SQL Buddy alternative for oracle [closed] - database

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for oracle admin tool like SQL Buddy (here). I just want to use the browser to test my querys.

For just to test querys you can try iSQL (but it is deprecated in 11g)
or may be look to http://www.oracletool.com/

You could try using APEX. It isn't specifically an admin tool (more for power-users/developers), but it is built-in on newer databases. You can write SQLs, build packages and procedures, view and filter data, etc.

While not web based I would suggest Oracle's (free) Sql Developer http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html
or (also free/OSS) Squirrel:

The best for me is SQLTool (http://www.sqltools.net/), it´s free, faster, easy to use and has a lot of option.

Although they're not web-based, I like toad and sqldeveloper. The former is commercial software, but very good - the latter is currently free (but long-term....?).


Free database servers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do you guys know any free database hosting servers? most of the ones I came across required a license.
I'm trying to learn about databases and connection to databases using java JDBC, so I don't really have a project going to be worth paying for a database.
You should be able to use either PostgresQL or MySQL. Both are free (MySql does have commercial-use limitations, though).
Why not download Oracle XE or MySQL? - even though the database is on the same machine, the concepts are still the same when it comes to connecting via JDBC and other available architectures

is there "phpmyadmin" for oracle? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I mean a php online script that connects to Oracle? Or should I use navicat? Is navicat that good? Any other alternative? I secretly hope that I will not be forced to use command line interface for a product that costs $40k (Well I am using the Express Edition. But anyway).
Check out Oracle SQL Developer. It's free, and it is a fully featured IDE. Find out more.
I use PLSQL Developer. It's not online, but it beats command line interfaces. :)
As others have posted, I use SQL Developer for my IDE. However, if you are looking for a fully functional web interface like PHPMyAdmin, check out Oracle's Application Express (Apex).
It's free, and although it's meant as a rapid web development tool, it has great tools to manage your schema, tables, and other objects.
In addition to SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer, you could use TOAD (Tool for Oracle Application Developers). It has both a paid for version and a free version.
In my experience the free version is easy to use and powerful enough for most users.

Please provide an alternative for DB visualiser for handling netezza database [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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currently i use db visualiser for connecting the netezza database. can you suggest any otehr alternative (freeware) for the same.
Check out Aginity Netezza Workbench www.aginity.com.
I haven't found anything better than DBVis. Make sure you are using the loaded JDBC drivers for netezza instead of the ODBC data source.
I broke down and got the paid version. very good stuff. You can run multiple query windows and explorers at once.
Other software includes RazorSQL or any number of other softwares like SQLassistant, SQLdeveloper, etc can be setup to run against netezza.
You should try using this project.

A good tool to populate database with dummy data? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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is there a good freeware that generates fake data for SQL Server? It would be really great if the tool generate the data according to foreign key (other constraints). Its such a repetitive task I am sure there must be a good tool for this but somehow i cant seem to find it.
If you cannot find a free version, RedGate produce a commercial one called SQL Data Generator.
other commercial tools.
1.EMS Data Generator for SQL Server
2.IRI RowGen, for multiple DBs and flat files, uses Eclipse GUI
I've always written my own. It rarely takes very long to write. This way I know what I'm dealing with and if it's not correct, then I can tweak as needed and re-run it.

Is there a SVN plugin for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 or 2008? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Looking for a "Source Control" plugin to integrate SSMS with Subversion/SVN. Anyone know of one?
Redgate's solution seems to be for versioning your database, not your files in your Solution Explorer. I've found two options for solution versioning:
1) Setting up TortoiseSVN as an external tool: http://jrummell.com/sql-server-management-studio-and-tortoisesvn
2) Agent SVN: http://www.zeusedit.com/agent/ssms/ms_ssms.html
I've tried neither of these options yet, but perhaps this helps someone's search
The only thing I know of at the moment is an Early Access Program for SQL Source Control from RedGate.
It is an EAP though, so is not even a complete but rough-around-the-edges product yet.
There is a complete solution from Redgate. Here is the URL: http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-source-control/
I don't know of one, but have you tried database projects in Visual Studio? That's what I would recommend for developing and storing SQL scripts. And in VS you can use Ankh or VisualSVN.
This has worked pretty good for me in the past. Haven't tried with 2008, but I am guessing that it would work too.
Codeproject ScriptDB4Svn
I've used this before and been pretty happy with it.
