How to have multiple windows in one WPF Application? - wpf

I'm relatively new to the WPF world and I'm working on an application where I need to have multiple windows in one application. Like Photoshop when the user clicks on "New" button a new window opens and the old existing window(s) goes in the background. The toolbar and the statusbar, however, stay on top, untouched.
I would also like to add the feature that the user can work with multiple windows if each of them is not maximized.
How do I achieve this?
I apologize if I'm a bit unclear in framing my question.

What you are (probably) talking about is an MDI Application. "Unfortunately" WPF does not support that natively. I use quotes because it is more frowned upon in modern UI development than it was in the past.
Instead, the most common "WPF way" of doing this is to open each New window in a new tab in a tab control (like Visual Studio and most web browsers do).
If you really want to do an MDI application, Google search that, but to warn you, it probably means creating your own Window manager.
An alternative is to open non-modal windows, with their ShowInTaskbar property set to false. This gives you the ability to open as many windows as you want, but you lose the ability to contain them within a centralized workspace app.


A window with no taskbar icon, no appearance in Alt-Tab and *without* using the ToolWindow extended style

I have a problem that appears to be new to Windows 10.
I want to create a form that is visible to the user, but with no task bar icon and that does not appear in Alt+Tab.
This is perfectly doable if one is happy to sacrifice the normal styling of a window by following the accepted solutions here for either WPF or Windows Forms.
The general advice for both WPF and Windows Forms is:
Set ShowInTaskbar to false
Enable the ToolWindow styling (either through setting the border style in WinForms or the WindowStyle in WPF)
However, this has a new, practical problem in Windows 10 when using Virtual Desktops: the moment you do the above, the WPF or WinForms window will appear in every virtual desktop. See my example application with a red background:
This affects both the Task View switching screen and the actual desktop itself. No matter where you go, the form is there!
Is there any way to show a form - or even just a bitmap - on Windows without anything appearing in the taskbar, without anything appearing in Alt+Tab and without duplicating the window on every virtual desktop?
I have spent two days researching every possible option, trying every example online, reading MSDN documentation on window styles etc. but all resort to the same method, either through P/Invoke calls or directly, but either way the result is the same.

Silverlight OOB User Menu Control

Well ... at the risk of sounding like I really don't know anything about programming, I have a question about controls in Silverlight 5.
I have an OOB App that I am working with, but I need to add the User Menus (File, Edit, etc.) that are normally seen at the top of all apps. There used to be a control in VS (the Menu control) that was easily configurable. What is the control used to create the User Menus in Silverlight 5? The Context Menu is not what I am asking about. That is the right mouse click menu ... so that's not the answer ...
Please, understand my problem. It's been since Silverlight 2 since I worked in Silverlight. I appreciate any information you kind folks would be willing to provide.
There is no such thing available directly from Microsoft (meaning it's neither built-in or present in the Silverlight Toolkit).
You will have to use third-party controls such as DevExpress or Telerik.
EDIT: Some more advice in response to your comment.
Another possibility is to create UIs from scratch. There are two forms of UIs that I found inspiring lately, both of which don't use any ribbons or drop-down menues at all. The first is to use "Windows 8"-like dashboards instead of traditional menues, the other is the Windows Azure Management Portal (a web application).
I don't use traditional UI frameworks for menues myself, but mostly because I don't like those approaches and I'm picky with how user interfaces should work and look like.
But obviously you have to make a serious time investment to go new ways. And it will heavily depend on your application what approach makes sense.
Here's one simple approach that could work in a number of cases, I used it for a database application (I call it the Windows-Phone-7/8 approach):
The screen is divided into the "page" area and information bars. The information bars contain no menues, just who's logged on, a back-button, a home-button, and context-sensitive buttons depending on what's in the view. So basically it behaves like a web browser and you navigate through the app by clicking on "links" (buttons that take you elsewhere).
There's only one page area, so no windows and no popups. I've gone to the extreme of making even dialog windows to be pages.
Now you need menues. You do that with "dashboards", ie. pages that present some overview stuff and buttons that lead to the other areas of your application.
Although you could have action buttons like save or delete on the page itself, I put them in the bottom bar (but they are still dependent on the page your on) - that is exactly how it works in Windows Phone 7/8.
One last advice: The real effort is usually not in the menus anyway. Beside your application logic itself, it's a lot of little things like login screen, error handling and how to present error messages (look at the windows azure management portal for how they did that really nicely) and gracefully failing on session timeout. There's also a lot of nuisance on how you manage your data (ria-services, etc.).
So as long as you don't need fancy data grid grouping, rich-text edit or excel-like pivot controls, a toolkit might not help you as much as you'd hope - because they give you only the controls, not the entire UI.

WPF: How to make a Google Chrome style GUI in WPF/MVVM?

I bet you guys know Google Chrome browser, yeah it comes from Chromium open-source projects, added some Google specific features.
I found the multi-tab GUI is quite attractive, especially the "drag-and-drop" feature for tabs and windows:
to "pull a tab" out to form a separate window, or
vice versa, to join a tab into a windows (that has a collection of tabs).
This would be quite helpful for designing some multi-process applications to achieve the stability, and a cool user experience, but ... how?
is it possible to do this in WPF?
or even one step more, is it possible to do this in MVVM?
Yeah, technically, everything is possible, but I can't see an easy pattern to do this
for WPF, how to handle such specific "crossing window" mouse interaction?
for MVVM, hmmm, will this be too challenging for MVVM?
maybe you should have a look at these libs/frameworks:
Its definitely possible. I've recreated the chrome tab look in the past with MVVM, complete with drag and drop, and I know another guy who created a tabbed application that lets you "pull away" tabs into a new window of its own. I believe it was all one application with multiple windows, so all open windows were part of the same application even if they show up separately in the task bar.
I'm not sure if I have his source code or not, I'd have to go digging for it.

Popup Outside the Bounds of the Silverlight Control

I'm simply wondering if it is possible to open one or more non-modal popups or dialogs, which are NOT limited to be displayed and moved within the bounds of the parent Silverlight control. Doesn't seem to be possible, even for out-of-browser installs. I hope I'm wrong :)
While the previous answers are true, strictly speaking it is possible in browser mode to have a real popup. At the moment it can only be done indirectly and with a lot more work than a normal Silverlight popup Window.
Basically you popup a new Silverlight app (or second instance of the current app) in a browser popup window (not a Silverlight popup). Silverlight can create the popup window via calls to Javascript.
The 2 Silverlight instances usually need to communicate data, but there are several solutions to that problem too. Javascript can also talk to Silverlight objects (love that feature) and pass information back or you could simply pass data one-way via URL parameters.
No this is not possible, Silverlight strictly renders to a single window (or if in Windowless mode the specific rectangle provided to it by its host).
As Anthony said this is not possible. I've heard from some of the people involved with Silverlight development that this is an often-requested feature and will most likely be added in an upcoming version. But I'm guessing it would only be available in "out of browser" mode.

Wpf popups or modal windows as user entry screens?

I am building an application which has multiple user entry screens. I would like to know if there are advantages/disadvantages of using wpf popups rather than modal windows?
I am using mvvm-light.
I have noticed that popups are being used extensively in touch applications (eg iPad).
The issue is really one of Desktop vs. Web applications. Popups in Silverlight (or other touch apps) involve having only one real window to work with (the mobile surface, or the web browser). If you are writing a desktop app, then modal windows will probably match user expectations better as Popups cannot leave the parent window.
pop ups are nice but are very difficult to control. In our apps we are using adorners to be 'pop-up' editors - we have created a control that can hold any other control and display it in the adorner layer of the main window. This allows to do things such as having 1 control appear next to another yet still have the other control in use or we can grey out the background and force focus to the new control and not allow any other control to be used until the 'ok' button is pressed. If you Google for adorners in wpf you will find a lot of excellent articles.
