How to handle dialogs with multiple buttons in WPF? - wpf

I have a Window with seven buttons; I use it as a menu in a simple game I am working on, but I display it as a dialog. How can I know which button user has pressed, since DialogResult in WPF only offers true, false and null?

If you're making a custom Window in this way, you don't really need to worry about DialogResult.
You can keep track of this in a property within your Window, and just read the property after the dialog is closed.
MyDialog window = new MyDialog();
if (window.ShowDialog() == false)
// user closed the window...
var choice = window.CustomPropertyContainingChoice;

Define your own enum and offer a static method to display the window that return your enum.
The code below does the same thing it is part of a window that allows users to review their changes and accept or cancel. As I only need true and false I used a bool however it would be trivial to change to an enum.
public static bool DisplayChanges(List<INormalizedMessage> LstMessages)
var retlist = LstMessages.Where(( INormalizedMessage NM ) => { return NM.Status != NormalizedMessageStatus.NoChange; });
ReviewChanges RC = new ReviewChanges();
RC.Messages = retlist.ToList();
return RC.Result;
private void cmdCancle_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
Result = false;
private void cmdOK_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
Result = true;


When opening same window multiple times and use current window instance, throws null reference exception

When i open the same window multiple times, the last one becomes as 'Current.MainWindow' and for other windows this 'Current' instance is null. Ofcourse when I'm trying to instantiate it, it throws null reference exception. On each window i have button which will hide/show all controls inside that window + change it's opacity. Maybe there is another way to do that, or rather than using Current.MainWindow instance use something else?
Method that wil change window opacity:
private void btnHideShow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this._hide)
Application.Current.MainWindow.Background.Opacity = 0;
this._hide = false;
Application.Current.MainWindow.Background.Opacity = 0.1;
this._hide = true;
If that code is the code behind of the window, you simply can do:
private void btnHideShow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this._hide)
this.Background.Opacity = 0;
this._hide = false;
this.Background.Opacity = 0.1;
this._hide = true;
Also you may give name to your controls with the x:Name attr:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"></Grid>
Then you can use it in the code behind.

Quickest way to hide an array of pictureboxes

I have an array of pictureboxes named from B11 (co-ords 1,1) to B55 (co-ords 5,5). I would like to hide these all on startup (and in the middle of running). I was thinking of making an array of the names manually but would it be the best solution?
If they all have a common parent control, such as a panel or groupbox (or even the form):
For Each pbox As PictureBox in Parent.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox)()
pbox.Visible = False
Next pbox
The Suspend/Resume-Layout() is to avoid flickering as you modify a bunch of controls at once.
You could extend the PictureBox class and use event handling to accomplish this by:
Adding a public property to the form to tell if the picture boxes should be shown or hidden.
Adding an event to the form that is raised when the show/hide picture box property is changed.
Extending the PictureBox class so that it subscribes to the event of the parent form.
Setting the visible property of the extended PictureBox class to the show/hide property of the parent form.
When the show/hide flag is changed on the parent form all of the picture boxes will change their visibility property accordingly.
Form Code:
public partial class PictureBoxForm : Form {
public PictureBoxForm() {
private void pictureBoxesAdd() {
MyPictureBox mp1 = new MyPictureBox();
mp1.Location = new Point(1, 1);
MyPictureBox mp2 = new MyPictureBox();
mp2.Location = new Point(200, 1);
public event EventHandler PictureBoxShowFlagChanged;
public bool PictureBoxShowFlag {
get { return this.pictureBoxShowFlag; }
set {
if (this.pictureBoxShowFlag != value) {
pictureBoxShowFlag = value;
if (this.PictureBoxShowFlagChanged != null) {
this.PictureBoxShowFlagChanged(this, new EventArgs());
private bool pictureBoxShowFlag = true;
private void cmdFlip_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
this.PictureBoxShowFlag = !this.PictureBoxShowFlag;
Extended PictureBox Code:
public class MyPictureBox : PictureBox {
public MyPictureBox() : base() {
this.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
this.ParentChanged += new EventHandler(MyPictureBox_ParentChanged);
private void MyPictureBox_ParentChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
try {
PictureBoxForm pbf = (PictureBoxForm)this.Parent;
this.Visible = pbf.PictureBoxShowFlag;
pbf.PictureBoxShowFlagChanged += new
} catch { }
private void pbf_PictureBoxShowFlagChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
PictureBoxForm pbf = (PictureBoxForm)sender;
this.Visible = pbf.PictureBoxShowFlag;
...or just put 'em all on a Panel, and change the panel's visibility.

How to ignore user clicks in WinForms?

When a user clicks a button, it starts some task. I don't want to block the main application thread, so I run it in a separate thread. Now I need to forbid a user to click the button until my task finishes.
I could set
button.Enabled = false;
, but I'm looking for some way to ignore clicks on it.
I could add some check in click event handler:
if (executingThread != null) return;
, but I will have to do it for each handler which is bad idea.
I know that there is some way to filter user's messages. Could you point me how to do this? And I don't want to filter out all messages, because some other buttons must stay clickable, I need to filter out messages that come to particular controls (buttons,grids and etc).
internal class MessagesFilter: IMessageFilter
private readonly IntPtr ControlHandler;
private const int WM_KEYUP = 0x0101;
public MessagesFilter(IntPtr ControlHandler)
this.ControlHandler = ControlHandler;
#region IMessageFilter Members
public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
// TODO: Add MessagesFilter.PreFilterMessage implementation
if (m.Msg == WM_KEYUP)
if (m.HWnd == ControlHandler)
Keys k = ((Keys) ((int) m.WParam));
if (k == Keys.Enter)
return true;
return false;
As always, the UI should be presented in such a way that user understands what the application is doing and should talk to the user with UI elements.
As Adam Houldsworth suggested I would also prefer keeping the button either disabled or enabled but I would also suggest that the caption of the button should convey the message to the user that the long processing is in progress when the new thread starts..and so the caption of the button should be immediately changed to something like "Processing..Please wait..." (in addition to being disabled or even if you want to keep it enabled), and then if you have kept the button enabled just check the caption of the button (or a isProcessing bool flag) on its click event to return if it says "Processing..Please wait..." or (isProcessing == true).
Lots of the Websites which help users to upload files/images change the Upload button's caption to "Uploading..Please wait..." to inform the user to wait until the upload finishes and additionally some sites also disable the upload button so that the user is not able to click again on Upload button.
You would need to also revert back the caption to normal when the thread finishes long processing.
There may be other advanced ways but the idea is to keep it as simple and basic as possible.
Look at this example on Threading in Windows Forms which shows to disable the button while multi-threading.
+1 for all the suggestions so far. As CSharpVJ suggests - My idea was to additionally inform the user by changing the button's caption making the UI design more intuitive
This can be achieved elegantly with Backgroundworker component in Winforms [No hassles code]. Just copy-paste and HIT F5 (After creating a New Winforms Project with a Button and a Label on it)!
You do not have to check anything related to button here. Everything will be taken care by the appropriate event handlers. its just that you have to do correct stuffs int he resepctive event handlers. Try it !
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form3 : Form
private BackgroundWorker _worker;
public Form3()
private void InitWorker()
if (_worker != null)
_worker = new BackgroundWorker
WorkerReportsProgress = true,
WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
_worker.DoWork += DoWork;
_worker.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompleted;
_worker.ProgressChanged += ProgressChanged;
/// do time consuming work here...
void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
int highestPercentageReached = 0;
if (_worker.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
double i = 0.0d;
for (i = 0; i <= 199990000; i++)
// Report progress as a percentage of the total task.
var percentComplete = (int)(i / 199990000 * 100);
if (percentComplete > highestPercentageReached)
highestPercentageReached = percentComplete;
// Report UI abt the progress
void RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
button1.Enabled = true;
if (e.Cancelled)
// Display some message to the user that task has been
// cancelled
label1.Text = "Cancelled the operation";
else if (e.Error != null)
// Do something with the error
button1.Text = "Start again";
void ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
label1.Text = string.Format("Result {0}: Percent {1}",e.UserState, e.ProgressPercentage);
private void OnStartClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
button1.Text = "Processing started...";
button1.Enabled = false;
As mentioned in other answers, there is probably a better solution than what you are asking for.
To directly answer your question, check out the IMessageFilter interface
Create your filter to have it suppress the mouse messages you don't desire, apply it when necessary using Application.AddMessageFilter().
Something along these lines (this should probably compile...):
public class MouseButtonFilter : IMessageFilter
private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201;
private const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202;
private const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203;
private const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204;
private const int WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205;
private const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206;
private const int WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207;
private const int WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208;
bool IMessageFilter.PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
/* case ... (list them all here; i'm being lazy) */
return true;
return false;

How to make CheckBox focus border appear when calling CheckBox.Focus()?

When the user tabs into a CheckBox to give it focus, a dotted border appears around the CheckBox to indicate that it has focus.
When the CheckBox gets focused by code calling myCheckBox.Focus(), no such indicator appears (even though pressing the space bar toggles the state).
How can I make the CheckBox focus border appear when I have programmatically focused the CheckBox?
The border is intentionally only shown if you are navigating by the keyboard (Tab key). The MSDN page on this topic has further details:
Focus visual styles act only when the
focus action was initiated by the
keyboard. Any mouse action or
programmatic focus change disables the
mode for focus visual styles.
If you want to show a border, you could use a Trigger on the IsFocused- Property to do some visual changes (although you can't set the border with this) or if you actually want a border, you would have to create your own ControlTemplate.
There is also a thread here on SO on a somewhat related topic where the suggestion is to simulate a key press, but I would suggest not to use this solution for your problem.
By editing the KeyboardNavigationEx file from ControlzEx I managed to solve the issue (full credit goes, as always, to punker76).
Just call the KeyboardHelper.Focus method passing the UIElement that shoud be focused (e.g. KeyboardHelper.Focus(myCheckBox))
Here's the KeyboardHelper class:
public sealed class KeyboardHelper
private static KeyboardHelper _Instance;
private readonly PropertyInfo _AlwaysShowFocusVisual;
private readonly MethodInfo _ShowFocusVisual;
// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
// not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static KeyboardHelper()
private KeyboardHelper()
var type = typeof(KeyboardNavigation);
_AlwaysShowFocusVisual = type.GetProperty("AlwaysShowFocusVisual", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
_ShowFocusVisual = type.GetMethod("ShowFocusVisual", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
internal static KeyboardHelper Instance => _Instance ?? (_Instance = new KeyboardHelper());
internal void ShowFocusVisualInternal()
_ShowFocusVisual.Invoke(null, null);
internal bool AlwaysShowFocusVisualInternal
get { return (bool)_AlwaysShowFocusVisual.GetValue(null, null); }
set { _AlwaysShowFocusVisual.SetValue(null, value, null); }
public static void Focus(UIElement element)
element?.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
var keybHack = KeyboardHelper.Instance;
var oldValue = keybHack.AlwaysShowFocusVisualInternal;
keybHack.AlwaysShowFocusVisualInternal = true;
keybHack.AlwaysShowFocusVisualInternal = oldValue;
'initially set chkCheckBox.Appearance = 1
'on Got Focus set appearance = 0 - Flat
Private Sub chkCheckBox_GotFocus()
chkCheckBox.Appearance = 0
End Sub
'on Lost Focus set appearance = 1 - 3D
Private Sub chkCheckBox_LostFocus()
chkCheckBox.Appearance = 1
End Sub

WPF WebBrowser: How to set element click event?

I've figured out how to make everything red as soon as the page is finished loading:
private void webBrowser1_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
var doc = (IHTMLDocument2)webBrowser1.Document;
foreach (IHTMLElement elem in doc.all)
{ = "#ff0000";
Now what if I want to make the element only change color when it's clicked? I see that elem has an onclick property, but it's type is dynamic so I don't know what to do with it. The documentation is pretty useless.
You could do it by using the HTMLDocumentClass instead of the IHTMLDocument2 interface:
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
private void webBrowser1_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass doc = (mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass)webBrowser1.Document;
doc.HTMLDocumentEvents_Event_onclick += new mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents_onclickEventHandler(OnClickHandler);
bool OnClickHandler()
mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass doc = (mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass)webBrowser1.Document;
mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 win = doc.parentWindow; = "#ff0000";
return false;
The above solution, has one drawback: the onclick event does not bubble, even though false is returned (i.e. clicking at hyperlinks does not navigate to other pages).
