My scenario, I'm collecting network packets and if packets match a network filter I want to record the time difference between consecutive packets, this last part is the part that doesn't work. My problem is that I cant get accurate sub-second measurements no matter what C timer function I use. I've tried: gettimeofday(), clock_gettime(), and clock().
I'm looking for assistance to figure out why my timing code isn't working properly.
I'm running on a cygwin environment.
Compile Options: gcc -Wall capture.c -o capture -lwpcap -lrt
Code snippet :
int first_time = 0;
struct timespec start, end;
double sec_diff = 0;
main() {
pcap_t *adhandle;
const struct pcap_pkthdr header;
const u_char *packet;
int sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
.... (previous I create socket/connect - works fine)
save_attr = tty_set_raw();
while (1) {
packet = pcap_next(adhandle, &header); // Receive a packet? Process it
if (packet != NULL) {
got_packet(&header, packet, adhandle);
if (linux_kbhit()) { // User types message to channel
kb_char = linux_getch(); // Get user-supplied character
if (kb_char == 0x03) // Stop loop (exit channel) if user hits Ctrl+C
printf("\nCapture complete.\n");
In got_packet:
got_packet(const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet, pcap_t * p){ ... { some packet filtering to only handle my packets, set match = 1
if (match == 1) {
if (first_time == 0) {
clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start );
else {
clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end );
sec_diff = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0); // Packet difference in seconds
printf("sec_diff: %ld,\tstart_nsec: %ld,\tend_nsec: %ld\n", (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec), start.tv_nsec, end.tv_nsec);
printf("sec_diffcalc: %ld,\tstart_sec: %ld,\tend_sec: %ld\n", sec_diff, start.tv_sec, end.tv_sec);
start = end; // Set the current to the start for next match
I record all packets with Wireshark to compare, so I expect the difference in my timer to be the same as Wireshark's, however that is never the case. My output for tv_sec will be correct, however tv_nsec is not even close. Say there is a 0.5 second difference in wireshark, my timer will say there is a 1.999989728 second difference.
Basically, you will want to use a timer with a higher resolution
Also, I did not check in libpcap, but I am pretty sure that libpcap can give you the time at which each packet was received. In which case, it will be closest that you can get to what Wireshark displays.
I don't think that it is the clocks that are your problem, but the way that you are waiting on new data. You should use a polling function to see when you have new data from either the socket or from the keyboard. This will allow your program to sleep when there is no new data for it to process. This is likely to make the operating system be nicer to your program when it does have data to process and schedule it quicker. This also allows you to quit the program without having to wait for the next packet to come in. Alternately you could attempt to run your program at really high or real time priority.
You should consider getting the current time at the first instance after you get a packet if the filtering can take very long. You may also want to consider multiple threads for this program if you are trying to capture data on a fast and busy network. Especially if you have more than one processor, but since you are doing some pritnfs which may block. I noticed you had a function to set a tty to raw mode, which I assume is the standard output tty. If you are actually using a serial terminal that could slow things down a lot, but standard out to a xterm can also be slow. You may want to consider setting stdout to fully buffered rather than line buffered. This should speed up the output. (man setvbuf)
I seem to be having a bit of trouble in waiting for the completion of serial data transmissions.
My interpretation of the relevant MSDN article is the EV_TXEMPTY event is the correct signal and which indicates that:
EV_TXEMPTY - The last character in the output buffer was sent.
However in my tests the event always fires immediately as soon as the data has been submitted to the buffer and long before the final has actually reached the wire. See the repro code below where the period is always zero.
Have I made an error in the implementation, am I misunderstanding the purpose of the flag, or is this feature simply not supported by modern drivers? In the latter case is there a viable workaround, say some form of synchronous line state request?
For the record the tests were conducted with FTDI USB-RS485 and TTL-232R devices in a Windows 10 system, a USB-SERIAL CH340 interface on a Windows 7 system, as well as the on-board serial interface of a 2005-vintage Windows XP machine. In the FTDI case sniffing the USB bus reveals only bulk out transactions and no obvious interrupt notification of the completion.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
static int fatal(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: I/O error\n");
return 1;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
static const char payload[] = "Hello, World!";
// Use a suitably low bitrate to maximize the delay
enum { BAUDRATE = 300 };
// Ask for the port name on the command line
if(argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s {COMx}\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
char path[MAX_PATH];
snprintf(path, sizeof path, "\\\\.\\%s", argv[1]);
// Open and configure the serial device
HANDLE handle = CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
return fatal();
DCB dcb = {
.DCBlength = sizeof dcb,
.BaudRate = BAUDRATE,
.fBinary = TRUE,
.ByteSize = DATABITS_8,
.Parity = NOPARITY,
if(!SetCommState(handle, &dcb))
return fatal();
if(!SetCommMask(handle, EV_TXEMPTY))
return fatal();
// Fire off a write request
DWORD written;
unsigned int elapsed = GetTickCount();
if(!WriteFile(handle, payload, sizeof payload, &written, NULL) ||
written != sizeof payload)
return fatal();
// Wait for transmit completion and measure time elapsed
DWORD event;
if(!WaitCommEvent(handle, &event, NULL))
return fatal();
if(!(event & EV_TXEMPTY))
return fatal();
elapsed = GetTickCount() - elapsed;
// Display the final result
const unsigned int expected_time =
(sizeof payload * 1000 /* ms */ * 10 /* bits/char */) / BAUDRATE;
printf("Completed in %ums, expected %ums\n", elapsed, expected_time);
return 0;
The background is that this is part of a Modbus RTU protocol test suite where I am attempting to inject >3.5 character idle delays between characters on the wire to validate device response.
Admittedly, an embedded realtime system would have been more far suitable for the task but for various reasons I would prefer to stick to a Windows environment while controlling the timing as best as possible.
According to the comments by #Hans Passant and #RbMm the output buffer being referred in the EV_TXEMPTY documentation is an intermediate buffer and the event indicates that data has been forwarded to the driver. No equivalent notification event is defined which encompasses the full chain down to the final device buffers.
No general workaround is presently clear to me short of a manual delay based upon the bitrate and adding a significant worst-case margin for any remaining buffer layers to be traversed, inter-character gaps, clock skew, etc.
I would therefore very much appreciate answers with better alternate solutions.
Nevertheless, for my specific application I have implemented a viable workaround.
The target hardware is a half-duplex bus with a FTDI RS485 interface. This particular device offers an optional local-echo mode in which data actively transmitted onto the bus is not actively filtered from the reception.
After each transmission I am therefore able to wait for the expected echo to appear as a round-trip confirmation. In addition, this serves to detect certain faults such as a short-circuited bus.
I'm testing the CAN interface on an embedded device (SOC / ARM core / Linux) using SocketCAN, and I want to send data as fast as possible for testing, using efficient code.
I can open the CAN device ("can0") as a BSD socket, and send frames with "write". This all works well.
My desktop can obviously generate frames faster than the CAN transmission rate (I'm using 500000 bps). To send efficiently, I tried using a "select" on the socket file descriptor to wait for it to become ready, followed by the "write". However, the "select" seems to return immediately regardless of the state of the send buffer, and "write" also doesn't block. This means that when the buffer fills up, I get an error from "write" (return value -1), and errno is set to 105 ("No buffer space available").
This mean I have to wait an arbitrary amount of time, then try the write again, which seems very inefficient (polling!).
Here's my code (C, edited for brevity):
printf("CAN Data Generator\n");
int skt; // CAN raw socket
struct sockaddr_can addr;
struct canfd_frame frame;
const int WAIT_TIME = 500;
// Create socket:
skt = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
// Get the index of the supplied interface name:
unsigned int if_index = if_nametoindex(argv[1]);
// Bind CAN device to socket created above:
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
addr.can_ifindex = if_index;
bind(skt, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
// Generate example CAN data: 8 bytes; 0x11,0x22,0x33,...
// ...[Omitted]
// Send CAN frames:
fd_set fds;
const struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec=2, .tv_usec=0 };
struct timeval this_timeout;
int ret;
ssize_t bytes_writ;
while (1)
// Use 'select' to wait for socket to be ready for writing:
FD_SET(skt, &fds);
this_timeout = timeout;
ret = select(skt+1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &this_timeout);
if (ret < 0)
printf("'select' error (%d)\n", errno);
return 1;
else if (ret == 0)
// Timeout waiting for buffer to be free
printf("ERROR - Timeout waiting for buffer to clear.\n");
return 1;
if (FD_ISSET(skt, &fds))
// Ready to write!
bytes_writ = write(skt, &frame, CAN_MTU);
if (bytes_writ != CAN_MTU)
if (errno == 105)
// Buffer full!
printf("X"); fflush(stdout);
usleep(20); // Wait for buffer to clear
printf("FAIL - Error writing CAN frame (%d)\n", errno);
return 1;
printf("."); fflush(stdout);
printf("-"); fflush(stdout);
When I set the per-frame WAIT_TIME to a high value (e.g. 500 uS) so that the buffer never fills, I see this output:
CAN Data Generator
Which is good! At 500 uS I get 54% CAN bus utilisation (according to canbusload utility).
However, when I try a delay of 0 to max out my transmission rate, I see:
CAN Data Generator
The initial dots "." show the buffer filling up; Once the buffer is full, "X" starts appearing meaning that the "write" call failed with error 105.
Tracing through the logic, this means the "select" must have returned and the "FD_ISSET(skt, &fds)" was true, although the buffer was full! (or did I miss something?).
The SockedCAN docs just say "Writing CAN frames can be done similarly, with the write(2) system call"
This post suggests using "select".
This post suggests that "write" won't block for CAN priority arbitration, but doesn't cover other circumstances.
So is "select" the right way to do it? Should my "write" block? What other options could I use to avoid polling?
After a quick look at canbusload:184, it seems that it computes efficiency (#data/#total bits on the bus).
On the other hand, according to this, max efficiency for CAN bus is around 57% for 8-byte frames, so you seem not to be far away from that 57%... I would say you are indeed flooding the bus.
When setting a 500uS delay, 500kbps bus bitrate, 8-byte frames, it gives you a (control+data) bitrate of 228kbps, which is lower than max bitrate of the CAN bus, so, no bottleneck here.
Also, since in this case only 1 socket is being monitored, you don't need pselect, really. All you can do with pselect and 1 socket can be done without pselect and using write.
(Disclamer: hereinafter, this is just guessing since I cannot test it right now, sorry.)
As of why the behavior of pselect, think that the buffer could have byte semantics, so it tells you there is still room for more bytes (1 at least), not necessarily for more can_frames. So, when returning, pselect does not inform you can send the whole CAN frame. I guess you could solve this by using SIOCOUTQ and the max size of the Rx buffer SO_SNDBUF, but not sure if it works for CAN sockets (the nice thing would be to use SO_SNDLOWAT flags, but it is not changable in Linux's implementation).
So, to answer your questions:
Is "select" the right way to do it?
Well, you can do it both ways, either (p)select or write, since you are only waiting for one file descriptor, there is no real difference.
Should my "write" block? It should if there is no single byte available in the send buffer.
What other options could I use to avoid polling? Maybe by ioctl'ing SIOCOUTQ and getsockopt'ing SO_SNDBUF and substracting... you will need to check this yourself. Alternatively, maybe you could set the send buffer size to a multiple of sizeof(can_frame) and see if it keeps you signaling when less than sizeof(can_frame) are available.
Anyhow, if you are interested in having a more precise timing, you could use a BCM socket. There, you can instruct the kernel to send a specific frame at a specific interval. Once set, the process run in kernel space, without any system call. In this way, user-kernel buffer problem is avoided. I would test different rates until canbusload shows no rise in bus utilization.
select and poll worked for me right with SocketCan. However, carefull configuration is require.
some background:
between user app and the HW, there are 2 buffers:
socket buffer, where its size (in bytes) is controlled by the setsockopt's SO_SNDBUF option
driver's qdisc, where its size (in packets) is controlled by the "ifconfig can0 txqueuelen 5" command.
data path is: user app "write" command --> socket buffer -> driver's qdisc -> HW TX mailbox.
2 flow control points exist along this path:
when there is no free TX mailboxe, driver freeze driver's qdisc (__QUEUE_STATE_DRV_XOFF), to prevent more packets to be dequeued from driver's qdisc into HW. it will be un-freezed when TX mailbox is free (upon TX completion interrupt).
when socket buffer goes above half of its capacity, poll/select blocks, until socket buffer goes beyond half of its capacity.
now, assume that socket buffer has room for 20 packets, while driver's qdisc has room for 5 packets. lets assume also that HW have single TX mailbox.
poll/select let user write up to 10 packets.
those packets are moved down to socket buffer.
5 of those packets continue and fill driver's qdisc.
driver dequeue 1st packet from driver's qdisc, put it into HW TX mailbox and freeze driver's qdisc (=no more dequeue). now there is room for 1 packet in driver's qdisc
6th packet is moved down successfully from socket buffer to driver's qdisc.
7th packet is moved down from socket buffer to driver's qdisc, but since there is no room - it is dropped and error 105 ("No buffer space available") is generated.
what is the solution?
in the above assumptions, lets configure socket buffer for 8 packets. in this case, poll/select will block user app after 4 packets, ensuring that there is room in driver's qdisc for all of those 4 packets.
however, socket buffer is configured to bytes, not to packet. translation should be made as the following: each CAN packet occupy ~704 bytes at socket buffer (most of them for the socket structure). so, to configure socket buffer to 8 packet, the size in bytes should be 8*704:
int size = 8*704;
setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &size, sizeof(size));
I am using TFT LCD screen (ILI9163c - 160*128). It is connected with athros AR9331 module with spi. Athros AR9331 is running with OpenWRT linux distribution. So, I am driving my LCD with spidev0.1. While filling screen or writing any string on LCD, it is taking too much time to print. So, what can i do to get sufficient printing speed.
This is the function i'm using to write data on spi pin using spidev...
void spi_transactor(unsigned char *write_data, int mode,int size)
int ret;
struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer[4];
unsigned char *init_reg;
init_reg = (unsigned char*) malloc(size);
if (mode)
gpio_set_value(_rs, 1); // DATA
gpio_set_value(_rs, 0); // COMMAND
memset(xfer, 0, sizeof xfer);
xfer[0].bits_per_word = 8;
xfer[0].tx_buf = (unsigned long)init_reg;
xfer[0].rx_buf = 0; //( unsigned long ) &buf_rx[0];
xfer[0].len = size; //wlength + rlength;
xfer[0].delay_usecs = 0;
xfer[0].speed_hz = speedx; // 8MHZ
//xfer[0].speed_hz = 160000000; // 40MHZ
ret = ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &xfer);
gpio_set_value(_rs, 1);
The main performance issue here is that you make a hard copy of the data to send on the heap, every time the function is called. You also set up the communication parameters from scratch each time, even though they are always the same. To make things worse, the function has a massive bug: it leaks memory as if there's no tomorrow.
The hard copies aren't really necessary unless the SPI communication takes too much time for the program to sit and busy-wait on it to finish (rather likely). What you can do in that case is this:
Outsource the whole SPI business to a separate thread.
Create a work queue for the thread, using your favourite ADT for such. It should be a thread-safe FIFO.
Data is copied into the ADT as hard copies, by the caller.
The thread picks one chunk of work from the ADT and transmits it from there, without making yet another hard copy.
The thread waits for the SPI communcation to finish, then makes sure that the ADT deletes the data, before grabbing the next one. For hard real-time requirements, you can have the thread prepare the next message in advance while waiting for the previous one.
The communication parameters "xfer" are set up once by the thread, it just changes the data destination address from case to case.
I have a loop to capture packets with pcap_next_ex and in each iteraction I do a lot of functions calls according to process the packets. This stuff can be simulated by a Sleep() call in the loop. Then what happen then I call Sleep in a pcap_next_ex() loop?.
pcap_pkthdr* header = NULL;
UCHAR* content = NULL;
pcap = pcap_open(adapterName.c_str(), 65536, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 1000, NULL, NULL);
//Set to nonblock mode?
while (INT res = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, const_cast<const UCHAR**>(&content)) >= 0)
if (res != FALSE)
if (content)
//Here i do the stuff which I will simulate with a Sleep() call
I have seen code which uses pcap_next_ex and save the packets in a vector to treat them later with another thread, this method reduces the time of the stuff notably but does not convince me a lot. Shall I use this method?.
I would like to use other winpcap functions which capture packets in "non blocking" mode and call an event for each packet which comes... What is the best method to not lost packets with winpcap?.
Any help will be appreciated. Regards.
WinPcap stores packets it captures into a ring buffer the size of which is limited.
If the number of bytes of packets reach the ring buffer size, the old packets are discarded so that WinPcap can store new packets.
So, you should call pcap_next_ex as frequently as possible so that you can get as many packets as possible before they are discarded.
Calling pcap_next_ex in a dedicated thread and processing packets in another thread is a good practice because this way can call pcap_next_ex the most frequently.
I have a problem which I don't really know how to solve. I have a program that multiplexes multiple connections. Those connections are receiving streaming data all at the same time. I had to configure non blocking sockets as the streams have different bitrates. Now what I actually did is keep those sockets in an array looping through them and detecting with a select if there is data to read and proceding to the next element in the array if not.
It works very well except for teh fact that teh CPU is always at 100%. Actually if at some point there is nothing to read from any socket it will still loop. I don't really know how it would be possible to block the loop whenever no data is available on any socket and just keep going when there is data. I think this may be the solution but I don't really see how I could do this. The program has to be very responsive though as it is a UDP stream recorder and if it blocks for too long, this will produce lags in the file.
I thank you a lot.
PS.: Just for info I am still learning so please don't blame me even if the solution may be obvious.
here's some pseudo code:
When a recording request comes in, I create a new connection and connect to the stream address. If it succeeds, I build my fdset using following function:
int ii;
/* */
/* */
for (ii = 0; ii < max; ii++)
if (astRecorder[ii].bUsed != FALSE && astRecorder[ii].socket != INVALID_SOCKET)
/* */
if (astRecorder[ii].socket > maxSocket)
maxSocket = astRecorder[ii].socket;
Then the loop handling the connections:
struct timeval timeout;
/* */
timeout.tv_sec = 1;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
/* */
for (;;)
int ret = select((maxSocket + 1) , &fdset_cpy, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (iSelectRet <= 0)
int ii;
for(ii = 0; ii < max; ii++)
if ((recorders[ii].bUsed) && (FD_ISSET(recorders[ii].socket, &fdset_cpy)))
/* receive from socket */
/* handle received data */
PROBLEM: When I set timeout to timeout.tv_sec = 1 timeout.tv_usec = 0 everything works fine BUT i get 100% CPU usage! When I give NULL as timeout, the program blocks on the select() although there is data on the sockets.
Well I finally found the error! In the above code I set the timeout values only once before the main loop. Well the problem with that is that as for fdset, the timeout structure is modified by the select() function. So after the first correct timed out select, the timeout structure gets modified by the select() function and is set to 0. This results in 0 timeout, thus the problem that the next time the loop gets to the select function, the timeout given to the select is 0!!!
Thanks a lot still to those who tried to help! I apreciate it =)
The timeout of the select call can be NULL which means to wait forever.
You could also use sleep after you check all your streams to give up CPU at the end of your loop. This way you don't depend on a single stream to have incoming data sometime in the near future, at the risk of not servicing your other streams.