WPF Datepicker scroll through dates in textbox - wpf

I would like to scroll using the arrow keys through the day month and year fields in the datepicker textbox.
I am guessing this will be a two step solution:
1- break up month day year into individual fields that the user 'clicks' into.
2- once the user has focus of the either day year or month then they can use arrow keys to scroll up /down.
anyone done this before with wpf?

Found this project has a date time with up / down:


react datepicker custom dates for selection

Currently Im developing an datepicker from hackerone react datepicker, where user can select date from day up to decade, but I didnt find any props in DatePicker component at their website to give user opportunity to select decade, maximum is a year selection. I decided to put prop yearItemNumber={100} so it will give a range of 100 years, but how can I combine 10 years into one option as it show in first screen?
How it may look:
What I have:
Also additional question, how can I display a century in datepicker header? Or its just a hardcoded text

React Airbnb date picker custom year/month navigation unwanted year/month jump

I am using react-dates from Airbnb and specified min and max dates, also created custom year/month navigation, but the problem is that if the month is by default before the month in min date and want to change year, it change month and year in both panels to min date month/year and if you click on prev icon it should be disabled and next icon should be enabeld (for example: if left panel month is Jul, right panel month should be Aug) but still it navigates and month and year in both panels are the same
You can check demo here demo
any help please?
Add the disableScroll prop. Checkout this fork of your sandbox

XamSchedule (WPF): show more weeks with scrollbar

I use the control XamSchedule (WPF) from Infragistics. I need it to show all the appointments from the user. But I cant show more then one week. I want to scroll to the next week.
I can change between Week and WorkWeek. This is ok because I want to hide the weekend sometimes.
Is this possible that I can scroll to the next week?

XAML pick only month and year in datepicker

I need a DatePicker that can only show month and year as the available choice.
I found that it is possible to go one up when i'm in the choose section.
Is there a possible solution to lock the DatePicker at that?

WPF Calendar: Boldface specified dates?

I am creating a window that uses a WPF calendar to browse documents created on specified dates during the month shown. When the calendar changes month, I search a database for all documents created during that month, which I use to create a list of dates during the month that have documents.
In the Calendar control, I want to boldface those dates that have documents, in the same manner that Outlook boldfaces dates that have appointments.
So, here's my question: How do I boldface a specific date in the Calendar control's month view? Thanks for your help.
This may help.
The "Selected Date and Selected Dates" area will show you how to select them, and further down it can show you how to format your calendar. That is, if you're using the same calendar which I hope you are. Hope this helps.
Selected Date and Selected Dates
SelectedDate property represents the current selected date. If multiple date selection is true, then SelectedDates property represents all selected dates in a Calendar. The following code snippet sets the SelectedDates in XAML at design-time.
<Calendar Name="MonthlyCalendar"
xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" Margin="15,39,88,19">
The selected dates in a Calendar looks like Figure 8 where you can see March 5th, 15th, and 25th have a light blue background and represents the selected dates.
The following code snippet sets the SelectedDates property in WPF at run-time.
private void AddSelectedDates()
MonthlyCalendar.SelectedDates.Add(new DateTime(2010, 3, 5));
MonthlyCalendar.SelectedDates.Add(new DateTime(2010, 3, 15));
MonthlyCalendar.SelectedDates.Add(new DateTime(2010, 3, 25));
It turns out that boldfacing is hard-coded in several places, so I changed to date highlighting instead. I wrote a custom control that has a HighlightedDates list; adding a date to the list highlights the date and provides an optional tool tip for the date with whatever content the host app chooses.
I have written a CodeProject article titled Extending the WPF Calendar. The article includes the control and explains how I built it.
