Caliburn.Micro and WebServiceResult - silverlight

I'm looking for the correct version of this class for Caliburn.Micro
public class WebServiceResult : IResult where T : new()
The above signature is from the ContactManager example in the full Caliburn framework.
It does not cut and paste directly into a Micro-based project. There are too many missing classes to use this directly. Thoughts? or anyone know of the replacement?

Event though the underlying infrastructure is very different in Caliburn Micro (which is based on System.Windows.Interactivity), the concepts are pretty much the same.
Here is the CM version:
public class WebServiceResult<T, K> : IResult
where T : new()
where K : EventArgs
readonly static Func<bool> ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD= () => false;
readonly static Func<bool> ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD = () => true;
private readonly Action<K> _callback;
private readonly Expression<Action<T>> _serviceCall;
private ActionExecutionContext _currentContext;
private Func<bool> _originalGuard;
public WebServiceResult(Expression<Action<T>> serviceCall)
_serviceCall = serviceCall;
public WebServiceResult(Expression<Action<T>> serviceCall, Action<K> callback)
_serviceCall = serviceCall;
_callback = callback;
public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };
public void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
_currentContext = context;
//if you would to disable the control that caused the service to be called, you could do this:
var lambda = (LambdaExpression)_serviceCall;
var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)lambda.Body;
var eventName = methodCall.Method.Name.Replace("Async", "Completed");
var eventInfo = typeof(T).GetEvent(eventName);
var service = new T();
eventInfo.AddEventHandler(service, new EventHandler<K>(OnEvent));
public void OnEvent(object sender, K args)
//re-enable the control that caused the service to be called:
if (_callback != null)
Completed(this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs());
private void ChangeAvailability(bool isAvailable)
if (_currentContext == null) return;
if (!isAvailable) {
_originalGuard = _currentContext.CanExecute;
_currentContext.CanExecute = ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD;
else if (_currentContext.CanExecute == ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD) {
_currentContext.CanExecute = _originalGuard ?? ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD;


Problem loading view with MEF and ExportAttribute

I have a WPF app and I'm trying to use MEF to load viewmodels and view.
I can't successfully load Views.
The code:
public interface IContent
void OnNavigatedFrom( );
void OnNavigatedTo( );
public interface IContentMetadata
string ViewUri { get; }
public class ExtensionMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
public string ViewUri { get; private set; }
public ExtensionMetadataAttribute(string uri) : base(typeof(IContentMetadata))
this.ViewUri = uri;
class ViewContentLoader
public IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IContent, IContentMetadata>> ViewExports
public object GetView(string uri)
// Get the factory for the View.
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
if (viewMapping == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
String.Format("Unable to navigate to: {0}. " +
"Could not locate the View.",
var viewFactory = viewMapping.CreateExport();
var view = viewFactory.Value;
return viewFactory;
I supposed to use this code like this:
1)Decorate a User control
public partial class CustomPause : Page , IContent, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification
public CustomPause()
2) Compose the parts:
var cv = new CompositionContainer(aggregateCatalog);
var mef = new ViewContentLoader();
3) Load the view at runtime given a URI, for example:
private void CustomPause_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var vc = GlobalContainer.Instance.GetMefContainer() as ViewContentLoader;
MainWindow.MainFrame.Content = vc.GetView ("CustomPause");
Problem is this line in the GetView method fails:
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
The query fails and so viewMapping is null but composition seems ok and I can see that ViewExports contains an object of type:
{System.ComponentModel.Composition.ExportFactory<EyesGuard.MEF.IContent, EyesGuard.MEF.IContentMetadata>[0]
I don't know where I'm wrong. Do you have a clue?
I had forgot this
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
in the MetadataAttribute

Caliburn.Micro: moving between pages with Conductor: how can I call a parent class method or property from a child class?

This is my main, parent class, ViewModel:
[AutofacRegisterType(PAGE_NAME, typeof(IMainPage), IsSingleInstance = false)]
public class MainPageViewModel : MainPageViewModelBase
public const string PAGE_NAME = "MainPage";
public MainPageChildsConductor ChildPages { get; private set; }
public IMainPageChild ActiveChildPage
get { return ChildPages.ActiveItem; }
public MainPageViewModel()
PageName = PAGE_NAME;
DisplayName = PAGE_NAME;
DisposeOnDeactivate = true;
private void InitChildPages()
ChildPages = new MainPageChildsConductor();
ChildPages.Parent = this;
var trallchilds = TypeRegistry.GetItemsByType<IMainPageChild>();
var trchilds = trallchilds.Where(p => p.AutoRegister != null && p.AutoRegister.Name.StartsWith(PAGE_NAME + ":")).ToList();
var childs = new List<IMainPageChild>();
foreach (var trchild in trchilds)
var child = trchild.CreateType<IMainPageChild>();
childs.Sort((a, b) => a.PageIndex.CompareTo(b.PageIndex));
This is one of my child classes, ViewModel:
[AutofacRegisterType(PAGE_NAME, typeof(IMainPageChild), IsSingleInstance = false)]
public class Child1PageViewModel : MainPageChildViewModelBase
public const string PAGE_NAME = "ChildPage:Child1Page";
public const int PAGE_INDEX = 30;
public Child1PageViewModel()
PageName = PAGE_NAME;
DisplayName = "Child1";
PageIndex = PAGE_INDEX;
And this is the class that inherits the Caliburn.Micro class Conductor:
public class MainPageChildsConductor : Conductor<IMainPageChild>.Collection.OneActive
public MainPageChildsConductor()
public override void NotifyOfPropertyChange([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (Parent is INotifyPropertyChangedEx)
The question is: how can I call a method or property that exists in the parent page 'MainPageViewModel' from the child page 'Child1PageViewModel'???
Your child view needs to inherit from Screen and when activated in the parent view model, you obtain a reference to the child VM's Parent property via inheritance from Screen.
See this page in the documentation for more details:
Screens, Conductors and Composition.
This is how I do it in one of my projects:
public class MainViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive, IHandle<CreateNewGraphEvent>, IHandle<AddMeasurementsToGraphEvent>, IHandle<DeleteNamedGraphEvent>,
IHandle<GraphRenamedEvent>, IHandle<AddDuplicateGraphEvent>
private readonly TreeListViewModel _TreeView;
private readonly StatusBarViewModel _StatusBar;
private readonly IEventAggregator _Aggregator;
private readonly ProgressDialogViewModel _Progress;
public MainViewModel(IEventAggregator aggregator, TreeListViewModel treeView, StatusBarViewModel statusBar)
if (aggregator == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("aggregator");
_Aggregator = aggregator;
if (statusBar == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("statusBar");
_StatusBar = statusBar;
if (treeView == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("treeView");
_TreeView = treeView;
this.Items.CollectionChanged += Items_CollectionChanged;
public void Handle(CreateNewGraphEvent message)
ChartViewModel document = IoC.Get<ChartViewModel>(message.SelectedGraphType.ToString());
if (document == null) return;
document.DisplayName = message.GraphName;
document.CloseAction = this.CloseAction;
document.SelectedGraphType = message.SelectedGraphType;
public class ChartViewModel : Screen, IHandle<MeasurementRenamedEvent>
private readonly IEventAggregator _Aggregator;
private readonly ISupportServices _Services;
public ChartViewModel(IEventAggregator aggregator, ISupportServices services) : base(aggregator, services)
if (aggregator == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("aggregator");
_Aggregator = aggregator;
if (services == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("services");
_Services = services;
When ActivateItem item method is called in MainViewModel, the CihldViewModel is added to the Items collection in MainViewModel and activates the child VM, where you can then access MainViewModel through the this.Parent property in ChildViewModel.

Markup extensions with state in WPF

I've just discovered that WPF Markup extension instances are reused in control templates. So each copy of the control template gets the same set of markup extensions.
This doesn't work if you want the extension to maintain some state per control it is attached to. Any idea how to solve this.
Don't store state in the Markup extension. Store it another way. For example.
public abstract class DynamicMarkupExtension : MarkupExtension
public class State
public object TargetObject { get; set; }
public object TargetProperty { get; set; }
public void UpdateValue(object value)
if (TargetObject != null)
if (TargetProperty is DependencyProperty)
DependencyObject obj = TargetObject as DependencyObject;
DependencyProperty prop = TargetProperty as DependencyProperty;
Action updateAction = () => obj.SetValue(prop, value);
// Check whether the target object can be accessed from the
// current thread, and use Dispatcher.Invoke if it can't
if (obj.CheckAccess())
else // TargetProperty is PropertyInfo
PropertyInfo prop = TargetProperty as PropertyInfo;
prop.SetValue(TargetObject, value, null);
public sealed override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IProvideValueTarget target = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget)) as IProvideValueTarget;
State state = new State();
if (target != null)
state.TargetObject = target.TargetObject;
state.TargetProperty = target.TargetProperty;
return ProvideValueInternal(serviceProvider, state);
return null;
protected abstract object ProvideValueInternal(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, State state);
is a base class for handling the type of problem where you need to update the property the markup
extension is attached to at run time. For example a markup extension for binding to ISubject as
<TextBox Text="{Markup:Subscription Path=Excenter, ErrorsPath=Errors}"/>
using the SubscriptionExtension as below. I had had trouble with the code when I used it
within templates but I fixed it so the MarkupExtension did not store state in itself
using ReactiveUI.Ext;
using ReactiveUI.Subjects;
using ReactiveUI.Utils;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Markup;
namespace ReactiveUI.Markup
public class SubscriptionExtension : DynamicMarkupExtension
public PropertyPath Path { get; set; }
public PropertyPath ErrorsPath { get; set; }
public SubscriptionExtension() { }
Maybe<Exception> currentErrorState = Maybe.None<Exception>();
public SubscriptionExtension(PropertyPath path, PropertyPath errorsPath)
Path = path;
ErrorsPath = errorsPath;
class Proxy : ReactiveObject, IDataErrorInfo, IDisposable
string _Value;
public string Value
get { return _Value; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(value); }
public string Error
get { return currentError.Select(e => e.Message).Else(""); }
public string this[string columnName]
get { return currentError.Select(e => e.Message).Else(""); }
public IObservable<Maybe<Exception>> Errors { get; set; }
public Maybe<Exception> currentError = Maybe.None<Exception>();
private CompositeDisposable Subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable();
public Proxy(IObservable<Maybe<Exception>> errors)
Errors = errors;
var subscription = errors.Subscribe(e => currentError = e);
public void Dispose()
protected override object ProvideValueInternal(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, DynamicMarkupExtension.State state )
var pvt = serviceProvider as IProvideValueTarget;
if (pvt == null)
return null;
var frameworkElement = pvt.TargetObject as FrameworkElement;
if (frameworkElement == null)
return this;
DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler myd = delegate(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e){
state.UpdateValue(MakeBinding(serviceProvider, frameworkElement));
frameworkElement.DataContextChanged += myd;
return MakeBinding(serviceProvider, frameworkElement);
private object MakeBinding(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
var dataContext = frameworkElement.DataContext;
if (dataContext is String)
return dataContext;
ISubject<string> subject = Lens.Empty<string>().Subject;
IObservable<Maybe<Exception>> errors = Observable.Empty<Maybe<Exception>>();
Binding binding;
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(errors);
bool madeit = false;
if (dataContext != null)
subject = GetProperty<ISubject<string>>(dataContext, Path);
if (subject != null)
errors = GetProperty<IObservable<Maybe<Exception>>>
, ErrorsPath) ?? Observable.Empty<Maybe<Exception>>();
proxy = new Proxy(errors);
madeit = true;
subject = new BehaviorSubject<string>("Binding Error");
// Bind the subject to the property via a helper ( in private library )
var subscription = subject.TwoWayBindTo(proxy, x => x.Value);
// Make sure we don't leak subscriptions
frameworkElement.Unloaded += (e, v) => subscription.Dispose();
binding = new Binding()
Source = proxy,
Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath("Value"),
ValidatesOnDataErrors = true
return binding.ProvideValue(serviceProvider);
private static T GetProperty<T>(object context, PropertyPath propPath)
where T : class
if (propPath==null)
return null;
object propValue = propPath.Path
.Aggregate(context, (value, name)
=> value.GetType()
.GetValue(value, null));
return propValue as T;
catch (NullReferenceException e)
throw new MemberAccessException(propPath.Path + " is not available on " + context.GetType(),e);

Injecting Commands into ViewModels

I'm trying to figure out what is the right way to inject an ICommand into my ViewModel.
Given that my ViewModel looks like this.
public class ViewModel : IViewModel
ICommand LoadCommand { get; }
ICommand SaveCommand { get; }
I currently do this in my constructor
public ViewModel(IRepository repository, IErrorLog errorLog, IValidator validator)
LoadCommand = new LoadCommandImpl(repository, errorLog);
SaveCommand = new SaveCommandImpl(repository, errorLog, validator);
Note that the parameters are not used by the ViewModel at all, aside from constructing the commands.
While I try to contain as much of the logic as possible in the injected interfaces, there is still logic in the commands.
It would seem more appropriate to do this
public ViewModel(ICommand loadCommand, ICommand saveCommand)
LoadCommand = loadCommand;
SaveCommand = saveCommand;
However to do this, I would need to make my Unity registrations like this. Which isn't the end of the world, but it seems like a pain.
container.RegisterType<ICommand, LoadCommandImpl>("loadCommand");
container.RegisterType<ICommand, SaveCommandImpl>("saveCommand");
container.RegisterType<IViewModel, ViewModel>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<ICommand>("loadCommand"),
new ResolvedParameter<ICommand>("SaveCommand")));
Alternatively, I could make ILoadCommand and ISaveCommand interfaces, but these interfaces would be empty or might implement ICommand.
I'm not a huge fan of any of these solutions. What is the recommended approach here?
Edit in response to blindmeis
Let's pretend this is something other than commands for a moment.
public ViewModel(IFoo foo)
Bar = new Bar(foo);
In my opinion, it would be more appropriate to just inject IBar
public ViewModel(IBar bar)
Bar = bar;
But now I have Bar1 and Bar2. So I can either do
public ViewModel(IFoo foo)
Bar1 = new Bar1(foo);
Bar2 = new Bar2(foo);
public ViewModel(IBar bar1, IBar bar2)
Bar1 = bar1;
Bar2 = bar2;
This behavior is not included in Unity but its not hard to retrofit.
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICommand, LoadCommand>("loadCommand");
container.RegisterType<ICommand, SaveCommand>("saveCommand");
container.RegisterType<ViewModel>(new MapParameterNameToRegistrationName());
var vm = container.Resolve<ViewModel>();
Assert.IsType(typeof(LoadCommand), vm.LoadCommand);
Assert.IsType(typeof(SaveCommand), vm.SaveCommand);
public class MapParameterNamesToRegistrationNamesExtension : UnityContainerExtension
protected override void Initialize()
var strategy = new MapParameterNamesToRegistrationNamesStrategy();
this.Context.Strategies.Add(strategy, UnityBuildStage.PreCreation);
public class MapParameterNamesToRegistrationNamesStrategy : BuilderStrategy
public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
if (context.Policies.Get<IMapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy>(context.BuildKey) == null)
IPolicyList resolverPolicyDestination;
IConstructorSelectorPolicy selector = context.Policies.Get<IConstructorSelectorPolicy>(context.BuildKey, out resolverPolicyDestination);
var selectedConstructor = selector.SelectConstructor(context, resolverPolicyDestination);
if (selectedConstructor == null)
var parameters = selectedConstructor.Constructor.GetParameters();
var parameterKeys = selectedConstructor.GetParameterKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
Type parameterType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
if (parameterType.IsAbstract || parameterType.IsInterface)
IDependencyResolverPolicy resolverPolicy = new NamedTypeDependencyResolverPolicy(parameterType, parameters[i].Name);
context.Policies.Set<IDependencyResolverPolicy>(resolverPolicy, parameterKeys[i]);
resolverPolicyDestination.Set<IConstructorSelectorPolicy>(new SelectedConstructorCache(selectedConstructor), context.BuildKey);
public class MapParameterNameToRegistrationName : InjectionMember
public override void AddPolicies(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, string name, IPolicyList policies)
policies.Set<IMapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy>(new MapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy(), new NamedTypeBuildKey(implementationType, name));
public interface IMapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy : IBuilderPolicy
public class MapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy : IMapParameterNameToRegistrationNamePolicy
The code and test can be found in the source code of the TecX project on CodePlex. Project TecX.Unity (folder Injection).
Why dont you create a command Factory
public class CommandFactory (IUnityContainer container) : ICommandFactory
public ICommand CreateSaveCommand()
return container.Resolve("SaveCommand");
public ICommand CreateLoadCommand()
return container.Resolve("LoadCommand");
public ViewModel(ICommandFactory commandFactory)
LoadCommand = commandFactory.CreateLoadCommand();
SaveCommand = commandFactory.CreateSaveCommand();

How to verify the EventAggregator's unsubscribe method is called when disposing a ViewModel with Prism

I'm struggling to write a test that confirms that I am correctly unsubscribing from an EventAggregator's message when it is closed. Anyone able to point out the (simple) answer?!
Here is the code:
public class ViewModel : BaseViewModel, IViewModel
private readonly IEventAggregator eventAggregator;
private SubscriptionToken token;
IssuerSelectedEvent issuerSelectedEvent;
public ViewModel(IView view, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
View = view;
issuerSelectedEvent = eventAggregator.GetEvent<IssuerSelectedEvent>();
token = issuerSelectedEvent.Subscribe(SelectedIssuerChanged, true);
private void SelectedIssuerChanged(IssuerSelectedCommand obj)
public IView View { get; set; }
public override void Dispose()
The test fails with:
Moq.MockVerificationException : The following setups were not matched:
IssuerSelectedEvent x => x.Unsubscribe(It.IsAny())
Here is the test:
public void UnsubscribeFromEventAggregatorOnDispose()
var view = new Mock<ICdsView>();
var ea = new Mock<EventAggregator>();
var evnt = new Mock<IssuerSelectedEvent>();
evnt.Setup(x => x.Unsubscribe(It.IsAny<SubscriptionToken>()));
var vm = new CdsIssuerScreenViewModel(view.Object, ea.Object);
Here I am verifying that the Unsubscribe was called on the mocked IssuerSelectedEvent
public void UnsubscribeFromEventAggregatorOnDispose()
var view = new Mock<ICdsView>();
var ea = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
var evnt = new Mock<IssuerSelectedEvent>();
ea.Setup(x => x.GetEvent<IssuerSelectedEvent>()).Returns(evnt.Object);
var vm = new CdsIssuerScreenViewModel(view.Object, ea.Object);
evnt.Verify(x => x.Unsubscribe(It.IsAny<SubscriptionToken>());
If you want to check that the exact same token is passed into the Unsubscribe then you will need a Setup for the Subscribe method that returns a token you create in your test.
You need to tell your EventAggregator mock to return your mocked IssuerSelectedEvent:
ea.Setup(x => x.GetEvent<IssuerSelectedEvent>()).Return(evnt.Object);
The tests needs to be changed to:
public void UnsubscribeFromEventAggregatorOnDispose()
var view = new Mock<ICdsView>();
var ea = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
var evnt = new Mock<IssuerSelectedEvent>();
ea.Setup(x => x.GetEvent<IssuerSelectedEvent>()).Returns(evnt.Object);
evnt.Setup(x => x.Unsubscribe(It.IsAny<SubscriptionToken>()));
var vm = new CdsIssuerScreenViewModel(view.Object, ea.Object);
