Silverlight - Embedded font fails to load... sometimes - silverlight

I have Silverlight application that is using an embedded font. The font works as expected 98% of the time. However, some of the time the font never loads. I don't get any errors, it just renders all text in a fall back font. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on what could be causing it?

Ran into the same issue. Assuming you have the font file set as a 'Resource' and 'Do not copy option' under build options. Here is what fixed it in my project.
When the font file was referenced directly, it would work about 75% of the time...
FontFamily="./Folder/FontFile.TTF#Font Name"
For class libraries the syntax is different, once I switched to using this syntax the font always loaded.
FontFamily="AssembyName;component/Folder/FontFile.TTF#Font Name"
In my project, if you select the font using in the property settings for the control using Visual Studio, it defaulted to option 1, which was unreliable.


Distortion in webpage due to change in DPI in Windows settings in Chromium

Running the CefSharp/WinForms/MinimalExample on Win 10 machine with display setting set to 125% causes a weird distortion in the website as I hover my mouse over the DOM element.
Here is how it looks,
As you can see, as I hover over the address text box, the text box jumps. I tried to then switch to and it still has the same issue.
This only occurs when the display setting is set to anything other than 100%. Is this a bug, or I need to change something?
Ok, so it is really simple. It has nothing to do with CefSharp but you need to make your WinForm DPIAware and the easiest way to do that is,
Right-Click on your project and select Add -> New Item
Select Application Manifest File
If you are using VS 2015, search for dpiaware term. Uncomment the code and rebuild and you are set.
In case, you don't have VS 2015, copy this code,
<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<dpiAware xmlns="">true</dpiAware>
and paste it inside the <assembly> tag. Save and rebuild and your WinForm is DPI Aware.

How to force landscape on a Flash builder mobile app

I am building a mobile application using Flash Builder. I am testing on a Motorola Xoom. When the app opens on the attached Xoom it opens with the correct orientation (landscape), but when it opens on the computer in the emulator it is backwards (Portrait).
I have specified the ratio and orientation in the *-app.xml:
I'm assuming it is a bug but it is possible that I am missing something or that there may be a fix.
In my case, neither was working. So, for the desktop version, I've made an ugly thing: duplicated the aspectRatio property above the others, after title property. I don't know if the position of the property matters, but that way it worked.
There is just one problem with this approach: when building the debug version of your application all works fine (including in mobile), but when you build the release version, an error occurs saying that the aspectRation property is unexpected. Just remove one of them and the build will work.
Just for the register, to make it work in mobile, I had to set the property aspectRatio in the code too, like this:

Changing the default file path for icons in Visual Studio

On a WPF project, if I have an image and click on 'Source' and then 'Add' I get the choice to import images into the project. Is there a way of changing this file location?
VS2010 currently defaults to the "Libraries / Pictures" setting. I'd rather not change where this library points to as I don't store icons and pictures together.
After a bit of research I set up a new Windows library (useful article here) for icons but I can't work out how to set VS to default to the icons library I created, does anyone know how to do this?
Using Process Monitor on my machine when doing this, I see the following:
Calls to RegOpenKey, RegQueryKey aimed at:
This seems to be a list of the last projects I've added/opened in Visual Studio. To test this, I added a project from a different location to my solution, then tried to change the source of the image.
Sure enough, the dialog defaulted to that location.
Your mileage my vary, but certainly, on my machine, the behaviour seems tied to what project I opened last. You can use Process Monitor to monitor devenv.exe while you choose an image on your machine to see what happens.
Given this, though, it would seem that you can't change this behaviour, although you can influence it.

Font changes during the runtime in WPF app

I'm using a non English (Hebrew) font in a WPF application. The font was embedded in the project by expression blend.
In the designer I see the font correctly, but during the run time part of the letters are being changed to different font style.
What could it be?
Are the design and runtime environment on the same machine ?
If not, check for installed fonts.
If it's on the same machine, then maybe check if some localization happens on during runtime.

Why can't I set the Image Source in WPF app?

I'm just learning WPF. I'm using VS 2008. I've added an Image control to my XAML, and I added a GIF file to the project. If I use the XAML Designer's property panel to set the image's Source property, the drop-down list for the Source property contains the following:
C:\Sample Project;component/pinHorizontal.gif
There are several problems with this:
My project, named "Sample Project," is not in the root of my drive.
Why is ";component" in there?
If I select this value as given, I get the error "Property value is not valid" (yeah, no kidding).
If I go into the XAML source and set the Source property manually, like so:
<Image Name="PinImage" Source="pinHorizontal.gif"/>
The XAML Designer gives me this error:
"The file pinHorizontal.gif is not part of the project or its 'Build Action' property is not set to 'Resource'."
Why is this task so difficult? How do I assign an image source?
Have a read through this article - though be warned it's not particularly light reading :-)
I suspect what you want for your image path is pack://application:,,,/pinHorizontal.gif. if your image is set to a BuildAction of Resource, this will work fine.
Right click on the image file(pinHorizontal.gif) in the SolutionExplorer, Go to properties, here is the 'Build Action' property, you need to set it to 'Resource'. Hope it helps!!
This post is an "and also"... not an answer to the original question.
I just thought I'd document it in case some other poor booger has this problem in future... and googling that error message finds this SO question... so here's a good place to do so.
I've been creating new icons (actually bitmaps) and adding them "on the fly" to my Visual Studio 2008 project (i.e. Add ~ Existing item). The IDE has been reporting file ${filename} is not part of the project or its 'Build Action' property is not set to 'Resource' errors on my XAML page... but my project builds and runs OK... so what gives???
I tried everything I could think of the get visual studio to refresh it's view of the filesystem, to no avail.
Well, I've just dicovered that restarting Visual Studio "refeshes" its cache of filesystem/build-output contents, which makes those annoying non-errors in the IDE go away. So I add a batch of icons, mark them all as Resources ~ Copy if newer, build, and then restart the IDE, and it's all good.
Cheers all. Keith.
In the Solution Explorer, select your project and right click rebuild the solution, and try to add the image again, it should work fine.
under the Build tab select rebuild the solution, and try to add the image again.
You can use this piece of code in the XAML to load an image from the absolute path without setting nothing. Use DecodePixelWidth or DecodePixelHeight to save application memory.
<BitmapImage DecodePixelWidth="200" UriSource="C:\image.png" />
Hope it helps!
I was having the exact same problem. I just manually typed in the location of the file when the Choose image box pops up and that worked for me.
I opened the Choose image box again after I got it to work and noticed that file:/// was now in front of the file location. I know next to nothing about Visual Basic (which is what I'm using) so there may be a good explanation for this, but I don't have it.
