Which of the following would be more efficient? - c

In C:
Lets say function "Myfuny()" has 50 line of codes in which other smaller functions also get called. Which one of the following code would be more efficient?
void myfunction(long *a, long *b);
int i;
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
myfunction(&a, &b);
any help would be appreciated.

That's premature optimization, you just shouldn't care...
Now, from a code maintenance point of view the first form (with the loop) is definitely better.
From a run-time point of view and if the function is inline and defined in the same compilation unit, and with a compiler that does not unroll the loop itself, and if code is already in instruction cache (I don't know for moon phases, I still believe it shouldn't have any noticable effect) the second one may be marginally fastest.
As you can see, there is many conditions for it to be fastest, so you shouldn't do that. There is probably many other parameters to optimize in your program that would have a much greater effect for code speed than this one. Any change that would affect algorithmic complexity of the program will have a much greater effect. More generally speaking any code change that does not affect algorithmic complexity is probably premature optimization.
If you really want to be sure, measure. On x86 you can use the kind of trick I used in this question to get a fairly accurate measure. The trick is to read a processor register that count the number of cycles spent. The question also illustrate how code optimization questions can become tricky, even for very simple problems.

I'd assume the compiler will translate the first variant into the second.

The first. Any have half-decent compiler will optimize that for you. It's easier to read/understand and easier to write.
Secondly, write first, optimize second. Even if your compiler was completely brain dead and retarded, it at best would only save you a few nano/ms seconds on a modern CPU. Chances are there are bigger bottlenecks in your applications that could/should be optimized first.

It depends on so many things your best bet is to do it both ways and measure.

It would take less (of your) time to write out the for loop. I'd also say it's clearer to read with the loop. It would probably save a few instructions to write them out, but with modern processors and compilers it may amount to exactly the same result...

The first. It is easier to read.

First, are you sure you have a code execution performance problem? If you don't, then you're talking about making your code less readable and writable for no reason at all.
Second, have you profiled your program to see if this is in a place where it will take a significant amount of time? Humans are very bad at guessing the hot spots in programs, and without profiling you're likely to spend time and effort fiddling with things that don't make a difference.
Third, are you going to check the assembler code produced to see if there's a difference? If you're using an optimizing compiler with optimizations on, it's likely to produce what it sees fit for either. If you aren't, and you have a performance problem, get a better computer or turn on more optimizations.
Fourth, if there is a difference, are you going to test both ways to see which is better? On at least a representative sample of the systems your users will be running on?
And, to give you my best answer to which is more efficient: it depends. If they're in fact compiled to different code, the unrolled version might be faster because it doesn't have the loop overhead (which includes a conditional branch), and the rolled-up version might be faster because it's shorter code and will work better in the instruction cache. The usual wisdom was to unroll, but I once sped up a long-running section by rolling the execution up as tightly as I could.

On modern processors the size of compiled code becomes very importand. If this loop could run entirly from processor's cache it would be the fastest solution. As n8wrl said test yourself.

I created a short test for this, with surprising results. At least for me, anyway, I would've thought it was the other way round.
So, I wrote two versions of a program iterating over a function nothing(), that did nothing interesting (inc on a variable).
The first used proper loops (a million iterations of 1000 iterations, two nested fors), the second one did a million iterations of 1000 consecutive calls to nothing().
I used the time command to measure. The version with the proper loop took about 3.5 seconds on average, and the consecutive calling version took about 2.5 seconds on average.
I then tried to compile with optimization flags, but gcc detected that the program did essentially nothing and execution was instantaneous on both versions =P. Didn't bother fixing that.
Edit: if you were actually thinking of writing 8 consecutive calls in your code, please don't. Remember the famous quote: "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.".
Also note that my tests did nothing except nothing() (=P) and are no proper benchmarks to consider in any actual program.

Loop unrolling can make execution faster (otherwise Duff's Device wouldn't have been invented), but that's a function of so many variables (processor, cache size, compiler settings, what myfunction is actually doing, etc.) that you can't rely on it to always be true, or for whatever improvement to be worth the cost in readability and maintainability. The only way to know for sure if it makes a difference for your particular platform is to code up both versions and profile them.
Depending on what myfunction actually does, the difference could be so far down in the noise as to be undetectable.
This kind of micro-optimization should only be done if all of the following are true:
You're failing to meet a hard performance requirement;
You've already picked the proper algorithm and data structure for the problem at hand (e.g., in the average case a poorly optimized Quicksort will beat the pants off of a highly optimized bubble sort, and in the worst case they'll be equally bad);
You're compiling with the highest level of optimization that the compiler offers;

How much does myFunction(long *a, long *b) do?
If it does much more than *a = *b + 1; the cost of calling the function can be so small compared to what goes on inside the function that you are really focussing in the wrong place.
On the other hand, in the overall picture of your application program, what percent of time is spent in these 8 calls? If it's not very much, then it won't make much difference no matter how tightly you optimize it.
As others say, profile, but that's not necessarily as simple as it sounds. Here's the method I and some others use.


Is there a speed difference at execution between writing n following operations or using a for looping from 0 to n?

Let's say I have to do the same operation op on the n+1 elements of an array arr.
Is there a difference of speed at execution between :
for(i=0; i<=n; i++) {
Or is the compiler smart enough to detect the for loop (given n is fixed at compile time) and convert it to the linear execution (if it is actually faster)?
is the compiler smart enough to ....
Yes. Many compilers are far better at such micro optimizations that coders.
This loop or unrolled loop micro-optimization depends on the possessor - some will be faster one way, some the other. Best to code for clarity and let the compiler optimize. If the compiler does not optimize well, more effective to research a new compiler (or its options) than craft code.
Yet for a select situation and with a very knowledgeable coder, crafted code may be better. But that takes time that could be spent with larger efficiency issues.
Problem with crafted code (faster code but looks strange) include: higher maintenance cost, convoluted-ness make for difficult optimization on another platforms, higher bug rate. So the crafted solution may work faster today, yet slower with the next compiler update.

Should I optimize my code myself or let the compiler/gcc to do it

I am writing a c code and I would like to know if making simple operation like multiplication more CPU friendly makes any difference and the code faster. For example, replacing this line of code:
y = x * 15;
y = x << 4;
y -= x;
Does the compiler already do that? Should I use the -O2 option in order to make it happen?
There are two parts to the answer:
No, unless you are writing a very specialized function (e.g. a signal processing function that must execute in 20 clocks) you should not optimize; leave that to the compiler. In general your job is to write readable code, and the compiler will (to it's capability optimize it). Note that the optimization will be different for different processors as their hardware (computational capability) can be very different. For example a shift by N instruction (like that in your code) may take N clocks on a processor with a regular shifter, but it will take a single clock (or less) on processors with a hardware barrel shifter.
Yes, most modern optimizing compilers will optimize (for example replace multiplication by shifting where appropriate) without explicit optimization options.
Summarized, optimize only in rare situations when you already know that the compiler didn't do a good job, it is a problem that must be addressed, you know well how to do better than the compiler, and the resulting increased maintenance cost is worth it.
Optimizing code by hand is almost always an exercise in futility these days, especially in higher level languages. While C is almost assembly, modern compilers have a lot more tricks built into them than most people are aware of.
In addition, unless the code you're optimizing is going to be used a lot, i.e., millions of times in close succession, the work of optimizing the code will cost more time than the savings you achieve.
With that said, the only way to see if your code is measurably faster would be to test it: Put each version in a tight loop and execute it a million (or more) times, and see if there's a noticeable difference.
Note that your optimization is for a specific multiplier - any other operand you use it for is going to yield different results. Because it can't be generalized, there's little likelyhood this optimization will be done by any compiler in all cases - and just looking at the code and not knowing what processor architecture it will be run on, I can't say whether it would be faster or not.

Can I use Duff's Device on an array in C?

I have a loop here and I want to make it run faster. I am passing in a large array. I recently heard of Duff's Device can it be applied to this for loop? any ideas?
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
dst[RIDX(dim-1-j, i, dim)] = src[RIDX(i, j, dim)];
Please, please don't use Duff's device. A thousand maintenance programmers will thank you. I used to work for a training company where someone thought it funny to introduce the device in the first ten pages of their C programming course. As an instructor it was impossible to deal with, unless (as the guy that that wrote that bit of the course apparently did) you believe in "kewl" coding.
Needless to say, I had the thing expunged from the course, ASAP.
Why do you want to make it run faster?
Is there an actual performance problem?
If so, have you profiled and found that this is executing often enough, and hence worth optimizing?
If so, you may want to write it in two ways, the straightforward way you have now and with Duff's Device, or any other method you like.
At that point, you test the performance. You may be surprised. Modern optimizers are quite good, and modern CPUs are really complicated, so source-level optimization is often counterproductive. (I once did this in a loop that was taking a whole lot of time, and found that tightening up the loop, even while introducing some indirection, improved performance. Your mileage is almost certainly going to vary.)
Finally, if Duff's Device is indeed faster, you have to decide whether the performance improvement is worth taking this straightforward and optimizable code and substituting a maintenance problem that may not improve performance at all in the next compiler version.
You should never unroll loops by hand. It would only give you a very platform-specific advantage, if any. All good compilers can unroll loops, but it's not even guaranteed to make the code faster, because it takes up more memory bandwidth to read a longer program from main memory.
If you want the loop to run fast, you should make sure that whatever RIDX computes, dst is accessed sequentially, so you minimize the number of cache misses. Other than that I can't see how you could make the loop faster.
Duff's Device is simply a technique for loop unrolling. And since any loop can be unrolled, you can use Duff's Device.
Were you able to figure this out and get a gain it would be a pittance and would in no way justify the complexity.
You would be better served spending your energies a level up--reconsidering your entire solution. Perhaps rather than copying values you could create a translation array and spend a little more time looking up answers indirectly when you need them (not really a good idea for building images--just trying to give you a different way to look at it).
Or maybe there is some completely different approach--look at your entire problem and try completely throwing away your current approaches and concepts and just see if there is something you haven't considered because you are too tied to this implementation.
Could your graphics card do some of this work?
Rethinking the problem at a high level works a lot more often than you might think.
Looking at your sample more, it looks like you are taking a block of your image and copying it, pixel for pixel, to another image. If so, there are almost certainly ways to do it getting rid of the macro and copying byte for byte instead, or even using a block move assembly function then tweaking the edges of the result to match.
Or I may have guessed wrong, but chances are that looking at it on a larger scale than pixel for pixel might help you a lot more than unrolling loops.
The number of instruction cycles to implement the statement
dst[RIDX(dim-1-j, i, dim)] = src[RIDX(i, j, dim)];
will far outweigh the loop overhead, so unrolling the loop will be very little help on a percentage basis.
I believe this is a candidate for Duff's Device, depending on what the RIDX() function does. But I hope you don't expect someone to write the code for you... Also, you might want to format your code properly so it's actually readable.
Probably, as long as dim is a power of 2 or you have fast modulus on your target system. Learned something new today. I independently discovered that construct 5 years back and dropped it into our memCopy() routine. Who knew :)
Pedantically, no. Duff's Device was for writing to a hardware register (thus the target of the copy was always the same address).
You can implement something very much like Duff's Device for a copy like this, but there will be a clarity and maintenance cost. I'd first profile to make sure it's a problem. I'd also look into whether you can simplify the indexing, as that may enable the compiler to do the dirty work of unrolling the loop.
If you use it, make sure you measure it to determine that the improvement is both real , significant, and necessary in terms of your performance requirements. I doubt it will be.
For large loops, the remainder dealt with by Duff's device will be an insignificant proportion of the operation, and for small loops where the remainder is significant you will only see a benefit if you have many such loops (themselves in a loop), because small loops by definition don't take that long! Even then the compiler's optimiser is likely to do as well or better without rendering your code unreadable. It is also possible that the application of Duff's device will prevent the optimiser from applying more perhaps effective optimisations, which is why if you use it you need to measure it.
All the time you are likely to save on this (if any) you have probably wasted several times over reading responses to this question.
Duff's device may not be the optimized solution in an unrolled loop.
I had a function that sent a bit to a port, followed by a clock pulse to another port. For each bit, the functions were:
if (bit == 1)
write to the set port.
write to the clear port.
write high clock bit.
write low clock bit.
This was put into a Duff's device loop, along with bit shifting and bit count incrementing.
I improved the efficiency of the loop by using nibble values instead of bits (a nibble being 4 bits). The switch statement was based on the nibble value. This allowed 4 bits to be processed without any if statements, improving the flow through instruction cache (pipeline).
There are times when Duff's device may not be the optimal solution; but can be the foundation for a more efficient solution.
Modern compilers already do loop unrolling for you when optimizations are turned on, which renders Duff's device obsolete. The compiler knows better than you do the optimal level of unrolling for your compilation target, and you don't have to write any extra code to do it. It was a neat hack at the time, but these days Duff's device is just a historical curiosity, not a good programming practice.
In the end whoever makes the call on optimization everyone involved needs to be sure it is well documented and written in style that is as self documenting as possible using correctly spelled meaningful names for variables, functions etc. So it is obvious if the comments and the code get out of sync.
The need for optimization will never end. I was talking with a grad student that had broken malloc()/free() working on the largest file of genetic data ever attempted in one pass. After while the heap became too fragmented for malloc to to find a block of contiguous RAM to allocate to the calling function. He had to switch to a library that malloc only issued blocks of memory on 32k boundaries. It took 160% more the memory the old library, ran a good slower but it finished the job.
You must be careful using Duff's Device and many other optimizations to be sure the compiler does't optimize your optimization into obscure broken object code. As we enter an environment using automatic parallelizing tools this will become more of a problem.
I expect the lower the level the optimization the more likely future optimizations are to break the code. I can see that my habit of discarding line feeds in code designed to run on multiple platforms and putting the line feed back in in the print and write functions on each platform will run into problems in several of the things discussed in this thread.

Which is faster for large "for" loop: function call or inline coding?

I have programmed an embedded software (using C of course) and now I'm considering ways to improve the running time of the system. The most important single module in my system is one very large nested for loop module.
That module consists of two nested for loops that loops max 122500 times. That's not very much yet, but the problem is that inside that nested for loop I have a function call to a function that is in another source file. That specific function consists mostly of two another nested for loops which loops always 22500 times. So now I have to make a function call 122500 times.
I have made that function that is to be called a lot lighter and shorter (yet still works as it should) and now I started to think that would it be faster to rip off that function call and write that process directly inside those first two for loops?
The processor in that system is ARM7TDMI and its frequency is 55MHz. The system itself isn't very time critical so it doesn't have to be real time capable. However the faster it can process its duties the better.
Also would it be also faster to use while loops instead of fors? And any piece of advice about how to improve the running time is appreciated.
It'll almost certainly make a difference. Function call overhead isn't usually that much of an issue, but at over 100K repetitions it starts to add up.
...But whether or not it makes any real-world difference is something only you can answer, after trying it and timing the results.
As for for vs while... it shouldn't matter unless you actually change the behavior when changing the loop. If in doubt, make your compiler spit out assembler code for both and compare... or just change it and time it.
You need to be careful in the optimizations you make because you aren't always clear on which optimizations the compiler is making for you. Pre-optimization is a common mistake people make. Is it important that your code is readable and easily maintained or slightly faster? Like others have suggested, the best approach is to benchmark the different ways and see if there is a noticeable difference.
If you don't believe your compiler does much in the way of optimization I would look at some older concepts in optimizing C (searches on SO or google should provide some good links).
The ARM processor has an instruction pipeline (cache). When the processor encounters a branch (call) instruction, it must clear the pipeline and reload, thus wasting some time. One objective when optimizing for speed is to reduce the number of reloads to the instruction pipeline. This means reducing branch instructions.
As others have stated in SO, compile your code with optimization set for speed, and profile. I prefer to look at the assembly language listing as well (either printed from the compiler or displayed interwoven in the debugger). Use this as a baseline. If you can't profile, you can use assembly instruction counting as a rough estimate.
The next step is to reduce the number of branches; or the number times a branch is taken. Unrolling loops helps to reduce the number of times a branch is taken. Inlining helps reduce the number of branches. Before applying this fine-tuning techniques, review the design and code implementation to see if branches can be reduced. For example, reduce the number of "if" statements by using Boolean arithmetic or using Karnaugh Maps. My favorite is reducing requirements and eliminating code that doesn't need to be executed.
In the code implementation, move code that doesn't change outside of the for or while loops. Some loops may be reduce to equations (example, replacing a loop of additions with a multiplication). Also, reduce the quantity of iterations, by asking "does this loop really need to be executed this many times").
Another technique is to optimize for Data Oriented Design. Also check this reference.
Just remember to set a limit for optimizing. This is where you decide any more optimization is not generating any ROI or customer satisfaction. Also, apply optimizations in stages; which will allow you to have a deliverable when your manager asks for one.
Run a profiler on your code. If you are just guessing at where you are spending your time, you are probably wrong. A profiler will show what function is taking the most time and you can focus on that. You could be doing something in the function that takes longer than the function call itself. Did you look to see if you can change floating operations to integer, or integer math to shifts? You can spend a lot of time fiddling with things that don't make much difference. Run a profiler on your code and know for sure that the things you are changing will make a difference.
For function vs. inline, unfortunately there is no easy answer. I.e. it depends. See this FAQ. For "for" vs. "while", I wouldn't think there is any significant difference in performance.
In general, a function call should have more overhead than inlining. You really should profile however, as this can be affected quite a bit by your compiler (especially the compile/optimization settings). Some compilers will automatically inline code for example.

Micro-optimizations in C, which ones are there? Is there anyone really useful? [closed]

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I understand most of the micro-optimizations out there but are they really useful?
Exempli gratia: does doing ++i instead of i++, or while(1) or for(;;) really result in performance improvements (either in memory fingerprint or CPU cycles)?
So the question is, what micro-optimizations can be done in C? Are they really useful?
You should rely on your compiler to optimise this stuff. Concentrate on using appropriate algorithms and writing reliable, readable and maintainable code.
The day tclhttpd, a webserver written in Tcl, one of the slowest scripting language, managed to outperform Apache, a webserver written in C, one of the supposedly fastest compiled language, was the day I was convinced that micro-optimizations significantly pales in comparison to using a faster algorithm/technique*.
Never worry about micro-optimizations until you can prove in a debugger that it is the problem. Even then, I would recommend first coming here to SO and ask if it is a good idea hoping someone would convince you not to do it.
It is counter-intuitive but very often code, especially tight nested loops or recursion, are optimized by adding code rather than removing them. The gaming industry has come up with countless tricks to speed up nested loops using filters to avoid unnecessary processing. Those filters add significantly more instructions than the difference between i++ and ++i.
*note: We have learned a lot since then. The realization that a slow scripting language can outperform compiled machine code because spawning threads is expensive led to the developments of lighttpd, NginX and Apache2.
There's a difference, I think, between a micro-optimization, a trick, and alternative means of doing something. It can be a micro-optimization to use ++i instead of i++, though I would think of it as merely avoiding a pessimization, because when you pre-increment (or decrement) the compiler need not insert code to keep track of the current value of the variable for use in the expression. If using pre-increment/decrement doesn't change the semantics of the expression, then you should use it and avoid the overhead.
A trick, on the other hand, is code that uses a non-obvious mechanism to achieve a result faster than a straight-forward mechanism would. Tricks should be avoided unless absolutely needed. Gaining a small percentage of speed-up is generally not worth the damage to code readability unless that small percentage reflects a meaningful amount of time. Extremely long-running programs, especially calculation-heavy ones, or real-time programs are often candidates for tricks because the amount of time saved may be necessary to meet the systems performance goals. Tricks should be clearly documented if used.
Alternatives, are just that. There may be no performance gain or little; they just represent two different ways of expressing the same intent. The compiler may even produce the same code. In this case, choose the most readable expression. I would say to do so even if it results in some performance loss (though see the preceding paragraph).
I think you do not need to think about these micro-optimizations because most of them is done by compiler. These things can only make code more difficult to read.
Remember, [edited] premature [/edited] optimization is an evil.
To be honest, that question, while valid, is not relevant today - why?
Compiler writers are a lot more smarter than they were 20 years ago, rewind back in time, then these optimizations would have been very relevant, we were all working with old 80286/386 processors, and coders would often resort to tricks to squeeze even more bytes out of the compiled code.
Today, processors are too fast, compiler writers knows the intimate details of operand instructions to make every thing work, considering that there is pipe-lining, core processors, acres of RAM, remember, with a 80386 processor, there would be 4Mb RAM and if you're lucky, 8Mb was considered superior!!
The paradigm has shifted, it was about squeezing every byte out of compiled code, now it is more on programmer productivity and getting the release out the door much sooner.
The above I have stated the nature of the processor, and compilers, I was talking about the Intel 80x86 processor family, Borland/Microsoft compilers.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
If you can easily see that two different code sequences produce identical results, without making assumptions about the data other than what's present in the code, then the compiler can too, and generally will.
It's only when the transformation from one to the other is highly non-obvious or requires assuming something that you may know to be true but the compiler has no way to infer (eg. that an operation cannot overflow or that two pointers will never alias, even though they aren't declared with the restrict keyword) that you should spend time thinking about these things. Even then, the best thing to do is usually to find a way to inform the compiler about the assumptions that it can make.
If you do find specific cases where the compiler misses simple transformations, 99% of the time you should just file a bug against the compiler and get on with working on more important things.
Keeping the fact that memory is the new disk in mind will likely improve your performance far more than applying any of those micro-optimizations.
For a slightly more pragmatic take on the question of ++i vs. i++ (at least in a C++ context) see http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#micro_preincrement.
If Chris Lattner says it, I've got to pay attention. ;-)
You would do better to consider every program you write primarily as a language in which you communicate your ideas, intentions and reasoning to other human beings who will have to bug-fix, reuse and understand it. They will spend more time on decoding garbled code than any compiler or runtime system will do executing it.
To summarise, say what you mean in the clearest way, using the common idioms of the language in question.
For these specific examples in C, for(;;) is the idiom for an infinite loop and "i++" is the usual idiom for "add one to i" unless you use the value in an expression, in which case it depends whether the value with the clearest meaning is the one before or after the increment.
Here's real optimization, in my experience.
Someone on SO once remarked that micro-optimization was like "getting a haircut to lose weight". On American TV there is a show called "The Biggest Loser" where obese people compete to lose weight. If they were able to get their body weight down to a few grams, then getting a haircut would help.
Maybe that's overstating the analogy to micro-optimization, because I have seen (and written) code where micro-optimization actually did make a difference, but when starting off there is a lot more to be gained by simply not solving problems you don't have.
x ^= y
y ^= x
x ^= y
++i should be prefered over i++ for situations where you don't use the return value because it better represents the semantics of what you are trying to do (increment i) rather than any possible optimisation (it might be slightly faster, and is probably not worse).
Generally, loops that count towards zero are faster than loops that count towards some other number. I can imagine a situation where the compiler can't make this optimization for you, but you can make it yourself.
Say that you have and array of length x, where x is some very big number, and that you need to perform some operation on each element of x. Further, let's say that you don't care what order these operations occur in. You might do this...
int i;
for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
But, you could get a little optimization by doing it this way instead -
int i;
for (i = x-1; i != 0; i--)
The compiler doesn't do it for you because it can't assume that order is unimportant.
MaR's example code is better. Consider this, assuming doStuff() returns an int:
int i = x;
while (i != 0)
This is ok as long as printing the array contents in reverse order is acceptable, but the compiler can't decide that for you.
This being an optimization is hardware dependent. From what I remember about writing assembler (many, many years ago), counting up rather than counting down to zero requires an extra machine instruction each time you go through the loop.
If your test is something like (x < y), then evaluation of the test goes something like this:
subtract y from x, storing the result in some register r1
test r1, to set the n and z flags
branch based on the values of the n and z flags
If your test is ( x != 0), you can do this:
test x, to set the z flag
branch based on the value of the z flag
You get to skip a subtract instruction for each iteration.
There are architectures where you can have the subtract instruction set the flags based on the result of the subtraction, but I'm pretty sure x86 isn't one of them, so most of us aren't using compilers that have access to such a machine instruction.
