SQL Server GEOGRAPHY_GRID x & y range - sql-server

I have a table that needs to record geographical points (long, lat) for the whole world. The input data is traditional longitudinal & latitudinal (-180, -90, 180, 90).
I created a geography column and want to index it. However, there are many options and MSDN doesn't indicate best practices. I have the following questions:
I assume GRIDS = ( LEVEL_1 = HIGH, LEVEL_2 = HIGH, LEVEL_3 = HIGH, LEVEL_4 = HIGH) is best for grids. This would create the max possible resolution at latitude ≈ 611.5m. I have seen example with other options. What is best?
Since I am recording only points, I assume CELLS_PER_OBJECT = 1 is correct?
What is the min to max range for x & y of GEOGRAPHY_GRID? See #4.
With reference to #3 above, would I need to convert the traditional longitudinal & latitudinal (-180, -90, 180, 90) data to whatever range GEOGRAPHY_GRID uses so as to properly use the grids?

1.) and 2.) The important thing to bear in mind is that the same grid is used not only for tessellating the data in the column on which the index is created, but also for whatever the query parameter you're using to test that data against.
Consider the following query:
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE GeomColumn.STIntersects(#MyPoly) = 1
Assuming that you've created a spatial index on GeomColumn, then the same grid will be applied to #MyPoly in order to perform a primary filter of the results. So, you don't just choose a grid setting based on what's in your table, but also the sort of query sample that you'll be running against that data. In practice, what is "best" is very subjective based on your data. I'd always recommend you start at MEDIUM, MEDIUM, MEDIUM, MEDIUM, and then try adjusting it from there to see if you get better performance based on empirical tests.
3.) and 4.) You don't set a bounding box for the geography datatype - all geography indexes are implicitly assumed to cover the entire globe. That's one of the reasons that geometry is generally a faster-performing datatype than geography, because the cells of a geometry index can provide higher resolution over a limited geographic area.

I found the answer to 3, 4: SRID 4326 is (-180.0000, -90.0000, 180.0000, 90.0000)


How to efficiently access Microsoft.Maui.Devices.Sensor.Locations in SQL Server

This is more a design question so please bear with me.
I have a system that stores locations consisting of the ID, Longitude and Latitude.
I need to compare the distance between my current location and the locations in the database a only choose ones that are within a certain distance.
I have the formula that calculates the distance between 2 locations based on the long/lat and that works great.
My issue is I may have 10 of thousands of locations in the database and don't want to loop through them all every time I need a list of locations close by.
Not sure what other datapoint I can store with the location to make it so I only have to compare a smaller subset.
As was mentioned in the comments, SQL Server has had support for geospatial since (iirc) SQL 2008. And I know that there is support within .NET for that as well so you should be able to define the data and query it from within your application.
Since the datatype is index-able, k nearest neighbor queries are pretty efficient. There's even a topic in the documentation for that use case. Doing a lift and shift from that page:
DECLARE #g geography = 'POINT(-121.626 47.8315)';
SELECT TOP(7) SpatialLocation.ToString(), City
FROM Person.Address
WHERE SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g);
If you need all the points within that radius, omit the top clause and change the predicate on STDistance() to something like SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g) < 1000 (the SRID I typically use has meters as the unit of measure, so this would say 'within 1 km').
https://gis.stackexchange.com/ is a good place for in-depth advice on this topic.
A classic approach to quickly locating "nearby" values, is to "grid" the area of interest:
Associate each location with a "grid cell", where each cell is a convenient size. Pick a cell-edge-length such that most cells will hold a small number of values and/or that is similar to the distance range you typically query.
If cell edge is 1 km, and you need locations within 2 km, then get data from 5x5 cells centered at the "target" location.
This is guaranteed to include all data +- 2 km from any location within the central cell.
Apply distance formula to each returned location; some will be beyond 2 km.
I've only done this in memory, not from a DB. I think you add two columns, one for X cell number, other for Y cell number.
With indexes on both of those. So can efficiently get a range of Xs by a range of Ys.
Not sure if a combined "X,Y" index helps or not.

Spatial query - poor performance, not using index

I'm trying to find locations within some distance from given coordinates. On a table with about 32k records query takes about 2 seconds - which is way too slow, imo.
It is doing a clustered index scan, which is logical - it has to calculate distance for every location.. However, I still think this should be faster over a data set this small. I do have spatial index defined, however it's not used, and query fails if I'm forcing it.
Most of the time (~86%) is spent on Filter that calculates the distance - so I'm looking for a ways to optimize that, and I need some help here..
The query I'm using is this:
FROM Venue
WHERE (Coordinates.STDistance(geography::STPointFromText('POINT(-113.512245 51.498212)', 4326)) / 1000) <= 100
One old approach is to use a BOX firxt.
From your point, make two points on opposite ends of the box. +R/+R and -R/-R from the center.
Then you can filter - a point has to be in this box AND in the circle you describe.
The box check can run on the index and kills most elements.
Simple school geometry. You draw a rectangular box around the circle you describe.
Your current approach can not use the index because the index does not contain the fields.
ALTERNATIVELY: DRAW A CIRCLE - do not use a distance calculation. Draw a circle. With points.
Or read https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11311363/my-application-is-about-asp-net-using-linq-and-remote-mssql-my-connection-is-be which is the same issue you ask.

Spatial search with ravenDB

I have a rather specific spatial search I need to do. Basically, have an object (lets call it obj1) with two locations, lets call them point A and point B.
I then have a collection of objects(lets call each one obj2) each with their own A and B locations.
I want to return the top 10 objects from the collection sorted by:
(distance from obj1 A to obj2A) + (the distance from obj1B to obj2B)
Any ideas?
Here's a little more detail on the documents and how I want to compare them.
The domain model:
ListingId int
Title string
Price double
Origin Location
Destination Location
Post / Zipcode string
Latitude decimal
Longitude decimal
What i want to do is take a listing object (not in the database) and compare it with the collection of listings in the database. I want the query to return the top 12 (or x) number of listings sorted by the crow flies distance from the origins plus the crow flies distance from destinations.
I don't care about the distance from origin to destination - only about the distance of origin to origin plus destination to destination.
Basically Im trying to find listings where the starting and ending locations are close.
Please let me know if I can clarify more.
Here is how one would solve such a problem in
mysql 4.1 &
mysql 5.
The link from mysql 4.1 seems quite helpful, esp. the first example, it's pretty much what you are asking about.
But if this is not quite helpful, I guess you'd have to loop and do queries either on obj1 or obj2 against its counterpart table.
From algorithmic perspective, I'd find the center of the bounding box, then picked candidates with increasing radius while I find enough.
Also I just want to remind that crow fly distance over the globe is not Pythagoras distance and different formula must be used:
public static double GetDistance(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
double deltaLat = DegreesToRadians(lat2 - lat1);
double deltaLong = DegreesToRadians(lng2 - lng1);
double a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) +
* Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(lat2))
* Math.Pow(Math.Sin(deltaLong / 2), 2);
return earthMeanRadiusMiles * (2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)));
Sounds like you're building a rideshare website. :)
The bottom line is that in order to sort your query result by surface distance, you'll need spatial indexing built into the database engine. I think your options here are MySQL with OpenGIS extensions (already mentioned) or PostgreSQL with PostGIS. It looks like it's possible in ravenDB too: http://ravendb.net/documentation/indexes/sptial
But if that's not an option, there's a few other ways. Let's simplify the problem and say you just want to sort your database records by their distance to location A, since you're just doing that twice and summing the result.
The simplest solution is to pull every record from the database and calculate the distance to location A one by one, then sort, in code. Trouble is, you end up doing a lot of redundant computations and pulling down the entire table for every query.
Let's once again simplify and pretend we only care about the Chebyshev (maximum) distance. This will work for narrowing our scope within the db before we get more accurate. We can do a "binary search" for nearby records. We must decide an approximate number of closest records to return; let's say 10. Then we query inside of a square area, let's say 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude (that's about 60x60 miles) around the location of interest. Let's say our location of interest is lat,lng=43.5,86.5. Then our db query is SELECT COUNT(*) FROM locations WHERE (lat > 43 AND lat < 44) AND (lng > 86 AND lng < 87). If you have indexes on the lat/lng fields, that should be a fast query.
Our goal is to get just above 10 total results inside the box. Here's where the "binary search" comes in. If we only got 5 results, we double the box area and search again. If we got 100 results, we cut the area in half and search again. If we get 3 results immediately after that, we increase the box area by 50% (instead of 100%) and try again, proceeding until we get close enough to our 10 result target.
Finally we take this manageable set of records and calculate their euclidean distance from the location of interest, and sort, in code.
Good luck!
I do not think that you find a solution directly out of the box.
It'll be much more efficient if you use a bounding sphere instead of a bounding box to specify your object.
C = ( A + B)/2 and R = distance(A,B) /2
You do not precise how much data you want to compare. And if you want to see the closests or the farthest objects pair.
For both case, I think that you have to encode C coordinate as a path in an octtree if you are using 3D or quadtree if you are using 2D.
This is a first draft I can add more information if this not enough.
If you are not familiar with 3D start with 2D it easier to start with.
I show your latest add, it seems that your problem is very similar to clash detection algorithm.
I think that if you change the coordinate system of the "end-point" by polar coordinate relative to the "start-point". If you round the radial coordinate to your tolerance (x miles), and order them by this value.

Calculate distance between Zip Codes... AND users.

This is more of a challenge question than something I urgently need, so don't spend all day on it guys.
I built a dating site (long gone) back in 2000 or so, and one of the challenges was calculating the distance between users so we could present your "matches" within an X mile radius. To just state the problem, given the following database schema (roughly):
With USER and ZIPCODE being joined on USER.ZipCode = ZIPCODE.ZipCode.
What approach would you take to answer the following question: What other users live in Zip Codes that are within X miles of a given user's Zip Code.
We used the 2000 census data, which has tables for zip codes and their approximate lattitude and longitude.
We also used the Haversine Formula to calculate distances between any two points on a sphere... pretty simple math really.
The question, at least for us, being the 19 year old college students we were, really became how to efficiently calculate and/store distances from all members to all other members. One approach (the one we used) would be to import all the data and calculate the distance FROM every zip code TO every other zip code. Then you'd store and index the results. Something like:
SELECT User.UserId
FROM ZipCode AS MyZipCode
INNER JOIN ZipDistance ON MyZipCode.ZipCode = ZipDistance.MyZipCode
INNER JOIN ZipCode AS TheirZipCode ON ZipDistance.OtherZipCode = TheirZipCode.ZipCode
INNER JOIN User AS User ON TheirZipCode.ZipCode = User.ZipCode
WHERE ( MyZipCode.ZipCode = 75044 )
AND ( ZipDistance.Distance < 50 )
The problem, of course, is that the ZipDistance table is going to have a LOT of rows in it. It isn't completely unworkable, but it is really big. Also it requires complete pre-work on the whole data set, which is also not unmanageable, but not necessarily desireable.
Anyway, I was wondering what approach some of you gurus might take on something like this. Also, I think this is a common issue programmers have to tackle from time to time, especially if you consider problems that are just algorithmically similar. I'm interested in a thorough solution that includes at least HINTS on all the pieces to do this really quickly end efficiently. Thanks!
Ok, for starters, you don't really need to use the Haversine formula here. For large distances where a less accurate formula produces a larger error, your users don't care if the match is plus or minus a few miles, and for closer distances, the error is very small. There are easier (to calculate) formulas listed on the Geographical Distance Wikipedia article.
Since zip codes are nothing like evenly spaced, any process that partitions them evenly is going to suffer mightily in areas where they are clustered tightly (east coast near DC being a good example). If you want a visual comparison, check out http://benfry.com/zipdecode and compare the zipcode prefix 89 with 07.
A far better way to deal with indexing this space is to use a data structure like a Quadtree or an R-tree. This structure allows you to do spatial and distance searches over data which is not evenly spaced.
Here's what an Quadtree looks like:
To search over it, you drill down through each larger cell using the index of smaller cells that are within it. Wikipedia explains it more thoroughly.
Of course, since this is a fairly common thing to do, someone else has already done the hard part for you. Since you haven't specified what database you're using, the PostgreSQL extension PostGIS will serve as an example. PostGIS includes the ability to do R-tree spatial indexes which allow you to do efficient spatial querying.
Once you've imported your data and built the spatial index, querying for distance is a query like:
FROM zipcode
geom && expand(transform(PointFromText('POINT(-116.768347 33.911404)', 4269),32661), 16093)
transform(PointFromText('POINT(-116.768347 33.911404)', 4269),32661),
geom) < 16093
I'll let you work through the rest of the tutorial yourself.
Here are some other references to get you started.
I'd simply just create a zip_code_distances table and pre-compute the distances between all 42K zipcodes in the US which are within a 20-25 mile radius of each other.
create table zip_code_distances
from_zip_code mediumint not null,
to_zip_code mediumint not null,
distance decimal(6,2) default 0.0,
primary key (from_zip_code, to_zip_code),
key (to_zip_code)
Only including zipcodes within a 20-25 miles radius of each other reduces the number of rows you need to store in the distance table from it's maximum of 1.7 billion (42K ^ 2) - 42K to a much more manageable 4 million or so.
I downloaded a zipcode datafile from the web which contained the longitudes and latitudes of all the official US zipcodes in csv format:
"00601","Adjuntas","Adjuntas","Puerto Rico","PR","787","Atlantic", 18.166, -66.7236
"00602","Aguada","Aguada","Puerto Rico","PR","787","Atlantic", 18.383, -67.1866
"91210","Glendale","Los Angeles","California","CA","818","Pacific", 34.1419, -118.261
"91214","La Crescenta","Los Angeles","California","CA","818","Pacific", 34.2325, -118.246
"91221","Glendale","Los Angeles","California","CA","818","Pacific", 34.1653, -118.289
I wrote a quick and dirty C# program to read the file and compute the distances between every zipcode but only output zipcodes that fall within a 25 mile radius:
sw = new StreamWriter(path);
foreach (ZipCode fromZip in zips){
foreach (ZipCode toZip in zips)
if (toZip.ZipArea == fromZip.ZipArea) continue;
double dist = ZipCode.GetDistance(fromZip, toZip);
if (dist > 25) continue;
string s = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", fromZip.ZipArea, toZip.ZipArea, dist);
The resultant output file looks as follows:
I would then just load this distance data into my zip_code_distances table using load data infile and then use it to limit the search space of my application.
For example if you have a user whose zipcode is 91210 and they want to find people who are within a 10 mile radius of them then you can now simply do the following:
people p
inner join
from_zip_code = 91210 and distance <= 10
) search
on p.zip_code = search.to_zip_code
p.gender = 'F'....
Hope this helps
EDIT: extended radius to 100 miles which increased the number of zipcode distances to 32.5 million rows.
quick performance check for zipcode 91210 runtime 0.009 seconds.
select count(*) from zip_code_distances
from_zip_code = 91210 and distance <= 10;
0:00:00.009: Query OK
You could shortcut the calculation by just assuming a box instead of a circular radius. Then when searching you simply calculate the lower/upper bound of lat/lon for a given point+"radius", and as long as you have an index on the lat/lon columns you could pull back all records that fall within the box pretty easily.
I know that this post is TOO old, but making some research for a client I've found some useful functionality of Google Maps API and is so simple to implement, you just need to pass to the url the origin and destination ZIP codes, and it calculates the distance even with the traffic, you can use it with any language:
origins = 90210
destinations = 93030
mode = driving
following the link you can see that it returns a json. Remember that you need an API key to use this on your own hosting.
You could divide your space into regions of roughly equal size -- for instance, approximate the earth as a buckyball or icosahedron. The regions could even overlap a bit, if that's easier (e.g. make them circular). Record which region(s) each ZIP code is in. Then you can precalculate the maximum distance possible between every region pair, which has the same O(n^2) problem as calculating all the ZIP code pairs, but for smaller n.
Now, for any given ZIP code, you can get a list of regions that are definitely within your given range, and a list of regions that cross the border. For the former, just grab all the ZIP codes. For the latter, drill down into each border region and calculate against individual ZIP codes.
It's certainly more complex mathematically, and in particular the number of regions would have to be chosen for a good balance between the size of the table vs. the time spent calculating on the fly, but it reduces the size of the precalculated table by a good margin.
I would use latitude and longitude. For example, if you have a latitude of 45 and a longitude of 45 and were asked to find matches within 50 miles, then you could do it by moving 50/69 ths up in latitude and 50/69 ths down in latitude (1 deg latitude ~ 69 miles). Select zip codes with latitudes in this range. Longitudes are a little different, because they get smaller as you move closer to the poles.
But at 45 deg, 1 longitude ~ 49 miles, so you could move 50/49ths left in latitude and 50/49ths right in latitude, and select all zip codes from the latitude set with this longitude. This gives you all zip codes within a square with lengths of a hundred miles. If you wanted to be really precise, you could then use the Haversine formula witch you mentioned to weed out zips in the corners of the box, to give you a sphere.
Not every possible pair of zip codes are going to be used. I would build zipdistance as a 'cache' table. For each request calculate the distance for that pair and save it in the cache. When a request for a distance pair comes, first look in the cache, then compute if it's not available.
I do not know the intricacies of distance calculations, so I would also check whether computing on the fly is cheaper than looking up (also taking into consideration how often you have to compute).
I have the problem running great, and pretty much everyone's answer got used. I was thinking about this in terms of the old solution instead of just "starting over." Babtek gets the nod for stating in in simplest terms.
I'll skip the code because I'll provide references to derive the needed formulas, and there is too much to cleanly post here.
Consider Point A on a sphere, represented by latitude and longitude. Figure out North, South, East, and West edges of a box 2X miles across with Point A at the center.
Select all point within the box from the ZipCode table. This includes a simple WHERE clause with two Between statements limiting by Lat and Long.
Use the haversine formula to determine the spherical distance between Point A and every point B returned in step 2.
Discard all points B where distance A -> B > X.
Select users where ZipCode is in the remaining set of points B.
This is pretty fast for > 100 miles. Longest result was ~ 0.014 seconds to calculate the match, and trivial to run the select statement.
Also, as a side note, it was necessary to implement the math in a couple of functions and call them in SQL. Once I got past a certain distance the matching number of ZipCodes was too large to pass back to SQL and use as an IN statement, so I had to use a temp table and join the resulting ZipCodes to User on the ZipCode column.
I suspect that using a ZipDistance table will not provide a long-term performance gain. The number of rows just gets really big. If you calculate the distance from every zip to to every other zip code (eventually) then the resultant row count from 40,000 zip codes would be ~ 1.6B. Whoah!
Alternately, I am interested in using SQL's built in geography type to see if that will make this easier, but good old int/float types served fine for this sample.
So... final list of online resources I used, for your easy reference:
Maximum Difference, Latitude and Longitude.
The Haversine Formula.
Lengthy but complete discussion of the whole process, which I found from Googling stuff in your answers.

Geometry column: STGeomFromText and SRID (what is an SRID?)

I'm playing with the new geography column in SQL Server 2008 and the STGeomFromText function. Here is my code (works with AdventureWorks2008)
DECLARE #region geography;
set #region = geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((
-80.0 50.0, -90.0 50.0,
-90.0 25.0, -80.0 25.0,
-80.0 50.0))', 4326);
SELECT #region;
My question is about the 4326 in the code. It is supposed to be a spacial Reference ID. When I go to MSDN there isn't a lot on it. If I change the value to 56 I get an error telling me the value must be in the sys.spatial_reference_systems table.
You can look at that table by executing:
select * from sys.spatial_reference_systems
There is a well_known_text column in that table, but it doesn't tell me much. The value for 4326 is:
GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", ELLIPSOID["WGS 84", 6378137, 298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0], UNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]]
Can anyone explain this mystery to me? What is the SRID?
So I ended up talking with an ex-military guy yesterday who was a radar/mapping specialist.
Basically, he knew exactly what that number (4326) was, where it came from, and why it is there.
It is an industry standard for computing geography. The problem is that the earth is not a perfect sphere (it bulges in the middle), and SRID 4326 accounts for that.
As I stated, the table sys.spatial_reference_systems lists all of the code and what they are. But the short version is that you are really only going to use 4326 unless you have a very specific reason to use something different.
SRID = Spatial Reference IDentifier
coordinates must use the same SRID to be comparable. otherwise you'd end up comparing kilometeres and miles. or something similar.
There are a lot of systems to map the earth. For example you want to map some state in USA. You can set the most south-east point as 0,0 and map all other spatial coordinates according to this point. On the other hand you may want to map some spatial data that span all over the map. In any case you must choose some point as 0,0. In addition you must select some sort of measurement unit: miles/kilometers/degrees/some other magical unit that suits you better. Over the years a lot of such systems where developed. Each has its own zero point, its own coordinates, its own rules about if the earth is flat or not. SRID or SRS is the id of such system. Using this id you can map point expressed in one system to another system, although sometimes it involves some pretty complex math.
And about 4326 SRID. It also called "WGS 84"
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System) system. It's the most common system to represent point on spherical(not flat) earth. It uses degree,minute,second notation and its x and y coordinates are usually called latitude and longitude.
Most used non-spherical earth projection is called UTM. You can read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
Anyway, as long you are not doing any spatial conversions from one system to other, you don't really care about the system that you data uses.
I have found this website: http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/4326/ quite helpful in understanding the SRID you intend to use. It provides a handy map, some bounding box information and other links.
For other SRIDs simply change the digits at the end of the URL to what you are after.
The distance returned depends on the "Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)" you define for your geography types.
In the example below, the default SRID of 4336 is used, see the second argument of STGeomFromText. This means the distance returned is in meters, you find this via querying the catalog view spatial_reference_systems i.e. select srs.unit_of_measure from sys.spatial_reference_systems as srs where srs.spatial_reference_id = 4326
As an alternative to STGeomFromText, you can use parse which assumes a SRID of 4326 and you don't have to specify one explicitly.
When calculating the distance between two points, you must use the same SRID for both geography types else you get an error. Example:
DECLARE #distance float
SET #address1 = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText ('point(53.046908 -2.991673)',4326)
SET #address2 = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText ('point(51.500152 -0.126236)',4326)
SET #distance = #address1.STDistance(#address2)
SELECT #distance --this is the distance in meters
