Silverlight control view image with zoom in/out? - silverlight

I wanna use an image viewer control in silverlight with feature zoom in/out the image, I found "MultiScaleImage" control that accept source as Xml file, which is can be created by "Deep Zoom Composer" program (install this program: import the images then expose and export: the program will generate the images and the "dzc_output.xml" file for you).
My Question is: I have a images(paths) that comes from the Database, how can I create the xml file at runtime without using the "Deep Zoom Composer" program!!!, I think this is impossible :(
Sooooooo anybody knows a silverlight control that I can use to view image with zoom in/out?????????

In the Deep Zoom Composer program files directory, you will find DeepZoomTools.dll
Use that to generate your images and XML,


Dzi Viewer using CPP

I am looking for a Deep Zoom Image (DZI) viewer in CPP.
Currently, we have a viewer designed in javascript (Open Seadragon), java, and C# for the dzi images.
I am looking for the open-source viewer that can be integrated in my CPP application.
I made a tiny example program that displays a libvips image in a window:
It's about 300 lines for the entire thing. It uses gtk+3, but it should be simple to adapt for other toolkits.
The cool thing is that it doesn't just display an image, it displays the end of a libvips pipeline, and it does it asynchronously. You can scroll around the image and the display will be updated in the background by a threadpool as chunks of the image are computed.
For your application, you could use vips_arrayjoin() to join up the tiles of the DZI image, then display the output of arrayjoin in the window.
There's a more complete image viewer here:
Though I still haven't got around to finishing it, unfortunately.

Image not scaling correctly for each device screen

I am having problems with multi image in the new GUI builder. It doesn't scale as should with individual skin or device screen. Is there another way to add multi image to scale according to screen size in the code?
I got this done very well in the old GUI builder. This is preventing me from having my app update.
Open the designer and verify that the image is indeed a multi-image and that resolutions exist for all the right DPI's.
Look at the code and verify that the image is fetched using getImage(String) and isn't manipulated in any way.
Verify that you are using Label and not ScaleImageLabel or some similar class.
The Phoenix demo was created using the new GUI builder and uses a lot of multi-images.

How to display Autocad DXF on WPF Canvas?

I am whole new in Autocad using in .NET application. I am working on WPF application that need to import, export and view 2d DXF or DWG file on canvas. I need some general information about how to achieve my goal if possible step by step instruction.
I would suggest you use the Autodesk View & Data webservice to show the model as a WebGL viewer on your application. There are some samples on the link and you need internet connection in order to have this viewer working.

Embed image into exe

I see that Blend 4 is not embedding the image to the EXE as WPF does. WPF will create "/my_project;component/Images" and the image will refer to its component. While inserting image in Blend, it will create "pack://siteoforigin:,,," . Only file with size 250KB above will save the image to EXE. How to do this to every image?
Motive: When I go to production, I need to copy the debug folder. But the image is not placed in the running directory, instead in the solution. So running the debug only will result in a system crash as it cannot found the image.
Question: How to make Blend save every image to the EXE or by mean, the application component?

image file resources to image source in silverlight app

I want a Listbox that lists all the images I have as resources in my app, then on selection changed the Image Source in my app is changed.
Need to:
Enumerate all the image files,
Load them into an imagesource
In WPF, I can just System.IO to grab the files from a directory, but I can't do this in silverlight.
how do I do this?
Don't think you can do that for files set as Resource or Content. It is possible for Embedded Resource (although Embedded Resource is not recommended for Silverlight. Don't think that an Image control can access them directly). See related discussion It suggests creating such a list during build time using T4
