WPF Numeric Textbox control with a calculator? - wpf

I've always liked the ability to do simple calculations in the same place I'm entering a number when working in MS Money.
I know that DevExpress is working on one, but don't want to buy the full WPF bloat only for this control.
Do you know a control like that for WPF?

See CalculatorUpDown control from Extended WPF Toolkit project.


Which layout to use for desining UI in wpf components?

I'am learning wpf. As a part of learning I'm converting a winforms application into a wpf application using mvvm.
In winforms I just dragged and droped. After that I aligned based on my requirement.
But in WPF when i drag and drop a default grid is wrapping the components and I'm facing great difficulty in aligning the components.
On learning the tutorials on wpf https://www.tutorialspoint.com/wpf/wpf_layouts.htm
I tried to work with but I don't know which is suitable for my UI.
I want to create UI in wpf as below winform
I have used grid and stackpanel but I have issue with alignment. In grid I have issue with adding new elements in the existing row. In stackpanel I face issue with spacing between the components and aligning the compnent.
Can anyone help me on which panel to use for the above kind of UI.
In general you don't use editors for WPF, you edit the layout XAML by hand and use the visualizer as a guide to show whether or not you've done it right. The Visual Studio editor does let you do things like basic layout, but as soon as you start using ControlTemplates/DataTemplates/Behaviours etc you'll quickly find that it's useless (and believe me, that moment will come much sooner than you think). If you really want to use a graphical editor then Microsoft Blend is your best bet, but even that is generally designed for non-programmers. In fact, in the 10+ years I've been a professional WPF contractor I've yet to encounter a single company that actually uses Blend...or indeed any other GUI-driven XAML editor...for their product development.

Where can i find Free WPF controls

Is there any site available where I can find free WPF controls like Griview ? I am currently working on a complex project where I need a customizable WPF Gridview like telerik
You can use controls from the WPF Toolkit as well as Extended WPF Toolkit.
Have a look at the controls in AvalonControlsLibrary on code plex, it is having a DataGridView control apart from other controls. -
DataGridView is a maybe a misleading name for this control. This control is far from being the same as the WinForms DataGridView (maybe someday it will J). Basically this control is a WPF ListView control but it is capable of auto generate the GridViewColumns for you. It generates the columns by looking at the objects’ properties. You can also specify how you generate the columns by decorating your properties with a custom attribute. For more information have a look at this post. http://marlongrech.wordpress.com/2007/09/01/listview-with-auto-generation-of-column-enable-disable-columns/
Similar SF question - Where can I find free WPF controls and control templates?
On codeplex.com and codeproject.com. However the best always cost money.

Custom Wpf ListBox Control

I'm new to wpf and have just been given a project to create a set of custom controls which will be used to make a previous windows forms application more manageable and current. However I cannot seem to find much info with regards to customising the built in Listbox, this would involve preferably replacing the scroll bar and the +/- buttons with custom images etc..
Just wondered if anyone knows how to get at these ?
Thanks in advance.
Check here for the default control template of the listbox.You can customize the scrollviewer there to do what you are looking for.Check the below article to get started
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Learn about WPF styling and templating. Other than that, the question is too generic for SO. Read the article (and perhaps google some more articles on the topic), try to style the listbox and come back with specific issues. WPF is not easy to get into, but it is definitely worth the time.

WPF control and windows normal control

In a WinForms project there are a number of controls such as MenuStrip, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog.
After a quick look, I can't seem to see the equivalents for these controls in the WPF toolbox.
Is there any way to gain access to these or do they exist in another form?
There are a number of different resources you can use for finding the type of control you need.
Have you looked in the WPF Toolkit?
Have you investigated any third party control vendors?
(Telerik, DevExpress, ComponentOne, Infragistics)
Here's an excellent link comparing the WinForms and WPF control equivalents.
You'd probably recieve a more detailed answer if you gave specifics as to which control you're looking for.
you can add a winforms host into the project but which controls are you after as the wpf does have a decent amount of controls and generally does more in the ui department (but pays in speed usually)

Making input form rotate in 3d using WPF (like silverlight planeprojection)

I am looking at updating the UI of one of my projects that currently uses Winforms and i was hoping to use WPF. I have used silverlight for a while and wanted to use the same PlaneProjection effects to basically rotate my form (by form i mean a group of input controls) along the Y axis.
After looking over the interwebs it looks like for some reason WPF doesnt support this kind of usage with 2d controls like silverlight does, however after scouring i managed to find Thriple, which looked like it was what i wanted, however i find trying to create my UI in the XAML editor a nightmare with it as it seems to stretch and skew everything and ignores the width/heights as if it is automatically scaling everything.
I was wondering if there was anything else that would allow me to do what i want, ideally i would also like it to support WindowsFormHost controls as i have some winform controls that i would like to continue using. It seems a bit silly that silverlight does EXACTLY what i want, but the main technology it is based upon doesnt...
Any alternatives would be great, i just want something that will let me rotate and translate my controls in 3d space and still allow the user to interact with the control.
I don't think it's as easy to do in WPF, but its definitely possible. You'd have to use the Viewport2DVisual3D class inside a Viewport3d.
