Search a varchar field that contains all words from another string - sql-server

trying to do a small stored procedure without needing to add freetext indexing just for this (SQL Server 2008)
Basically, I want to find all records where a certain field contains all the words from a parameter.
So if in the field I have "This is a test field", and the parameter to my SP would be "this test field" it would return it, as it would if the parameter was "field this test".
The table is very small (4000) record and load will be low, so efficiency is not a big deal. Right now the only solution i can think of is to split both strings with table valued function and go from there.
Any simpler idea?

If efficency is not a big problem, why not go with a bit of dynamic SQL. Something like:
create procedure myproc (#var varchar(100))
set #var = '%' + replace(#var, ' ', '%') + '%'
exec ('select * from mytable where myfield like '''+ #var + '''')

Here is a solution using recursive CTEs. This actually uses two separate recursions. The first one splits the strings into tokens and the second one recursively filters the records using each token.
#searchString varchar(max),
#delimiter char;
#searchString = 'This is a test field'
,#delimiter = ' '
declare #tokens table(pos int, string varchar(max))
;WITH Tokens(pos, start, stop) AS (
SELECT 1, 1, CONVERT(int, CHARINDEX(#delimiter, #searchString))
SELECT pos + 1, stop + 1, CONVERT(int, CHARINDEX(#delimiter, #searchString, stop + 1))
FROM Tokens
WHERE stop > 0
SUBSTRING(#searchString, start, CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE 512 END) AS string
FROM Tokens
;with filter(ind, myfield) as (
select 1,myfield from mytable where myfield like '%'+(select string from #tokens where pos = 1)+'%'
union all
select ind + 1, myfield from filter where myfield like '%'+(select string from #tokens where pos = ind + 1)+'%'
select * from filter where ind = (select COUNT(1) from #tokens)
This took me about 15 seconds to search a table of 10k records for the search string 'this is a test field'.. (the more words in the string, the longer it takes.. )
If you want a fuzzy search i.e return closely matching results even if there wasnt an exact match, you could modify the last line in the query to be -
select * from (select max(ind) as ind, myfield from filter group by myfield) t order by ind desc
'ind' would give you the number of words from the search string found in myfield.


TSQL: How insert separator between each character in a string

I have a string like this:
I want to include a separator after each character so the end result will turn out like this:
In C#, we have one liner method to achieve the above with Regex.Replace('Apple', ".{1}", "$0,");
I can only think of looping each character with charindex to append the separator but seems a little complicated. Is there any elegant way and simpler way to achieve this?
Thanks HABO for the suggestions. I'm able to generate the result that I want using the code but takes a little bit of time to really understand how the code work.
After some searching, I manage to found one useful article to insert empty spaces between each character and it's easier for me to understand.
I modify the code a little to define and include desire separator instead of fixing it to space as the separator:
DECLARE #pos INT = 2 -- location where we want first space
DECLARE #result VARCHAR(100) = 'Apple'
DECLARE #separator nvarchar(5) = ','
WHILE #pos < LEN(#result)+1
SET #result = STUFF(#result, #pos, 0, #separator);
SET #pos = #pos+2;
select #result; -- Output: A,p,p,l,e
In following SQL scripts, I get each character using SUBSTRING() function using with a number table (basically I used spt_values view here for simplicity) and then I concatenate them via two different methods, you can choose one
If you are using SQL Server 2017, we have a new SQL string aggregation function
First script uses string_agg function
declare #str nvarchar(max) = 'Apple'
string_agg( substring(#str,number,1) , ',') Within Group (Order By number)
FROM master..spt_values n
Type = 'P' and
Number between 1 and len(#str)
If you are working with a previous version, you can use string concatenation using FOR XML Path and SQL Stuff function as follows
declare #str nvarchar(max) = 'Apple'
; with cte as (
substring(#str,number,1) as L
FROM master..spt_values n
Type = 'P' and
Number between 1 and len(#str)
',' + L
FROM cte
order by number
), 1, 1, ''
Both solution yields the same result, I hope it helps
If you have SQL Server 2017 and a copy of ngrams8k it's ultra simple:
declare #word varchar(100) = 'apple';
select newString = string_agg(token, ',') within group (order by position)
from dbo.ngrams8k(#word,1);
For pre-2017 systems it's almost as simple:
declare #word varchar(100) = 'apple';
select newstring =
( select token + case len(#word)+1-position when 1 then '' else ',' end
from dbo.ngrams8k(#word,1)
order by position
for xml path(''))
One ugly way to do it is to split the string into characters, ideally using a numbers table, and reassemble it with the desired separator.
A less efficient implementation uses recursion in a CTE to split the characters and insert the separator between pairs of characters as it goes:
declare #Sample as VarChar(20) = 'Apple';
declare #Separator as Char = ',';
with Characters as (
select 1 as Position, Substring( #Sample, 1, 1 ) as Character
union all
select Position + 1,
case when Position & 1 = 1 then #Separator else Substring( #Sample, Position / 2 + 1, 1 ) end
from Characters
where Position < 2 * Len( #Sample ) - 1 )
select Stuff( ( select Character + '' from Characters order by Position for XML Path( '' ) ), 1, 0, '' ) as Result;
You can replace the select Stuff... line with select * from Characters; to see what's going on.
Try this
declare #var varchar(50) ='Apple'
SeqNo = 1,
MyStr = #var,
OpStr = CAST('' AS VARCHAR(50))
SeqNo = SeqNo+1,
MyStr = MyStR,
OpStr = CAST(ISNULL(OpStr,'')+SUBSTRING(MyStR,SeqNo,1)+',' AS VARCHAR(50))
WHERE SeqNo <= LEN(#var)
OpStr = LEFT(OpStr,LEN(OpStr)-1)
WHERE SeqNo = LEN(#Var)+1

Concatenate the result of an ordered String_Split in a variable

In a SqlServer database I use, the database name is something like StackExchange.Audio.Meta, or StackExchange.Audio or StackOverflow . By sheer luck this is also the url for a website. I only need split it on the dots and reverse it: Adding http:// and .com and I'm done. Obviously Stackoverflow doesn't need any reversing.
Using the SqlServer 2016 string_split function I can easy split and reorder its result:
select value
from string_split(db_name(),'.')
order by row_number() over( order by (select 1)) desc
This gives me
| Value |
| Meta |
| Audio |
| StackExchange |
As I need to have the url in a variable I hoped to concatenate it using this answer so my attempt looks like this:
declare #revname nvarchar(150)
select #revname = coalesce(#revname +'.','') + value
from string_split(db_name(),'.')
order by row_number() over( order by (select 1)) desc
However this only returns me the last value, StackExchange. I already noticed the warnings on that answer that this trick only works for certain execution plans as explained here.
The problem seems to be caused by the order by clause. Without that I get all values, but then in the wrong order. I tried to a add ltrimand rtrim function as suggested in the Microsoft article as well as a subquery but so far without luck.
Is there a way I can nudge the Sql Server 2016 Query Engine to concatenate the ordered result from that string_split in a variable?
I do know I can use for XML or even a plain cursor to get the result I need but I don't want to give up this elegant solution yet.
As I'm running this on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer I can't use functions, as we lack the permission to create those. I can do Stored procedures but I hoped I could evade those.
I prepared a SEDE Query to experiment with. The database names to expect are either without dots, aka StackOverflow, with 1 dot: StackOverflow.Meta or 2 dots, `StackExchange.Audio.Meta, the full list of databases is here
I think you are over-complicating things. You could use PARSENAME:
SELECT 'http://' + PARSENAME(db_name(),1) +
ISNULL('.' + PARSENAME(db_name(),2),'') + ISNULL('.'+PARSENAME(db_name(),3),'')
+ '.com'
This is exactly why I have the Presentation Sequence (PS) in my split function. People often scoff at using a UDF for such items, but it is generally a one-time hit to parse something for later consumption.
Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('','.')
Key_PS Key_Value
1 meta
2 audio
3 stackexchange
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse] (#String varchar(max),#delimeter varchar(10))
--Usage: Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('','.')
-- Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('John Cappelletti was here',' ')
-- Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('id26,id46|id658,id967','|')
Returns #ReturnTable Table (Key_PS int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL , Key_Value varchar(max))
Declare #intPos int,#SubStr varchar(max)
Set #IntPos = CharIndex(#delimeter, #String)
Set #String = Replace(#String,#delimeter+#delimeter,#delimeter)
While #IntPos > 0
Set #SubStr = Substring(#String, 0, #IntPos)
Insert into #ReturnTable (Key_Value) values (#SubStr)
Set #String = Replace(#String, #SubStr + #delimeter, '')
Set #IntPos = CharIndex(#delimeter, #String)
Insert into #ReturnTable (Key_Value) values (#String)
Probably less elegant solution but it takes only a few lines and works with any number of dots.
;with cte as (--build xml
select 1 num, cast('<str><s>'+replace(db_name(),'.','</s><s>')+'</s></str>' as xml) str
,x as (--make table from xml
select row_number() over(order by num) rn, --add numbers to sort later
t.v.value('.[1]','varchar(50)') s
from cte cross apply cte.str.nodes('str/s') t(v)
--combine into string
select STUFF((SELECT '.' + s AS [text()]
order by rn desc --in reverse order
), 1, 1, '' ) name
Is there a way I can nudge the Sql Server 2016 Query Engine to concatenate the ordered result from that string_split in a variable?
You can just use CONCAT:
SET #URL = CONCAT('http://', LOWER(#URL), 'com');
The reversal is accomplished by the order of parameters to CONCAT. Here's an example.
It changes StackExchange.Garage.Meta to
This can be used to split and reverse strings in general, but note that it does leave a trailing delimiter. I'm sure you could add some logic or a COALESCE in there to make that not happen.
Also note that vNext will be adding STRING_AGG.
To answer the 'X' of this XY problem, and to address the HTTPS switch (especially for Meta sites) and some other site name changes, I've written the following SEDE query which outputs all site names in the format used on the network site list.
SELECT name,
LOWER('https://' +
IIF(PATINDEX('%.Mathoverflow%', name) > 0,
IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', name) > 0, '', ''),
IIF(PATINDEX('%.Ubuntu%', name) > 0,
IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', name) > 0, '', ''),
IIF(PATINDEX('StackExchange.%', name) > 0,
CASE SUBSTRING(name, 15, 200)
WHEN 'Audio' THEN 'video'
WHEN 'Audio.Meta' THEN 'video.meta'
WHEN 'Beer' THEN 'alcohol'
WHEN 'Beer.Meta' THEN 'alcohol.meta'
WHEN 'CogSci' THEN 'psychology'
WHEN 'CogSci.Meta' THEN 'psychology.meta'
WHEN 'Garage' THEN 'mechanics'
WHEN 'Garage.Meta' THEN 'mechanics.meta'
WHEN 'Health' THEN 'medicalsciences'
WHEN 'Health.Meta' THEN 'medicalsciences.meta'
WHEN 'Moderators' THEN 'communitybuilding'
WHEN 'Moderators.Meta' THEN 'communitybuilding.meta'
WHEN 'Photography' THEN 'photo'
WHEN 'Photography.Meta' THEN 'photo.meta'
WHEN 'Programmers' THEN 'softwareengineering'
WHEN 'Programmers.Meta' THEN 'softwareengineering.meta'
WHEN 'Vegetarian' THEN 'vegetarianism'
WHEN 'Vegetarian.Meta' THEN 'vegetarianism.meta'
WHEN 'Writers' THEN 'writing'
WHEN 'Writers.Meta' THEN 'writing.meta'
ELSE SUBSTRING(name, 15, 200)
END + '',
IIF(PATINDEX('StackOverflow.%', name) > 0,
CASE SUBSTRING(name, 15, 200)
WHEN 'Br' THEN 'pt'
WHEN 'Br.Meta' THEN 'pt.meta'
ELSE SUBSTRING(name, 15, 200)
END + '',
IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', name) > 0,
'meta.' + SUBSTRING(name, 0, PATINDEX('%.Meta', name)) + '.com',
name + '.com'
) + '/'
FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 5

How can I complete this Excel function in SQL Server?

I have approximately 30,000 records where I need to split the Description field and so far I can only seem to achieve this in Excel. An example Description would be:
Below is my Excel function:
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($G309," ",REPT(" ",LEN($G309))),((COLUMNS($G309:G309)-1)*LEN($G309))+1,LEN($G309)))
This is then dragged across ten Excel columns, and splits the description field at each space.
I have seen many questions asked about splitting a string in SQL but they only seem to cover one space, not multiple spaces.
There is no easy function in SQL server to split strings. At least I don't know it. I use usually some trick that I found somewhere in the Internet some time ago. I modified it to your example.
The trick is that first we try to figure out how many columns do we need. We can do it by checking how many empty strings we have in the string. The easiest way is lenght of string - lenght of string without empty string.
After that for each string we try to find start and end of each word by position. At the end we cut simply string by start and end position and assign to coulmns. The details are in the query. Have fun!
CREATE TABLE test(id int, data varchar(100))
INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,'Shorter one')
DECLARE #pivot varchar(8000)
DECLARE #select varchar(8000)
#pivot=coalesce(#pivot+',','')+'[col'+cast(number+1 as varchar(10))+']'
master..spt_values where type='p' and
number<=(SELECT max(len(data)-len(replace(data,',',''))) FROM test)
select p.*
from (
id,substring(data, start+2, endPos-Start-2) as token,
''col''+cast(row_number() over(partition by id order by start) as varchar(10)) as n
from (
id, data, n as start, charindex('','',data,n+2) endPos
from (select number as n from master..spt_values where type=''p'') num
cross join
id, '' '' + data +'' '' as data
) m
where n < len(data)-1
and substring(odata,n+1,1) = '','') as data
) pvt
Pivot ( max(token)for n in ('+#pivot+'))p'
Here you can find example in SQL Fiddle
I didn't notice that you want to get rid of multiple blank spaces.
To do it please create some function that preprare your data :
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[fnRemoveExtraSpaces] (#Number AS varchar(1000))
Returns Varchar(1000)
Declare #n int -- Length of counter
Declare #old char(1)
Set #n = 1
--Begin Loop of field value
While #n <=Len (#Number)
If Substring(#Number, #n, 1) = ' ' AND #old = ' '
Select #Number = Stuff( #Number , #n , 1 , '' )
SET #old = Substring(#Number, #n, 1)
Set #n = #n + 1
Return #number
After that use the new version that removes extra spaces.
DECLARE #pivot varchar(8000)
DECLARE #select varchar(8000)
#pivot=coalesce(#pivot+',','')+'[col'+cast(number+1 as varchar(10))+']'
master..spt_values where type='p' and
number<=(SELECT max(len(dbo.fnRemoveExtraSpaces(data))-len(replace(dbo.fnRemoveExtraSpaces(data),' ',''))) FROM test)
select p.*
from (
id,substring(data, start+2, endPos-Start-2) as token,
''col''+cast(row_number() over(partition by id order by start) as varchar(10)) as n
from (
id, data, n as start, charindex('' '',data,n+2) endPos
from (select number as n from master..spt_values where type=''p'') num
cross join
id, '' '' + dbo.fnRemoveExtraSpaces(data) +'' '' as data
) m
where n < len(data)-1
and substring(data,n+1,1) = '' '') as data
) pvt
Pivot ( max(token)for n in ('+#pivot+'))p'
I am probably not understanding your question, but all that you are doing in that formula, can be done almost exactly the same in SQL. I see someone has already answered but to my mind, how can it be necessary to do all that when you can do this. I might be wrong. But here goes.
declare #test as varchar(100)
set #test='abcd1234567'
select right(#test,2)
, left(#test,2)
, len(#test)
, case when len(#test)%2>0
then left(right(#test,round(len(#test)/2,0)+1),1)
else left(right(#test,round(len(#test)/2,0)+1),2) end
67 ab 11 2
So right, left, length and mid can all be achieved.
If the spaces are the "substring" dividers, then: I dont remember well the actual syntax for do-while inside selects of sql, neither have i actually done that per se, but I don't see why it should not be possible. If it doesn't work then you need a temporary table and if that does not work you need a cursor. The cursor would be an external loop around this one to fetch and process a single string at a time. Or you can do something more clever. I am just a novice.
declare #x varchar(1)
declare #n integer
declare #i integer
declare #str varchar(100) -- this is your description. Fetch it and assign it. if in a cursor just use column-name
set #x = null
set #n = 0
set #i = 0
while n < len(#str)
while NOT #x = " "
set #x = left(right(#str,n),1)
n = n+1
--insert into or update #temptable blablabla here.
Use i and n to locate substring and then left(right()) it out. or you can SELECT it, but that is a messy procedure if the number of substrings are long. Continue with:
set i = n
set #str = right(#str, i) -- this includes the " ". left() it out at will.
Now, a final comment, there should perhaps be a third loop checking for if you are at the last "substring" because I see now this code will throw error when it gets to the end. or "add" an empty space at the end to #str, that will also work. But my time is up. This is a suggestion at least.

How to return list of duplicate words and the count of instances in a table

I basically have a table with a column. Lets call the column 'Summary'
So if 'Summary' looks like this. I went to the park to find a dog. The dog was not there. I left because there was no dog.
I want to be able to return a list that basically gives me the duplicate words and the hit count of how many times it appeared. I won't know which word exactly is a duplicate so I cannot hard code it into the SQL query.
I need the results to be "Dog" -3, "The"- 2, "I"- 2
I cant post images so I cannot post a table
This is not necessarily a very efficient way of achieving the result you are looking for, but this will output a list of words that have a count of 2 or more in the specified summary:
SET #summary = N'I went to the park to find a dog. The dog was not there. I left because there was no dog.'
-- A temporary table to hold matches
CREATE TABLE dbo.#WordList
WordCount INT
SET #PosA = 0
WHILE (LEN(#summary) > 0)
-- Find the position of the word end
SET #PosA = CHARINDEX(' ', #summary)
IF (#PosA = 0)
SET #PosA = LEN(#summary) + 1
-- Extract the word and shorten the summary text
SET #Word = SUBSTRING(#summary, 0, #PosA)
IF (#PosA < LEN(#summary))
SET #summary = SUBSTRING(#summary, #PosA + 1, LEN(#summary) - #PosA)
SET #summary = ''
-- Strip punctuation
SET #Word = REPLACE(REPLACE(#Word, '.', ''), ',', '')
-- Add or create the word
IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM dbo.#WordList WHERE Word = #Word)
UPDATE dbo.#WordList
SET WordCount = WordCount + 1
WHERE (Word = #Word)
INSERT INTO dbo.#WordList (Word, WordCount)
VALUES (#Word, 1)
-- Get results
FROM dbo.#WordList
WHERE (WordCount > 1)
--- Tidy up
DROP TABLE dbo.#WordList
Effectively, split the summary text by each space and then remove punctuation from the resulting word. The resulting words are stored in the #WordList temporary table, with the count incremented as appropriate.
Finally the results are returned at the end.
Note that you may wish to improve the punctuation removal as I only added full-stops and commas for the purposes of this answer.
I think that for each row, you'll need to split the summary column into separate rows. Then you can do select on that result set, counting each value. Here's a link to a bunch of nice Split functions:
Split functions
They are pretty old, but still very effective. I think something like tvf should get you going:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split (#sep char(1), #s varchar(512))
WITH Pieces(pn, start, stop) AS (
SELECT 1, 1, CHARINDEX(#sep, #s)
SELECT pn + 1, stop + 1, CHARINDEX(#sep, #s, stop + 1)
FROM Pieces
WHERE stop > 0
SUBSTRING(#s, start, CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE 512 END) AS s
FROM Pieces
DECLARE #summaries TABLE (id int, summary nvarchar(max))
INSERT #summaries values
(1,N'I went to the park to find a dog. The dog was not there. I left because there was no dog.')
SELECT id, word, COUNT(*) c
FROM #summaries
CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST('<a>'+REPLACE(summary,' ','</a><a>')+'</a>' AS xml) xml1 ) t1
CROSS APPLY (SELECT n.value('.','varchar(max)') AS word FROM xml1.nodes('a') x(n) ) t2
GROUP BY id, word

sql to check string contains with where clause

in Sql server
I have a following string
DECLARE #str nvarchar(max);
set #str = "Hello how are you doing today,Its Monday and 5 waiting days";
DECLARE #srch nvarchar(max);
set #srch = " how,doing,monday,waiting";
Now i want to check whether str contains any of string (comma separated string) of srch
I want it in only sql server
is there possibilites to write some query with in clause
select from #str where _____ in (select * from CommaSplit(#srch)
where CommaSplit function rerturns rows of #srch comma separted value
I dont want to use cursor or any loop concept as the #srch value can be very long
you can use same function to get first string in rows
select string from CommaSplit(#srch,'') where string in (select * from CommaSplit(#srch)
You can use the following common table expressions query to split your string into parts. cte will contain one record per phrase in #srch. In my example below, I show where in #str each of the search phrase is located. It returns 0 if it cannot locate a search phrase.
Note 1: it won't show the location twice if your search phrase is duplicated - you would need another CTE for that.
Note 2: I have to add comma at the end of #srch to make my CTE work. You can do that inside the CTE if you prefer not to change the search string.
DECLARE #str nvarchar(max);
set #str = 'Hello how are you doing today,Its Monday and 5 waiting days';
DECLARE #srch nvarchar(max);
set #srch = 'how,doing,monday,waiting';
set #srch = #srch + ','
-- first split the text into 1 character per row
;with cte
select substring(#srch, 1, CHARINDEX(',', #srch, 1) - 1) as Phrase, CHARINDEX(',', #srch, 1) as Idx
union all
select substring(#srch, cte.Idx + 1, CHARINDEX(',', #srch, cte.Idx + 1) - cte.Idx - 1) as Phrase, CHARINDEX(',', #srch, cte.Idx + 1) as Idx
from cte
where cte.Idx < CHARINDEX(',', #srch, cte.Idx + 1)
select charindex(cte.Phrase, #str, 1) from cte
I don't think that the IN clause is what you need. Instead of this you can use the LIKE construction as following:
if (select count(*) from CommaSplit(#srch) where #str like '%' + val + '%') > 0
select 'true'
select 'false'
In this case you will receive 'true' when at least 1 result of CommaSplit function exists in the #str text. But in this case you also will receive a 'true' value when the result of CommaSplit function is a part of the word in the #str string.
If you need more accurate solution, this can be achieved by the following way: you need to split the #str into the words (also replacing punctuation by spaces beforehand). And, after this, intersect of CommaSplit (#srch) and SpaceSplit(#str) will be the answer on the question. Among this, you also will be able to check which words are matching between two strings.
The overhead of this method is to create function SpaceSplit which is copy of CommaSplit but with another separator. Or the function CommaSplit can be modified to receive a separator as parameter.
