Why is Windows authentication using wrong username? - sql-server

We have an ASP site using Windows authentication to connect to a SQLServer database. There are three instances of the web site, a Dev environment (located on my Workstation), an UAT environment and a production environment, which are on separate servers.
When I access the Dev site (which uses the same DB as the UAT site) I have no issues, the site connects to the database using my Windows account. However when I connect to the UAT site, it uses a different account (one which belongs to me but is not connected to my default Windows login) which is not permissioned on the DB, so the site returns the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL
Server error '80004005'
Cannot open database requested in login 'ANAML'. Login fails.
/inc/dbconnect.asp, line 4
The ASP files on the Dev and UAT sites are identical, so can anyone explain why the UAT site might be using the incorrect Windows account? This only affects me, from all workstations, and no other users.
Have rebooted the server and my workstation, and cleared my internet files locally.

I found the answer at this page on ServerFault. Seems the login details for the UAT server had been stored in the Users control panel at some point. Deleting the relevant entry in the control panel restored the correct login when connecting to the website.

Well, my ASP knowledge has mostly faded but I'll see what comes out of my brain. My first thought would be that the Virtual Directory security is configured differently on the server where it is failing. It sounds like you would need it to be set to "Integrated Windows Authentication" only.
If that is set correctly then I'd ask about your connection string. Does your connection string specify Trusted Connection (e.g. it does not specify a username and password)?
Where does the ANAML account come from? Is it a SQL only login or is it a windows account?


MVC 5 Application connecting to SQL Server : Select permission denied

I have an MVC application that connects to SQL Server (I used a database first setup with ADO.NET Entity Framework 6.0). When I debug on my laptop it connects to the SQL Server correctly and renders the page without issue. But when I publish and connect to the remote server (which also is hosting the SQL Server instance) I get an error: Select permission was denied. Of note is that this is set up to only work when connected to the corporate network (or with a VPN), and the server is intranet only.
I have been looking at potential solutions, and the user account on the database has db_datareader and db_datawriter permissions. My connection string calls for integrated security=True.
I access this same database from desktop applications using those settings with no issues, so I am thinking that there is a difference with the way IIS is evaluating the user.
The server is set up to assign everyone into a single account for the purposes of database access, so all of the DOMAIN\USERS are mapped into a single account called DOMAIN\MyDatabaseUser.
This user has the correct permissions in the database/security/users property window.
I took a look at an answer for a similar issue that referred to the IIS Application Pool, but that issue was getting login failure, which I am not seeing.
Here is my connection string:
<add name="PMToolsEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.PMToolsModel.csdl|res://*/Models.PMToolsModel.ssdl|res://*/Models.PMToolsModel.msl;
provider connection string="
data source=SERVER\MySQLExpressInstance;initial catalog=MyDatabase;
integrated security=True;
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
I have tried setting integrated security to SSPI but I get the same result. I also, for grins, removed the integrated security setting entirely and then I get a login failure (login failed for user '') as expected.
Here is what the permissions look like for MyDatabaseUser:
I basically added everything except the deny items to be sure, but I'm not getting in still.
Here is a link to what ultimately helped me (along with a patient IT guy who let me browse around on the server that I wouldn't normally have access to).
On Windows Server 2012, in the IIS MMC snap in I could see that my web site had an Application Pool added specifically for the site called MySite. Windows automatically creates a virtual user that needs to be added to the SQL Server Logins (not the database users) called IIS APPPOOL\MySite. The trick is that you must not use the search function in SSMS as it will replace IIS APPPOOL with the ServerName and therefore fail to resolve the account.

Login failed for user '{domain}\{user}' SqlClient.SqlException in MVC

When I deploy my app to a server, I'm getting the Login failed message. My DB and app are located on two separate physical machines. However this has not posed a problem when developing and testing locally and connecting out to the DB server; only after publishing.
Steps I've taken To attempt to resolve
In my Web.Config I've set Integrated security to false. When integrated security was true, it was giving the same error but with the machine name in place of the user name.
I placed valid credentials in the User ID: and Password: fields of the Web.Config. The credentials placed in Web.Config are also used to log into Sql Server Management Studio directly.
Within SSMS I've also verified those credentials will work under Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication.
Those credentials I've set in the app work when I log into the SSMS using Windows Authentication. Advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
By default, IIS runs your application under a local machine account. This account does not have any permissions to access your SQL Server. In order to achieve integrated security, you need grant it access. There are a few ways to do it, the thread Add IIS 7 AppPool Identities as SQL Server Logons will get you started.
Another way, which is preferred over adding the IIS account, is to create a service account in Active Directory and setting the App Pool Identity in IIS to the service account. Depending on your environment, you should work with your network admin and or DBA to set this up.
Your last option would be to simply use SQL Authentication.

Troubleshooting IIS web package deployment with SQL database

I have a .NET MVC project that gets its data from a SQL database.
When I run the project in debug mode on my local machine, it runs without error; however, after I deploy the project to my IIS server (version 6 I believe) using Microsoft's Publish Wizard (create a .zip, move that .zip to the wwwRoot folder the website is pointed at), I encounter an issue: I access the website's main page via URL address, but when I enter the login ID, it produces a built-in error message "Invalid user ID".
The only time this error ever occurs when a valid ID is entered is if the database cannot be reached to check login credentials. So, using SQL Profiler, I tried to see if a query was made to the database - it appears that the answer is "no".
I have verified that the connection strings are configured correctly in the IIS environment, and can safely assume that there are no code-related errors with regards to this issue.
The question: What other troubleshooting methods are available for IIS and SQL interactions to see what the root of this error is, or what suggestions might you have to try and eliminate the problem
Add the user to the database logins and grant this user access to the database. Connection string in your code should have its credentials. Reason why it works on your machine is likely because you are sysadmin or something on the server. Look up a way to enter credentials in your connection string's parameters.

Why is my Web Application not using AppPoolIdentity to log in to SQL Server on same machine?

Basic Problem:
I have a web application that accesses a SQL Server database on the same machine. The web app runs under its own app pool - let us call it MyAppPool. If I goto advanced settings in IIS Manager, I can see that MyAppPool runs under ApplicationPoolIdentity. When I make requests to the web app, I can open task manager and verify that the username of w3wp.exe is MyAppPool. In SQL Server, I have added a Windows User IIS AppPool\MyAppPool and given it necessary permissions to read from db. The problem is that I am getting a login failed for DOMAIN\MACHINE$ when a logon is attempted to SQL Server. Its beyond me. Why is the app not logging on as IIS AppPool\MyAppPool?
I know variants of this question have been asked elsewhere, but I am really stuck without a solution. I experimented adding a <identity impersonate="true" /> to the web.config. If I do this, I get a login failed for NT AUTHORITY\IUSR. I have tried accessing the web app from the machine on which it is hosted and get same login error. I am running IIS8, Windows Server 2012, and SQL Server 2012.
Closest question I could find is Why is my MVC app trying to log into my DB as my machine, and not as the App Pool identity?, and the solutions provided do not work. I cannot change Integrated Security to be false (I had this thing running in the past). Quoting https://stackoverflow.com/a/15145488/147530:
ApplicationPoolIdentity uses IIS AppPool\ApplicationPool for local
access, but DOMAIN\MACHINE-NAME$ for remote access
sounds reasonable. Question is why is ApplicationPoolIdentity not using IIS AppPool\MyAppPool identity when db is hosted on same machine??
Quoting another SO post, IIS application using application pool identity loses primary token?:
This application also connects to a SQL Server database using
Integrated Security=true in the connection string. If the database is
local, then we see that IIS APPPOOL\OurAppPoolName is used to connect
to the database; if the database is remote, then the machine account
OURDOMAIN\ourwebserver$ is used.
This is the behavior I want, but not getting it, and that is what I am asking in this question - I don't want to give permissions to DOMAIN\MACHINE-NAME$ to log onto SQL Server. Quoting https://stackoverflow.com/a/15445280/147530:
I think that's a bad idea, however, because it authorizes any program
running as NetworkService to access the database - not just your web
I tried one more thing, which was to enable Windows Authentication on IIS8 using this link http://www.iis.net/learn/install/installing-iis-85/installing-iis-85-on-windows-server-2012-r2#ModulesinIIS85 but this has also not solved the problem.
Fixed this problem. In SSMS, there is a path machine -> security -> logins which contains users who can log onto the machine. I had not added the apppool to this list. I had only added the apppool to machine -> databases -> my database -> security -> users

EF Code First how correctly set up database credentials

I have developer MVC4 + EF Code First + SQL Server 2008 web app. Uploaded it to prod server with IIS7. Created new credentials PC. Added empty database PCDB to SQL Server and assigned user PC to it with owner permission. When I run web app I get error
Model compatibility cannot be checked because the database does not contain model metadata. Model compatibility can only be checked for databases created using Code First or Code First Migrations
My connection string is
data source=174.xx.x.x;initial catalog=pcdb;user id=pc;password=xxxxx;
The exception is understandable, I can delete PCDB database and let EFCode First create it by itself. But how about credentials PC? I do not want to make PC user as administrator but without it EF Code First will not be able to create new database in SQL Server.
How to solve the problem?
The overall design starts with Forms or Windows authentication at the WebsiteASP.NET/ IIS.
and ends with Application and DB authentication you want/need. Application authorization is another topic. I will not discuss that here.
You dont actually state the authentication model desired.
So I will start with a disclaimer. This a suggestion that I WOULD use in a production site. But it is not the ultimate end game nor is it the ONLY short term solution you might consider.
This is a solution that a one man show can get working. And is secure and without excessive admin effort to keep running.
Use SQL server logon via Windows Auth
BUT you do not need to add every user to SQL server.
There is also the option of impersonation. But that can get tricky and this explanation is not NOT impersonation. That is another another approach.
first make sure Website is using Windows Authentication
set IIS to use Windows Authentication:
Now the APP Pool behind the website on IIS you have configured. .
Im going to suggest a Psuedo-service user in the APP pool as a good way to start.
ie WEBAPPLICATION_X_USER. You can have a separate user per APP pool. Each user can access only its DB. So you get application separation. Your enter a user and password here. IIS will encrypt and decrypt as required. (better than plan text in Web.config)
This user should have reduced auth on the server itself. NOT AN ADMIN user on domain or even local admin. Just enough so it can use Sql server to create a DB. So create a regular windows user
Let ASP.Net logon to DB. Let ASP.net encrypt and decrypt the password.
So now the situation is Windows AUTH on IIS. IIS has an App pool with a special windows user that can logon to SQL server. You have added this user to SQL server instance and Allocated this service user the ability create DBs. Dont give the user access to ALL Dbs :-) Just the one it will create. Plus public access (via EF).
Verify the user credential situation in your WEB APP.
See [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]
This should show your windows authenticated end user.
System.Environment.UserName should have the service user ID you placed in the IIS APP POOL.
Now when EF goes to create or access data on the SQL server instance, it will connect with
System.Environment.UserName if the WEB.CONFIG entry is set to use windows integrated security
<add name="DbContextName" connectionString="Data Source=Your SQL server Instance;Initial Catalog=The DBNAME;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
And you KNOW the authenticated user.
httpContext will give it to you as does thread current principal.
HttpContext.User is by default mapped to {System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal}
So you can perform application level checking.
The same approach should also work with Forms Authentication.
WARNING: If you have windows WPF approach (ie you are not using IIS and therefore no APP pool), then this approach MUST be changed and is more complex and no longer the best place to start.
I hope this helps you get started
