How to add view to ClearCase Remote Client "My Views" dashboard? - clearcase

I made a new view by CCRC CLI. Now I'm trying to set a new tab for it inside the CCRC dashboard, under "My Views". Do you know how to?

I am not sure what you mean by dashboard.
Once a ClearCase "web view" is created (by CLI or otherwise), it is automatically displayed in the "My Views" section of the ClearCase Navigator (shown here in its latest 7.1.2 version):
The "ClearCase Details" tab will reflect the current selected view.
Maybe a simple refresh is needed.


2sxc "had an Error Talking with the Server (Status 403)"

I installed a 2sxc version 11.11.3 Inside a fresh dnn 9.3.2.
After this I created a content Module with the simple test view inside. After this I granted this module the edit permission to the Registered Users Group on dnn module Level.
If I log in as a registered user I can see the 2sxc toolbar (blue symbols when hovering the item of the module) of the Module and the items. If I press the edit icon I get the Message "had an Error Talking with the Server (Status 403)".
Has anyone an idea what I am doing wrong?
Thank you very much
The browser console shows following content in the ERROR object:
error: "Permission denied. required permissions for this request are not given"
headers: t
lazyInit: ƒ ()
lazyUpdate: null
normalizedNames: Map(0) {}
__proto__: Object
message: "Http failure response for https://.../api/2sxc/cms/edit/load?appId=2: 403 OK"
name: "HttpErrorResponse"
ok: false
status: 403
statusText: "OK"
url: "https://.../api/2sxc/cms/edit/load?appId=2"
After this I wanted to explore, if the behavior is 2sxc Content module related or if it is related to all apps (in my understanding the 2sxc Content module is an app too). I installed the "FAQ" app, granted the dnn "Edit" permission to the "Registered users" group and logged in as a registered user and pressed the edit icon on the 2scx toolbar - and had the same behavior like described in the origin post.
But: I got it running for the "FAQ" app, but not for the "Content" app. Here are my steps to get it running for the "FAQ" app:
click on "Apps management" (available in the dnn edit action or in the 2sxc toolbar)
"Features" - add feature - enable "Permission by Group / Role" - Activate feature
"Apps" - "FAQ" (or another except Content)
"App" - "App Permissions" (click on the icon) - "create new permission" - Identity=xx (xx=RoleId of the Group in table dbo.Roles) - Grant=Edit (in my case I want that the current registered user is able to edit an item) - Save (Ctrl+S)
After this I was able to edit the item of the "FAQ" module.
The "App Permissions" icon is disabled by default for the "Content" module on App level (and on view and data level too). Does anyone know if this is by design or is there a possibility to activate this option? Otherwise I have to migrate my content views to an app to get the permissions running.
I ended up by migrating the content of the "Content" app to a new custom app. The effort is very less and getting the possibility to grant permissions was worth doing it.
In a conclusion I'll answer my question by myself. I suppose that the "Content" app has not the possibility granting the dedicated permissions. But the app itself has the posibility - so it could be a good idea, to create content inside an app.
Just some background: The content-app is meant for simple content and behaves differently from normal apps. Example:
when you add a content-app, the dialog asks for you to choose what content-type, and what view
when you add an app, the dialog asks you for which app, and then what view
Basically the content-app has various optimizations to make it lighter and simpler, but we wanted to prevent people from "shooting themselves in the foot" because they will usually start with content, and then make it increasingly complex (never separating different concerns) and end up with a big mess.
This is why the content-app has some forced limitations (like no app-permissions) to guide people to place more complex functionality in own apps.
Now note that this doesn't explain your original issue: apparently edit-permissions didn't work as expected. That seems to be a bug, not an intension. If you think that should be followed up, best create an issue on github.

Why "Update from Repository" option is Disabled?

Update from Repository option is disabled, when I try to update a file from Clearcase Repositary (Team->Update from Repository)
Note: I have ClearCase plugin installed in my Eclipse.
How can I enable this option?
The help page "Updating a resource in a ClearCase view mentions:
Before you can update a resource in a ClearCase view, you must be connected to the ClearCase server that supports the view, and the resource must already be loaded into the view.
So make sure this connection is active (See "connect to a server"), and that the file is indeed in a web view.

How to change the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Statement" in DotNetNuke

How we can change text and wording of "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Statement" pages in Dot Net Nuke from admin?
Those texts are part of the resources files.
Go to menu "Admin > Languages" and click for edit its content for the site or the host.
Keep on the edition of the "GlobalResources" file.
Search for "MESSAGE_PORTAL_PRIVACY.Text" and "MESSAGE_PORTAL_TERMS.Text" and modify them.
If you modify the system version, a future upgrade of your DNN installation could overwrite your customization.
Host mode will impact all websites on the instance.
Site mode will impact only the current website.
I know this is old, but it might still help someone:
Tested with DNN 08.00.04 there are different methods to get a custom terms page without editing the language files (which feels a bit cumbersome)
To have your own /terms page you just create named "terms" in the navigation root.
DNN will show up your newly created page if you browse
You can also redirect to another page from there (create a "link" page instead of "content" page, this in case you want to call your page AGB and have this in the url (
If you have installed you can simplifiy the steps above with just adding a "custom page URL" 301 redirect rule with "/terms" to any page you want to show up as /terms.
Go to site admin section here Admin -> Language -> edit host -> find your required field "Terms of use" and "Privacy". you can change here or edit it.

In joomla 3.1.4 menu item does not show article content

I have created a menu item "Contact us" in Joomla and its type is "single article". But when I click on this menu item in frontend, it doesn't show article content. Instead, it redirects me to the "Contact us.html" file, and the error page not found is shown.
When I access the article using name and id (through the link), it works properly.
What do I have to do in my template so the user could be redirected properly to the article?
Joomla!™ 3.1.4 had security bugs and you should upgrade asap to 3.1.5 which is at this time the most recent version.
Then, check if your problem is still present and post here.

No "Start" menu shortcut using ClickOnce

I am publishing a .NET 3.5 SP1 WPF application through ClickOnce. By default, when the user clicks on the published link the application gets installed and a menu and shortcut are added to the client's Start/All Programs menu.
How can I prevent the shortcut/menu from being created? (Users need to run the application solely by clicking on the hyperlink to the ".application" file on a web page.)
For this behaviour, set it as online only. Project properties -> Publish -> "The application is available online only" (radio button).
It will still do the same local caching of files etc; it is mainly the start-menu that changes (I don't have a full list of the differences).
This can also be changed in the .application file by setting <deployment install="false"
