Query response size limit on appengine? - google-app-engine

Appengine docs mention a 1Mb limit on both entity size and batch get requests (db.get()):
Is there also a limit on the total size of all entities returned by a query for a single fetch() call?
Example query:
Update: As of 1.4.0 batch get limits have been removed!
Size and quantity limits on datastore batch get/put/delete operations have
been removed. Individual entities are still limited to 1 MB, but your app
batch as many entities together for get/put/delete calls as the overall
datastore deadline will allow for.

Theres no longer a limit on the number of entities that can be returned by a query, but the same entity size limit applies when you are actually retrieving / iterating over the entities. This will only be on a single entity at a time though; it is not a limit on the total size of all entities returned by the query.
Bottom line: as long as you don't have a single entity that is > 1Mb you should be OK with queries.

I tried it out on production and you can indeed exceed 1 Mb total for a query. I stopped testing at around 20 Mb total response size.
from app import models
# generate 1Mb string
a = 'a'
while len(a) < 1000000:
a += 'a'
# text is a db.TextProperty()
c = models.Comment(text=a)
for c in models.Comment.all().fetch(100):
print c
<app.models.Comment object at 0xa98f8a68a482e9f8>
<app.models.Comment object at 0xa98f8a68a482e9b8>
<app.models.Comment object at 0xa98f8a68a482ea78>
<app.models.Comment object at 0xa98f8a68a482ea38>

Yes there is a size limit; the quotas and limits section explicitly states there is a 1 megabyte limit to db API calls.
You will not be able to db.get(list_of_keys) if the total size of the entities in the batch is over 1 megabyte. Likewise, you will not be able to put a batch if the total size of the entities in the batch is over 1 megabyte.
The 1,000 entity limit has been removed, but (at present) you will need to ensure the total size of your batches is less than 1 megabyte yourself.


MarkLogic - How to know size of database, size of Index, Total indexs

We are using MarkLogic
We have setup MarkLogic cluster, ingested around 18M XML documents, few indexes have been created like Fields, PathRange & so on.
Now while setting up another environment with configuration, indexs, same number of records but i am not able to understand why the total size on database status page is different from previous environment.
So i started comparing database status page of both clusters where i can see size per forest/replica forest and all.
So in this case, i would like to know size for each
Also would like to know (instead of expanding each thru admin interface) the total indexes in given database
Option within Admin interface OR thru xQuery will also do.
MarkLogic does not break down the index sizes separately from the Database size. One reason for this is because the data is stored together with the Universal Index.
You could approximate the size of the other indexes by creating them one at a time, and checking the size before and after the reindexer runs, and the deleted fragments are merged out. We usually don't find a lot of benefit it trying to determine the exact index sizes, since the benefits they provide typically outweigh the cost of storage.
It's hard to say exactly why there is a size discrepancy. One common cause would be the number of deleted fragments in each database. Deleted fragments are pieces of data that have been marked for deletion (usually due to an update, delete or other change). Deleted fragments will continue to consume database space until they are merged out. This happens by default, or it can be manually started at the forest or database level.
The database size, and configured indexes can be determined through the Admin UI, Query Console (QConsole) or via the MarkLogic REST Management API (RMA) endpoints. QConsole supports a number of languages, but server side Javascript and XQuery are the most common. RMA can return results in XML or JSON.
Database Size:
REST: http://[host-name]:8002/manage/v2/databases/[database-name]?view=status
QConsole: Sum the disk size elements for the stands from xdmp.forestStatus(javascript) or xdmp:forest-status(XQuery) for all the forests in the database.
Configured Indexes:
REST: http://[host-name]:8002/manage/v2/databases/\database-name]?view=package
QConsole: Use xdmp.getConfiguration(javascript) or xdmp:get-configuration(XQuery) in conjunction with the xdmp.databaseGet[index type] or xdmp:database-get-[index type]
for $db-id in xdmp:databases()
let $db-name := xdmp:database-name($db-id)
let $db-size :=
for $f-id in xdmp:database-forests($db-id)
let $f-status := xdmp:forest-status($f-id)
let $space := $f-status/forest:device-space
let $f-name := $f-status/forest:forest-name
let $f-size :=
for $stand in $f-status/forest:stands/forest:stand
let $stand-size := $stand/forest:disk-size/fn:data(.)
return $space
return $f-size
order by $db-size descending
return $db-name || " = " || $db-size

NDB Queries Exceeding GAE Soft Private Memory Limit

I currently have a an application running in the Google App Engine Standard Environment, which, among other things, contains a large database of weather data and a frontend endpoint that generates graph of this data. The database lives in Google Cloud Datastore, and the Python Flask application accesses it via the NDB library.
My issue is as follows: when I try to generate graphs for WeatherData spanning more than about a week (the data is stored for every 5 minutes), my application exceeds GAE's soft private memory limit and crashes. However, stored in each of my WeatherData entities are the relevant fields that I want to graph, in addition to a very large json string containing forecast data that I do not need for this graphing application. So, the part of the WeatherData entities that is causing my application to exceed the soft private memory limit is not even needed in this application.
My question is thus as follows: is there any way to query only certain properties in the entity, such as can be done for specific columns in a SQL-style query? Again, I don't need the entire forecast json string for graphing, only a few other fields stored in the entity. The other approach I tried to run was to only fetch a couple of entities out at a time and split the query into multiple API calls, but it ended up taking so long that the page would time out and I couldn't get it to work properly.
Below is my code for how it is currently implemented and breaking. Any input is much appreciated:
wDataCsv = 'Time,' + ','.join(wData.keys())
qry = WeatherData.time_ordered_query(ndb.Key('Location', loc),start=start_date,end=end_date)
for acct in qry.fetch():
d = [acct.time.strftime(date_string)]
for attr in wData.keys():
wDataCsv += '\\n' + ','.join(d)
# Children Entity - log of a weather at parent location
class WeatherData(ndb.Model):
# model for data to save
# Function for querying data below a given ancestor between two optional
# times
def time_ordered_query(cls, ancestor_key, start=None, end=None):
return cls.query(cls.time>=start, cls.time<=end,ancestor=ancestor_key).order(-cls.time)
EDIT: I tried the iterative page fetching strategy described in the link from the answer below. My code was updated to the following:
wDataCsv = 'Time,' + ','.join(wData.keys())
qry = WeatherData.time_ordered_query(ndb.Key('Location', loc),start=start_date,end=end_date)
cursor = None
while True:
fetched, next_cursor, more = qry.fetch_page(FETCHNUM, start_cursor=cursor)
if fetched:
for acct in fetched:
d = [acct.time.strftime(date_string)]
for attr in wData.keys():
wDataCsv += '\\n' + ','.join(d)
if more and next_cursor:
cursor = next_cursor
where FETCHNUM=500. In this case, I am still exceeding the soft private memory limit for queries of the same length as before, and the query takes much, much longer to run. I suspect the problem may be with Python's garbage collector not deleting the already used information that is re-referenced, but even when I include gc.collect() I see no improvement there.
Following the advice below, I fixed the problem using Projection Queries. Rather than have a separate projection for each custom query, I simply ran the same projection each time: namely querying all properties of the entity excluding the JSON string. While this is not ideal as it still pulls gratuitous information from the database each time, generating individual queries of each specific query is not scalable due to the exponential growth of necessary indices. For this application, as each additional property is negligible additional memory (aside form that json string), it works!
You can use projection queries to fetch only the properties of interest from each entity. Watch out for the limitations, though. And this still can't scale indefinitely.
You can split your queries across multiple requests (more scalable), but use bigger chunks, not just a couple (you can fetch 500 at a time) and cursors. Check out examples in How to delete all the entries from google datastore?
You can bump your instance class to one with more memory (if not done already).
You can prepare intermediate results (also in the datastore) from the big entities ahead of time and use these intermediate pre-computed values in the final stage.
Finally you could try to create and store just portions of the graphs and just stitch them together in the end (only if it comes down to that, I'm not sure how exactly it would be done, I imagine it wouldn't be trivial).

Inconsistent values for getNumberFound() in Search API

I have a full-text search index with 42 documents like in the screenshot below:
When I query the index for "" it returns all the 42 documents correctly (good), but when I use the limit and offset options in the query, the value returned for the total number of matches found (results.getNumberFound()) varies from time to time. It gives me different values for different offsets!! In short, making the same query just with different offset values gives a different value for results.getNumberFound() function!
NOTE: This happens only in production server after I deploy the app. In local server everything
works perfectly (i.e for the same query, the number of total hits found is the same regardless of the offset option value).
Query query = Query.newBuilder()
Results<ScoredDocument> results = INDEX.search(query);
LOG.warning( "Phrase:'" + searchPhrase +
"' limit:" + limit +
" offset:" + offset +
" num:" + results.getNumberFound());
Here's a screenshot of the log output:
So is there something wrong I'm doing or it's a bug in the Search API because the weird thing is that the issue only happens in the production server not the local one.
The python docs say
Returns an approximate number of documents matching the query. QueryOptions defining post-processing of the search results. If the QueryOptions.number_found_accuracy parameter were set to 100, then number_found <= 100 is accurate.
Similiar api components in exist in Java. From your code it appears you haven't set an accuracy. See java QueryOptions https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/javadoc/com/google/appengine/api/search/QueryOptions
Having said that I have seen many questions/discussions about lack of accuracy on the number of found results.
Surprisingly, this is working as intended (as Tim says).
In its default state, the datastore scans the minimal set of data to fulfill the request. The database provides a very rough estimate of match results by multiplying ID range with estimate of matching keys (#keys found that matched / #ids scanned during the query).
For small data sets, set the accuracy value higher (500 or 1000) and call it a day. You can also improve the estimate by making sure key IDs are uniformly distributed and by fetching a higher limit each call (though if you don't need the data, just use the accuracy parameter).
This might not be applicable here but this is a general workaround for larger data sets:
Use num_accuracy == 1000. When queries return an estimate of <1000, you can trust that. When a query returns an estimate of >1000, perform your own estimate using a second query:
Include an extra numeric field with your data, which is a value of a discrete probabilistic event (e.g. #0s in a hash of some randomish data). When you get a large estimate from the first query, repeat your query with the additional constraint (e.g. AND ZERO_COUNT == y), where y is chosen based on the first query's estimate to match <1000 entities, producing an exact count for the second query which you can accurately extrapolate. Since you don't need the results of this data, you can set limit to 1 & num_accuracy == 1000.

SalesForce limit on SOQL?

Using the PHP library for salesforce I am running:
SELECT ... FROM Account LIMIT 100
But the LIMIT is always capped at 25 records. I am selecting many fields (60 fields). Is this a concrete limit?
The skeleton code:
$client = new SforceEnterpriseClient();
$query = "SELECT ... FROM Account LIMIT 100";
$response = $client->query($query);
foreach ($response->records as $record) {
// ... there's only 25 records
Here is my check list
1) Make sure you have more than 25 records
2) after your first loop do queryMore to check if there are more records
3) make sure batchSize is not set to 25
I don't use PHP library for Salesforce. But I can assume that before doing
SELECT ... FROM Account LIMIT 100
some more select queries have been performed. If you don't code them that maybe PHP library does it for you ;-)
The Salesforce soap API query method will only return a finite number of rows. There are a couple of reasons why it may be returning less than your defined limit.
The QueryOptions header batchSize has been set to 25. If this is the case, you could try adjusting it. If it hasn't been explicitly set, you could try setting it to a larger value.
When the SOQL statement selects a number of large fields (such as two or more custom fields of type long text) then Salesforce may return fewer records than defined in the batchSize. The reduction in batch size also occurs when dealing with base64 encoded fields, such as the Attachment.Body. If this is the case they you can just use queryMore with the QueryLocator from the first response.
In both cases, check the done and size properties of the done and size properties of the QueryResult to determine if you need to use queryMore and the total number of rows that match the SOQL query.
To avoid governor limits it might be better to add all the records to a list then do everything you need to do to the records in the list. After you done just update your database using: update listName;

How many Datastore reads consume each Fetch, Count and Query operations?

I'm reading on Google App Engine groups many users (Fig1, Fig2, Fig3) that can't figure out where the high number of Datastore reads in their billing reports come from.
As you might know, Datastore reads are capped to 50K operations/day, above this budget you have to pay.
50K operations sounds like a lot of resources, but unluckily, it seems that each operation (Query, Entity fetch, Count..), hides several Datastore reads.
Is it possible to know via API or some other approach, how many Datastore reads are hidden behind the common RPC.get , RPC.runquery calls?
Appstats seems useless in this case because it gives just the RPC details and not the hidden reads cost.
Having a simple Model like this:
class Example(db.Model):
foo = db.StringProperty()
bars= db.ListProperty(str)
and 1000 entities in the datastore, I'm interested in the cost of these kind of operations:
items_count = Example.all(keys_only = True).filter('bars=','spam').count()
items_count = Example.all().count(10000)
items = Example.all().fetch(10000)
items = Example.all().filter('bars=','spam').filter('bars=','fu').fetch(10000)
items = Example.all().fetch(10000, offset=500)
items = Example.all().filter('foo>=', filtr).filter('foo<', filtr+ u'\ufffd')
See http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/billing.html#Billable_Resource_Unit_Cost .
A query costs you 1 read plus 1 read for each entity returned. "Returned" includes entities skipped by offset or count.
So that is 1001 reads for each of these:
Example.all(keys_only = True).filter('bars=','spam').count()
Example.all().fetch(1000, offset=500)
For these, the number of reads charged is 1 plus the number of entities that match the filters:
Example.all().filter('foo>=', filtr).filter('foo<', filtr+ u'\ufffd').fetch()
Instead of using count you should consider storing the count in the datastore, sharded if you need to update the count more than once a second. http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/sharding_counters.html
Whenever possible you should use cursors instead of an offset.
Just to make sure:
I'm almost sure:
This one uses small datastore operations (no need to fetch the entities, only keys), so this would count as 1 read + 10,000 (max) small operations.
