How to build my own Ext JS 3.3.1? - extjs

I want to know how to build my own Ext JS with only the js files I need, or if there is a feature in Ext JS where I can just load the individual components that I need. Ext JS is a lot of the size of my application, and it is not working without including ext-all.js.

Use a php script to serve compressed css or js scripts like in the example in the link below:


How to import Ext Js library in Odoo?

How do I link Odoo and Ext Js library in order to use some web controls from Ext Js in Odoo module?
A) Opoo is a ERP.
B) ExtJS creates a webpage.
If you use Sencha Tooling (Sencha CMD) you can create a folder containing the index.html file and the app.js (plus css files). You get this by typing sencha app build and you can find the result inside the build folder.
If you link Opoo to the index.html you are good to go.

Is it possible to merge React and Vue build files?

I know that React and Vue build files are a bunch of HTML, CSS, and JS.
So, what if I want some path (for example /react) is built with React
and another path (for example /vue) is built with Vue
Is it possible to do that?
I'm thinking of building with react/vue and put it on a directory (/react or /vue)

How do I load the code for Kendo UI for React from a CDN?

On the telerik site, I found the page
which mentions the CDN url
However, that file doesn't have the definitions for the React components Grid and GridCell.
This even though these definitions are in the NPM package #progress/kendo-react-grid.
Is there some other CDN url that gives me the .js file for Kendo UI for React?
Alternatively, if that file is not available from a CDN, is there a single file with all Kendo UI for React code that I can serve from my own server?
I have to load Kendo UI for React using a separate script tag. I can't use webpack or browserify to pack node modules.
The kendo.all.min.js is the jquery suite.
The kendo react grid is here:
It is per-package, and there is no something like all.js at-least at this point in time.
The best public CDN is jsDelivr:
It can serve up files and bundles directly for any NPM package, Github repo, or Wordpress plugin. You can even combine several files together into a single download.
Here's the package for Kendo UI React Grid:
Download the file you need there or add it to the "selected files" on the right to build your own custom script bundle.

How to Remove Angular js File from Source Code?

When I run my project, it shows my all angular.JS files in Source Code. How can I remove the js files?
You Can Use Gulp or web-pack for hide js files from source

Embedding an angular 1.3 app in a Angular 2 app

I am trying to build and app using Angular 2 which has several tabs. I want one of these tabs to be as the already created angular 1.3.17 app. More specifically, I want to embed Netflix Vector into one of my tabs. My Angular 2 app is uploaded here (at the moment does nothing) here. Would this be possible?
I don't intend to have any interaction between the Angular 2 components and Angular 1.x. I simply want to embed it.
I also tried the following:
The way to run Netflix Vector is simply doing a gulp build and then running a simple server inside the dist directory.
So, to ease the way of embedding such a large application, I tried to put the dist directory inside my angular 2 component directory and then just modifying the index.html to remove the inclusion of scripts and css. I loaded those scripts and css through my main index.html.
Then I loaded index.html through my angular 2 component. I have made sure that the angular libraries and all other js files are loaded. However, it doesnt seem to work just by providing a ng-app directive inside index.html
