WP7 Disabled Button Style - silverlight

I am trying to do change the color of a disabled button's border/text.
<Style x:Key="TopTabChooserButtonDisabled" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Orange" />
But it doesn't affect the button at all in Silverlight. Does anybody know what will make it change? THanks.

You can do this fairly easily by retemplating the control in blend.
Rclick the control, edit template, edit a copy. You then have access to all the states and constituent objects that make up the control in each of those states to change properties of each as needed.


How to put a tooltip to a button for enabling and disabling in WPF

I want to put a tooltip to a button for enabling and disabling in WPF. I have mentioned the tried code below. But My tried code does not solve my problem. I have no idea should I use the separate property for this.
Command="{Binding Path=GeneratePrintTemplateFilesCommand}"
Geometry="{StaticResource {x:Static dc:Geometries.Print}}"
ToolTip="{Binding Path=GeneratePrintTemplateFilesFeatureToolTip}"
Style="{StaticResource FormBuilderClient_TopToolbarGeometryButton_Style}"/>
I need your help to solve this. Thank you.
Same tool tip when disabled
If you want to show the same tool tip for both the enabled and disabled state of the button, you have to set the ShowOnDisabled property of the ToolTipService to True on your button.
Different tool tips through binding
If want to show different tool tips by changing the bound property GeneratePrintTemplateFilesFeatureToolTip in your view model on button click e.g. in your GeneratePrintTemplateFilesCommand, the first solution also works. However, you must implement INotifyPropertyChanged in this case, otherwise the button will not get notified of the changed tool tip text.
Different tool tips with style
An alternative for showing different tool tips for the enabled and disabled states of your button is to add a trigger to the Style of the button and make it depend on the IsEnabled property. You can merge this with your existing style. Note that I use two different properties to bind to, one for enabled and one for disabled. In practice, you would rather use static resources here, instead of properties on a view model, because they do not change here.
<Style x:Key="FormBuilderClient_TopToolbarGeometryButton_Style"
TargetType="{x:Type dc:GeometryButton}"
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type dc:GeometryButton}}">
<Setter Property="ToolTip"
Value="{Binding GeneratePrintTemplateFilesFeatureToolTipEnabled}"/>
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled"
<Setter Property="ToolTip"
Value="{Binding GeneratePrintTemplateFilesFeatureToolTipDisabled}"/>
Make sure to remove the tool tip property from the button control itself and add the ShowOnDisabled property setting from above., otherwise your tooltip either will not change or not be displayed in disabled state.
<dc:GeometryButton Grid.Column="11"
Command="{Binding Path=GeneratePrintTemplateFilesCommand}"
Geometry="{StaticResource {x:Static dc:Geometries.Print}}"
Style="{StaticResource FormBuilderClient_TopToolbarGeometryButton_Style}"/>

WPF styling deep nested elements

I can't override a default style attribute of a third-party component that I use in a clean way. The visual tree looks something like this:
I try to override the style of TextBlock like this:
Value="Wrap" />
But this doesn't work. In live visual tree, I confirm that component A sees my custom style but TextBlock doesn't see it. However, when I try:
Value="Wrap" />
It works though. Therefore, it seems to me that WPF forces me to add all of the child components one by one as Style.Resources to be able to edit the innermost child. But I don't want to define all of the resources between component A to Z just to add one simple style. What are my options?
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, as you've provided a working answer, and I can't see why would WPF force you to 'define all of the resources between component A to Z'.
However, here is a tip:
You can create a custom control that inherits Z and overrides OnApplyTemplate(). When OnApplyTemplate() is called you're guaranteed that the template was applied, so you can find any child control (your textbox) you want. (Just google for e.g 'wpf find child control by name' if you don't know how.) Once you have your textbox, you can change its' wrapping from code.
I had to customize a Ribbon control once, and that approach greatly simplified the task.

Xaml Grid Styling

New to WPF, I'm having some trouble creating a styles in my code, I was able to make some buttons styles by drawing rectangles and making them into buttons, this opened a template editor so I was able to do it.
Now I'm wanting to create a template for a repeating stackpanel/grid layout, and I wrote it by hand this time, but I am getting an error that says the "template is not a valid member"
This is the kind of thing I was trying to create, but the Property="Template" bit is underlined in red. Can somebody explain to me the reason behind this? How do I create or initialize the template?
<Style x:Key="LaneStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Grid}">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="760"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Grid}">
<!-- Things here -->
If someone could direct me to a tutorial on styles/templates that would be nice as well, haven't been able to find one that explained it in more detail.
Grid is not a control, therefore you cannot apply a ControlTemplate to it. If you're looking for a "repeater" kind of thing, you should be using an ItemsControl.
The best way to create templates/styles is by using Microsoft Blend 3.0/4.0
Over there one can easily find out what's the progress after doing each change.
In your case, a grid cannot be styled as it is a container not a control. If you wish to customize some control need to modify the control template of the control.

Styling ComboBox when DropDown opens and closes in WPF

i am wondering if it's possible to create styles in XAML to the events of a Control. To properties i know that is possible, but and to the Events?
What i need is to apply some styles to a ComboBox when the DropDown opens, and then apply other style after DropDown closes. Is possible to create a style in XAML to this event or any other one?
This is easy to do when he create the event in the code behind and it will do whatever we want, but i am wondering if it's possible to prevent that and simply create a Style.
And anyway it's a Style that i will apply in more than one ComboBox, and so it's why i don't want to create one event per ComboBox.
Do you really need the events? How about this:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
<!-- Default style setters here -->
<Trigger Property="IsDropDownOpen" Value="True">
<!-- Opened style setters here -->

Can you set the content of a button in wpf with a style?

When I try this, all the buttons turn blue, but the content isn't set.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue"/>
<Setter Property="Content" Value="Edit"/>
Any ideas?
EDIT : This example was indeed somewhat too oversimplified. My problem was in changing styles in runtime, where the color was changing allright, but not the content. The solution for me was not to initialize content in xaml, but in code.
Remember if you set the content property in Style, but if you give some other content in inline xaml it will not work for example if you use
Sometimes XAML Editor like Blend will put Content="" if you just try to delete the content, it will not remove attribute, you will have to check.
So even if your XAML contains Content="" or your code initializes Content Property to even null or empty string, it will not work.
Works for me (tried it in kaxaml). But black text on a Blue background can be hard to read. You sure its not there?
