Display pixel on screen in C - c

How would I change a pixel on a display, in C?
Assume NOTHING: I am using a linux machine from console to do this. I do not want to use GUI toolkits or frameworks to draw the pixel. I do not want to draw the pixel in a window. I want to draw the pixel directly to the screen.
EDIT: I have a screen. I'm on a laptop running linux from console. I'd prefer a solution not using X as I'd rather learn how X works than how to use X.
If theres more information, ask, but don't assume. I'm not trying to build a GUI, and that was the main purpose of blocking assumptions as I don't want people to assume I'm doing things the long way when in reality I'm just tinkering.
EDIT 2: You may use any X11 related libraries provided that you can explain how they work.

If we really assume nothing, can we even assume that X is running? For that matter, can we even assume that there is a video card? Perhaps Linux is running headless and we're accessing it over a serial console.
If we are allowed to assume a few things, let's assume that Linux has booted with framebuffer support. (It's been a couple years since I worked with Linux framebuffers, I may get some of the details wrong.) There will be a device created, probably /dev/fb or /dev/fb0. Open that file and start writing RGB values at an offset, and the screen will change, pretty much regardless of anything: text console, graphical console, full-fledged desktop envrionment, etc. If you want to see if framebuffer support is working, do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fb on the command line, and the display should go all black.

C doesnt have any graphics capabilities - you'd need to use a third party library for this.

You cannot assume a display in C. There is literally no way to do what you ask.
Edit: Okay, you have a display, but again, there's not a whole lot you can get from there. The point is that there are a TON of competing standards for graphics displays, and while some of them (VGA interfaces, for example) are standardized, a lot of the others (display driver interfaces, for example) are NOT. Much of what X (and other display device drivers, such as Windows or the like) do, is have specific interface code for how to talk to the display drivers; they abstract out the complexity of dealing with the display drivers. The windowing systems, though, have HUGE libraries of complicated and specific code for dealing with the display drivers; the fact that these things are relatively transparent is an indication of just how much work they've put into these things over time.

Very primitive and making a lot of assumptions:
fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
lseek(fd, 640*y+x, SEEK_SET);
write(fd, "\377\377\377\377", 4);
In reality, you would use mmap rather than write, and use the appropriate ioctl to query the screen mode rather than assuming 640xHHH 32bpp. There are also endian issues, etc.
So in real reality, you might use some sort of library code that handles this kind of thing for you.

I suppose you could paint to the terminal program that you are using as your console. All you have to do is figure out which one that is and look it up.
Whoops I assumed a terminal. :P

I think what you are looking for is information on how to write to the frame buffer. The easiest way would be to use SDL and render to the frame buffer, or else use GTK+ with DirectFB, although that goes against your edict on not using toolkits or frameworks.


How to retrieve graphic adapter & monitor name that is attached to a Xorg screen, programmatically?

Obviously, this information is available in xorg.conf so I could try to parse this file. But is there a way to achieve this using Xlib calls (+ extensions) only?
It must be possible, because I know the program xdpyinfo can do it. At first, I was going to suggest executing that from within your program and parsing the output. That shouldn't be necessary, though, since the source of xdpyinfo is freely available.
It looks like if you have a (Display*) variable (and you will, because pretty much every X11 function call requires one), you can call these wonderful macros to get interesting data, including ServerVendor and VendorRelease. That should cover the "graphic adapter" portion of your quest.
As for the monitor name, according to xdpyinfo.c, this is governed by XF86VidModeGetMonitor() which is part of an X11 extension. This returns a XF86VidModeMonitor structure which will reveal vendor, model, and other juicy data.
Run xdpyinfo-- if that program can query the data, so can your program.

Is there an user-level accessible font table present in Linux?

Since there is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437 For MSDOS, is there something similar for Linux systems? Is it possible to access that font data via userland program? I would actually just need an access to the actual bit patterns which define the font, and I would do the rendering myself. I'm fairly sure that something like this exists, but I haven't been able to find what exactly is it and how to access it. After all, e.g. text mode console font has to reside somewhere, and I really do hope it is "rawly" accessible somehow for a userland program.
Before I forget, I'm programming my program in C, and have access only to the "standard" linux/posix development headers. The only thing I could came up with myself is to use the fonts in /usr/share/fonts, but having to write my own implementations to extract the data from there doesn't sound really an option; I would really want to achieve this with the least amount of bytes possible, so I feel I'm left with finding a standard way of doing this.
It's not really feasible for me to store my own 8x8 ASCII-compatible font with the program either(it takes some 1024 bytes(128 chars * 8x8 bits) just to store the font, which is definitely unacceptable for the strict size limits(some < 1024 bytes for code+data) which I am working with), so being able to use the font data stored at the system itself would greatly simplify my task.
I had a look at consolechars sources and it looks like there is a whole library for this kind of stuff. On Ubuntu it's named libconsole and header files (like lct/font.h) are in the console-tools-dev package. There are functions to find and load fonts which seems to be exactly what you need. And consolechars source is a nice example of how to use them.
You should use freetype , its commonly installed in all the Linuxes.

Request terminal size [C - Linux]

I'm trying to make a nice looking terminal game, but a lot of the things i'd like to do need a constant screen size. So i need the program to request a certain size every time it is ran. Is this possible, if so how?
The ncurses library has functionality for handling terminal sizes. This has been answered here and here regarding terminal dimensions.
You can only get the existing size, but you can't ask for a specific size. This terminal stuff was invented in a time where these sizes where hardcoded to be the physical size of the screen.

What C library allows scaling of ginormous images?

Consider the following file:
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 470886479 2009-12-15 08:26 the_known_universe.png
How would you scale the image down to a reasonable resolution, using no more than 4GB of RAM?
For example:
$ convert -scale 7666x3833 the_known_universe.png
What C library would handle it?
Thank you!
I believe libpng has a stream interface. I think this can be used to read parts of the image at a time; depending on the image file you might be able to get the lines in order. You could then shrink each line (e.g. for 50% shrinking, shrink the line horizontally and discard every second line) and write to an output file.
Using libpng in C can take a fair amount of code, but the documentation guides you through it pretty well.
You could try making a 64 bit build of ImageMagick or seeing if there is one. My colleague wrote a blog with a super-simple png decoder (assumes you have zlib or equivalent) so you can kind of see the code you'd need to roll your own.
You would need to do the resample as you're reading it in.
I used cximage a few years ago. I think the latest version is at
after moving off of CodeProject.
Edit: sorry, it's C++ not C.
You could use an image processing library that is intended to do complex operations on large (and small) images. One example is the IM imaging toolkit. It links well with C (but is implemented at least partly in C++) and has a good binding to Lua. From the Lua binding it should be easy to experiment.
libvips is comfortable with huge images. It's a streaming image processing library, so it can read from the source, process, and write to the destination simultaneously and in parallel. It's typically 3x to 5x faster than imagemagick and needs very little memory.
For example, with the largest PNG I have on my laptop (1.8gb), I can downsize 10x with:
$ vipsheader huge.png
huge.png: 72000x72000 uchar, 3 bands, srgb, pngload
$ ls -l huge.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 1785845477 Feb 19 09:39 huge.png
$ time vips resize huge.png x.png 0.1
real 1m35.279s
user 1m49.178s
sys 0m1.208s
peak RES 230mb
Not fast, but not too shabby either. PNG is rather a slow format, it would be much quicker with TIFF.
libvips is installable by most package managers (eg. homebrew on macOS, apt on Debian), there's a Windows binary, and it's free (LGPL). As well as the command-line, there are bindings for C, C++, Python, Ruby, Lua, node, PHP, and others.
Have you considered exploring pyramid based images? Imagine a pyramid where the image is divided up in multiple layers, each layer with a different resolution. Each layer is split up into tiles.
This way you can display a zoomed out version of the image, and also a zoomed in partial view of the image, without having to re-scale.
See the Wikipedia entry.
One of the original formats was FlashPix, which I wrote a renderer for.
I've also created a new format of a pyramid converter and renderer, which was used for a medical application. An actual scanner would produce 90GB+ scans of a slice of an organ for cancer research.
The algorithm of the converter was actually pretty tricky to get efficient, to produce the pyramid images efficienty. Believe it or not, it was actually Java based, and it performed much better than you'd think. It used multithreading. Benchmarking showed it was unlikely that a C version would do a whole lot better. This was 6ish years ago. The original renderer I did over 10 years ago.
You don't hear anything about pyramid based images anymore these days. But it's really the only efficient way to produce scaled images on demand without having to generate cached scaled versions.
Jpeg2000 may or may not have an optional pyramid feature as well.
I recall that ImageMagick's supporter formats and conversions perhaps, include FlashPix.
Googling for "image pyramid" reveals some interesting results. Bring back some memories ;-)
If you can move it to a 64-bit OS you can open it as a memory mapped file or equivalent and use pretty much any library you want. It won't be fast, and may need the increase of the page/swap file (depending on the OS and what else you want to do with it) but in return you won't be limited to streaming libraries so you'll be able to do more operation before going into resolution reduction or slicing.

TrueType Font Parsing in C

I want to read a ttf and draw a text with that font on a buffer. Even though there are libraries such as freetype, gd to do this task, I want to write my own code. Can you advice me on how to accomplish this task?
Unless you're one of the world's top experts on fonts, typography, and writing systems, the answer is simple: DON'T. TrueType/OpenType has a lot of tables you need to support for correct rendering, and even when using FreeType (which is an extremely low-level library), most people get it wrong.
If you need to do low-level, deterministic-across-platforms font handling, then at the very least, you should be using FreeType and libotf. This will provide you with access to the glyphs and outlines which you can then render however you like. In most cases though using your GUI system's text rendering routines will be a lot easier and less error-prone.
Finally, if you insist on ignoring my advice, a good RTFS on FreeType and Microsoft's online resources explaining the tables in TrueType/OpenType fonts are probably the best place to get started.
I would suggest you
Read all the TTF docs you can find
Find all the open source TTF parsers + renderers you can find, in many different languages, such as Freetype (c/c++), Batik (java), and anything else you can google for. Also George Williams' fontforge will likely be very helpful to you on your journey.
Rip apart all the programs you collected in 1. and see how they work. See if you can make a tiny small example program to do something simple, like dump the list of points for the outline of the letter "I".
Work on your rasterization. Start with something very simple, like rasterizing the letter "l".
The problem with TTF is that there is not a simple file format, and freetype handles a lot of crazy details for you. However if you don't care about portability, and you already have a specific TTF file you want to render, and you only care about a small simple alphabet, like Latin or Cyrillic, you might be OK.
Also you might want to check out a list of TTF documentation I linked to from my little project https://github.com/donbright/font_to_svg/
Not impossible, for anyone else tempted to try. I was curious about doing it because I like the DIY graphics approach where I allocate some memory and write into it, then save as a jpg or png. I pirated a bitmap font from giflib but that's strictly 8x8 pixels.
A few links:
as R.. wrote the same time as i did in my comment, i would not to suggest to build another TTF-parser by your own. If you are eager to learn this very "spannende" field of Computer Science I would recommend "The Art of Computer Programming" Vol 2 from Donald E. Knuth. (it is Metafont, not TTF, but proven to be correct:-)
