using user defined variable in model class variable in cakephp - cakephp

I want to use a form variable inside a cakephp model class variable $actsAs.Below is an example code.
public $actsAs = array('MeioUpload' => array('doc' => array('allowedMime' => array('application/x-compressed','application/x-zip-compressed','application/zip','multipart/x-zip'),'dir'=>'uploads'.DS.$this->data['User']['foldername'])));
In the above code i have used a form variable ($this->data['User']['foldername']) in the $actsAs array for passing directory name to meioupload behaviour.
What can be the write process to implement it.

That definition is wrong.
You can set that data from the constructor though.
public function __construct($data) {
$this->actsAs = array('MeioUpload' => array('doc' => array('allowedMime' => array('application/x-compressed', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/zip', 'multipart/x-zip'), 'dir' => 'uploads' . DS . $data['User']['foldername'])));
Something like that would do the trick.

I added parent::__construct(); And $this->Behaviors->init($this->alias,$this->actsAs); and it works good.
Below is the modified code:
public function __construct() {
$this->actsAs = array('MeioUpload' => array('doc' => array('allowedMime' => array('application/x-compressed', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/zip', 'multipart/x-zip'), 'allowedExt' => array('.zip'),'dir' => 'uploads' . DS . $_REQUEST['data']['User']['foldername'])));

In this example I’m changing path dynamically from controller.
In Controller ( Where you specifying data to change value of $actsAs variable ) :
In Model where you’ll change value in constructor :
public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
$path = Configure::read(‘path_var’);
// change actsAs’s different value according to your need
$this->actsAs['Upload.Upload']['photo']['path'] = $path;
parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
Please write statement Configure::write before model created.


Can not get paginate parameters using func_get_arg() function in Model

I'm updating cakephp2 to cakephp3.
For model side, I can not get paginate parameters using func_get_arg() function in Model.
How can I get it?
I want to keep using func_get_arg() because other Model classes have also same logic.
class TopController extends AppController {
public function showTop() {
$query = array(
'limit' => 5,
'extra' => array(
'data' => 'test',
$topRawTable = TableRegistry::get('TopRawSql');
$pages = $this->Paginator->paginate($topRawTable->paginate($query)); //Error occur
class TopRawSqlTable extends Table {
public $useTable = false;
function paginate()
$extra = func_get_arg(6); // null
$limit = func_get_arg(3); // null
$page = func_get_arg(4); // null
// Execute custom query
I knew that CakePHP2 supports override paginate() and paginateCount() functions. But CakePHP3 DOESN'T support override paginate() and paginateCount(). That's why I couldn't get parameters by func_get_arg().
So, I switched to use CakePHP2 paginator feature.

CakePHP 3.0 build a permission menu using Cells

I would like to create a menu in new CakePHP 3.0 and I found that using cells might be a good way. So let's say I created UserMenuCell
class UserMenuCell extends Cell {
protected $_validCellOptions = [];
public function display() {
$menu = [];
$menu[] = $this ->menu( __('Dashboard'), array( 'controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'dashboard' ), 'fa-dashboard', [] );
if( $this -> Auth -> isAuthorized(null, ??? ))
$menu[] = $this ->menu( __('Barcodes'), array( 'controller' => 'Barcodes', 'action' => 'index' ), 'fa-table', [] );
$this -> set ( 'menu', $menu );
private function menu( $title, $url = [], $icon, $submenu = [] ) {
return ['title' => $title, 'url' => $url, 'icon' => $icon, 'submenu' => $submenu]; }
But I want to display Barcodes item only when current user is authorized to manage barcodes. How can I do it? I can't even access $this -> Auth to get current user.
In my cell's template is everything OK. I just need to create this nested array for menu.
According to Cookbook, the session is available from within Cells.
class UsermenuCell extends Cell
public function display()
Like this you could read the needed informations in your cell display function.
and if you pass the session variable?
<?= $this->cell('userMenu', $this->Session->read('Auth')); ?>
I think the problem is solved:
I can make controller to have static method for example static public function _isAuthorized($user, $request) which would handle the authorization logic (so every controller controls only its own permissions).
And then I can just call from anywhere for example PostsController::_isAuthorized($user, ['action' => 'add']). This should solve all problems I guess.
Also good point is to pass $this -> Auth -> user() into view, so it can be used in Cells (through parameter).
public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
$this -> set('user', $this -> Auth -> user());
use App\Controller\PostsController; // Don't forget to use namespace of your Controller
class MenuCell extends Cell {
public function display($user) {
$menu = [];
if (PostsController::_isAuthorized($user, ['action' => 'add'])) // In that method you must handle authorization
$menu[] = ['title' => 'Add post', 'url' => array('controller' => 'Posts', 'action' => 'add')];
$this -> set ('menu', $menu); // Handle this in Template/Cell/Menu/display.ctp
src/Template/Cell/Menu/display.ctp - just to show how to render menu
<?php foreach($menu as $item) {
echo '<li>' . $this -> Html -> link ($item['title'], $item['url']);
} ?>
src/Template/Layout/default.ctp - render menu in main layout
<?= $this -> cell('Menu', array($user)) /* This is the user passed from beforeFilter */ ?>
Then you can play with isAuthorized methods. For example you can edit your AppController. Always when CakePHP calls isAuthorized function it will be redirected to YourNameController::_isAuthorized() static method (if exists).
public function isAuthorized( $user ) {
$childClass = get_called_class();
if(method_exists($childClass, '_isAuthorized'))
return $childClass::_isAuthorized($user, $this -> request);
return static::_isAuthorized($user, $request);
static public function _isAuthorized($user, $request)
if ($user['role'] == 'admin')
return true;
return false; // By default deny any unwanted access
This is an example of your controller. You can specify only static _isAuthorized($user, $request) method, because for purposes of CakePHP default behavior it will be called from AppController::isAuthorized (see code above).
static public function _isAuthorized($user, $request)
$action = ($request instanceof Cake\Network\Request) ? $request -> action : $request['action'];
if($action == 'add' && $user['role'] == 'CanAddPosts')
return true;
return parent::_isAuthorized($user, $request);
As you can see I made $request to accept an array or Cake\Network\Request object. That's because CakePHP call it with Request object but when I call it I don't need to create this object, since my parameters are easy (see code above MenuCell.php).
Of course you can now do more complex logic like user can have more roles separated by comma and you can explode this and check if user has permission by in_array.
Now it's really up to you what is your logic behind permissions. Every controller can handle it's own permission managing while you can always access these permissions with every user and every page request.

How to update translation cakephp but not main table

I have added translate behaviour to a model, the model comes here
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Category extends AppModel
public $hasMany = "Product";
public $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty'
public $actsAs = array(
'Translate' => array(
public $name = "Category";
public $translateModel = 'KeyTranslate';
And heres the controller for updating the model
public function admin_edit_translate($id,$locale)
$this->Category->locale = $locale;
$category = $this->Category->findById($id);
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->Category->id = $id;
if ($this->Category->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Category translate has been updated');
//$this->redirect(array('action' => 'edit',$id));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Unable to update category');
if (!$this->request->data) {
$this->request->data = $category;
My Problem is that i have a name field in the categories database and when i update or create a new translation it gets updated with the translated value. How do i avoid that
You must use Model::locale value to set code language for save in database
This happens because the TranslateBehavior uses callbacks like beforeSave and afterSave to save translated content, so it needs to let the model's save operation continue and thus will contain the last translated content.
You could get around this by tricking the TranslateBehavior into thinking the model is saving something by calling the beforeSave and afterSave like this:
$Model = $this->Category;
$Model->locale = $locale;
$beforeSave = $Model->Behaviors->Translate->beforeSave($Model, array(
'callbacks' => true
if($beforeSave) {
$Model->id = $id;
$Model->Behaviors->Translate->afterSave($Model, true);
This way the translation will be saved and the main table will be left untouched. Might not be the best way to save translations though. Why do you need to leave the main table untouched?
Callback Behavior::beforeSave is before Model::beforeSave...
but, the simplest way to modify data in Model::beforeSave before Behavior::beforeSave before realy saving is:
$this->Behaviors->Behavior_Name->runtime[Model_Name]['beforeSave'][Field_Name] = '...';

cake php link to the current page with different prefix

In my default layout I would like to show link which points to the current page but with different prefix. I am using prefix 'language' to use address like
I tried $this->Html->link('eng', array('language' => 'eng') );
But this creates link with url eng/controller/action without passed arguments, without named arguments and without url params.
How I can do this? I would prefer elegant solution like 1 line of code - I know it can be done but can't find it :(.
Try this:
// helper method, possibly AppHelper, or in AppController and set a view var
function getCurrentParams() {
$route = Router::currentRoute();
$params = $this->request->params;
$pass = $params['pass'];
$named = $params['named'];
unset($params['pass'], $params['named']);
if (!empty($route->options['pass'])) {
$pass = array();
return array_merge($params, $named, $pass);
$params = $this->SomeHelper->getCurrentParams();
$params['language'] = 'eng';
// use $params for your link now
in my case this easy solution worked too!
App::uses('HtmlHelper', 'View/Helper');
class MyHtmlHelper extends HtmlHelper {
public function url($url = null, $full = false) {
if(!isset($url['language']) && isset($this->params['language']) && is_array($url)) {
$url['language']= $this->params['language'];
if(count($url) == 1 && isset($url['language'])){
$params = $this->params;
$url = array_merge($params['pass'],$url);
return parent::url($url, $full);
and in AppController
public $helpers = array(
'Html' => array('className' => 'MyHtml')
$this->Html->link('eng', array('language' => 'eng', 'pass') );
Something like this should work:
$url = Router::parse($this->here);
$this->Html->link('eng', $url);
It's not one line, but you could compress it into one line but it would be pretty unreadable.
You could wrap it in a helper / function which would be a one line call though ;-)

Symfony 2 : Access database inside FormBuilder

I'm building a form which contains a category field. I need a choice list to do that, but I don't find out how to fill this choice list with the several categories stored in the database.
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
$builder->add('item', 'text', array('label' => 'Item'));
$builder->add('category', 'choice', array(
'choices' => ???,
'label' => 'Category'
How can I get the categories from the database?
(I can't seem to access $this->getDoctrine() inside this class.)
Use type entity instead of choice
->add('entity_property', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'Namespace\\To\\Entity',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $repository) {
return $repository->createQueryBuilder('q')
->where('q.a_field = yourvalue');
Two ways for using custom parameters in your query. In both situations, the parameters are injected from outside, so your FormType don't need any references to the session or request objects or whatever.
1- Pass required parameters to your constructor
class TaskType extends AbstractType
private $custom_value;
public function __construct($custom_value) {
$this->custom_value = $custom_value;
// ...
in your buildForm() you must copy the value to local variable and make it available for the query_builder callback:
public function buildForm(/*...*/) {
$my_custom_value = $this->custom_value;
// ...
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $repository) use ($my_custom_value) {
return $repository->createQueryBuilder('q')
->where('q.a_field = :my_custom_value')
->setParameter('my_custom_value', $my_custom_value);
// ...
2- use the $options parameter of the buildForm method.
First you have to define a default value by overriding getDefaultOptions:
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
return array(
'my_custom_value' => 'defaultvalue'
Then you can pass it from your controller in the third argument of the createForm method.
$this->createForm(new YourFormType(), $entity, array('my_custom_value' => 'custom_value'));
Now the value should be available through the $options parameter of youru buildForm method. Pass it to the callback as described above.
In Symfony 2.1
You now have to use the OptionsResolverInterface within the setDefaultOptions method. Here is the code you would have to use if you wanted to retrieve the options (using the same example as the accepted answer)
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options){
parent::buildForm($builder, $options);
$my_custom_value = $options[custom_value];
// ...
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $repository) use ($my_custom_value) {
return $repository->createQueryBuilder('q')
->where('q.a_field = :my_custom_value')
->setParameter('my_custom_value', $my_custom_value);
// ...
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'my_custom_value' => 'defaultvalue'
You still pass the options in the same way:
$this->createForm(new YourFormType(), $entity, array('my_custom_value' => 'custom_value'));
