how to import data from other database in SQL Server 2005 - sql-server

I have 2 databases in SQL Server 2005.
I want a functionality that i have same table structure in 2 database for example i have a same table named as testData in 2 database named as dbTest1 and dbTest2.
Now i want a single query through which i can add all the records from table testData of database dbTest2 into table testData of database dbTest1.
I tried to use following query
insert into dbTest1.testData values select * from dbTest2.testData
but this query is not running and giving error.
I also tried
insert into dbTest1.testData(col1,col2,col3) values select * from dbTest2.testData
but this also gives error that "Invalid object name dbTest2.testData"
Could any one help in this

Replace dbTest2.testData with dbTest2..testData - you have to specify 3 things (or optionally leave the middle blank for dbo).
insert into dbTest1..testData
select * from dbTest2..testData
If the table doesn't already exist in dbTest1, you can do this:
select *
into dbTest1..testData
from dbTest2..testData

You need to specify all column names in query.
insert into dbTest1.dbo.testData(col1,col2,col3) select * from dbTest2.dbo.testData


Inserting data into SQL table from SAS dataset isn't working as expected

I am attempting to insert a SAS dataset into an existing table on a SQL Server. This is via a simple proc sql statement.
proc sql;
insert into Repo.Test_Table
select * from Work.MetaTable;
One of the fields, [Method], is not inserting into the SQL table as expected. The [Method] field in the SAS table contains several brackets and other punctuation so I think this is causing a problem. For example, the Work.MetaTable looks like this:
When I run the proc sql to insert this into SQL, it only inserts the first open bracket "(" and this is the case for every row. For example, those two rows look like this in the SQL table:
The [Method] field in SQL is nvarchar(max).
Does anyone know what might be causing the issue here and how I can get around it?

How to Use OpenQuery to do Create Alias (IBM DB2) in SQL Server

I use linked server to connect AS400 DB2.
For example: select query can work
select *
from openquery([DB2], 'select t1.* from lib.table01 t1
fetch first 1 rows only')
But I want to use query
Create Alias Library.T_temp For Library.T1 (MemberName)
in SQL Server.
It returned an error because it have no return rows.
As following (it will return error):
Select * from OpenQuery([DB2],' Create Alias...')
Update OpenQuery([DB2],' Create Alias...')
Is there any method to do that?
Don't try..
Your openquery() is the preferred solution.
By using openquery(), the SQL statement is passed to Db2 and run there. Since you've included a fetch first 1 rows only only 1 row is returned.
the query form
select TOP 1 t1.*
from db2.myibmi.lib.table01 t1
offset 0 rows
first first 1 row only
Will actually pull back all rows to SQL Server, then filter them on the SQL Server.
(At least I know that's how it used when a WHERE clause was included. I assume TOP isn't any better)

tsql: select view from different database

Is it possible to select view defined in different database in MS SQL Server?
All my searching results point to defining view to use data from different database, but haven't found if it possible to select view from another database yet.
suppose you want to do a select on database DBOther than it would be :
select * from DBOther..TableName
Also check if the table or view is on the dbo schema, if not you should add the schema also : Please notice I use only one dot now after the database name
select * from DBOther.dbo.ViewName
Make sure the Database is in the Linked Server if they are not on the same server.
Then you can access the table or view on that database via:
SELECT * FROM [AnotherServerName].[DB].[dbo].[Table]
If on same server:
SELECT * FROM [DB].[dbo].[Table]

Migrate data from one db to another

I have two different databases. I have tried using an UPDATE query, but it comes back with an unrecognised error .
How can I reference the DB in the SQL query.
The location is like this for both:
I have tried
insert into [DB1].[dbo].[table1]
select col1 from [ABC.DB2].[dbo].[table2]
But, I get this error,
Invalid object name 'ABC.DB2.dbo.table2'.
You can specify the database name in the query:
insert into [DbName1].[dbo].[Table1]
select * from [ABC.DB2].[dbo].[Table1]

How to merge table from access to SQL Express?

I have one table named "Staff" in access and also have this table(same name) in SQL 2008.
Both table have thousands of records. I want to merge records from the access table to sql table without affecting the existing records in sql. Normally, I just export using OCBC driver and that works fine if that table doesn't exist in sql server. Please advise. Thanks.
A simple append query from the local access table to the linked sql server table should work just fine in this case.
So, just drop in the first (from) table into the query builder. Then change the query type to append, and you are prompted for the append table name.
From that point on, just drop in the columns you want (do not drop in the PK column, as they need not be used nor transferred in this case).
You can also type in the sql directly in the query builder. Either way, you will wind up with something like:
INSERT INTO dbo_custsql
( ADMINID, Amount, Notes, Status )
SELECT ADMINID, Amount, Notes, Status
FROM custsql1;
This may help:
Or you could write a simple program to read from each data set and do the comparison, adding, updating, and deleting, etc.
