SQL 2008 Express & Intellisense? - sql-server

Does the SQL 2008 Express have intellisense?

If you mean SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, then yes. It's context-based depending on the database you're currently in, and not always 100%, but it is there.

According to this post it was initially in there but later dropped:
SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Intellisense

SSMS 2008 has intellisense, but it works with SQL Server 2008 only.
If you need SQL autocomplete/formatting functionality for previous versions of SQL Server, take a look at dbForge SQL Complete - a free add-in for SQL Server Management Studio that replaces built-in intellisense.

In adding to our previous answer: recently we have released a new version of dbForge SQL Complete that offers a bunch of new features. All new features are available in shareware Standard Edition (30-days free trial, $49.95).
You still can get all basic functionality, similar to v. 1.0, with Express Edition.


SQL Server Managment Studio 2012 With Other Versions Of SQL Server

I know it might sound naïve but is there's anyway to use the SSMS 2012 with SQL Server 2008 as it's our deployment server but I really hate the absence of Intellisense SSMS 2008 and it makes me waste a lot of time that makes using the GUI much more reasonable option
You need to install SSMS 2012 from the installation media of SQL Server 2012. Or as an alternative you can download and use SSMS 2016, which is still in beta, but can be downloaded and updated separately from a database engine - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt238290.aspx. It has all features of SSMS 2012 and more.
Yes, I've used SSMS 2012 and 2014 against our production 2008 and 2008R2 SQL server instances.
I have used SSMS2012 against multiple versions of SQL Server (2008R2, 2012 and even 2014) and I have not encountered any problems so far. Anyway, I expect to be fully backward compatible, so it should work fine with 2008R2.

SQL Server Data Tools 2012 Licensing

I have installed SQL Server Data Tools for 2012 to have BI template available for Visual Studio Express 2012.
It installed correctly and I can create project in VS 2012 Express.
I would like to know if there is some license required or it is free to use.
Please guide.
SQL Server Data Tools is free to use. However SQL Server is not free. Only SQL Server Express is free.
Here is a link, that explains the difference between all the versions of SQL Server. Here is another link that explains licensing with Visual Studio.

How can I enable Full-Text indexing using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2008 Express?

I did it using the commands as described here and it works but I want to do it using the SQL Management Studio.
SQL Server 2008 Books Online says this:
To create a full-text catalog:
In Object Explorer, expand the server,
expand Databases, and expand the
database in which you want to create
the full-text catalog.
Storage, and then right-click
Full Text Catalogs.
Select New Full-Text Catalog.
In the New Full-Text Catalog dialog
box, specify the information for the
catalog that you are re-creating. For
more information, see New Full-Text
Catalog (General Page).
Click OK.
There's no such option as Storage in my SQL Server Management Studio.
Am I missing something?
You need to install SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services in order to be able to use Full Text search in 2008 Express.
Ok. It appears that SSMS-E does not support management of FullText catalogs.
There is a free add-in on CodePlex (http://www.codeplex.com/FulltextManager) that appears to add this functionality.
Alternately, you could purchase SQL2008 Developer edition (I believe the cost is still only $49US) which includes the full edition of SSMS, and can connect to a SSE installation.
You should install SQL Express 2008 service pack 1 ->
Are you using the full edition of SSMS or the Express edition?
Also, are you using the latest version of the SQL BooksOnline. either the August 2008 release, or the online version. The version of BOL that shipped at RTM was unfortunately written primarly around the February release, and there were a significant number of changes to SSMS between then and release.
You may also consider upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Advanced, which does support fulltext search.
I guess using the CodePlex addin is the only way, because even with SSMS from Standard edition you are unable to manage Express fulltext catalogs.

SQL Server Express 2008 Install Side-by-side w/ SQL 2005 Express Fails

When I try to install a new instance of SQL Server 2008 Express on a development machine with SQL 2005 Express already up and running, the install validation fails because the "SQL 2005 Express tools" are installed and I'm told to remove them.
What exactly does that mean?
After reading this article:
I uninstalled the 2005 version of the SQL Management Studio but received the same error from the 2008 installer during my follow-up attempt.
1) Uninstalled the SQL 2005 Management Studio only. Received the same error from the 2008 install.
2) Removed all SQL 2005 common components. Received the same error from the 2008 install.
3) Installed the shared components from the SQL 2008 installation program. Received the same error from the 2008 install when trying to install the new SQL 2008 instance.
4) Uninstalled SQL 2008 components, rebooted, re-installed SQL 2005 Management Studio from installation media, rebooted, un-installed SQL 2005 Workstation Components from Control Panel, re-booted.
Installation of SQL 2008 is now proceeding as it should.
Seems likely that if I'd re-booted after update 2 above things would have gone more smoothly. :-(
Although you should have no problem running a 2005 instance of the database engine beside a 2008 instance, The tools are installed into a shared directory, so you can't have two versions of the tools installed. Fortunately, the 2008 tools are backwards-compatible. As we speak, I'm using SSMS 2008 and Profiler 2008 to manage my 2005 Express instances. Works great.
Before installing the 2008 tools, you need to remove any and all "shared" components from 2005. Try going to your Add/Remove programs control panel, find Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and click "Change." Then choose "Workstation Components" and remove everything there (this will not remove your database engine).
I believe the 2008 installer also has an option to upgrade shared components only. You might try that. Good luck!
In my case even after uninstalling all 2005 related components it didn't worked. I had to resort to a brute force way and remove following registry keys
32 Bit OS: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90
64 Bit OS: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90
I had to unistall the Workstation Components and SSMS Tools Pack (SSMS Tools Pack is an add-in for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) including SSMS Express.)
Installation of SQL 2008 is now proceeding as it should.
The problem is that SQL 2008 MS has a bug where connecting to a remote server (say like a service provider collocation) it will always try to open the fist db in the list, and since the possibilities of been ur db the first on the list are really low, it will throw and error and fail to display the list of dbs... which using sql 2005 management studio it just works.
Wished I could use SQL 2008 MS, but looks like as far I connect to remote SQL 2005, SQL 2008 is out of the question on my dev machine :(
Just Remove the the Workstation Components from Add/Remove Programs - SQL Server 2005.
Removing Workstation Components, SQL Server 2008 installation goes well.
Simply remove the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 from control panel
N.B. These notes are for SQL Server Express 2008 R2 (so Microsoft still haven't made this any easier). I also realise that I complicated things by installing 32-bit SQL Server Express 2005 and 64-bit SQL Server Express 2008.
I followed the steps by Josh Hinman above. Uninstalling the SQL Server Express 2005 "Workstation Components" was not enough. I required an uninstall of the 2005 Management Studio as well.
I also tried the Upgrade route that Josh Hinman suggested by clicking on the 'Upgrade from SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008'. This route never gave me the option of installing the components side-by-side it just went straight through the process of upgrading from 2005 to 2008. It completed successfully - but hadn't actually done anything. Thankfully though it hadn't harmed any existing database instances. So be warned trying that route.
If you currently have Red Gate SQL Toolbelt, you will need to unistall that too before continuing. Somehow it adds a reference to the 2005 version of the SQL Management Studio.
I'am trying to install SQL SERVER developer 2008 R2 alongside SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS,
i went to program features, clicked on unistall SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS, and only checked, WORKSTATION COMPONENTS, it unistalled: support files, sql mngmt studio
After that installation of sql 2008 r2 developer went ok....
Hopes this helps somebody
I also had to remove the SMSS before it would get past that step.

Why won't Visual Studio 2008 create .mdf files with SQL Server 2008 Developer installed?

I'm trying some of the ASP.NET MVC tutorials and one of them has the following steps:
Right-click on the "App_Data" folder, and choose "Add New item"
Choose "SQL Server Database" under the "Data" category.
However, once I do that, I get the following message from Visual Studio:
Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function proprely. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL...
The thing is that I have SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition installed, and I would really rather not install any Express versions (2005 or 2008) if I don't have to. Is there a work-around for this issue?
I ran into this problem too on 64-bit Windows 7 (using 64-bit SQL Server Express 2008).
There are two methods of fixing this problem referenced in the Microsoft Support Knowledge Base article:
1. Workaround
To work around this problem, uninstall
the 64-bit version of SQL Server
Express 2008, and then install the
32-bit version of SQL Server Express
If you don't want to do the uninstall/install, then try the Hotfix method below.
2. Hotfix
A supported hotfix is now available
from Microsoft. However, it is
intended to correct only the problem
that this article describes. Apply it
only to systems that are experiencing
this specific problem.
Although the article itself doesn't include a link to the hotfix, you can get it here:
To illuminate masfenix's reply, SQL Express supports one feature that is not supported by full-blown SQL Server: a "user instance" database. With SQL Express installed and an mdf file in your App_Data folder, the application will dynamically attach and detach it as needed. For hobbyist or small business sites, this may be perfect. If you're running SQL elsewhere in the enterprise, you probably don't want to go this route and therefore the feature isn't useful to you.
Actually SQL express is a whole different database engine then SQL Server 2005. So yes if you want to use mdf files you'd need SQL Express.
I want to point out that I have both Developer edition and Express edition installed. And I still run into the same error. I think Express edition must be installed as a single instance.
I have the same problem but I've sql 2008 express installed.
any way to make it work with sql 2008 express so I don't have to install the 4th sql instance on my machine??
I already have sql 2005, sql 2008, sql 2008 express
what the F... :)
