How to skip some records in script component without using conditional split component?
Create a script component with asynchronous outputs
To skip records in a script component, you need to create the script component with asynchronous outputs. By default, a script component uses synchronous output, which means that each and every row that is input to the script will also be an output from the script.
If you're using SQL Server 2005, I think you'll have to start with a new Script component, because you can't change from synchronous to asynchronous once you've worked with a Script component. In SSIS for SQL Server 2008 you can switch a Script component from synchronous to asynchronous.
Edit your Script component and select the Inputs and Outputs tab.
Select the Output buffer in the treeview.
Select the SynchronousInputID property and change the value to None.
Select the Output Columns branch in the treeview. You must use the Add Column button to create a column for each input column.
Skipping rows
Now you can edit your script. In the procedure that processes the rows, you will add some code to control skipping and outputting rows. When you want to skip a row, you will use the Row.NextRow() command where Row is the name of the input buffer. Here's an example:
If Row.number = 5 Then
End If
In this example rows that have a 5 in the number column will be skipped.
Outputting rows
After applying your other transformation logic, you need to indicate that the row should go to the output. This is initiated with the Output0.AddRow() command where Output0 is the name of the output buffer. The AddRow function creates the next output buffer, which pushes the previous row out of the Script component.
After you create the new row, you must assign values to the columns in the new row.
Output0Buffer.number = Row.number
This example adds a new row to the buffer and assigns the number value from the input buffer to the number column in the output buffer.
I have a data flow task which contains a derived column. The derived column transforms a CSV file column, lets say A which is order number, to a data type char with length 10.
This works perfectly fine when the text file column is equal to or less than 10 characters. Of course, it throws an error when column A order number is more than 10 characters.
The column A (error prone).
ABC 56987K5239
485P971259 SPTGER
I would like to catch the error prone records and extract the order number only.
I already can configure error output from the derived column. But, this just ignores the error records and processes the others.
The expected output will process ABC 56987K5239, 485P971259 SPTGER order numbers as 56987K5239, 485P971259 respectively. The process removal of unexpected characters are not important, rather how to achieve this during the run time of the derived column (stripping and processing the data in case of error).
If the valid order number always starts with a number, and the length of it equal to 10. You could use Script Component (Transformation) together with Regular Expression to transform the source data.
Drag and drop the Script Component as Transformation
Connect the source to the Script Component
From the Script Component Edit window, checked the Order from the Input columns, and make it as Read and Write
In the script, add:using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
The full code needs to be added in the Input process method:
string pattern = "[0-9].{9}";
Row.Order = Regex.Match(Row.Order, pattern).Groups[1].ToString();
The output going to the destination should be the matched 10 characters starting with the number.
I am processing a flat file in SSIS and one of the requirements is that if a given row contains an incorrect number of delimiters, fail the row but continue processing the file.
My plan is to load the rows into a single column in SQL server, but during the load, I’d like to test each row during the data flow to see if it has the right number of delimiters, and add a derived column value to store the result of that comparison.
I’m thinking I could do that with a script task component, but I’m wondering if anyone has done that before and what would be the best method? If a script task component would be the way to go, how do I access the raw row with its delimiters inside the script task?
I ended up going with a modified version of Holder's answer as I found that TOKENCOUNT() will not count null values per this SO answer. When two delimiters are not separated by a value, it will result in an incorrect count (at least for my purposes).
I used the following expression instead:
LEN(EntireRow) - LEN(REPLACE(EntireRow, "|", ""))
This results in the correct count of delimiters in the row, regardless of whether there's a value in a given field or not.
My suggestion is to use Derrived Column to do your test
And then add a Conditional Split to decide if you want to insert the rows or not.
Something like this:
Use the TokenCount function in the Derrived Column box to get number of columns like this: TOKENCOUNT(EntireRow,"|")
Does anyone know of an easy way to start an excel loop in Automation Anywhere at a row other than 1? (or two by using contains header option). I would like to start a loop at row 5 but everything I have tried thus far does not work.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the command - Go to Cell under Excel commands as explained below.
If you want to start from 5th row and 'A' column then before starting the excel loop:
Open spreadsheet
Select Go to Cell Command under excel commands
Select Specific Cell radio button
Provide the value of the Specific Cell as'A5'(which denotes 5th row and 'A' column)
How to write data to excel file in a loop starting from a specific cell
Assign a loop count to a variable and if loop count is less than your desired row, continue the loop.
You can do this very easily using the "Continue" command. When you are looping in the excel using "Each row in an excel Dataset", make use of system variable "counter". Since you want to start from row 5, that means you will have to skip the first 3 lines as you have marked the contains header as yes. Use the condition "if counter < 4 then continue" which will skip the first 3 lines.
See below image for reference
There are couple of ways you can go about it,
♦defining counter would be one way to go about it.and loop starts after 5.
♦you can use specific cell to begin your task and use times for loop(rest of the rows) and can iterate to rest of the rows.
♦other is run a smaller task where it would copy all cell from row 5 to a new sheet and you can use generic excelloop to do the same task.
[this sheet can also be used to input something like "Success" and timestamp when loop finished that row to know its completed.]
Look at this. I can tell you about G1ANT as I have worked on that. Just change the value of from, your excel loop will start from that value only.
addon msoffice version
addon core version
addon language version ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop\tlt.xlsx inbackgound true
for ♥n from 5 to 100 step 1
excel.getrow ♥n result ♥rowInput
dialog ♥rowInput
you cam use Excel Command.
Excel Command
1. Go to cell.
2. select your Excel Session
3. select specific Cells
If you use Excel command in Loop Command
you can use System variable "$Counter$"
And set Excel Command's select specific Cells to A$Counter$ / B$Counter$ etc.
In SSIS - How can I split data from row into 2 rows
for example :
ID Data
1 On/Off
2 On/Off
TO :
ID Data
1 On
1 Off
2 On
2 Off
Solution Overview
You have to use a script component to achieve this. Use an unsynchronous output buffer to generate multiple rows from on row based on your own logic.
Solution Details
Add a DataFlow Task
In the DataFlow Task add a Flat File Source, Script Component, and a Destination
In the Script Component, select ID, Data columns as Input
Go to the Input and Outputs page, click on the Output and change the Synchronous Input property to none
Add two Output Columns ID and Data into the Output
Change the Script language to Visual Basic
Inside the Script editor write the following code
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim strValues() as String = Row.Data.Split(CChar("/")
For each str as String in strValues
Output0Buffer.ID = Row.ID
Output0Buffer.Data = str
End Sub
Additional Information
For more details follow these links:
SSIS - Script Component, Split single row to multiple rows
Output multiple rows from script component per single row input
Using T-SQL
Based on your comments, this is a link that contains a n example of how this can be done using a SQL command
Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows
I'm importing a csv non-unicode file using SSIS into SQL Server. I get the error "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page". It fails in column 0 on row 70962, which has data just like every other row; the data in the first column is no longer than the data in rows above it.
My column 0 is defined in the flat file connection, and in the database, as 255 wide. The data in row 70692 (and most other rows) is 17 characters.
The strange thing is, if I remove a row above row 70962 in the file, even the first row, and save the csv file, then the import runs fine. If I replace that removed row, and run the import, it fails again.
So I'm not even sure how to identify what the issue is.
If I create a new flat file connection that is a single column, I can import the whole file into a single-column table. But as soon as I add the first column delimiter (i.e. second column), then it fails on that same row.
At the moment I'm just short of idea as to how to debug this further.
You already gave the answer in your question ;)
if I remove a row above row 70962 in the file, even the first row, and
save the csv file, then the import runs fine.
You have a broken delimiter somewhere in the file. when you remove any data before the offending line the mismatch of delimiters is probably not properly handled but simply left open until the very end of the file after which the program handles it for you.
Check the row and column delimiters of the row above the one you mentioned and that very row.