Help deciphering simple Assembly Code - c

I am learning assembly using GDB & Eclipse
Here is a simple C code.
int absdiff(int x, int y)
if(x < y)
return y-x;
return x-y;
int main(void) {
int x = 10;
int y = 15;
Here is corresponding assembly instructions for main()
080483bb: push %ebp #push old frame pointer onto the stack
080483bc: mov %esp,%ebp #move the frame pointer down, to the position of stack pointer
080483be: sub $0x18,%esp # ???
25 int x = 10;
080483c1: movl $0xa,-0x4(%ebp) #move the "x(10)" to 4 address below frame pointer (why not push?)
26 int y = 15;
080483c8: movl $0xf,-0x8(%ebp) #move the "y(15)" to 8 address below frame pointer (why not push?)
28 absdiff(x,y);
080483cf: mov -0x8(%ebp),%eax # -0x8(%ebp) == 15 = y, and move it into %eax
080483d2: mov %eax,0x4(%esp) # from this point on, I am confused
080483d6: mov -0x4(%ebp),%eax
080483d9: mov %eax,(%esp)
080483dc: call 0x8048394 <absdiff>
31 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
080483e1: mov $0x0,%eax
32 }
Basically, I am asking to help me to make sense of this assembly code, and why it is doing things in this particular order. Point where I am stuck, is shown in assembly comments. Thanks !

Lines 0x080483cf to 0x080483d9 are copying x and y from the current frame on the stack, and pushing them back onto the stack as arguments for absdiff() (this is typical; see e.g. If you look at the disassembler for absdiff() (starting at 0x8048394), I bet you'll see it pick these values up from the stack and use them.
This might seem like a waste of cycles in this instance, but that's probably because you've compiled without optimisation, so the compiler does literally what you asked for. If you use e.g. -O2, you'll probably see most of this code disappear.

First it bears saying that this assembly is in the AT&T syntax version of x86_32, and that the order of arguments to operations is reversed from the Intel syntax (used with MASM, YASM, and many other assemblers and debuggers).
080483bb: push %ebp #push old frame pointer onto the stack
080483bc: mov %esp,%ebp #move the frame pointer down, to the position of stack pointer
080483be: sub $0x18,%esp # ???
This enters a stack frame. A frame is an area of memory between the stack pointer (esp) and the base pointer (ebp). This area is intended to be used for local variables that have to live on the stack. NOTE: Stack frames don't have to be implemented in this way, and GCC has the optimization switch -fomit-frame-pointer that does away with it except when alloca or variable sized arrays are used, because they are implemented by changing the stack pointer by arbitrary values. Not using ebp as the frame pointer allows it to be used as an extra general purpose register (more general purpose registers is usually good).
Using the base pointer makes several things simpler to calculate for compilers and debuggers, since where variables are located relative to the base does not change while in the function, but you can also index them relative to the stack pointer and get the same results, though the stack pointer does tend to change around so the same location may require a different index at different times.
In this code 0x18 (or 24) bytes are being reserved on the stack for local use.
This code so far is often called the function prologue (not to be confused with the programming language "prolog").
25 int x = 10;
080483c1: movl $0xa,-0x4(%ebp) #move the "x(10)" to 4 address below frame pointer (why not push?)
This line moves the constant 10 (0xA) to a location within the current stack frame relative to the base pointer. Because the base pointer below the top of the stack and since the stack grows downward in RAM the index is negative rather than positive. If this were indexed relative to the stack pointer a different index would be used, but it would be positive.
You are correct that this value could have been pushed rather than copied like this. I suspect that this is done this way because you have not compiled with optimizations turned on. By default gcc (which I assume you are using based on your use of gdb) does not optimize much, and so this code is probably the default "copy a constant to a location in the stack frame" code. This may not be the case, but it is one possible explanation.
26 int y = 15;
080483c8: movl $0xf,-0x8(%ebp) #move the "y(15)" to 8 address below frame pointer (why not push?)
Similar to the previous line of code. These two lines of code put the 10 and 15 into local variables. They are on the stack (rather than in registers) because this is unoptimized code.
28 absdiff(x,y);
gdb printing this meant that this is the source code line being executed, not that this function is being executed (yet).
080483cf: mov -0x8(%ebp),%eax # -0x8(%ebp) == 15 = y, and move it into %eax
In preparation for calling the function the values that are being passed as arguments need to be retrieved from their storage locations (even though they were just placed at those locations and their values are known because of the no optimization thing)
080483d2: mov %eax,0x4(%esp) # from this point on, I am confused
This is the second part of the move to the stack of one of the local variables' value so that it can be use as an argument to the function. You can't (usually) move from one memory address to another on x86, so you have to move it through a register (eax in this case).
080483d6: mov -0x4(%ebp),%eax
080483d9: mov %eax,(%esp)
These two lines do the same thing except for the other variable. Note that since this variable is being moved to the top of the stack that no offset is being used in the second instruction.
080483dc: call 0x8048394 <absdiff>
This pushed the return address to the top of the stack and jumps to the address of absdiff.
You didn't include code for absdiff, so you probably did not step through that.
31 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
080483e1: mov $0x0,%eax
C programs return 0 upon success, so EXIT_SUCCESS was defined as 0 by someone. Integer return values are put in eax, and some code that called the main function will use that value as the argument when calling the exit function.
32 }
This is the end. The reason that gdb stopped here is that there are things that actually happen to clean up. In C++ it is common to see destructor for local class instances being called here, but in C you will probably just see the function epilogue. This is the compliment to the function prologue, and consists of returning the stack pointer and base pointer to the values that they were originally at. Sometimes this is done with similar math on them, but sometimes it is done with the leave instruction. There is also an enter instruction which can be used for the prologue, but gcc doesn't do this (I don't know why). If you had continued to view the disassembly here you would have seen the epilogue code and a ret instruction.
Something you may be interested in is the ability to tell gcc to produce assembly files. If you do:
gcc -S source_file.c
a file named source_file.s will be produced with assembly code in it.
If you do:
gcc -S -O source_file.c
Then the same thing will happen, but some basic optimizations will be done. This will probably make reading the assembly code easier since the code will not likely have as many odd instructions that seem like they could have been done a better way (like moving constant values to the stack, then to a register, then to another location on the stack and never using the push instruction).
You regular optimization flags for gcc are:
-O0 default -- none
-O1 a few optimizations
-O the same as -O1
-O2 a lot of optimizations
-O3 a bunch more, some of which may take a long time and/or make the code a lot bigger
-Os optimize for size -- similar to -O2, but not quite
If you are actually trying to debug C programs then you will probably want the least optimizations possible since things will happen in the order that they are written in your code and variables won't disappear.
You should have a look at the gcc man page:
man gcc

Remember, if you're running in a debugger or debug mode, the compiler reserves the right to insert whatever debugging code it likes and make other nonsensical code changes.
For example, this is Visual Studio's debug main():
int main(void) {
001F13D0 push ebp
001F13D1 mov ebp,esp
001F13D3 sub esp,0D8h
001F13D9 push ebx
001F13DA push esi
001F13DB push edi
001F13DC lea edi,[ebp-0D8h]
001F13E2 mov ecx,36h
001F13E7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
001F13EC rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
int x = 10;
001F13EE mov dword ptr [x],0Ah
int y = 15;
001F13F5 mov dword ptr [y],0Fh
001F13FC mov eax,dword ptr [y]
001F13FF push eax
001F1400 mov ecx,dword ptr [x]
001F1403 push ecx
001F1404 call absdiff (1F10A0h)
001F1409 add esp,8
*(int*)nullptr = 5;
001F140C mov dword ptr ds:[0],5
return 0;
001F1416 xor eax,eax
001F1418 pop edi
001F1419 pop esi
001F141A pop ebx
001F141B add esp,0D8h
001F1421 cmp ebp,esp
001F1423 call #ILT+300(__RTC_CheckEsp) (1F1131h)
001F1428 mov esp,ebp
001F142A pop ebp
001F142B ret
It helpfully posts the C++ source next to the corresponding assembly. In this case, you can fairly clearly see that x and y are stored on the stack explicitly, and an explicit copy is pushed on, then absdiff is called. I explicitly de-referenced nullptr to cause the debugger to break in. You may wish to change compiler.

Compile with -fverbose-asm -g -save-temps for additional information with GCC.


Segfault pushing to stack in C inline assembly

I am having an issue with some inline assembly. I am writing a compiler, and it is compiling to assembly, and for portability i made it add the main function in C and just use inline assembly. Though even the simplest inline assembly is giving me a segfault. Thanks for your help
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
"push $1\n"
return 0;
TLDR at bottom. Note: everything here is assuming x86_64.
The issue here is that compilers will effectively never use push or pop in a function body (except for prologues/epilogues).
Consider this example.
When the function begins, room is made on the stack in the prologue with:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 32
This creates 32 bytes of room for main. Then notice how throughout the function, instead of pushing items to the stack, they are mov'd to the stack through offsets from rbp:
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-20], edi
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-32], rsi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 2
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 5
The reason for this is it allows for variables to be stored anywhere at anytime, and loaded from anywhere at anytime without requiring a huge amount of push/pops.
Consider the case where variables are stored using push and pop. Say a variable is stored early on in the function, let's call this foo. 8 variables on the stack later, you need foo, how should you access it?
Well, you can pop everything until foo, and then push everything back, but that's costly.
It also doesn't work when you have conditional statements. Say a variable is only ever stored if foo is some certain value. Now you have a conditional where the stack pointer could be at one of two locations after it!
For this reason, compilers always prefer to use rbp - N to store variables, as at any point in the function, the variable will still live at rbp - N.
NB: On different ABIs (such as i386 system V), parameters to arguments may be passed on the stack, but this isn't too much of an issue, as ABIs will generally specify how this should be handled. Again, using i386 system V as an example, the calling convention for a function will go something like:
push edi ; 2nd argument to the function.
push eax ; 1st argument to the function.
call my_func
; here, it can be assumed that the stack has been corrected
So, why does push actually cause an issue?
Well, I'll add a small asm snippet to the code
At the end of the function, we now have the following:
push 64
mov eax, 0
There's 2 things that fail now due to pushing to the stack.
The first is the leave instruction (see this thread)
The leave instruction will attempt to pop the value of rbp that was stored at the beginning of the function (notice the only push that the compiler generates is at the start: push rbp).
This is so that the stack frame of the caller is preserved following main. By pushing to the stack, in our case rbp is now going to be set to 64, since the last value pushed is 64. When the callee of main resumes it's execution, and tries to access a value at say, rbp - 8, a crash will occur, as rbp - 8 is 0x38 in hex, which is an invalid address.
But that assumes the callee even get's execution back!
After rbp has it's value restored with the invalid value, the next thing on the stack will be the original value of rbp.
The ret instruction will pop a value from the stack, and return to that address...
Notice how this might be slightly problematic?
The CPU is going to try and jump to the value of rbp stored at the start of the function!
On nearly every modern program, the stack is a "no execute" zone (see here), and attempting to execute code from there will immediately cause a crash.
So, TLDR: Pushing to the stack violates assumptions made by the compiler, most importantly about the return address of the function. This violation causes program execution to end up on the stack (generally), which will cause a crash

Assembly: Purpose of loading the effective address before a call to a function?

Source C Code:
int main()
int i;
for(i=0, i < 10; i++)
printf("Hello World!\n");
Dump of Intel syntax x86 assembler code for function main:
1. 0x000055555555463a <+0>: push rbp
2. 0x000055555555463b <+1>: mov rbp,rsp
3. 0x000055555555463e <+4>: sub rsp,0x10
4. 0x0000555555554642 <+8>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x0
5. 0x0000555555554649 <+15>: jmp 0x55555555465b <main+33>
6. 0x000055555555464b <+17>: lea rdi,[rip+0xa2] # 0x5555555546f4
7. 0x0000555555554652 <+24>: call 0x555555554510 <puts#plt>
8. 0x0000555555554657 <+29>: add DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x1
9. 0x000055555555465b <+33>: cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x9
10. 0x000055555555465f <+37>: jle 0x55555555464b <main+17>
11. 0x0000555555554661 <+39>: mov eax,0x0
12. 0x0000555555554666 <+44>: leave
13. 0x0000555555554667 <+45>: ret
I'm currently working through "Hacking, The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition by Jon Erickson", and I'm just starting to tackle assembly.
I have a few questions about the translation of the provided C code to Assembly, but I am mainly wondering about my first question.
1st Question: What is the purpose of line 6? (lea rdi,[rip+0xa2]).
My current working theory, is that this is used to save where the next instructions will jump to in order to track what is going on. I believe this line correlates with the printf function in the source C code.
So essentially, its loading the effective address of rip+0xa2 (0x5555555546f4) into the register rdi, to simply track where it will jump to for the printf function?
2nd Question: What is the purpose of line 11? (mov eax,0x0?)
I do not see a prior use of the register, EAX and am not sure why it needs to be set to 0.
The LEA puts a pointer to the string literal into a register, as the first arg for puts. The search term you're looking for is "calling convention" and/or ABI. (And also RIP-relative addressing). Why is the address of static variables relative to the Instruction Pointer?
The small offset between code and data (only +0xa2) is because the .rodata section gets linked into the same ELF segment as .text, and your program is tiny. (Newer gcc + ld versions will put it in a separate page so it can be non-executable.)
The compiler can't use a shorter more efficient mov edi, address in position-independent code in your Linux PIE executable. It would do that with gcc -fno-pie -no-pie
mov eax,0 implements the implicit return 0 at the end of main that C99 and C++ guarantee. EAX is the return-value register in all calling conventions.
If you don't use gcc -O2 or higher, you won't get peephole optimizations like xor-zeroing (xor eax,eax).
lea rdi,[rip+0xa2]
Is a typical position independent LEA, putting the string address into a register (instead of loading from that memory address).
Your executable is position independent, meaning that it can be loaded at runtime at any address. Therefore, the real address of the argument to be passed to puts() needs to be calculated at runtime every single time, since the base address of the program could be different each time. Also, puts() is used instead of printf() because the compiler optimized the call since there is no need to format anything.
In this case, the binary was most probably loaded with the base address 0x555555554000. The string to use is stored in your binary at offset 0x6f4. Since the next instruction is at offset 0x652, you know that, no matter where the binary is loaded in memory, the address you want will be rip + (0x6f4 - 0x652) = rip + 0xa2, which is what you see above. See this answer of mine for another example.
The purpose of:
mov eax,0x0
Is to set the return value of main(). In Intel x86, the calling convention is to return values in the rax register (eax if the value is 32 bits, which is true in this case since main returns an int). See the table entry for x86-64 at the end of this page.
Even if you don't add an explicit return statement, main() is a special function, and the compiler will add a default return 0 for you.
If you add some debug data and symbols to the assembly everything will be easier. It is also easier to read the code if you add some optimizations.
There is a very useful tool godbolt and your example
On the asm listing there you can clearly see that that lines loads the address of the string literal which will be then printed by the function.
EAX is considered volatile and main by default returns zero and thats the reason why it is zeroed.
The calling convention is explained here:
Here you have more interesting cases

What happens to a function called in C from the time being called to the time it returns?

Whenever I read about program execution in C, it speaks very less about the function execution. I am still trying to find out what happens to a function when the program starts executing it from the time it is been called from another function to the time it returns? How do the function arguments get stored in memory?
That's unspecified; it's up to the implementation. As pointed out by Keith Thompson, it doesn't even have to tell you how it works. :)
Some implementations will put all the arguments on the stack, some will use registers, and many use a mix (the first n arguments passed in registers, any more and they go on the stack).
But the function itself is just code, it's read-only and nothing much "happens" to it during execution.
There is no one correct answer to this question, it depends heavily upon how the compiler writer determines is the best model to do this. There are various bits in the standard that describes this process but most of it is implementation defined. Also, the process is dependent on the architecture of the system, the OS you're aiming for, the level of optimisation and so forth.
Take the following code:-
int DoProduct (int a, int b, int c)
return a * b * c;
int result = DoProduct (4, 5, 6);
The MSVC2005 compiler, using standard debug build options created this for the last line of the above code:-
push 6
push 5
push 4
call DoProduct (411186h)
add esp,0Ch
mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax
Here, the arguments are pushed onto the stack, starting with the last argument, then the penultimate argument and so on until the the first argument is pushed onto the stack. The function is called, then the arguments are removed from the stack (the add esp,0ch) and then the return value is saved - the result is stored in the eax register.
Here's the code for the function:-
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0C0h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
mov ecx,30h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
mov eax,dword ptr [a]
imul eax,dword ptr [b]
imul eax,dword ptr [c]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
The first thing the function does is to create a local stack frame. This involves creating a space on the stack to store local and temporary variables in. In this case, 192 (0xc0) bytes are reserved (the first three instructions). The reason it's so many is to allow the edit-and-continue feature some space to put new variables into.
The next three instructions save the reserved registers as defined by the MS compiler. Then the stack frame space just created is initialised to contain a special debug signature, in this case 0xCC. This means unitialised memory and if you ever see a value consisting of just 0xCC's in debug mode then you've forgotten to initialise the value (unless 0xCC was the value).
Once all that housekeeping has been done, the next three instructions implement the body of the function, the two multiplies. After that, the reserved registers are restored and then the stack frame destroyed and finally the function ends with a ret. Fortunately, the imul puts the result of the multiplication into the eax register so there's no special code to get the result into the right register.
Now, you've probably been thinking that there's a lot there that isn't really necessary. And you're right, but debug is about getting the code right and a lot of the above helps to achieve that. In release, there's a lot that can be got rid of. There's no need for a stack frame, no need, therefore, to initialise it. There's no need to save the reserved registers as they aren't modified. In fact, the compiler creates this:-
mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
imul eax,dword ptr [esp+8]
imul eax,dword ptr [esp+0Ch]
which, if I'd let the compiler do it, would have been in-lined into the caller.
There's a lot more stuff that can happen: values passed in registers and so on. Also, I've not got into how floating point values and structures / classes as passed to and from functions. And there's more that I've probably left out.

Explain the strange assembly of empty C `main` function by Visual C++ compiler

I just noticed some strange assembly language code of empty main method.
//filename: main.c
void main()
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0C0h; why on the earth is it reserving 192 bytes?
push ebx
push esi
push edi ; good compiler. Its saving ebx, esi & edi values.
lea edi,[ebp-0C0h] ; line 1
mov ecx,30h ; line 2
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh ; line 3
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; line 4
xor eax,eax ; returning value 0. Code following this line is explanatory.
pop edi ; restoring the original states of edi,esi & ebx
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
why on the earth is it reserving 192 bytes for function where there aren't any variables
whats up with the four lines: line 1, line 2, line 3, line 4? what is it trying to do & WHY?
Greg already explained how the compiler generates code to diagnose uninitialized local variables, enabled by the /RTCu compile option. The 0xcccccccc value was chosen to be distinctive and easily recognized in the debugger. And to ensure the program bombs when an uninitialized pointer is dereferenced. And to ensure it terminates the program when it is executed as code. 0xcc is pretty ideal to do all of these jobs well, it is the instruction opcode for INT3.
The mysterious 192 bytes that are allocated in the stack frame are there to support the Edit + Continue feature, /ZI compile option. It allows you to edit the code while a breakpoint is active. And add local variables to a function those 192 bytes are available to provide the space for those added locals. Exceeding that space will make the IDE force you to rebuild your program.
Btw: this can cause a problem if you use recursion in your code. The debug build will bomb with this site's name a lot quicker. Not normally much of an issue, you debug with practical dataset sizes.
The four code lines you've indicated are the debug build clearing out the local variable space with the "clear" special value (0xCCCCCCCC).
I'm not sure why there are 192 bytes of seemingly dead space, but that might be VC++ building some guard space into your local variable area to try to detect stack smashing.
You will probably get a very different output if you switch from Debug to Release build.

Alloca implementation

How does one implement alloca() using inline x86 assembler in languages like D, C, and C++? I want to create a slightly modified version of it, but first I need to know how the standard version is implemented. Reading the disassembly from compilers doesn't help because they perform so many optimizations, and I just want the canonical form.
Edit: I guess the hard part is that I want this to have normal function call syntax, i.e. using a naked function or something, make it look like the normal alloca().
Edit # 2: Ah, what the heck, you can assume that we're not omitting the frame pointer.
implementing alloca actually requires compiler assistance. A few people here are saying it's as easy as:
sub esp, <size>
which is unfortunately only half of the picture. Yes that would "allocate space on the stack" but there are a couple of gotchas.
if the compiler had emitted code
which references other variables
relative to esp instead of ebp
(typical if you compile with no
frame pointer). Then those
references need to be adjusted. Even with frame pointers, compilers do this sometimes.
more importantly, by definition, space allocated with alloca must be
"freed" when the function exits.
The big one is point #2. Because you need the compiler to emit code to symmetrically add <size> to esp at every exit point of the function.
The most likely case is the compiler offers some intrinsics which allow library writers to ask the compiler for the help needed.
In fact, in glibc (GNU's implementation of libc). The implementation of alloca is simply this:
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define __alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size)
#endif /* GCC. */
after thinking about it, the minimum I believe would be required would be for the compiler to always use a frame pointer in any functions which uses alloca, regardless of optimization settings. This would allow all locals to be referenced through ebp safely and the frame cleanup would be handled by restoring the frame pointer to esp.
So i did some experimenting with things like this:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define __alloca(p, N) \
do { \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"sub %1, %%esp \n" \
"mov %%esp, %0 \n" \
: "=m"(p) \
: "i"(N) \
: "esp"); \
} while(0)
int func() {
char *p;
__alloca(p, 100);
memset(p, 0, 100);
strcpy(p, "hello world\n");
printf("%s\n", p);
int main() {
which unfortunately does not work correctly. After analyzing the assembly output by gcc. It appears that optimizations get in the way. The problem seems to be that since the compiler's optimizer is entirely unaware of my inline assembly, it has a habit of doing the things in an unexpected order and still referencing things via esp.
Here's the resultant ASM:
8048454: push ebp
8048455: mov ebp,esp
8048457: sub esp,0x28
804845a: sub esp,0x64 ; <- this and the line below are our "alloc"
804845d: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],esp
8048460: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
8048463: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x64 ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
804846b: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x0 ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
8048473: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
8048476: call 8048338 <memset#plt>
804847b: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
804847e: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0xd ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
8048486: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x80485a8 ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
804848e: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
8048491: call 8048358 <memcpy#plt>
8048496: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
8048499: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax ; <- whoops! compiler still referencing via esp
804849c: call 8048368 <puts#plt>
80484a1: leave
80484a2: ret
As you can see, it isn't so simple. Unfortunately, I stand by my original assertion that you need compiler assistance.
It would be tricky to do this - in fact, unless you have enough control over the compiler's code generation it cannot be done entirely safely. Your routine would have to manipulate the stack, such that when it returned everything was cleaned, but the stack pointer remained in such a position that the block of memory remained in that place.
The problem is that unless you can inform the compiler that the stack pointer is has been modified across your function call, it may well decide that it can continue to refer to other locals (or whatever) through the stack pointer - but the offsets will be incorrect.
For the D programming language, the source code for alloca() comes with the download. How it works is fairly well commented. For dmd1, it's in /dmd/src/phobos/internal/alloca.d. For dmd2, it's in /dmd/src/druntime/src/compiler/dmd/alloca.d.
The C and C++ standards don't specify that alloca() has to the use the stack, because alloca() isn't in the C or C++ standards (or POSIX for that matter)¹.
A compiler may also implement alloca() using the heap. For example, the ARM RealView (RVCT) compiler's alloca() uses malloc() to allocate the buffer (referenced on their website here), and also causes the compiler to emit code that frees the buffer when the function returns. This doesn't require playing with the stack pointer, but still requires compiler support.
Microsoft Visual C++ has a _malloca() function that uses the heap if there isn't enough room on the stack, but it requires the caller to use _freea(), unlike _alloca(), which does not need/want explicit freeing.
(With C++ destructors at your disposal, you can obviously do the cleanup without compiler support, but you can't declare local variables inside an arbitrary expression so I don't think you could write an alloca() macro that uses RAII. Then again, apparently you can't use alloca() in some expressions (like function parameters) anyway.)
¹ Yes, it's legal to write an alloca() that simply calls system("/usr/games/nethack").
Continuation Passing Style Alloca
Variable-Length Array in pure ISO C++. Proof-of-Concept implementation.
void foo(unsigned n)
cps_alloca<Payload>(n,[](Payload *first,Payload *last)
Core Idea
template<typename T,unsigned N,typename F>
auto cps_alloca_static(F &&f) -> decltype(f(nullptr,nullptr))
T data[N];
return f(&data[0],&data[0]+N);
template<typename T,typename F>
auto cps_alloca_dynamic(unsigned n,F &&f) -> decltype(f(nullptr,nullptr))
vector<T> data(n);
return f(&data[0],&data[0]+n);
template<typename T,typename F>
auto cps_alloca(unsigned n,F &&f) -> decltype(f(nullptr,nullptr))
case 1: return cps_alloca_static<T,1>(f);
case 2: return cps_alloca_static<T,2>(f);
case 3: return cps_alloca_static<T,3>(f);
case 4: return cps_alloca_static<T,4>(f);
case 0: return f(nullptr,nullptr);
default: return cps_alloca_dynamic<T>(n,f);
}; // mpl::for_each / array / index pack / recursive bsearch / etc variacion
cps_alloca on github
alloca is directly implemented in assembly code.
That's because you cannot control stack layout directly from high level languages.
Also note that most implementation will perform some additional optimization like aligning the stack for performance reasons.
The standard way of allocating stack space on X86 looks like this:
sub esp, XXX
Whereas XXX is the number of bytes to allcoate
If you want to look at the implementation (and you're using MSVC) see alloca16.asm and chkstk.asm.
The code in the first file basically aligns the desired allocation size to a 16 byte boundary. Code in the 2nd file actually walks all pages which would belong to the new stack area and touches them. This will possibly trigger PAGE_GAURD exceptions which are used by the OS to grow the stack.
You can examine sources of an open-source C compiler, like Open Watcom, and find it yourself
If you can't use c99's Variable Length Arrays, you can use a compound literal cast to a void pointer.
#define ALLOCA(sz) ((void*)((char[sz]){0}))
This also works for -ansi (as a gcc extension) and even when it is a function argument;
some_func(&useful_return, ALLOCA(sizeof(struct useless_return)));
The downside is that when compiled as c++, g++>4.6 will give you an error: taking address of temporary array ... clang and icc don't complain though
Alloca is easy, you just move the stack pointer up; then generate all the read/writes to point to this new block
sub esp, 4
What we want to do is something like that:
void* alloca(size_t size) {
<sp> -= size;
return <sp>;
In Assembly (Visual Studio 2017, 64bit) it looks like:
PUBLIC alloca
alloca PROC
sub rsp, rcx ;<sp> -= size
mov rax, rsp ;return <sp>;
alloca ENDP
Unfortunately our return pointer is the last item on the stack, and we do not want to overwrite it. Additionally we need to take care for the alignment, ie. round size up to multiple of 8. So we have to do this:
PUBLIC alloca
alloca PROC
;round up to multiple of 8
mov rax, rcx
mov rbx, 8
xor rdx, rdx
div rbx
sub rbx, rdx
mov rax, rbx
mov rbx, 8
xor rdx, rdx
div rbx
add rcx, rdx
;increase stack pointer
pop rbx
sub rsp, rcx
mov rax, rsp
push rbx
alloca ENDP
my_alloca: ; void *my_alloca(int size);
MOV EAX, [ESP+4] ; get size
ADD EAX,-4 ; include return address as stack space(4bytes)
JMP DWORD [ESP+EAX] ; replace RET(do not pop return address)
I recommend the "enter" instruction. Available on 286 and newer processors (may have been available on the 186 as well, I can't remember offhand, but those weren't widely available anyways).
