How to change TextBlock Text from codebehind? - silverlight

I have a custom control. There is a Stack Panel with Button and TextBlock in generic.xaml:
<TextBlock x:Name="StatusText" />
Then I have
public class MyClass : Control
// Constructor etc.
public static readonly DependencyProperty StatusTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("StatusText", typeof(TextBlock), typeof(MyClass), null);
public TextBlock StatusText
get { return (TextBlock)this.GetValue(StatusTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(StatusTextProperty, value); }
There is if with some logic in that happens after the button is clicked.
How do I change the Text property of TextBloc?
I thought that I can do something like this
StatusText.SetValue(TextBlock.TextProperty, "Some text here.");
But it always returns NullReferenceException (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
Should I use PropertyChangedCallback() on dependency property or what else do I need? I am missing something ;-)

You're taking the wrong approach - instead of trying to push the text into the text block from the control's class, you need the text block to pull the value from the control's class. The main steps you need to do are:
Change the type of the dependency property from TextBlock to string.
Bind the Text property of the TextBlock in your control template to the dependency property using a TemplateBinding binding expression. Something along the lines of:
<TextBlock Text="{TemplateBinding StatusText}" />
You can then simply set the text to be displayed to the property on your control.
Hope this helps...

You can type your question on google and find answer few times faster.


WPF Binding to UserControl Custom DependencyProperty

I have a custom UserControl called SongDescription:
<UserControl x:Class="DPTestAp.SongDescription" ...>
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<DockPanel Height="50">
<TextBlock x:Name="title" Text="{Binding name}" Width="100" Height="30"/>
<TextBox x:Name="lyrics"/>
I added DependencyProperty to it:
public partial class SongDescription : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty SongProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Song", typeof(Song), typeof(SongDescription));
public Song Song
return (Song)GetValue(SongProperty);
SetValue(SongProperty, value);
private void updateLyrics()
lyrics.Text = Song.lyrics;
public SongDescription()
The question is: how to bind something to this SongProperty?
I use SongDescription in my main window like this:
<local:SongDescription x:Name="songDescription" Song="{Binding DataContext}"/>
I cannot make my TextBox lyrics show lyrics. In main window I tried to set DataContext to songDescription, like this:
songDescription.DataContext = new Song() { name="Home", lyrics="Hold on, to me as we go" };
or to window itself like this:
DataContext = new Song() { name="Home", lyrics="Hold on, to me as we go" };
I even tried to make Song a resource and bind it to SongProperty like this:
<local:Song x:Key="res" name="Home" lyrics="Hold on, to me as we go"/>
<local:SongDescription x:Name="songDescription" Song="{StaticResource res}"/>
Nothing helped. TextBlock title binds song name fine. But I can't make updateLyrics() method be called. (In real life this method is more complicated, so I can't use Binding like with name).
Thank you!
Yup, so that's a gotcha with dependency properties. You never ever put validation code inside of the accessor methods (get/set) because dependency properties are stored by WPF in a table that it itself manages. This is why you have to register dependency properties, it essentially creates entries on this table for storing the values associated with each property, and when you use 'GetValue' / 'SetValue' you are updating the entries on this table (which by the way relates to how WPF is able to manage data bindings in general).
The upshot of this though is that WPF can (and will) completely bypass your property accessors because it has direct access to the real data. Why should it use your accessors if it can just go to the data directly. Instead you need to implement a 'PropertyChanged' callback function or some WPF sanctioned method of doing validation, but never ever do it in your accessors.
In addition to sircodesalot's answer, you are not bound on your lyrics textbox. Also, since the song your bound to is a class, you will need to specify the paths fully for the properties you want to show in the boxes such as "Path=Song.Lyrics".
Another thing to consider is that with dependency properties; your mode will be oneway by default so making the text field editable would be moot really unless you change it.
Third, if you're using MVVM you only need your main window context to be set to the view model and have a matching Song property to bind against.

Get instance of another element via Xaml Binding (Attached or DependencyProperty)

I have a use case where I want to get at a reference to an element in Xaml from another element.
For instance, consider this simplistic case. I have a UserControl called A and a UserControl called B,
and somehow I want to register an attached property where B can get the reference to A.
<MyCustomControl Name="A"/>
<MyCustomControl Name="B"
AttachedPropClass.TheOtherControl="{Binding ElementName=A}"/>
So I would expect B.TheOtherControl to be equal to A. Is this possible in Xaml? Note I am not binding to a property of A, but rather I want the whole element.
Any solution using DependencyProperties, or AttachedProperties or Behaviors that lets me do this in Xaml would be great.
Edit: I'm attempting to do this in both WPF and Silverlight4. I have tried the above and it doesn't work, a property changed callback on the Attached property never gets hit.
You could use a Behaviour with a property that you set to the Control name and then search the logical Tree for the control. I have a similar thing where I want a certain event on one control to move focus to another control. I do this by specifying the control name to the Behaviour.
<TextBox Name="A"/>
<TextBox Name="B">
<Behaviours1:ProgressNextOnEnterAction NextTextBoxControlName="A" />
Ok I think I figured out what happened.
Declare your dependency property like this:
private static readonly DependencyProperty TheOtherControlProperty =
typeof(AttachedPropClass),// Change this part
public static MyCustomControlGetTheOtherControl(MyCustomControltarget)
return (MyCustomControl)target.GetValue(TheOtherControlProperty);
public static void SetTheOtherControl(MyCustomControltarget, TextBlock value)
target.SetValue(TheOtherControlProperty, value);
I think the issue is that you set the OwnerType of the Dependency Property to MyCustomControl instead of to AttachedPropClass.
I've created an example that works.
Give this a try and let me know if I'm right.

What are the scenarios in which we need to use dependency property in WPF?

We can achieve the binding by simply CLR property, so why do we need to use DP?
When do you need DPs over CLRPs?
When you need binding
when you need property value change callback (Default Implementation)
When you need property value validation
When you need animation
When you need property value inheritance
When you need to attach a property value to another element (Attached Property, but still)
When you need styling
Some of these can be implemented in CLR properties. But, with DPs, its piece of cake.
Typically these are declared in UserControls and derived controls.
You can bind to a CLR property, but you can't bind with a CLR property; you'll need a dependency property to do any binding.
Edit (in response to comment)
Let's say you need a TextBox, but you want to customize it to have different behaviour in "EditMode" and "ReadMode". You'll need to either create a derived class or a UserControl; in either case you'll add a DependencyPropery.
public class TextBoxWithModes : TextBox
public bool EditMode
get { return (bool) GetValue(EditModeProperty); }
set { SetValue(EditModeProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty EditModeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"EditMode", typeof (bool), typeof (TextBoxWithModes));
With this in place, you can declare it in XAML:
<Namespace:TextBoxWithModes Text="enter text here"
EditMode="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=editModeCheckBox}" />

Recommend best approach in this situation

I'm experimenting with MVVM and I can't quite wrap my mind around it.
I have a View (windows) that has several repeated controls.
Let's say I have 4 textbox - button pairs. Their behavior should be the same, after pressing a button paired textbox says "Hello World!"
I have tried several options I could think of:
One ViewModel, 4 string properties binded to textboxes, 1 command
When I bind each button to the same command I can't tell which property needs to be set.
Passing enum to CommandParameter feels awkward.
One ViewModel and UserControl that hosts a textbox and a button repeated 4 times.
Now I need to expose all the properties like Command, CommandParameter, Text etc.. Seems like a lot of work.
Still can't say which property needs to be updated after click.
Each UserControl has a ViewModel
This solves button clicking and setting property, but now I have no clue how to extract texts from nested ViewModels to the window ViewModel.
Is there any other way? I suspect DataTemplates could be of use, but I'm not sure how.
What you describe is such an abstract and contrived idea that it doesn't warrant MVVM. You're talking about TextBoxes and Buttons, which are all 'View', and not the MVVM way of thinking. You'd almost always start with a Model.
There is no 'Model' per-se here though; your specification is literally to set the value of a TextBox on a Button click. The seemingly random list of '4' items (picked out of nowhere) and a seemingly useless TextBox mean nothing.
Putting that aside and assuming that you have a set of 4 business entities, each with a field on them that is user-editable, and an action that the user can trigger, you'd do this:
Create a ViewModel class to represent an item - eg MyItemModel
Create a ViewModel class to represent the set of items (likely it will just return a Collection of the first) - eg AllMyItemsListModel
Then for the View:
Create an ItemsControl, with ItemsSource bound to an instance of the 'collection' of the second ViewModel class
For each ItemTemplate, have a template or UserControl for each item
Within the template or UserControl, bind the TextBox's Text property to the appropriate property of the first class
Bind the Button's Command property to a property on the first class returning an ICommand - using RelayCommand for example
I don't know what you mean about 'extracting texts from nested ViewModels to the window ViewModel' - what does that mean and why would you want to do it?
Hope that helps.
Number 3. Except there would just be one UserControl with viewmodel and then the Main page that would have multiple instances of that UserControl on it. If the main window needs info from the UserControl you could pass it through events or use something like MVVM Light and it's messenger class.
There's no need to create a separate ViewModel for a reusable control that has such simple behavior. Just by adding a few DependencyProperties and an event handler to the simple UserControl you can reuse the logic and only set the properties that are actually different on each instance. For the UserControl XAML you just need to hook up the TextBox to the DependencyProperty and the Button to a Click handler.
<Button Content="Reset" Click="Button_Click"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=Text}"/>
The code for the UserControl just needs to define the properties that can be bound externally and the handler to reset the Text.
public partial class ResetTextBox : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault));
public string Text
get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ResetTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new UIPropertyMetadata(String.Empty));
public string ResetText
get { return (string)GetValue(ResetTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(ResetTextProperty, value); }
public ResetTextBox()
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Text = ResetText;
Then to use the control you just need to bind to your ViewModel string properties and set the default text that should be applied on a reset which can either be hardcoded here, or bound to other VM properties.
<local:ResetTextBox ResetText="One" Text="{Binding Name1}"/>
<local:ResetTextBox ResetText="Two" Text="{Binding Name2}"/>
<local:ResetTextBox ResetText="Three" Text="{Binding Name3}"/>

How to create a Silverlight control that has two content areas

I want to create a Silverlight 2 control that has two content areas. A Title and a MainContent. So the control would be:
<TextBlock Text=" CONTENT1 "/>
<Content with CONTENT2 "/>
When I use the control I should just be able to use:
<MyControl Text="somecontent">main content </MyControl>
How can I create such a control?
You can do that easily with the ContentProperty attribute.
Then you can define your code behind as:
public partial class MyControl: UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Child", typeof(UIElement), typeof(MyControl), null);
public UIElement Child
get { return (UIElement)this.GetValue(ChildProperty); }
this.SetValue(ChildProperty, value);
this.content.Content = value;
What that will do is any default content within your tags (<MyControl Text="somecontent">main content </MyControl>) - will be set as the Child property on your class. Then once it's been set you can assign it to any control you like.
You can have as many contents as you like, but you can only have 1 auto-content (which is designated via the ContentProperty attribute).
If you want two you could do:
<MyControl.Content1>Hello World</MyControl.Content1>
<MyControl.Content2>Goodbye World</MyControl.Content2>
All you have to do is make sure you have the matching dependency properties in your code. Then when the property is set, just assign it to a parent content control in your XAML.
What you wanted is a Silverlight version of the WPF HeaderedContentControl
You can find a try here.
