SalesForce to emulate a google session login - salesforce

I'm pretty new to SalesForce and their Apex language. I've been reading some documentation and tried the integration between Google and SalesForce.
I'm wondering is it possible to emulate an auth token from google to SalesForce?
I'm trying to read a google spreadsheet and then fill up a SalesForce object automatically. The user login will always be the same/universal for this spreadsheet, so I have the credentials required to login.
I am working off of the sample that requires a visualforce, and I'm wondering how would I automatically do the session id token that the google spreadsheet API requires.
Any ideas?

The old-school, hard way would be to send a login() call to the API (available through SOAP messages). Salesforce API is well documented and plenty of examples are available (both in programming languages and for raw XML requests/responses).
But I have no idea what possibilities you have from Google side, if it's only JavaScript then you might not be able to send and retrieve AJAX-like calls to another domain...
Recently another option emerged and that is REST API (no SOAP needed). Looks more promising and easier in my opinion. Quick intro is available here and you'll find more documentation on the bottom of the page.
Last but not least - 2 interesting links: for some integration tutorial
and built-in integration offered by Salesforce:

I've used custom settings to do this. Use OAuth to get a token for Google, then store that token in Salesforce custom settings (Setup-Develop-Custom Settings). You can then retrieve the token for callouts to Google from that custom setting for any user needing access to Google Apps. The downside is, every user will authenticate as your custom setting token user. The upside is that they won't need to individually authenticate. Custom settings are retrievable via Apex using a simple getter, and live as Apex-like objects.
Also keep in mind, Google requires each service to use it's own token. So, if your user wants to use Calendars and Spreadsheets, that's two separate tokens that will need to be stored and retrieved for the callout.
I generally allow users to create their own authenticated session tokens via OAuth if they want to do that, then failover to the custom settings to get the general admin token if necessary.

Are you trying to log into Google Apps from SFDC? There are options for Google Apps within Salesforce, go to Setup > Administration Setup > Google Apps > Settings. I've not used this and it requires some setup, but thought I'd point it out. Aside from that I can only blurt out OAuth (getting users to authenticate with Google from within Salesforce when trying to access Google Apps) and SSO (which I know can be used to authenticate from an external system, though not sure if it works the other way).

Look into the "Named Credentials" menu in salesforce setup.
There, you can store auth credentials for the services accessed via Apex:
"A named credential specifies a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters. When setting up callouts, avoid setting authentication parameters for each callout by referencing named credentials."
a username/pass combo can be used, or a certificate, or an AWS signature, and there is a JWT option..
Help docs:


Google Cloud Endpoints - Authenticating users from internal database

I am new to Google Cloud Endpoints and I have started to build some HTTP REST services.
The purpose of those services is to be consumed directly by the users of my application (Business to Consumer - not business to business).
(The question)
I need to secure my services in a way to have only registered users being able to retrieve sensible data (and after login). My main purpose is to have the list of registered users saved in my database on CloudSQL (Dont want to use FB of Google Accounts). I was not able to find particular information about this point in the official Google documentation regarding authentication.
Can anyone advise me of the way to proceed and suggest some tutorials?
Thank you in advance.
The Endpoints proxy can validate JWTs, and we provide a couple of alternatives for creating those. Both Auth0 and Firebase have good user management capabilities and client-side libraries for generating JWTs. Both allow you to choose an identity provider (like FB or Google) or simply use username/password.
Check out the documentation here.
If you don't want to use Auth0 or Firebase Authentication, you can sign JWTs yourself with a private key and just give the proxy the URL of the Public Key (see the "Custom" tab on that same documentation page).
As far as looking up individual users in the database, you would have to do that part on your own.

How to Authenticate user, password with Google App Engine + Java?

I need to authenticate user email and password with Google. I am using App Engine + Java environment. Is there any provision in Google APIs ?
currently i am using
ContactService client = new ContactService ("yourCompany-yourAppName-v1");
client.setUserCredentials("", "pa$$word");
I need to replace this Google APIs. I need to authenticate user with Google not application.
Please suggest me how can i do this.
In your last comment you say that the google username and password is entered in the client and validated in the server. That is NOT possible, google has deprecated the ability of an app to capture the password and thats excellent.
The only way to do this is with oauth2, BUT addionally you need to pass a special parameter &max_auth_age=0.
At this point this question is basically a duplicate of this: No prompt for re-authentication with OAUth2. Why and how to force it? however I didnt mark duplicate because yours is a different situation.
Explaining oauth in detail is not part of this answer as its explained well in the official documentation and many guides. Do not use the built-in appengine userService. Instead configure appengine pages so they are all public and on top implement oauth2, for example using the existing google+ javascript signin libraries (thou not sure if those let you set the max_auth_age parameter. If not, you need to roll your own oauth2 "client side 3-legged" flow. In that flow, the client will see the google login page every time, and after the client-side flow finishes, the client will end up with an access token which is what it sends to the server to validate that the user entered the correct username and password. If you include the correct scope ( scope) then the server can use that access token to ask google the username that generated the token, thus you have validated that the client did login to google and you know their email.
But you will NOT receive the password. Just enough info to authenticate the user.
The question isn't very clear, I'll try to respond in two way.
1) Authenticate users on appengine with custom username and password.
To do that you need the "classic" way, I suggest you to use a framework like Spring with his module "spring-security", take a look at this sample.
2) Authenticate users on appengine with Google Account.
This is the best way I think, you only need to follow this guide.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Publishing from Browser - How does Auth work?

I have a requirement to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub API directly from Browser ( similar to GA script). I was wondering how can in handle Auth without requiring going through a back-end server.
I want to invoke the Cloud Pub/Sub API directly from the browser. I tried and it says i need to authenticate first , my issue is how to secure the Auth Token.
Is there any javascript library that is available which i can use in Browser ( not backend) to invoke the Google Pub/Sub API.
Thanks in advance
The general approach in Javascript for authorizing and making authorized requests to Google APIs is shown at -- it's not specific to the Cloud Pubsub API, but it should work for all Google APIs. Similarly, for general Javascript access to Google APIs.
This is quite an old topic, but I've been recently assessing if it's possible. The simple answer is - yes, it is possible to send messages into PubSub topics directly from a browser application. The solution is as follows:
You need to post a message via REST API using fetch()
You need to send the Authorization header
Authorization header has to contain oAuth2.0 token identifying the user; it can be an anonymous authenticated user or fully authenticated, using firebase authentication library for example.
To have all three above working perfectly, you'd have to write a lot of code. It is not practical at all and architecturally not nice. Unless you absolutely need to do it that way, not another (I can't see why though), the simplified but involving a bit more components solution is as follows:
Authenticate user in-browser via firebase - can be either anonymous or full user
Do simple GET or POST to your cloud/firebase function with the required payload
In function validate the incoming request which will have authenticated user token
If validation is good then publish message into the topic
This way it's still secure, much more maintainable and clearly separated into functional components. Less code, a bit more infrastructure.

Authorizing google cloud endpoints API access without user sign in

I understand how the authorization process with Oauth works but is it somehow possible to authorize my access to my endpoints API without the user having to sign in? So what I'm trying to do is to restrict access to my API so that only certain websites, that I allow, have access to it and no others.
In Google APIs console I have created a 'client ID for web applications'.
In your described use case, the preferred solution is to use OAuth. In following the examples in the documentation, you'll be limiting the web sites (via the "JavaScript origins" value for the keys you obtained in the APIs Console).
Sites not listed in the origins will not be able to display the required authentication prompt (the client ID and origin are checked before Google will provide tokens). Developers will not be able to create their own client IDs with their preferred JavaScript origins, because your backend will be checking the client ID of the request is on a whitelist that is part of your code.

Connect a salesforce user to another salesforce user in another org without any user intervention

We would like to connect a salesforce user to another salesforce user in another org without any user intervention from a service.
We have tried SAML Bearer Flow (using Remote Access Application) to connect to salesforce to retreive Access Token for one of our product. We are referring to the follwoing article.
As referred by the SF article for this flow, it uses a previous user authorization to connect and retreive Token. In case the user (for whom Token is requested) has not already authorized the App, SF takes you to the Authorization page first and app will get the access token once app is authorized. This is working fine too. However it has this painful step of users authorizing the app before we can use this flow for the product. It would be good and simplified if this step can be done once for an org and the article does mentions that either User or Admin can authorize the app. However I am not able to find how an Admin can authorize the remote access application.
Does anyone knows and can guide how can an Admin authorize an App or is thre any other way we can achieve our requirement. Any thoughts will be really appreciated.
OAuth1 and OAuth2 require user intervention by design. Anything you do to defeat this would be circumspect and not best practice. You could make it easy on the user, but you will always have the initial "Authorize this app" message.
If you are trying to make it easy for the user to login to either org, then you may want to consider a hub-and-spoke SSO solution. See this doc.
If you are trying to pass information between two Salesforce instances, then you may want to consider Salesforce2Salesforce, or outbound workflow. However, this is done at system context, not user context.
If you want to maintain user context and security, you should consider the new Salesforce Canvas API. Canvas allows you to call an outbound service, and pass credentials to the service so that it can communicate back. There is no reason the foreign service could not be a Salesforce instance.
