Several questions with silverlight - silverlight

I'm new to Silverlight, haven't done any project yet. My company is going to start a project which should be 100% silverlight and ria services. Though I've read a book on sl, without some practical experience, I still have some questions left. Hope I can find help here :)
Here are my questions.
The project we are going to build needs both authentication and authorization. I can use Asp.Net membership provider, but there's a problem. During authentication process (Login), the user should provide username, password and temporary pin code. As far as I know, Membership provider doesn't support authentication with more than 2 params(username and password). Is there any workaround on this problem? Maybe I can create my own MembershipProvider? Will this solve the problem?
We plan to use WCF Duplex services and RIA services in a single silverlight application. We want to use duplex services to let a user know when a transaction status changes. What's your experience with this? Is duplex services reliable or we should go the old way, checking the transaction status in interval?
The application should run inside the browser and outside too. My question is if it's possible to run sl app as OOB when we want to use authentication/authorization + RIA Services + Duplex Services? Should we wait somekind of problem here?
I think that's it for now.
Your help is much appreciated.

Membership Question: No, no workarounds... you will have to write your won membership provider... ive done that... its not that hard... but be caerfull or u might fall in a big maintance problem... as i did...


SAP Fiori application development in angular?

we are developing an application using HTML/CSS and using the Angular framework. The problem is that we are quite a ways in to development and our client is switching to SAP, I have looked and looked and all I can find is information about SAPUI5 and Fiori. Is there a way we can still use our Angular app as a Fiori application or would we have to switch everything to SAPUI5, it sounds like a lot of work for a custom application that is practically done but I'm not an SAP expert so I was hoping someone could provide some insight around working with Fiori apps.
Thanks -
in general it is probably a good idea to choose either one of the frameworks. Changing to SAP is a bit general, i assume you do mean here SAP HANA cloud platform? If so there is no reason, why you would not be able to use angularjs to continue your application and just use the backend data services via for instance an odata service (which also should be present for a lot of other SAP applications, there is also SAP Gateway to enable this).
So all in all i think it will be possible to go ahead with angularjs, at the end also SAPUI5 is just a frontend framework.
Quick search on brings up some interesting articles that might be of help for you like the following.
In addition to what is mentioned in AirBorne04 answer, if you continue to build AngularJS application consuming oData services provided by SAP backend, you will loose all the features provided by Fiori Launchpad (which are many btw). See the link
Technically, this is not an issue but suppose if your customer wants to implement Fiori Launchpad then it will be an issue. So I suggest that you inform the customer about this in advance so that there are no surprises later on.

WCF between WinForms applications

I have two WinForms applications that need to communicate.
I'm thinking about using WCF to establish communication between those two, but converting one of them WCF service application is not an option.
Is there a way to implement the WCF somehow or should I forget about it?
For example I thought of creating a WCF server (with Push and Pull mechanisms) that both applications could use, but I don't think it's very efficient.
Moreover, consider that the users cannot have administrative privileges, if this helps proposing other solutions.
Main idea is create an WCF service hosted in a Winform or an Console application. Than you should add the WCF service reference to your Winform applications References. Rest is simple. You may query the service in a timer say 500ms. This whole consept may help you. If you want to see an implemented example see the link below:
Have you seen: . This little WCF Chat sample can help i think.

Where do I start with developing a Silverlight app using Windows Workflow Foundation?

We are starting out with the development of a Silverlight app that will make use of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4). Our workflows are long-running. We plan to use the tracking and persistence functionality of WF. We will probably need to also store data related to each workflow instance in another DB (I suspect running reporting against the workflow persistence store would be tricky). Our workflows may change with time so we would probably also need some strategy to implement versioning on them.
So specifically, are there any resources you can point me to or direction you can give me on where to start, taking into account that we need to implement tracking, persistence and versioning of workflows?
Based on your question, I'm assuming that you already have experience with WWF and are really just asking about how it interacts with Silverlight. The short answer is that it would not be noticeably different from how you would implement a WWF-enabled application in traditional ASP.NET. Remember that Silverlight is only a UI client that usually lives on top of a traditional ASP.NET web application. Your WWF-related logic and code would live in the ASP.NET layer -- not in Silverlight at all.
So if you already know how to make a WWF-enabled application in ASP.NET, all you really need to learn is how to wire up a shiny Silverlight interface to an ASP.NET web app. For that, you of course only need to hit up, which you're probably already doing.
Good luck!

What are the methods of communication between Silverlight and server side?

I have basically no experience in Silverlight, i was asked to start reading up on the tech and provide some insight for client which may want to rebuild the UI of their .Net Desktop application in silverlight. So my experience is what i have been able to google (which surprisingly is not easy) and the few tutorials i have done.
I am aware Silverlight could use ASMX Web Service , WCF Services or REST to do communications with the server.
Are there any other official or non-official mothods of communication anyone knows of?
Thank you in advance,
Start here:
I am somewhat biased having worked on the technology :), but I would urge you to consider WCF.
This method gives you great usability: It literally takes a few minutes to "Add New... Silverlight-enabled WCF Service" to your project and have everything up-and-running. In Silverlight 3, this uses a very performant binary XML protocol under the covers, which can be easily switched to regular text XML for debuging with just a 2-line config change. And it integrates nicely with most authentication models that you would want (see the security section in the doc link above).
Of course, you can roll-your-own communication using HttpWebRequest, WebClient, or even sockets. Using WebClient is probably best if you want to go with REST on the server. Keep in mind that some things that are normally possible in REST (such as using PUT and DELETE HTTP verbs) are not possible in browser plugins such as Flash and Silverlight due to browser restrictions.
Finally, there's .NET RIA Services. It's a bit too heavy-weight for some scenarios and doesn't have some of the WCF features (like binary and duplex), but it's more than just a way to communicate with the server: It gives you a whole perscriptive framework for building SL apps with server-side data, and gives you a lot of nice features like validation, paging, etc. for free.

How to establish database connectivity in Silverlight application?

I am developing a RIA using Silverlight its completely Database Driven Application but I dont know how to establish Database connectivity?
I am using MsSQL database and C#
I found the answer to my question upto a good extent... so sharing with you all
Check this link it contains a great set of documentation on using ADO.Net data services in Silverlight.
I found one more good article so editing my answer.... but its the luck if this works for you if not then author of the article donot respond :( quite sad...
Here is the best link i found hurry!!! It solves the problem.. Lots of thanks to kencox the sample is with SQL2008 but i tried it with sql2005 and it worked so You can also try it with MySQL hope it works for you too...
Well, it depends what database you are using, if you're using mysql, you can have a look here:
And get the .NET client.
If you're making an application hosted on the Internet, you don't want the RIA directly accessing the database. Firewalls make this unfeasible, and it could expose you to dangerous attacks. Typically, you'll have a web service as an intermediary. If you really need a more direct connectivity to data, you may want to consider ADO.NET Data Services.
