how do I stick the scrollbars of ScrollViewer to top in silverlight? - silverlight

I have an Itemscontrol in my xaml inside a ScrollViewer.
<ScrollViewer Margin="0,0,0,0" BorderThickness="0">
<ItemsControl x:Name="itemsStackPanel">
<controls:UserItem Margin="0, 5, 0, 3"></controls:UserItem>
and here is the list I am assigning to ItemsControl,
this.itemsStackPanel.ItemsSource = usersList;
now whenever new items are added in usersList, the UI updates and the scrollbar of ScrollViewer reaches at bottom. how do I stick it to top??
one more issue I found, is that when ever the scrollviewer is resized horizontally, the scrollbars reach at bottom. how to keep the scrollbars on top while resizing?

One way would be to call
MSDN page
However, this might just cause the list to scroll to the bottom and then the top again - not what you want.


How do you make a vertically scrolling scrollviewer inside a tabControl?

I want to make it so that my TabControl is vertically scrollable, but I can't seem to do it. The following sample acts as though there was no scrollviewer at all. I even tried putting the TabControl inside the scrollviewer, or putting it all in a grid and constraining the height of the grid, but nothing works.
<DataTemplate x:Key="tabControlTemplate">
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding guiItems}" DisplayMemberPath="Title" Height="Auto" Template="{StaticResource mainTabControlTemplateEx}">
<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" CanContentScroll="True">
<StackPanel Margin="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding guiItems }" ItemTemplateSelector="{DynamicResource templateSelector}"/>
The actual problem is not clear from the question.
You are not getting to see scrollviewer and the content inside is clipped? PLease confirm if that is the case.
If the problem is you are getting to see entire content taking up all the available space, and you would like to control that using scroll viewer, then you would need to set 'MaxHeight' property on Scroll Viewer. This would limit the height of your DataTemplate and would make verticall scroll bar visible if the inner content goes beyond the MaxHeight.
Hope that helps.

ScrollViewer does not display "bar"

I have an ItemsControl wrapped in a ScrollViewer. The ScrollViewer behaves correctly but does not display correctly:
I have no Styling for ScrollViewer anywhere in my app.
The bar size looks like 0px, so the arrows end up touching.
This happens with every ScrollViewer enclosing an ItemsControl in my app.
I tested a simple ItemsControl to remove possibility of other style information effecting it:
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
<TextBlock Text="test"/>
<TextBlock Text="test"/>
<TextBlock Text="test"/>
and the result was the same. I also wrapped ItemsControl in a WrapPanel and set Min/Max Heights on the ScrollViewer and WrapPanel and there was no change.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it?
I looked at the ScrollViewer with snoop and the bizarrely Snoop's ScrollViewers also displayed incorrectly (no track bar):

Align text vertical and horizontal center in stack panel?

I am trying to align a textblock vertically and horizontally center in a stack panel which is there in Listview but i am only able to get text vetically center but not horizontally. Plus the text is not getting wrapped. Here is the code that i have tried:
<ListBox Name="lstTiles" Margin="12,0,-12,0" Grid.Row="1" SelectionChanged="lstTiles_SelectionChanged">
<StackPanel Background="{StaticResource PhoneAccentBrush}" Width="145" Height="80" Margin="8,8,0,0" Orientation="Vertical" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Tag="{Binding ID}" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextNormalStyle}" FontSize="15" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center" />
How can i achieve text vertically, horizontally and textwrap?
It looks like since you have the orientation of the StackPanel set to Horizontal, you're putting textblocks next to each other rather than on top of each other. Since the StackPanel elements take the size of their children, you would be able to visualize this as a horizontal, side-by-side, listing of textblocks. Since each textblock takes the size of the text that is in it, you are going to see blocks that are of varying widths, so centering horizontally is going to have no effect.
You could use margins (a pain) to accomplish equal widths. I don't recommend this.
You could also put grids of a set width in the stack panel, and put the textblocks on the grid. You may be able to set the width of the textblocks to get the right effect, but I can't test this at the moment, and I don't remember if it will cause the text to stretch or not.
For text wrapping, I assume you're talking about within the textblock, and that's easy - just set the textblock's TextWrapping property to Wrap.
Try setting the HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties on the listboxitem. I don't have my dev computer now, so I can't experiment, but here is a post that might help you: Silverlight 3: ListBox DataTemplate HorizontalAlignment. Look at both of the first two answers, and see which one might be most helpful in your situation, substituting center, of course, in place of left, top, or stretch.

Unable to get vertical scroll bars in an WPF TextBlock

I'm presenting text in a wpf TextBlock control (.Net 3.5). The content of the textblock varies depending on what the user selects in a list box. The text wraps, so I don't need an horizontal scroll bar. However, there is often more text than the amount the window can display, so I need a vertical scroll bar.
As I started searching I quickly found that the answer is to wrap the TextBlock in a ScrollViewer. However, It Does Not Work (TM) and I'm hoping someone can help me work out why.
This is the structure of the UI code:
<Window x:Class=..>
<ListBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="200"
SelectionChanged="listbox_changed" SelectionMode="Single">
<Button Click="Select_clicked">Select</Button>
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<TextBlock Name="textblock" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
When the user selects an item in the list box, some text associated with this item is presented in the TextBlock. I would have thought that the code as it stands should have been all that's required, but it never provides me with a scroll bar.
Searching and experimenting have given me two clues: the root of the problem might be related to me updating the content of the TextBlock dynamically, and that the TextBlock does not resize itself based on the new content. I found a posting that seemed relevant that said that by setting the Height of the TextBlock to its ActualHeight (after having changed its content), it would work. But it didn't (I can see no effect of this).
Second, if I set the height (during design time) of the ScrollViewer, then I do get a vertical scroll bar. For instance, if I set it to 300 in the xaml above, the result is almost good in that the window as first opened contains a TextBlock with a vertical scroll bar when (and only when) I need it. But if I make the window larger (resizing it with the mouse during runtime), the ScrollViewer does not exploit the new window size and instead keeps its height as per the xaml which of course won't do.
Hopefully, I've just overlooked something obvious..
Because your ScrollViewer is in a StackPanel it will be given as much vertical space as it needs to display it's content.
You would need to use a parent panel that restricts the vertical space, like DockPanel or Grid.
<ListBox DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="200"
SelectionChanged="listbox_changed" SelectionMode="Single">
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Top" Click="Select_clicked">Select</Button>
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<TextBlock Name="textblock" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

Scrollbar in Listbox not working

I have a ListBox that displays a list of WPF controls.
My problem is that the vertical scrollbar is show but is disabled even when there are enough items that the ListBox should be scrollable.
One other possibly relevant fact is that this is contained in an Integration.ElementHost.
WPF noobie, Jim
Here is the XAML for the ListBox:
// for brevity I removed the Margin and Tooltip attributes
<Grid x:Class="Xyzzy.NoteListDisplay"
<StackPanel Name="stackPanel" Orientation="Vertical"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<CheckBox Name="AllRecent" IsChecked="False" >View All Recent</CheckBox>
<CheckBox Name="AscendingOrder" IsChecked="False">Descending Order</CheckBox>
<Button Name="btnTextCopy" Click="btnCopyText_Click">Copy All</Button>
<ListBox Name="NoteList"
And the XAML for the control displayed in each ListBox item:
<UserControl x:Class="Xyzzy.NoteDisplay"
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Name="Heading" FontSize="10">Note Heading</TextBlock>
<Button Name="btnCopyText" Height="20" FontSize="12"
<TextBlock Name="Body" FontSize="14">Note Body</TextBlock>
I have had problems with scroll bar visibility when using a StackPanel. I think it is because the StackPanel is always as big as it needs to be to contain all of its children. Try reorganizing the layout to remove the StackPanel (use a Grid instead) and see if that helps.
You just need to introduce Height property, like this:
<ListBox Height="200"
Heya, I suspect what might be happening is that your ListBox is expanding enough for every item however the ListBox is actually disappearing off the bottom of the Containing Control.
Does the ListBox actually stop properly or does it just seem to disappear? Try setting a MaxHeight on the ListBox and see if that makes the scrollbar appear. You should be able to set the VerticalScrollBarVisibility to Auto to have it only appear when needed.
If the list box is inside a StackPanel, try these steps for your ListBox
Set ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
Setting the Height property of a ListBox to some height that you expect to see.
That should force the scroll bar to show up.
This is pretty late, but anyone using ListBox probably shouldn't have it in a StackPanel. Once I switched the parent control of my Listbox from StackPanel to DockPanel with LastChildFill=True (Where the listbox was the last control), my scrollbar worked perfectly.
Hope this helps someone who's problem was not solved by the above answer.
Another solution to this problem that works well is to put a ScrollViewer around the StackPanel.
Another solution with a modification to Dave's is to use the ScrollViewer only. You only be able to scroll by placing your mouse on the ScrollView's ScrollBar. I use it this way because I don't like how ListBox jumps from item to item and sometimes missing items from the Top. Little bit hard on the eyes too. I like ScrollViewer's smooth scrolling.
I just ran into the same issue, and here's a little code demo on code project that visually shows it.
(If you want to save yourself the time of writing the code to see the differences yourself :) )
