encapsulation and abstraction OOPs concept - encapsulation

Does Encapsulation is information Hiding or it leads to information hiding??
As we say that Encapsulation binds data and functions in a single entity thus it provides us control over data flow and we can access the data of an entity only through some well defined functions. So when we say that Encapsulation leads to abstraction or information hiding then it means that it gives us an idea which data to hide and which data to show to users... coz the data that users cant access can be hidden from them thus encapsulation gives us a technique to find out what data to be hidden and what should be visible... Is this concept correct??
And what is the difference between information hiding and abstraction??

Possible duplicate of the this
public class Guest {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
See the above code, we have encapsulated the String name, we provide the access to it through public methods.
Say we have created object of Guest called guest. Then the following will be illegal.
System.out.println("Guests name : "guest.name);
Access through public methods is what can only be done.
Benefits of Encapsulation:
The fields of a class can be made
read-only or write-only.
A class can have total control over
what is stored in its fields.
The users of a class do not know how
the class stores its data. A class
can change the data type of a field,
and users of the class do not need
to change any of their code.

Encapsulation means hiding the implementation
Abstraction means providing blueprint about the implementation
Data Hiding means controlling access to DataMember or attributes

Information is a more general term, hence, i believe, to say Encapsulation is Information hiding, will not be appropriate.
I would say Encapsulation is Data Hiding.
Encapsulation means ...
Combining an Object's State & behavior (that operates on that State), in one single unit.
This closely mimics a real world Object.
Hiding & Securing Object's State from accidental external alterations by providing a well-defined, controlled access (through behaviors).
In Java, the definition can be detailed out as ...
In Java, Classes and Enums are single units for implementing encapsulation. State is defined using variables (primitives, references to objects), and behavior using methods.
Data Hiding is achieved using private access specifier on variables (so that no one can access them from outside).
Controlled Access is achieved by providing Getters / Setters and/or business logic methods. Both Setters and other State affecting methods should have boundary condition checks for keeping the State logically correct.

Encapsulation talks about hiding data into something and give it a name ( private data members in a class - Car) and binding behavior methods with it which will mutate or provide access to those data variables.
Abstraction provides perspective of the client in abstract terms. As a concept or idea. Car is concrete entity where as Drivable, Trackable(which has position and can be tracked down) can be abstraction for Car for different clients.
You can check some real life examples of Abstraction and Encapsulation here.

Encapsulation is a technique used for hiding properties & behavior of an object.
Abstraction refers to representing essential features.

Encapsulation - Work complete and door permanently closed. Get work benefits through method name.
Abstraction - Work started and door temperately closed. Open and change work using overriding Key.

Both these OOP principles involve information hiding but are different.
Encapsulation involves restricting the direct access to the variables of the class by making them private and giving public getters and setters to access them.
Purpose: This is done so that the members of the class cannot be accidentally manipulated (and thus corrupted) from outside.
Abstraction involves exposing only the relevant details to the caller while hiding other details (details of implementation). The client does not need to bother about implementation which may change later. Example: The caller will call the add method of List, the implementation of which may be ArrayList today but may change to LinkedList tomorrow.
Purpose: This provides flexibility that tomorrow the implementation can be changed. Also, it simplifies the design.


OOP composition and orm

I am building a simple rate limiter to train my oop skills and I am having some doubts regarding composition and orm.
I have the following code:
interface RateLimiterService {
void hit(String userid, long timestamp) throws UserDoesNotExistEx, TooManyHitsEx; // Option A
SingleRateLimiter getUser(String userid) throws UserDoesNotExistEx; // Option B
Optional<SingleRateLimiter> getUser(String userid); // Option C
class LocalRateLimiterService implements RateLimiterService {
// Uses an hash table userid -> SingleRateLimiter
interface SingleRateLimiter {
void hit(long timestamp) throws TooManyHitsEx;
class TimestampListSRL implements SingleRateLimiter {
// Uses a list to store the timestamps and purges the expired ones at each call
class TokenBucketSRL implements SingleRateLimiter {
// Uses the token bucket aproach
My doubts are:
Which option should I use for the RateLimiterService interface?
Option A is usually called "method forwarding" or "delegation" or "Law of Demeter". It protects the composed object by only exposing the intended methods and/or by possibly adding some extra validation logic before forwarding the call. Therefore, it seems like a good solution when that is needed. However, when this is not the case (as in my example), this option creates a lot of redundant repetitions which add nothing usefull.
Option B breaks encapsulation in a way but it avoids method repetions (the DRY principle). By picking A or B you always end up breaking some well known principles/good practices. Is there another option?
Option C is the same as B but returns an optional instead of throwing an exception. Which approach is considered better?
If the classes that implement the RateLimiterService had a single composing SingleRateLimiter instead of a collection of SingleRateLimiters (doesn't make much sense in this case but trying to be generic to other situations when the composed object is not a colection), would the best Option change to other alternative from the one in 1.?
If I wanted to add a database to this system, what would be the best approach to "talk to" the database?
creating a class DBRateLimiterService that implements RateLimiterService and has a private connection object to the database (is basically a DAO)? In this case, this class does not know anything besides the userid of the inner SingleRateLimiters, since there are multiple implementations available/possible. So how can I do this approach without changing the current OOP architecture?
In addition, I would need to create a DAO for each SingleRateLimiter implementation too, right? In this case, the SingleRateLimiter is not a simple model object that has only getters and setters so it should also be a DAO, right? Its hit method must be implemented as a transaction in most cases (if not all). If this is the right approach, how can the two DAOs operate together and map to the same database table?
What other options could serve for this?

Data encapsulation in Swift

I've read the entire Swift book, and watched all the WWDC videos (all of which I heartily recommend). One thing I'm worried about is data encapsulation.
Consider the following (entirely contrived) example:
class Stack<T>
var items : T[] = []
func push( newItem: T ) {
items.insert( newItem, atIndex: 0 )
func pop() -> T? {
if items.count == 0 {
return nil;
return items.removeAtIndex( 0 );
This class implements a stack, and implements it using an Array. Problem is, items (like all properties in Swift) is public, so nothing is preventing anyone from directly accessing (or even mutating) it separate from the public API. As a curmudgeonly old C++ guy, this makes me very grumpy.
I see people bemoaning the lack of access modifiers, and while I agree they would directly address the issue (and I hear rumors that they might be implemented Soon (TM) ), I wonder what some strategies for data hiding would be in their absence.
Have I missed something, or is this simply an omission in the language?
It's simply missing at the moment. Greg Parker has explicitly stated (in this dev forums thread) that visibility modifiers are coming.
Given that there aren't headers, the standard Objective-C tricks won't work, and I can't think of another trick to limit visibility that doesn't involve lots of bending over backwards. Since the language feature has been promised I'm not sure it's worth any big investment.
On the bright side since this feature is in flux, now is a great time to file a radar and influence how it turns out.
Updated answer for future reference.
From Apple's documentation:
Access Levels
Swift provides three different access levels for
entities within your code. These access levels are relative to the
source file in which an entity is defined, and also relative to the
module that source file belongs to.
Public access enables entities to
be used within any source file from their defining module, and also in
a source file from another module that imports the defining module.
You typically use public access when specifying the public interface
to a framework.
Internal access enables entities to be used within any
source file from their defining module, but not in any source file
outside of that module. You typically use internal access when
defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.
Private access
restricts the use of an entity to its own defining source file. Use
private access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece
of functionality. Public access is the highest (least restrictive)
access level and private access is the lowest (or most restrictive)
access level.
As a matter of fact I was delighted Swift finally adopted static typing so conforming to the theory for code with optimal OO properties, still the fall of the headers breaks the very meniang of Object Orienting programming, namely encapsulation. A way out would be like for Eiffel to automaticaly extract the headers but without specifying which are the public interfaces and which the private ones, it would be wortheless. I am really lambasted at this move of Apple's.

backbone.js accessing model attributes within model - this.attribute VS this.get('attribute')?

From my understanding the attributes of a Backbone.js model are supposed to be declared as somewhat private member variables by saying
this.set({ attributeName: attributeValue })
// accessing the value
But when I am writing functions whitin the actual model it seems much simpler to say like this:
this.attributeName = attributeValue;
// accessing the value
Also I would assume that the latter version would be faster to process since it doesn't go through backbone.js's event management.
So I was wondering how you pros do with attributes that are primarily used internally in the model. These are the attributes that one would actually want to be a bit shielded from the outside so having them exposed like in the latter example maybe isn't right still. When I have been looking at examples for the backbone.js view which doesn't have get and set methods it seems fine to do like in the second example. So is there any nice rule of thumb when to use get/set(attribute) or this.attribute when coding within the model? Or maybe an example of a model that makes this clearer?
When to use model.get(property) and model.set(...)
You should use get and set to access the model's data. This means any attributes that are part of the model's serialized representation that is retrieved using fetch and persisted using save.
When to use model.attributes.property
You should always use get, and especially set, instead of accessing the model.attributes object directly, although I've seen conflicting opinions about this. I believe there is a contract between a model and it's consumers, which guarantees that the consumer can be notified of any changes to the model's data using the change event. If you modify the internal attributes object directly, events are not sent and this contract is broken. Backbone events are very fast, especially if you don't have any listeners attached to them, and it's not a point that benefits from over-optimization on your part.
Although accessing the attributes directly instead of get is quite harmless on it's own, it should be avoided so the attributes object can be considered totally, completely private.
If you absolutely need to prevent some change triggering events, you can use the silent:true option: model.set({key:val}, {silent:true}). This does break the aforementioned contract, and even Backbone's own documentation gives the following caveat:
Note that this is rarely, perhaps even never, a good idea. Passing through a specific flag in the options for your event callback to look at, and choose to ignore, will usually work out better.
When to use model.property
Any properties which are not data, i.e. temporary state variables, calculated properties etc. can be attached directly to the model entity. These properties should be considered temporary and transitive: they can be recreated upon model initialization or during its lifetime, but they should not be persisted, whether public or private. A typical naming convention is to prefix private properties with the _ character as follows:
this._privateProperty = 'foo';
this.publicProperty = 'bar';
Never is an incomplete answer.
Sometimes you want access to the collection of model attributes - whatever those attributes might be. Consider a utility method to perform calcs on attributes, format them for output, etc.
A convenient way to do this is to access model.attributes
Consider one alternative, below:
var attributesNames = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
var attributes = _(attributesNames ).map(function(attr) { return model.get(attr); });
Two problems:
We've introduced coupling in the "attributeNames" collection. What if that list changes?
We've lost the association of name/value. We could rewrite the map above, but it becomes more work.
In this scenario, it's much more convenient to do something like this:

Data Contract Serializer mandates super class to know about subclass

I got this problem,
"The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract"
After googling, I reached this post
The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract
where the answer says, the base class have to declare "KnownTypes" like
[DataContract, KnownType(typeof(Subclass)) ...],
If I have to declare this in my parent class, [DataContract, KnownType(typeof(Subclass))], doesn't it break the principles of OO Design that parent class doesn't have to know about subclass?
What is the right way of doing this?
The serializer is designed in a way that, if it serializes an object, it should be able to read it back. If you attempt to serialize an object with a declared type of 'Base', but an actual type of 'Derived' (see example below), if you want to be able to read back from the serialized object an instance of 'Derived', you need to somehow annotate the XML that the instance is not of the type of which it was declared.
public class MyType
public object obj = new Derived();
The serialized version of the type would look something like the XML below:
<obj actualType="Derived">
<!-- fields of the derived type -->
When the type is being deserialized, the serializer will look at the "actualType" (not actual name) attribute, and it will have to find that type, initialize it, and set its properties. It's a potential security issue to let the serializer (with in Silverlight lives is a trusted assembly and has more "rights" than the normal user code) to create arbitrary type, so that's one reason for limiting the types which can be deserialized. And based on the design of the serializer (if we can serialize it, we should be able to deserialize it), the serialization fails for that reason as well.
Another problem with that is that the serialized data is often used to communicate between different services, in different computers, and possibly with different languages. It's possible (and often it is the case) that you have a class in a namespace in the client which has a similar data contract to a class in the server side, but they have different names and / or reside in different namespaces. So simply adding the CLR type name in the "actualType" attribute won't work in this scenario either (the [KnownType] attribute helps the serialzier map the data contract name / namespace to the actual CLR type). Also, if you're talking to a service in a different language / platform (i.e., Java), CLR type names don't even make sense.
Another more detailed explanation is given at the post http://www.dotnetconsult.co.uk/weblog2/PermaLink,guid,a3775eb1-b441-43ad-b9f1-e4aaba404235.aspx - it talks about [ServiceKnownType] instead of [KnownType], but the principles are the same.
Finally, about your question: does it break that OO principle? Yes, that principle is broken, that's a price to pay for being able to have lose coupling between the client and services in your distributed (service-oriented) application.
Yes it breaks the principles of OO design. This is because SOA is about sharing contracts (the C in ABC of services) and not types, whereas OO is about type hierarchies. Think like this the client for a service may not be even in an OO language but SOA principles can still be applied. How the mapping is done on server side is an implementation issue.

Abstraction VS Information Hiding VS Encapsulation

Can you tell me what is the difference between abstraction and information hiding in software development?
I am confused. Abstraction hides detail implementation and
information hiding abstracts whole details of something.
Update: I found a good answer for these three concepts. See the separate answer below for several citations taken from there.
Go to the source! Grady Booch says (in Object Oriented Analysis and Design, page 49, second edition):
Abstraction and encapsulation are complementary concepts: abstraction
focuses on the observable behavior of an object... encapsulation
focuses upon the implementation that gives rise to this behavior...
encapsulation is most often achieved through information hiding, which
is the process of hiding all of the secrets of object that do not
contribute to its essential characteristics.
In other words: abstraction = the object externally; encapsulation (achieved through information hiding) = the object internally,
In the .NET Framework, the System.Text.StringBuilder class provides an abstraction over a string buffer. This buffer abstraction lets you work with the buffer without regard for its implementation. Thus, you're able to append strings to the buffer without regard for how the StringBuilder internally keeps track of things such the pointer to the buffer and managing memory when the buffer gets full (which it does with encapsulation via information hiding).
The OP updated his question with several citations that he had found, namely in an article by Edward V. Berard titled, "Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Information Hiding". I am re-posting a slightly expanded and reformatted version of the OP's update, since it should be an answer in its own right.
(All citations are taken from the article mentioned above.)
"One point of confusion regarding abstraction is its use as both process and an entity. Abstraction, as a process, denotes the extracting of the essential details about an item, or a group of items, while ignoring the inessential details. Abstraction, as an entity, denotes a model, a view, or some other focused representation for an actual item."
Information Hiding:
"Its interface or definition was chosen to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings." — [Parnas, 1972b]
"Abstraction can be […] used as a technique for identifying which information should be hidden."
"Confusion can occur when people fail to distinguish between the hiding of information, and a technique (e.g., abstraction) that is used to help identify which information is to be hidden."
"It […] refers to building a capsule, in the case a conceptual barrier, around some collection of things." — [Wirfs-Brock et al, 1990]
"As a process, encapsulation means the act of enclosing one or more items within a […] container. Encapsulation, as an entity, refers to a package or an enclosure that holds (contains, encloses) one or more items."
"If encapsulation was 'the same thing as information hiding,' then one might make the argument that 'everything that was encapsulated was also hidden.' This is obviously not true."
"Abstraction, information hiding, and encapsulation are very different, but highly-related, concepts. One could argue that abstraction is a technique that help us identify which specific information should be visible, and which information should be hidden. Encapsulation is then the technique for packaging the information in such a way as to hide what should be hidden, and make visible what is intended to be visible."
Abstraction is hiding the implementation details by providing a layer over the basic functionality.
Information Hiding is hiding the data which is being affected by that implementation. Use of private and public comes under this. For example, hiding the variables of the classes.
Encapsulation is just putting all similar data and functions into a group e.g Class in programming; Packet in networking.
Through the use of Classes, we implement all three concepts - Abstraction, Information Hiding and Encapsulation
Please don't complicate simple concepts.
Encapsulation : Wrapping up of data and methods into a single unit is Encapsulation (e.g. Class)
Abstraction : It is an act of representing only the essential things without including background details. (e.g. Interface)
Approved definitions here
P.S.: I also remember the definition from a book named C++ by Sumita Arora which we read in 11th class ;)
The meaning of abstraction given by the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) closest to the meaning intended here is 'The act of separating in thought'. A better definition might be 'Representing the essential features of something without including background or inessential detail.'
Information hiding is the principle that users of a software component (such as a class) need to know only the essential details of how to initialize and access the component, and do not need to know the details of the implementation.
Edit: I seems to me that abstraction is the process of deciding which parts of the implementation that should be hidden.
So its not abstraction VERSUS information hiding. It's information hiding VIA abstraction.
Abstraction is an act of representing essentail details without including the background details. A abstract class have only method signatures and implementing class can have its own implementation, in this way the complex details will be hidden from the user. Abstraction focuses on the outside view. In otherwords, Abstraction is sepration of interfaces from the actual implementation.
Encapsulation explains binding the data members and methods into a single unit. Information hiding is the main purpose of encapsulation. Encapsulation is acheived by using access specifiers like private, public, protected. Class member variables are made private so that they cann't be accessible directly to outside world. Encapsulation focuses on the inner view. In otherwords, Encapsulation is a technique used to protect the information in an object from the other object.
Abstraction is hiding details of implementation as you put it.
You abstract something to a high enough point that you'll only have to do something very simple to perform an action.
Information hiding is hiding implementation details. Programming is hard. You can have a lot of things to deal with and handle. There can be variables you want/need to keep very close track of. Hiding information ensures that no one accidentally breaks something by using a variable or method you exposed publicly.
These 2 concepts are very closely tied together in object-oriented programming.
Abstraction - It is the process of identifying the essential characteristics of an object
without including the irrelevant and tedious details.
Encapsulation - It is the process of enclosing data and functions manipulating this data into a single unit.
Abstraction and Encapsulation are related but complementary concepts.
Abstraction is the process. Encapsulation is the mechanism by which Abstraction is implemented.
Abstraction focuses on the observable behavior of an object. Encapsulation focuses upon the implementation that give rise to this behavior.
Information Hiding - It is the process of hiding the implementation details of an object. It is a result of Encapsulation.
Abstraction : Abstraction is the concept/technique used to identify what should be the external view of an object. Making only the required interface available.
Information Hiding : It is complementary to Abstraction, as through information hiding Abstraction is achieved. Hiding everything else but the external view.
Encapsulation : Is binding of data and related functions into a unit. It facilitates Abstraction and information hiding. Allowing features like member access to be applied on the unit to achieve Abstraction and Information hiding
In very short
Encapsulation:– Information hiding
Abstraction :– Implementation hiding
Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does while Encapsulation means how an object works
Encapsulation: binding the data members and member functions together is called encapsulation. encapsulation is done through class.
abstraction: hiding the implementation details form usage or from view is called abstraction.
int x;
we don't know how int will internally work. but we know int will work. that is abstraction.
See Joel's post on the Law of Leaky Abstractions
Basically, abstracting gives you the freedom of thinking of higher level concepts. A non-programming analogy is that most of us do not know where our food comes from, or how it is produced, but the fact that we (usually) don't have to worry about it frees us up to do other things, like programming.
As for information hiding, I agree with jamting.
It's worth noting these terms have standardized, IEEE definitions, which can be searched at https://pascal.computer.org/.
view of an object that focuses on the information relevant to a particular purpose and ignores the remainder of the information
process of formulating a view
process of suppressing irrelevant detail to establish a simplified model, or the result of that process
information hiding
software development technique in which each module's interfaces reveal as little as possible about the module's inner workings and other modules are prevented from using information about the module that is not in the module's interface specification
containment of a design or implementation decision in a single module so that the decision is hidden from other modules
software development technique that consists of isolating a system function or a set of data and operations on those data within a module and providing precise specifications for the module
concept that access to the names, meanings, and values of the responsibilities of a class is entirely separated from access to their realization
idea that a module has an outside that is distinct from its inside, that it has an external interface and an internal implementation
Abstraction allows you to treat a complex process as a simple process. For example, the standard "file" abstraction treats files as a contiguous array of bytes. The user/developer does not even have to think about issues of clusters and fragmentation. (Abstraction normally appears as classes or subroutines.)
Information hiding is about protecting your abstractions from malicious/incompetent users. By restricting control of some state (hard drive allocations, for example) to the original developer, huge amounts of error handling becomes redundant. If nobody else besides the file system driver can write to the hard drive, then the file system driver knows exactly what has been written to the hard drive and where. (The usual manifestation of this concept is private and protected keywords in OO languages.)
To abstract something we need to hide the detail or to hide the detail of something we need to abstract it.
But, both of them can be achieved by encapsulation.
So, information hiding is a goal, abstraction is a process, and encapsulation is a technique.
Abstraction simply means the technique in which only essential details of software is made visible to the user to help the user to use or operate with software, thus implementation details of that software are not shown(are made invisible).
Encapsulation is the technique that have package that hold one or more items and hence some of information (particularly program details) became visible and some not visible to the user, so encapsulation is achieved through information hiding.
In summary. Abstraction is for observable behavior (externally) and encapsulation is for invisibility (internally) but these two are really complementary.
Just adding on more details around InformationHiding, found This link is really good source with examples
InformationHiding is the idea that a design decision should be hidden from the rest of the system to prevent unintended coupling. InformationHiding is a design principle. InformationHiding should inform the way you encapsulate things, but of course it doesn't have to.
Encapsulation is a programming language feature.
Both Abstraction and Encapsulation are two of the four basic OOP concepts which allow you to model real-world things into objects so that you can implement them in your program and code. Many beginners get confused between Abstraction and Encapsulation because they both look very similar. If you ask someone what is Abstraction, he will tell that it's an OOP concept which focuses on relevant information by hiding unnecessary detail, and when you ask about Encapsulation, many will tell that it's another OOP concept which hides data from outside world. The definitions are not wrong as both Abstraction and Encapsulation does hide something, but the key difference is on intent.
Abstraction hides complexity by giving you a more abstract picture, a sort of 10,000 feet view, while Encapsulation hides internal working so that you can change it later. In other words, Abstraction hides details at the design level, while Encapsulation hides details at the implementation level.
After reading all the above answers one by one I cant stop myself from posting that
abstraction involves the facility to define objects that represent abstract "actors" that can perform work, report on and change their state, and "communicate" with other objects in the system.
Encapsulation is quite clear from above however ->
The term encapsulation refers to the hiding of state details, but extending the concept of data type from earlier programming languages to associate behavior most strongly with the data, and standardizing the way that different data types interact, is the beginning of abstraction.
reference wiki
I too was very confused about the two concepts of Abstraction and Encapsulation. But when I saw the abstraction article on myjavatrainer.com, It became clear to me that Abstraction and Encapsulation are Apples and Oranges, you can't really compare them because both are required.
Encapsulation is how the object is created, and abstraction is how the object is viewed in the outside world.
Encapsulation: binding data and the methods that act on it. this allows the hiding of data from all other methods in other classes.
example: MyList class that can add an item, remove an item, and remove all items
the methods add, remove, and removeAll act on the list(a private array) that can not be accessed directly from the outside.
Abstraction: is hiding the non relevant behavior and data.
How the items are actually stored, added, or deleted is hidden (abstracted).
My data may be held in simple array, ArrayList, LinkedList, and so on.
Also, how the methods are implemented is hidden from the outside.
Encapsulation- enforcing access to the internal data in a controlled manner or preventing members from being accessed directly.
Abstraction- Hiding the implementation details of certain methods is known as abstraction
Let's understand with the help of an example:-
class Rectangle
private int length;
private int breadth;// see the word private that means they cant be accesed from
outside world.
//now to make them accessed indirectly define getters and setters methods
void setLength(int length)
// we are adding this condition to prevent users to make any irrelevent changes
that is why we have made length private so that they should be set according to
certain restrictions
void getLength()
return length;
// same do for breadth
now for abstraction define a method that can only be accessed and user doesnt know
what is the body of the method and how it is working
Let's consider the above example, we can define a method area which calculates the area of the rectangle.
public int area()
return length*breadth;
Now, whenever a user uses the above method he will just get the area not the way how it is calculated. We can consider an example of println() method we just know that it is used for printing and we don't know how it prints the data.
I have written a blog in detail you can see the below link for more info
abstraction vs encapsulation
