theoretical limit, and practical limits - something like, not having partitions bigger than 100Mb, etc. (DSE has recommendations in the planning guide).
If you'll always search by id & created_time, and not doing range queries on created_time, then you may even have the composite partition key comprising of both - this will distribute data more evenly across the cluster. Otherwise make sure that you don't have too much data inside partitions.
Or you can add another another piece into partition key, for example, sometimes people add the truncated date-time into partition key, for example, time rounded to hour, or to the day - but this will affect your queries. It's really depends on them.
Sort of in line with what Alex mentions, the determining factor here is going to be the size of your various partitions (which is an extension of the size of your columns).
Practically speaking, you can have problems going both ways - partitions that are too narrow can be as problematic as partitions that are too wide, so this is the type of thing you may want to try benchmarking and seeing which works best. I suspect for normal data models (staying away from the pathological edge cases), either will work just fine, and you won't see a meaningful difference (assuming 3.11).
In 3.11.x, Cassandra does a better job of skipping unrequested values than in 3.0.x, so if you do choose to join it all in one table, do consider using 3.11.2 or whatever the latest available release is in the 3.11 (or newer) branch.

Putting indices on all columns of a read only table

I have a table in a database that will be generated from the start and probably never be written to again. Even if it were ever written to, it'll be in the form of batch processes run during a release, and write time is not important at all.
It's a relatively large table with about 80k rows and maybe about 10-12 columns.
The application is likely to retrieve data from this table often.
I was thinking, since it'll never be written to again, should I just put indices on all the columns? That way it'll always be quick to read no matter what type of query I form?
Is this a good idea? Is there any downside to this I should be aware of?
My understanding is that each index does require some (a relatively small amount of) storage space. If you're tight for space this could matter. Exactly how much impact this might make may depend on which DB you are using.
It will depend on the table. If all of the columns will be used in search criteria, then it is not unreasonable to put indexes on them all. That is fairly unlikely though. Also, there may be compound (multi-column) indexes that would be more beneficial than some of the simple (single-column) indexes.
Finally, the query optimizer will have to review all the indexes that are present on the table when evaluating how answer queries. It is hard to say when this becomes a measurable overhead, but more indexes takes more time.
So, given the static nature of the table you describe, it is reasonable to index it more heavily than you might a more dynamic table. Indexing every column is probably not sensible. Choosing carefully which compound indexes to add may be important too.
Choose indexes for a table based on the queries you run against that table.
Indexes you never need for any query are just wasted space.
Individual indexes on each column isn't the full set of indexes possible. You also can make multi-column indexes (i.e. compound indexes), and these can be important for optimizing certain queries. The order of columns in a compound index matters.
SQL Server 2008 supports only 999 nonclustered indexes per table, so if you try to create all possible indexes on a table of more than a few columns, you will reach the limit.
Sorry, but you actually need to learn some things before you can optimize effectively. If it were simply a matter of indexing every column, then the RDBMS would do this by default.

What are the methods for identifying unnecessary columns within a covering index?

What methods are there for identifying superfluous columns in covering indices: columns which are never searched against, and therefore may be extracted into Includes, or even removed completely without affecting the applicability of the index?
To clarify things
The idea of a covering index is that it also includes columns which may not be searched by (used in the WHERE clause and such) but may be selected (part of the SELECT columns list).
There doesn't seem to be any easy way to assert the existence of unused colums in a covering index. I can only think of a painstaking process below:
For a representative period of time, record all queries being run on the server (or on the table desired)
Filter out (through regular expression) queries not involving the underlying table
For remaining queries, obtain the query plan; discard queries not involving the index in question
For the remaining queries, or rather for each "template" of query (many queries are same but for the search criteria values), make the list of the columns from the index that are either in select or where clause (or in JOIN...)
the columns from the index not found in that list are positively good to go.
Now, there may be a few more [columns to remove] because the process above doesn't check in which context the covering index is used (it is possible that it be used for resolving the where, but that the underlying table is still accessed as well (for example to get to columns not in the covering index...)
The above clinical approach is rather unattractive. An analytical approach may be preferable:
Find all queries "templates" that may be used in all the applications using the server. For each of these patterns, find the ones which may be using the covering index. These are (again a few holes...) queries that:
include a reference to the underlying table
do not cite in any way a column from the underlying table that is not a column in the index
do not use a search criteria from the underlying table that is more selective that the columns of the index (in their very order...)
Or... without even going to the applications: think of all the use cases, and if queries that would serve these cases would benefit of not from all columns in the index. Doing so would imply that you have a relatively good idea of the selectivity of the index, regarding its first few columns.
If you do audits of your use cases and data points, obviously anything that isn't used or caught in the audit is a candidate for deletion. If the database lacks such a thorough audit, you can save a time-window's worth of queries that hit the database by running a trace and saving it. You can analyze the trace and see what type of queries are hitting the database and from there intuit which columns can be dropped.
Trace analysis is typically used to find candidates for missing indices, but I'm guessing that it could be also used to analyze usage trends.

Can Multiple Indexes Work Together?

Suppose I have a database table with two fields, "foo" and "bar". Neither of them are unique, but each of them are indexed. However, rather than being indexed together, they each have a separate index.
Now suppose I perform a query such as SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE foo='hello' AND bar='world'; My table a huge number of rows for which foo is 'hello' and a small number of rows for which bar is 'world'.
So the most efficient thing for the database server to do under the hood is use the bar index to find all fields where bar is 'world', then return only those rows for which foo is 'hello'. This is O(n) where n is the number of rows where bar is 'world'.
However, I imagine it's possible that the process would happen in reverse, where the fo index was used and the results searched. This would be O(m) where m is the number of rows where foo is 'hello'.
So is Oracle smart enough to search efficiently here? What about other databases? Or is there some way I can tell it in my query to search in the proper order? Perhaps by putting bar='world' first in the WHERE clause?
Oracle will almost certainly use the most selective index to drive the query, and you can check that with the explain plan.
Furthermore, Oracle can combine the use of both indexes in a couple of ways -- it can convert btree indexes to bitmaps and perform a bitmap ANd operation on them, or it can perform a hash join on the rowid's returned by the two indexes.
One important consideration here might be any correlation between the values being queried. If foo='hello' accounts for 80% of values in the table and bar='world' accounts for 10%, then Oracle is going to estimate that the query will return 0.8*0.1= 8% of the table rows. However this may not be correct - the query may actually return 10% of the rwos or even 0% of the rows depending on how correlated the values are. Now, depending on the distribution of those rows throughout the table it may not be efficient to use an index to find them. You may still need to access (say) 70% or the table blocks to retrieve the required rows (google for "clustering factor"), in which case Oracle is going to perform a ful table scan if it gets the estimation correct.
In 11g you can collect multicolumn statistics to help with this situation I believe. In 9i and 10g you can use dynamic sampling to get a very good estimation of the number of rows to be retrieved.
To get the execution plan do this:
explain plan for
FROM sometable
WHERE foo='hello' AND bar='world'
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
Contrast that with:
explain plan for
SELECT /*+ dynamic_sampling(4) */
FROM sometable
WHERE foo='hello' AND bar='world'
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
In a comment you wrote:
Unfortunately, I have a table with lots of columns each with their own index. Users can query any combination of fields, so I can't efficiently create indexes on each field combination. But if I did only have two fields needing indexes, I'd completely agree with your suggestion to use two indexes. – Eli Courtwright (Sep 29 at 15:51)
This is actually rather crucial information. Sometimes programmers outsmart themselves when asking questions. They try to distill the question down to the seminal points but quite often over simplify and miss getting the best answer.
This scenario is precisely why bitmap indexes were invented -- to handle the times when unknown groups of columns would be used in a where clause.
Just in case someone says that BMIs are for low cardinality columns only and may not apply to your case. Low is probably not as small as you think. The only real issue is concurrency of DML to the table. Must be single threaded or rare for this to work.
Yes, you can give "hints" with the query to Oracle. These hints are disguised as comments ("/* HINT */") to the database and are mainly vendor specific. So one hint for one database will not work on an other database.
I would use index hints here, the first hint for the small table. See here.
On the other hand, if you often search over these two fields, why not create an index on these two? I do not have the right syntax, but it would be something like
CREATE INDEX IX_BAR_AND_FOO on sometable(bar,foo);
This way data retrieval should be pretty fast. And in case the concatenation is unique hten you simply create a unique index which should be lightning fast.
First off, I'll assume that you are talking about nice, normal, standard b*-tree indexes. The answer for bitmap indexes is radically different. And there are lots of options for various types of indexes in Oracle that may or may not change the answer.
At a minimum, if the optimizer is able to determine the selectivity of a particular condition, it will use the more selective index (i.e. the index on bar). But if you have skewed data (there are N values in the column bar but the selectivity of any particular value is substantially more or less than 1/N of the data), you would need to have a histogram on the column in order to tell the optimizer which values are more or less likely. And if you are using bind variables (as all good OLTP developers should), depending on the Oracle version, you may have issues with bind variable peeking.
Potentially, Oracle could even do an on the fly conversion of the two b*-tree indexes to bitmaps and combine the bitmaps in order to use both indexes to find the rows it needs to retrieve. But this is a rather unusual query plan, particularly if there are only two columns where one column is highly selective.
So is Oracle smart enough to search
efficiently here?
The simple answer is "probably". There are lots'o' very bright people at each of the database vendors working on optimizing the query optimizer, so it's probably doing things that you haven't even thought of. And if you update the statistics, it'll probably do even more.
I'm sure you can also have Oracle display a query plan so you can see exactly which index is used first.
The best approach would be to add foo to bar's index, or add bar to foo's index (or both). If foo's index also contains an index on bar, that additional indexing level will not affect the utility of the foo index in any current uses of that index, nor will it appreciably affect the performance of maintaining that index, but it will give the database additional information to work with in optimizing queries such as in the example.
It's better than that.
Index Seeks are always quicker than full table scans. So behind the scenes Oracle (and SQL server for that matter) will first locate the range of rows on both indices. It will then look at which range is shorter (seeing that it's an inner join), and it will iterate the shorter range to find the matches with the larger of the two.
You can provide hints as to which index to use. I'm not familiar with Oracle, but in Mysql you can use USE|IGNORE|FORCE_INDEX (see here for more details). For best performance though you should use a combined index.
