Open Silverlight OOB on url, if installed - silverlight

Is there anyway to make the OOB version of my Silverlight app open(if installed) when i go to <--- where the Xap is loaded.
Just like a irc client opens when i go to irc://servername
but instead of prefix can my app open the OOB version if
App.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed
when it's loaded in the browser?.

As of Silverlight 4 there is no way of launching oob application from the url. Irc and other applications can register custom url protocol handler to launch themselves from url. If you can create native application and install it on user's computer you could use it as a launcher for your oob application.


How to have a SharePoint action invoke a feature in a WinForms application launched by Click-Once?

We have a SharePoint site that our users have open all the time (type of dashboard for the business). We have a WinForms application that listens on a specific port for when the user clicks a web part on the SharePoint site, we take the JSON in the WinForms, parse the request and launch a feature in the WinForms. Essentially allowing a web site to launch a feature in a running WinForms app on the same client machine.
This worked great when we were running in XP. When we moved to Windows 7 (with elevated UAC), this feature stopped working. Since we launch the WinForms app via ClickOnce, and ClickOnce apps can't be Run As Administrator, our current code won't work.
We can't make the ClickOnce app Run As Administrator for all the reasons you see here on StackOverflow.
So my question is: how can we invoke a feature in a ClickOnce deployed WinForms app when a user clicks on something in SharePoint site? It is super easy to get the WinForms app to call a Sharepoint web service but I need to go the otherway.
You can invoke a ClickOnce application by calling the deployment manifest URL. If you want to be able to call the app and have it do something specific, call the deployment manifest URL and pass query parameters to it, then have the application handle the query parameters.
This article shows you how to handle query parameters with ClickOnce applications.

how to set silverlight out of browser application in windows startup

I have one silverlight application which I have set for Out of browser application so that user can installed on their machine.
Now my question is "Is there any way or configuration or programmatically possible that when my silverlight application get installed it will put it self in the windows startup so that when user logged in it will automatically starts like messenger applications (yahoo, msn etc)?"
You could create a batch file that would do 2 things :
Install your app in OOB using SLLauncher.exe (silverlight executable fo OOB applications), It now have a /install option in its parameters you could use that method to install it.
Copy the shortcut to the"Startup" folder of the current user :
%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Launch Silverlight out of the browser experience based on a url

So the user installs the Silverlight application to their desktop, could this desktop version be launched based on them visiting a url?
And the silverlight application could inspect the parameters of the url it was launched from?
No, only the user can initiate it becoming an out of browser application.
Not to mention that any application which does this without the user expecting it would probably be classed as a virus or at the very least spamming the machine. Not good for your reputation!

silverlight application deployment over IIS

I have created an silverlight application (i have not selected my application to be hosted from another web application).
Now I created a simple hello world page.
I created virtual directory of my silverlight project in IIS for application hosting.
4. When I browse MainPage.xaml in loaclhost, it is not running.
>>I think I shoul run the .xap file to host my application but I dont know haw???
Is it necessary to host a silverlight application from a .aspx page??
If you haven't created a web host project along with your silverlight application then when you debug the Silverlight application it creates a TestPage.html file in the bin\debug directory under you project directory.
This page hosts the XAP and is what the IDE specifies as the page to open by the browser instance it creates when you start debugging.
Hence to host this in your IIS 5.1 server you can create a virtual directory pointing at the bin\debug folder in your project. Navigating to TestPage.html in that virtual directory (for example http://localhost/myvirtualdir/testpage.html) will load your application.
You should have a Default.aspx page which hosts the Silverlight application. Set this to your Default page to see if that works.

Hosting Silverlight Out of Browser Application in Sharepoint 2007

I am trying to host a Silverlight 3 Out of Browser Application in Sharepoint 2007. My application gets displayed fine; but when I install it as out of browser; and try to run it from desktop; only blank screen is displayed and nothing happens onwards.
The XAP file is kept in _layout/MyFolder/MyApp.xap (Under 12 Hive). Am I missing anything?
My Silverlight app access Sharepoint data through its web services; I need to host it within Sharepoint so that it can access underlying Sharepoint web services.
It seems likely that the ClientHTTP stack used in the OOB mode is the problem. When hosted by the browser the app will use the BrowserHTTP stack and hence would share a common set of cookies. These aren't available in OOB mode.
How for example does the initial browser access to the Sharepoint site authenticate?
Creating an OOB experience against sharepoint may be possible but its likely to require more work.
Edit: Your problem is that NTLM authentication is not supported in the ClientHTTP used in OOB mode. Silverlight-4.0 supports this mode.
