Maybe I'm mistaken in my understanding of Big-O notation (it has been a while since I've taken a course on algorithms) but the following has never made too much sense to me:
This would be considered O(n^2):
for (int i = 0; i < num_1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < num_2; j++)
cout << i << " " << j << endl;
This would be considered O(n):
for (int z = 0; z < num_3; z++) { cout << z << endl; }
My issue is when it comes to practical terms. Lets assume that num_1 = 10; num_2 = 20; num_3 = 1000;. In this case the first example, an O(n^2), would run considerably less iterations of it's interior than the O(n) second example.
In more general terms: when num_3 > num_1 * num_2 then the O(n^2) snippet does less than the O(n) snippet. In real world applications, these two snippets may be doing two very separate tasks where there are functional bounds on num_1, num_2, and num_3 are considerably different. The nested num_1 and num_2 may be looping variable values between 0 and 255 but num_3 may frequent values above a million.
Why should/would a coder trust an algorithm or snippet based on its Big-O notation when it doesn't take into consideration the practical or operational variable boundaries?
Saying that something is in O(n^2) only makes sense if it is clear what `n´ is supposed to be. Usually it refers to the size of the input (or if the input is a number, it just refers to that number), but in your code, it's not clear what the input is.
for (int i = 0; i < num_1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < num_2; j++)
cout << i << " " << j << endl;
Normally one would say that the above snippet's running time is in O(num_1 * num_2). If num_1 and num_2 are both constants, this means it is in O(1). If both num_1 and num_2 are linearly proportional to the size of your program's input (n), it is indeed O(n^2). If both num_1 and num_2 are proportional to the square of the size of the input, it is in O(n^4).
Bottom line: it depends entirely on what num_1 and num_2 are and how and depending on what factors they grow.
for (int z = 0; z < num_3; z++) { cout << z << endl; }
Now this code is in O(num_3). To say what this is in terms of n would again require us to know how num_3 is related to n.
If all of num_1, num_2 and num_3 are linearly proportional to n, then you can indeed say that the first snippet runs in O(n^2) time and the second in O(n). However in that case it is not possible for num_3 to be greater than num_1 * num_2 for sufficiently large n.
Big O describes algorithmic speed, not actual code.
When you have a generic algorithm you don't know what the constraints on the variables are.
The big-Oh notation is a way to express computational complexity as a rate of growth function. It absolutely has to be understood that it is an approximation and one that really only bares out for large values of the variables involved (eg. N).
You are absolutely correct that individual variable values, constants, and such, have a big impact.
However, for similar (and large) sized variable values, the big-Oh expression for a set of algorithms will give an indication of their relative performance. More typically though, it is a convenient implementation independent way to express the best, average, and worst case complexities for algorithms.
At the end of the day though, once a short list of candidate algorithms have be selected (probably based on the big-oh notation, and other characteristics eg. space requirements etc) then timing an implementation with a representative dataset is the way to go.
Big O notation only says how long will algorithm work for data of given magnitude, and how will it "scale" when you get more data, O(n) algorithm can be slower if it gets more data than O(n^2) algorithm (as you've shown with your example). But if you feed 2 times more data to an O(n) algorithm you should expect 2 times longer running time, with O(n^2) you should expect 4 times longer.
You can think of Big O for those examples more in the terms of as N approaches infinity.
So you're right in your scenario that num_3 > num_1 * num_2, but as those three numbers get larger and larger, that will no longer hold true.
If algorithm1 is O(N) and algorithm2 is O(N^2) it does NOT mean that algorithm1 is ALWAYS better than algorithm2, it just means that there is some threshold value for N (called N0 usually) where after that point algorithm1 will perform better than algorithm2.
A random example is that insertion sort is O(N^2) where MergeSort is O(N*log(N)), but for very small values of N, insertion sort can actually end up being faster. Once N gets big enough though, MergeSort is always faster. The Java version of the Arrays.sort function actually has an if statement that uses insertion sort for very small values of N and a modified quick sort or merge sort for anything bigger than a certain size (the magic number is about N=7).
The Java code (in Java 6) for Arrays.sort for an int array looks like this:
private static void sort1(int x[], int off, int len) {
// Insertion sort on smallest arrays
if (len < 7) {
//insertion sort
//modified quick sort
At the end of the day, Big O notation is a triage mechanism that helps you quickly analyze & compare algorithms in a way that is independent of computer hardware and doesn't require you to write, test and time the execution of your various algorithms. It's a simplified notation, so it's never going to be exact and as the example I just gave shows, it is very dependent on the size and range of your data.
A major caveat to Big O notation for algorithm is that you can often make improvements to an algorithm if you can make assumptions about your data.
Big-O gives you the upper bound or worst-case growth rate. Constants are ignored because as n grows they become more and more insignificant (eg. instead of say O(3+2n) you would just say O(n) ).
Big-Omega is a best-case growth rate and depending on what you know about how your algorithm will be used may be more appropriate for you to use in some situations.
If Big-O and Big-Omega for a given algorithm are the same then in is called exact order and you can right that as Big-Theta.
Edit: To clarify, worst-case analysis is often preferable because you want to be able to tell a client "it will always perform this well or better" instead of "if your data happens to be perfect it will perform great!"
I'm interested in generating fast random booleans (or equivalently a Bernoulli(0.5) random variable) in C. Of course if one has a fast random generator with a decent statistical behaviour the problem "sample a random Bernoulli(0.5)" is easily solved: sample x uniformly in (0,1) and return 1 if x<0.5, 0 otherwise.
Suppose speed is the most important thing, now I have two questions/considerations:
Many random doubles generators first generate an integer m uniformly in a certain range [0,M] and then simply return the division m/M. Wouldn't it be faster just to check whether m < M/2 (here M/2 is fixed, so we are saving one division)
Is there any faster way to do it? At the end, we're asking for way less statistical properties here: we're maybe still interested in a long period but, for example, we don't care about the uniformity of the distribution (as long as roughly 50% of the values are in the first half of the range).
Extracting say the last bit of a random number can wreak havoc as linear congruential generators can alternate between odd and even numbers1. A scheme like clock() & 1 would also have ghastly correlation plains.
Consider a solution based on the quick and dirty generator of Donald Kunth: for uint32_t I, sequence
I = 1664525 * I + 1013904223;
and 2 * I < I is the conditional yielding the Boolean drawing. Here I'm relying on the wrap-around behaviour of I which should occur half the time, and a potentially expensive division is avoided.
Testing I <= 0x7FFFFFFF is less flashy and might be faster still, but the hardcoding of the midpoint is not entirely satisfactory.
1 The generator I present here does.
I'm interested in generating fast random booleans
Using a LCG can be fast, yet since OP's needs only a bool result, consider extracting only 1 bit at a time from a reasonable generator and save the rest for later. #Akshay L Aradhya
Example based on #R.. and #R.. code.
extern uint32_t lcg64_temper(uint64_t *seed); // see R.. code
static uint64_t gseed; // Initialize this in some fashion.
static unsigned gcount = 0;
bool rand_bool(void) {
static uint32_t rbits;
if (gcount == 0) {
gcount = 32; // I'd consider using 31 here, just to cope with some LCG weaknesses.
rbits = lcg64_temper(&gseed);
bool b = rbits & 1;
rbits >>= 1;
return b;
I want to generate random number in sorted order.
I wrote below code:
void CreateSortedNode(pNode head)
int size = 10, last = 0;
pNode temp;
while(size-- > 0) {
temp = (pnode)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
last += (rand()%10);
temp->data = last;//randomly generate number in sorted order
Expecting number will be generated in increased or decreased order: i.e {2, 5, 9, 23, 45, 68 }
int main()
int size = 10, last = 0;
while(size-- > 0) {
last += (rand()%10);
return 0;
Any better idea?
Solved back in 1979 (by Bentley and Saxe at Carnegie-Mellon):
The solution is ridiculously compact in terms of code too!
Their paper is in Pascal, I converted it to Python so it should work with any language:
from random import random
cur_max=100 #desired maximum random number
n=100 #size of the array to fill
x=[0]*(n) #generate an array x of size n
for i in range(n,0,-1):
cur_max=cur_max*random()**(1/i) #the magic formula
print(x) #the results
Enjoy your sorted random numbers...
Without any information about sample size or sample universe, it's not easy to know if the following is interesting but irrelevant or a solution, but since it is in any case interesting, here goes.
The problem:
In O(1) space, produce an unbiased ordered random sample of size n from an ordered set S of size N: <S1,S2,…SN>, such that the elements in the sample are in the same order as the elements in the ordered set.
The solution:
With probability n/|S|, do the following:
add S1 to the sample.
decrement n
Remove S1 from S
Repeat steps 1 and 2, each time with the new first element (and size) of S until n is 0, at which point the sample will have the desired number of elements.
The solution in python:
from random import randrange
# select n random integers in order from range(N)
def sample(n, N):
# insist that 0 <= n <= N
for i in range(N):
if randrange(N - i) < n:
yield i
n -= 1
if n <= 0:
The problem with the solution:
It takes O(N) time. We'd really like to take O(n) time, since n is likely to be much smaller than N. On the other hand, we'd like to retain the O(1) space, in case n is also quite large.
A better solution (outline only)
(The following is adapted from a 1987 paper by Jeffrey Scott Vitter, "An Efficient Algorithm for Sequential Random Sampling". See Dr. Vitter's publications page.. Please read the paper for the details.)
Instead of incrementing i and selecting a random number, as in the above python code, it would be cool if we could generate a random number according to some distribution which would be the number of times that i will be incremented without any element being yielded. All we need is the distribution (which will obviously depend on the current values of n and N.)
Of course, we can derive the distribution precisely from an examination of the algorithm. That doesn't help much, though, because the resulting formula requires a lot of time to compute accurately, and the end result is still O(N).
However, we don't always have to compute it accurately. Suppose we have some easily computable reasonably good approximation which consistently underestimates the probabilities (with the consequence that it will sometimes not make a prediction). If that approximation works, we can use it; if not, we'll need to fallback to the accurate computation. If that happens sufficiently rarely, we might be able to achieve O(n) on the average. And indeed, Dr. Vitter's paper shows how to do this. (With code.)
Suppose you wanted to generate just three random numbers, x, y, and z so that they are in sorted order x <= y <= z. You will place these in some C++ container, which I'll just denote as a list like D = [x, y, z], so we can also say that x is component 0 of D, or D_0 and so on.
For any sequential algorithm that first draws a random value for x, let's say it comes up with 2.5, then this tells us some information about what y has to be, Namely, y >= 2.5.
So, conditional on the value of x, your desired random number algorithm has to satisfy the property that p(y >= x | x) = 1. If the distribution you are drawing from is anything like a common distribution, like uniform or Guassian, then it's clear to see that usually p(y >= x) would be some other expression involving the density for that distribution. (In fact, only a pathological distribution like a Dirac Delta at "infinity" could be independent, and would be nonsense for your application.)
So what we can speculate with great confidence is that p(y >= t | x) for various values of t is not equal to p(y >= t). That's the definition for dependent random variables. So now you know that the random variable y (second in your eventual list) is not statistically independent of x.
Another way to state it is that in your output data D, the components of D are not statistically independent observations. And in fact they must be positively correlated since if we learn that x is bigger than we thought, we also automatically learn that y is bigger than or equal to what we thought.
In this sense, a sequential algorithm that provides this kind of output is an example of a Markov Chain. The probability distribution of a given number in the sequence is conditionally dependent on the previous number.
If you really want a Markov Chain like that (I suspect that you don't), then you could instead draw a first number at random (for x) and then draw positive deltas, which you will add to each successive number, like this:
Draw a value for x, say 2.5
Draw a strictly positive value for y-x, say 13.7, so y is 2.5 + 13.7 = 16.2
Draw a strictly positive value for z-y, say 0.001, so z is 16.201
and so on...
You just have to acknowledge that the components of your result are not statistically independent, and so you cannot use them in an application that relies on statistical independence assumptions.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the big-O notation for a pairing operation. The question is pretty simple- Generate all possible pairs for a given list of numbers in an array.
My first guess is to have a nested for/foreach loop and generate the pairs. This is easy enough and I get that for every n, I analyze n other numbers and this gives me a complexity of n^2.
Now, if I try to optimize this further and say that (1,4) is the same as (4,1), then for a sorted array like 1,2,3,4,5. I only run the pairing operation in a nested for loop this way
for (i =0; i < count; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < count - 1; j++)
In this case, I only run through the array < n^2 times. For a sample size of 7 numbers, i ran through the loop 21 times to generate the pairs. I know that this cannot be a log-n operation and I'm tempted to say that this operation converges to n^2 but I don't remember enough from my math or theory classes to answer this definitively. How do I go about this problem?
Context: I had an interview with a similar question and this was born out of an argument I had with my friend if a pairing operation from a list can ever be better than n^2.
You are correct that you're doing fewer than n2 operations. The question is how many fewer operations you are doing.
Let's think about how many pairs there are in the array. If each of the n numbers can be paired with (n - 1) other numbers, the total number of pairs possible is n(n - 1). Each iteration of the original for loop generates one of these pairs, so the total number of pairs you generate is n2 - n, which is O(n2).
Now, what about if you eliminate duplicate pairs by saying that (1, 4) and (4, 1) are the same? In this case, note that half of the pairs you generate are going to be extraneous - you'll generate each pair twice. This means that the number of pairs is (n2 - n) / 2. This expression is less than n2, but notice that it is still O(n2) because big-O notation ignores constants.
In other words - you are right that you are generating fewer than n2 pairs, but the total number of pairs you're creating is still O(n2).
More generally - if you ever decrease the total amount of work that an algorithm does by some constant factor (say, you cut the work in half, or cut the work by a factor of 100), you have not changed the big-O runtime of the algorithm. Big-O completely ignores constants. In order to decrease the big-O runtime, you need to decrease the total amount of work by an amount that is more than a constant; say, by a factor of n, log n, etc.
Hope this helps!
Remember that big-O notation involves an implied multiplicative constant. So your complexity is still O(n^2) if your run-time is <= k.n^2 as n -> infinity.
It's still O(n^2) since now you have exactly half the pairs that you had before introducing the order requirement. Dividing by two does not change the Big O.
For the classic interview question "How do you perform integer multiplication without the multiplication operator?", the easiest answer is, of course, the following linear-time algorithm in C:
int mult(int multiplicand, int multiplier)
for (int i = 1; i < multiplier; i++)
multiplicand += multiplicand;
return multiplicand;
Of course, there is a faster algorithm. If we take advantage of the property that bit shifting to the left is equivalent to multiplying by 2 to the power of the number of bits shifted, we can bit-shift up to the nearest power of 2, and use our previous algorithm to add up from there. So, our code would now look something like this:
#include <math.h>
int log2( double n )
return log(n) / log(2);
int mult(int multiplicand, int multiplier)
int nearest_power = 2 ^ (floor(log2(multiplier)));
multiplicand << nearest_power;
for (int i = nearest_power; i < multiplier; i++)
multiplicand += multiplicand;
return multiplicand;
I'm having trouble determining what the time complexity of this algorithm is. I don't believe that O(n - 2^(floor(log2(n)))) is the correct way to express this, although (I think?) it's technically correct. Can anyone provide some insight on this?
mulitplier - nearest_power can be as large as half of multiplier, and as it tends towards infinity the constant 0.5 there doesn't matter (not to mention we get rid of constants in Big O). The loop is therefore O(multiplier). I'm not sure about the bit-shifting.
Edit: I took more of a look around on the bit-shifting. As gbulmer says, it can be O(n), where n is the number of bits shifted. However, it can also be O(1) on certain architectures. See: Is bit shifting O(1) or O(n)?
However, it doesn't matter in this case! n > log2(n) for all valid n. So we have O(n) + O(multiplier) which is a subset of O(2*multiplier) due to the aforementioned relationship, and thus the whole algorithm is O(multiplier).
The point of finding the nearest power is so that your function runtime could get close to runtime O(1). This happens when 2^nearest_power is very close to the result of your addition.
Behind the scenes the whole "to the power of 2" is done with bit shifting.
So, to answer your question, the second version of your code is still worse case linear time: O(multiplier).
Your answer, O(n - 2^(floor(log2(n)))), is also not incorrect; it's just very precise and might be hard to do in your head quickly to find the bounds.
Let's look at the second posted algorithm, starting with:
int nearest_power = 2 ^ (floor(log2(multiplier)));
I believe calculating log2, is, rather pleasingly, O(log2(multiplier))
then nearest_power gets to the interval [multiplier/2 to multiplier], the magnitude of this is multiplier/2. This is the same as finding the highest set-bit for a positive number.
So the for loop is O(multiplier/2), the constant of 1/2 comes out, so it is O(n)
On average, it is half the interval away, which would be O(multiplier/4). But that is just the constant 1/4 * n, so it is still O(n), the constant is smaller but it is still O(n).
A faster algorithm.
Our intuitiion is we can multiply by an n digit number in n steps
In binary this is using 1-bit shift, 1-bit test and binary add to construct the whole answer. Each of those operations is O(1). This is long-multiplication, one digit at a time.
If we use O(1) operations for n, an x bit number, it is O(log2(n)) or O(x), where x is the number of bits in the number
This is an O(log2(n)) algorithm:
int mult(int multiplicand, int multiplier) {
int product = 0;
while (multiplier) {
if (multiplier & 1) product += multiplicand;
multiplicand <<= 1;
multiplier >>= 1;
return product;
It is essentially how we do long multiplication.
Of course, the wise thing to do is use the smaller number as the multiplier. (I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :-)
This only works for positive values, but by testing and remembering the signs of the input, operating on positive values, and then adjusting the sign, it works for all numbers.
I came across this post, which reports the following interview question:
Given two arrays of numbers, find if each of the two arrays have the
same set of integers ? Suggest an algo which can run faster than NlogN
without extra space?
The best that I can think of is the following:
(a) sort each array, and then (b) have two pointers moving along the two arrays and check if you find different values ... but step (a) has already NlogN complexity :(
(a) scan shortest array and put values into a map, and then (b) scan second array and check if you find a value that is not in the map ... here we have linear complexity, but we I use extra space
... so, I can't think of a solution for this question.
Thank you for all the answers. I feel many of them are right, but I decided to choose ruslik's one, because it gives an interesting option that I did not think about.
You can try a probabilistic approach by choosing a commutative function for accumulation (eg, addition or XOR) and a parametrized hash function.
unsigned addition(unsigned a, unsigned b);
unsigned hash(int n, int h_type);
unsigned hash_set(int* a, int num, int h_type){
unsigned rez = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
rez = addition(rez, hash(a[i], h_type));
return rez;
In this way the number of tries before you decide that the probability of false positive will be below a certain treshold will not depend on the number of elements, so it will be linear.
EDIT: In general case the probability of sets being the same is very small, so this O(n) check with several hash functions can be used for prefiltering: to decide as fast as possible if they are surely different or if there is a probability of them being equivalent, and if a slow deterministic method should be used. The final average complexity will be O(n), but worst case scenario will have the complexity of the determenistic method.
You said "without extra space" in the question but I assume that you actually mean "with O(1) extra space".
Suppose that all the integers in the arrays are less than k. Then you can use in-place radix sort to sort each array in time O(n log k) with O(log k) extra space (for the stack, as pointed out by yi_H in comments), and compare the sorted arrays in time O(n log k). If k does not vary with n, then you're done.
I'll assume that the integers in question are of fixed size (eg. 32 bit).
Then, radix-quicksorting both arrays in place (aka "binary quicksort") is constant space and O(n).
In case of unbounded integers, I believe (but cannot proof, even if it is probably doable) that you cannot break the O(n k) barrier, where k is the number of digits of the greatest integer in either array.
Whether this is better than O(n log n) depends on how k is assumed to scale with n, and therefore depends on what the interviewer expects of you.
A special, not harder case is when one array holds 1,2,..,n. This was discussed many times:
How to tell if an array is a permutation in O(n)?
Algorithm to determine if array contains n...n+m?
and despite many tries no deterministic solutions using O(1) space and O(n) time were shown. Either you can cheat the requirements in some way (reuse input space, assume integers are bounded) or use probabilistic test.
Probably this is an open problem.
Here is a co-rp algorithm:
In linear time, iterate over the first array (A), building the polynomial
Pa = A[0] - x)(A[1] -x)...(A[n-1] - x). Do the same for array B, naming this polynomial Pb.
We now want to answer the question "is Pa = Pb?" We can check this probabilistically as follows. Select a number r uniformly at random from the range [0...4n] and compute d = Pa(r) - Pb(r) in linear time. If d = 0, return true; otherwise return false.
Why is this valid? First of all, observe that if the two arrays contain the same elements, then Pa = Pb, so Pa(r) = Pb(r) for all r. With this in mind, we can easily see that this algorithm will never erroneously reject two identical arrays.
Now we must consider the case where the arrays are not identical. By the Schwart-Zippel Lemma, P(Pa(r) - Pb(r) = 0 | Pa != Pb) < (n/4n). So the probability that we accept the two arrays as equivalent when they are not is < (1/4).
The usual assumption for these kinds of problems is Theta(log n)-bit words, because that's the minimum needed to index the input.
sshannin's polynomial-evaluation answer works fine over finite fields, which sidesteps the difficulties with limited-precision registers. All we need are a prime of the appropriate (easy to find under the same assumptions that support a lot of public-key crypto) or an irreducible polynomial in (Z/2)[x] of the appropriate degree (difficulty here is multiplying polynomials quickly, but I think the algorithm would be o(n log n)).
If we can modify the input with the restriction that it must maintain the same set, then it's not too hard to find space for radix sort. Select the (n/log n)th element from each array and partition both arrays. Sort the size-(n/log n) pieces and compare them. Now use radix sort on the size-(n - n/log n) pieces. From the previously processed elements, we can obtain n/log n bits, where bit i is on if a[2*i] > a[2*i + 1] and off if a[2*i] < a[2*i + 1]. This is sufficient to support a radix sort with n/(log n)^2 buckets.
In the algebraic decision tree model, there are known Omega(NlogN) lower bounds for computing set intersection (irrespective of the space limits).
For instance, see here:
So unless you do clever bit manipulations/hashing type approaches, you cannot do better than NlogN.
For instance, if you used only comparisons, you cannot do better than NlogN.
You can break the O(n*log(n)) barrier if you have some restrictions on the range of numbers. But it's not possible to do this if you cannot use any extra memory (you need really silly restrictions to be able to do that).
I would also like to note that even O(nlog(n)) with sorting is not trivial if you have O(1) space limit as merge sort uses O(n) space and quicksort (which is not even strict o(nlog(n)) needs O(log(n)) space for the stack. You have to use heapsort or smoothsort.
Some companies like to ask questions which cannot be solved and I think it is a good practice, as a programmer you have to know both what's possible and how to code it and also know what are the limits so you don't waste your time on something that's not doable.
Check this question for a couple of good techniques to use:
Algorithm to tell if two arrays have identical members
For each integer i check that the number of occurrences of i in the two arrays are either both zero or both nonzero, by iterating over the arrays.
Since the number of integers is constant the total runtime is O(n).
No, I wouldn't do this in practice.
Was just thinking if there was a way you could hash the cumulative of both arrays and compare them, assuming the hashing function doesn't produce collisions from two differing patterns.
why not i find the sum , product , xor of all the elements one array and compare them with the corresponding value of the elements of the other array ??
the xor of elements of both arrays may give zero if the it is like
but what if you compare the xor of the elements of two array to be equal ???
consider this
here xor of both arrays will be same !!! (10^3)=(12^5)=9
but their sum and product are different . I think two different set of elements cannot have same sum ,product and xor !
This can be analysed by simple bitvalue examination.
Is there anything wrong in this approach ??
I'm not sure that correctly understood the problem, but if you are interested in integers that are in both array:
If N >>>>> 2^SizeOf(int) (count of bit for integer (16, 32, 64)) there is one solution:
a = Array(N); //length(a) = N;
b = Array(M); //length(b) = M;
//x86-64. Integer consist of 64 bits.
for i := 0 to 2^64 / 64 - 1 do //very big, but CONST
for k := 0 to M - 1 do
if a[i] = b[l] then doSomething; //detected
for i := 2^64 / 64 to N - 1 do
if not isSetBit(a[i div 64], i mod 64) then
setBit(a[i div 64], i mod 64);
for i := 0 to M - 1 do
if isSetBit(a[b[i] div 64], b[i] mod 64) then doSomething; //detected
O(N), with out aditional structures
All I know is that comparison based sorting cannot possibly be faster than O(NlogN), so we can eliminate most of the "common" comparison based sorts. I was thinking of doing a bucket sort. Perhaps if this qn was asked in an interview, the best response would first be to clarify what sort of data those integers represent. For e.g., if they represent a persons age, then we know that the range of values of int is limited, and can use bucket sort at O(n). However, this will not be in place....
If the arrays have the same size, and there are guaranteed to be no duplicates, sum each of the arrays. If the sum of the values is different, then they contain different integers.
Edit: You can then sum the log of the entries in the arrays. If that is also the same, then you have the same entries in the array.