Exception when adding a ResourceDictonary at runtime - silverlight

I'm trying to develop a way of switching Windows Phone 7 application style depending on a setting.
The styles look like this:
core styles are separated and defined in WP7Style_Dark.xaml and WP7Style_Light.xaml
the rest of the styles are declared in Styles.xaml
I use the following code to hook up the themes in App.xaml.cs:
var dictionaries = Resources.MergedDictionaries;
string source = String.Format("/CommonUI;component/Resources/{0}.xaml", value == AppStyleSet.Light ? "WP7Style_Light" : "WP7Style_Dark");
//base styles
var themeStyles = new ResourceDictionary {Source = new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative)};
var generalStyles = new ResourceDictionary();
generalStyles.Source = new Uri("/CommonUI;component/Resources/Styles.xaml",UriKind.Relative);
When executing, setting generalStyles.Source throws an exception (which is a System.Exception stating 'Unspecified error'). I've discovered the exception goes away if I empty the Styles.xaml, but this is not a solution, of course.
What should I do?
Update 2: screw the stack trace, here's the problem narrowed down:
The theme styles define theme colors.
The general styles keep loading fine until they meet a binding, like this one
... <Setter Property="Color" Value="{StaticResource HighlightColor}" />
So, the StaticResource fails to be resolved and throws the exception. Can this be avoided somehow?

The problem I've found with this approach is that there seems to be some asynchronicity about how the resource dictionary loads itself from the URL in the Source property. Hence when one dictionary uses {StaticResource key} where key is in a previous dictionary it can fail.
One solution solution would be to extract the Xaml using Application.GetResourceStream and StreamReader. Then to use XamlReader to construct the ResourceDictionary. That way you can be sure that dependant dictionaries can find static resources they need.
Note you would need to ensure you have added each dictionary where so that it is part of the Application.Resources tree before loading additional dependant dictionaries.

WP7 is based on Silverlight 3+ and by default it is not possible to create a new resource dictionary in code, which is why you are receiving an System.Exception stating an "UnspecifiedError".
The workaround, simple create a ResourceDictionary as if you were using Silverlight3 - follow this tutorial.
I hope this solves the problem.


How do I access a resource(style) through code?

I have a Resource Dictionary containing all my custom styles for the programs controls.
The Dictionary is mergerd with the application's resources as displayed below:
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="Controls">
<ResourceDictionary Source="Controls.xaml" />
I can easily access the different styles through xaml:
<Button Style="{StaticResource Button}" />
But whenever I try assigning controls with this style through code, it fails.
I've tried:
Button.Style = Application.Current.Resources("Button")
Button.Style = CType(Application.Current.Resources("Button"), Style)
And different approaches similar to the ones above.
During testing some of the different ways to get the styles, I was faced with "Resource not found" but when using the above ones the program seemed to find the style.
I could successfully run the program - but without any visual proof that the style was indeed applied.
How do I properly assign a control a style found in a Resource Dictionary?
Use Application.Current.Resources["Button"].
For any descendants: here is how I succeded to apply a style from a resource to a dynamically created control through code. (Given that you have a Resource Dictionary containing the style)
First step: Include the Resource Dictionary
To make a Resource Dictionary easily accessible from code, add it through code.
Dim myResourceDictionary As New ResourceDictionary
myResourceDictionary .Source = New _
var myResourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary
Source = new Uri("/YourApplication;component/YourDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)
Replace "YourApplication" with your solution name, and "YourDictionary" with your Resource Dictionary file.
Second step: Assign the Style
To make use of the newly imported Resource Dictionary, simply assign a control a style;
Dim myButton As New Button
Dim myButtonStyle As Style = myResourceDictionary("YourStyleKey")
myButton.Style = myButtonStyle
var myButtonStyle= myResourceDictionary["YourStyleKey"] as Style;
var myButton = new Button { Style = myButtonStyle };
Special thanks to user Stefan Denchev for giving me an article covering this.
As C# isn't my strong side, please edit this if I've made any mistake.

Cannot load resource dictionary with converter

Everything happens within the same VS project. I have a resource dictionary file living on it's own. When I try to load it programmatically I get the error
"Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:MyAssembly.Helpers}IsNullConverter".
Here is how I load it :
StreamResourceInfo stream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(#"MyAssembly;component/Resources/Resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
this.dynamicResources = XamlReader.Load(stream.Stream) as ResourceDictionary;
And here is the resource dictionary :
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
<helpers:IsNullConverter x:Key="IsNullConverter" />
Styles go here...
Note that it is tied to a code-behind file, but there is nothing in it. The Build-Action of the resource file is set to "Resource". This is driving me crazy since this morning and still no clue what the heck is going on...
Thank you.
Halelujah I fugured it out. All I had to do is load the resource dictionary directly
Uri uri = new Uri(#MyAssembly;component/Resources/Resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
this.dynamicResources.Source = uri;
And make sure Build Action of resource dictionary file is set to "Page"
Is the assembly referenced by your project? If not try adding a reference - if you don't want a dependency you could try loading the assembly:
Alternatively you could add a x:Class definition to the resourcedictionary, and instantiate the class from the assembly instead of loading the xaml, and remember to call the generated InitializeComponent() from the constructor, the it will load.
Is it possible to set code behind a resource dictionary in WPF for event handling?
Your example would work fine if the ResourceDictionary and converter was in the same assembly as where you load from, as far as I can see :)

Converting WPF application to UserControl for use in WinForms application via ElementHost

I'm trying to convert this WPF application to WPF UserControl so I could use it in WinForms application via ElementHost. I'm new to WPF and have never even touched it prior to this attempt so I might be going about it completely the wrong way.
I got the UserControl project to compile, however, my StaticResources get underlined in VS with message "The resource 'x' could not be resolved". I've tried moving the xamls with the needed x:Key elements up one level (the same level as the UserControl Dijagram.xaml), but it still cannot resolve them.
In the WinForms app, when trying to add the UserControl through designer by selecting hosted content in ElementHost tasks I get the following error:
An error occured trying to create an object of type
'DijagramLC.Dijagram'. Make sure the type has a default constructor.
(even though default constructor exists).
However, if I add it in codebehind, like this:
wpfUserControl = new Dijagram();
elementHost1.Child = wpfUserControl;
the code compiles but throws this runtime error: "System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: 'Provide value on 'System.Windows.StaticResourceExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '20' and line position '4'. ---> System.Exception: Cannot find resource named 'MyToolbar'. Resource names are case sensitive."
I've tried with and without App.xaml and adding ResourceDictionary elements for problematic xamls, but basically, I have no idea what I'm doing :)
I've uploaded the code to my SkyDrive and would really appreciate it if someone could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong:
I hate jumping in blindly to new techonoly like this, but I have had no choice this time, and need to know if my requirement is even achievable this way.
You are probably getting the error because you use resources from a resource dictionary which is not loaded. Loading a resource dictionary in the hosting application will probably solve the issue:
// When hosting a WPF usercontrol inside an element host,
// application resources are not loaded, so we need to load them manually.
var resources = new ResourceDictionary
Source = new Uri("/UNIT4.MKB.GUI.XAML.Dashboard.Resources;component/resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
// Check for null reference
if (Application.Current != null)
//Merge the loaded ResourceDictornairy with the dummy application Resources.
The problem is, you need THE default constructor like this:
public CreatedPollsUC()
If you have any other code in the constructor, the error occures:
public CreatedPollsUC()
// ... more code
So if you want to use further code in the constructor, you need to apply the control first to the element host. Then you can edit the constructor.

Changing ResourceDictionary doesn't visably affect Window in WPF

I have a simple WPF application I'm using for experimenting.
I have two themes defined in seperate xaml files, changing the xaml to point to them worked fine. By the way, in the xaml I'm using a straight ResourceDictionary element, not a ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries one.
I want to let the user select which theme to use, so I'm reseting the source property in code behind - but whilst the debugger tells me I've successfully set the value the applications appearance doesn't change.
So, how do you successfully apply a theme at runtime?
EDIT: This is how I'm declaring my "style" in the xaml:
<Window x:Class="WpfUI.winMain">
<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes\Blah.xaml"></ResourceDictionary>
// The windows grid and other controls...
The simple answer is, you need to clear the applications merged resource dictionaries. Here is some code to get you started
ResourceDictionary dictionary = GetThemeResourceDictionary(yourTheme)
if (dictionary != null)
public ResourceDictionary GetThemeResourceDictionary(string theme)
if (theme != null)
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("WPF.Themes.dll");
string packUri = String.Format(YourThemeFolder/{0}.xaml", theme);
return Application.LoadComponent(new Uri(packUri, UriKind.Relative)) as ResourceDictionary;
return null;
If you want a really nice packaged solution, i would reccommend WPF themes. It introduces a ThemeManager class and a set of built in themes which are really incredible. If you have any difficulty installing it or adding a new theme, contact me :)

Silverlight Custom Control in F# DefaultStyleKey

Wondering how to accomplish setting the Style xaml with the code in F#. The code is simple enough:
this.DefaultStyleKey <- typeof<MyControl>
In a C# project the build options allow you to mark the XAML as a resource custom build command of: MSBuild:Compile
I don't see it in the properties panel, so I tried to add it by hand to the project file myself...
Any ideas? The application loads - the custom control has no output (but the code executes).
I checked the manifests and the resource was included as expected between my project and the project I am porting... Looking for a next step.
Well it may be included in the manifest OK - but it is not being "compiled" as the C# version of the project throws an error in the build process when I malform the XML while the F# version allows the malformed XML to be brought into the application.
Loading the XAML is fine now (i guess) however I am having some issues with the properties of the control:
static member ItemsProperty : DependencyProperty =
member this.Items
with get () : MyMenuItemCollection = this.GetValue(MyMenu.ItemsProperty) :?> MyMenuItemCollection
and set (value: MyMenuItemCollection) = this.SetValue(MyMenu.ItemsProperty, value);
The problem occurs on access:
for menuItem in this.Items do
let contentElement: FrameworkElement = menuItem.Content
where I get a null pointer exception on this.Items; however I have it initialized in the constructor:
this.Items <- new CoolMenuItemCollection()
The C# style of compilation of XAML files is not supported by the F# tools for Visual Studio, so there is no way to get the same behavior as in C#. I think you have two options:
Create a C# project with XAML files and reference F# library which implements the core functionality (or reference C# library from F# and load user interface from the C# library in your F# application)
Use XamlReader object (see MSDN) and load the XAML file (embedded in resources in the simple way) programmatically. You won't get any of the C#-compiler generated features (e.g. named properties for all objects with x:Name), but otherwise, it should work in the usual way.
