Efficent Cache usage in C - c

I want to write code that best uses the cache memory of my system. For example, I have one large array(2kb size) that is frequently used in operations. For better execution speed, I want it to be loaded in chache memory so that It takes less time for processor to fetch it. How can I ensure this thing in C language? Any help would be appreciated.

First, ask what processor you are running your code on. Then read its tech specs to find out how big the cache is and how the cache is arranged.
CPU caches are pretty big these days so if your array is only 2kB then it's almost certainly going to be held entirely in cache unless you read megabytes of data between accesses to the array.
In short: don't worry about it. Your array is tiny so it's unlikely you can do much to "optimise" cache usage for it. Instead, look at the algorithm you are using to see if there is a more efficient approach that can be used, and run a profiler on your code to see where the bottlenecks are.

For GCC you could use "-fprefetch-loop-arrays" option.
Anyway, if you're using that memory block frequently, it will most probably reside in cache.
If you want to make it faster, read this: http://www.agner.org/optimize/optimizing_cpp.pdf , and try to use it. And don't forget, the best optimizations can be done by changing the algorithm.


C- Why is for loop pointer indexing faster? [duplicate]

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Some years ago I was on a panel that was interviewing candidates for a relatively senior embedded C programmer position.
One of the standard questions that I asked was about optimisation techniques. I was quite surprised that some of the candidates didn't have answers.
So, in the interests of putting together a list for posterity - what techniques and constructs do you normally use when optimising C programs?
Answers to optimisation for speed and size both accepted.
First things first - don't optimise too early. It's not uncommon to spend time carefully optimising a chunk of code only to find that it wasn't the bottleneck that you thought it was going to be. Or, to put it another way "Before you make it fast, make it work"
Investigate whether there's any option for optimising the algorithm before optimising the code. It'll be easier to find an improvement in performance by optimising a poor algorithm than it is to optimise the code, only then to throw it away when you change the algorithm anyway.
And work out why you need to optimise in the first place. What are you trying to achieve? If you're trying, say, to improve the response time to some event work out if there is an opportunity to change the order of execution to minimise the time critical areas. For example when trying to improve the response to some external interrupt can you do any preparation in the dead time between events?
Once you've decided that you need to optimise the code, which bit do you optimise? Use a profiler. Focus your attention (first) on the areas that are used most often.
So what can you do about those areas?
minimise condition checking. Checking conditions (eg. terminating conditions for loops) is time that isn't being spent on actual processing. Condition checking can be minimised with techniques like loop-unrolling.
In some circumstances condition checking can also be eliminated by using function pointers. For example if you are implementing a state machine you may find that implementing the handlers for individual states as small functions (with a uniform prototype) and storing the "next state" by storing the function pointer of the next handler is more efficient than using a large switch statement with the handler code implemented in the individual case statements. YMMV.
minimise function calls. Function calls usually carry a burden of context saving (eg. writing local variables contained in registers to the stack, saving the stack pointer), so if you don't have to make a call this is time saved. One option (if you're optimising for speed and not space) is to make use of inline functions.
If function calls are unavoidable minimise the data that is being passed to the functions. For example passing pointers is likely to be more efficient than passing structures.
When optimising for speed choose datatypes that are the native size for your platform. For example on a 32bit processor it is likely to be more efficient to manipulate 32bit values than 8 or 16 bit values. (side note - it is worth checking that the compiler is doing what you think it is. I've had situations where I've discovered that my compiler insisted on doing 16 bit arithmetic on 8 bit values with all of the to and from conversions to go with them)
Find data that can be precalculated, and either calculate during initialisation or (better yet) at compile time. For example when implementing a CRC you can either calculate your CRC values on the fly (using the polynomial directly) which is great for size (but dreadful for performance), or you can generate a table of all of the interim values - which is a much faster implementation, to the detriment of the size.
Localise your data. If you're manipulating a blob of data often your processor may be able to speed things up by storing it all in cache. And your compiler may be able to use shorter instructions that are suited to more localised data (eg. instructions that use 8 bit offsets instead of 32 bit)
In the same vein, localise your functions. For the same reasons.
Work out the assumptions that you can make about the operations that you're performing and find ways of exploiting them. For example, on an 8 bit platform if the only operation that at you're doing on a 32 bit value is an increment you may find that you can do better than the compiler by inlining (or creating a macro) specifically for this purpose, rather than using a normal arithmetic operation.
Avoid expensive instructions - division is a prime example.
The "register" keyword can be your friend (although hopefully your compiler has a pretty good idea about your register usage). If you're going to use "register" it's likely that you'll have to declare the local variables that you want "register"ed first.
Be consistent with your data types. If you are doing arithmetic on a mixture of data types (eg. shorts and ints, doubles and floats) then the compiler is adding implicit type conversions for each mismatch. This is wasted cpu cycles that may not be necessary.
Most of the options listed above can be used as part of normal practice without any ill effects. However if you're really trying to eke out the best performance:
- Investigate where you can (safely) disable error checking. It's not recommended, but it will save you some space and cycles.
- Hand craft portions of your code in assembler. This of course means that your code is no longer portable but where that's not an issue you may find savings here. Be aware though that there is potentially time lost moving data into and out of the registers that you have at your disposal (ie. to satisfy the register usage of your compiler). Also be aware that your compiler should be doing a pretty good job on its own. (of course there are exceptions)
As everybody else has said: profile, profile profile.
As for actual techniques, one that I don't think has been mentioned yet:
Hot & Cold Data Separation: Staying within the CPU's cache is incredibly important. One way of helping to do this is by splitting your data structures into frequently accessed ("hot") and rarely accessed ("cold") sections.
An example: Suppose you have a structure for a customer that looks something like this:
struct Customer
int ID;
int AccountNumber;
char Name[128];
char Address[256];
Customer customers[1000];
Now, lets assume that you want to access the ID and AccountNumber a lot, but not so much the name and address. What you'd do is to split it into two:
struct CustomerAccount
int ID;
int AccountNumber;
CustomerData *pData;
struct CustomerData
char Name[128];
char Address[256];
CustomerAccount customers[1000];
In this way, when you're looping through your "customers" array, each entry is only 12 bytes and so you can fit many more entries in the cache. This can be a huge win if you can apply it to situations like the inner loop of a rendering engine.
My favorite technique is to use a good profiler. Without a good profile telling you where the bottleneck lies, no tricks and techniques are going to help you.
most common techniques I encountered are:
loop unrolling
loop optimization for better cache prefetch
(i.e. do N operations in M cycles instead of NxM singular operations)
data aligning
inline functions
hand-crafted asm snippets
As for general recommendations, most of them are already sounded:
choose better algos
use profiler
don't optimize if it doesn't give 20-30% performance boost
For low-level optimization:
START_TIMER/STOP_TIMER macros from ffmpeg (clock-level accuracy for measurement of any code).
Oprofile, of course, for profiling.
Enormous amounts of hand-coded assembly (just do a wc -l on x264's /common/x86 directory, and then remember most of the code is templated).
Careful coding in general; shorter code is usually better.
Smart low-level algorithms, like the 64-bit bitstream writer I wrote that uses only a single if and no else.
Explicit write-combining.
Taking into account important weird aspects of processors, like Intel's cacheline split issue.
Finding cases where one can losslessly or near-losslessly make an early termination, where the early-termination check costs much less than the speed one gains from it.
Actually inlined assembly for tasks which are far more suited to the x86 SIMD unit, such as median calculations (requires compile-time check for MMX support).
First and foremost, use a better/faster algorithm. There is no point optimizing code that is slow by design.
When optimizing for speed, trade memory for speed: lookup tables of precomputed values, binary trees, write faster custom implementation of system calls...
When trading speed for memory: use in-memory compression
Avoid using the heap. Use obstacks or pool-allocator for identical sized objects. Put small things with short lifetime onto the stack. alloca still exists.
Pre-mature optimization is the root of all evil!
As my applications usually don't need much CPU time by design, I focus on the size my binaries on disk and in memory. What I do mostly is looking out for statically sized arrays and replacing them with dynamically allocated memory where it's worth the additional effort of free'ing the memory later. To cut down the size of the binary, I look for big arrays that are initialized at compile time and put the initializiation to runtime.
char buf[1024] = { 0, };
/* becomes: */
char buf[1024];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
This will remove the 1024 zero-bytes from the binaries .DATA section and will instead create the buffer on the stack at runtime and the fill it with zeros.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and I like to cache things. It's not C specific but depending on what you're caching, it can give you a huge boost in performance.
PS: Please let us know when your list is finished, I'm very curious. ;)
If possible, compare with 0, not with arbitrary numbers, especially in loops, because comparison with 0 is often implemented with separate, faster assembler commands.
For example, if possible, write
for (i=n; i!=0; --i) { ... }
instead of
for (i=0; i!=n; ++i) { ... }
Another thing that was not mentioned:
Know your requirements: don't optimize for situations that will unlikely or never happen, concentrate on the most bang for the buck
Do not optimize when you have no problem.
Know your platform/CPU...
...know it thoroughly
know your ABI
Let the compiler do the optimization, just help it with the job.
some things that have actually helped:
Opt for size/memory:
Use bitfields for storing bools
re-use big global arrays by overlaying with a union (be careful)
Opt for speed (be careful):
use precomputed tables where possible
place critical functions/data in fast memory
Use dedicated registers for often used globals
count to-zero, zero flag is free
Difficult to summarize ...
Data structures:
Splitting of a data structure depending on case of usage is extremely important. It is common to see a structure that holds data that is accessed based on a flow control. This situation can lower significantly the cache usage.
To take into account cache line size and prefetch rules.
To reorder the members of the structure to obtain a sequential access to them from your code
Take time to think about your problem and to find the correct algorithm.
Know the limitations of the algorithm you choose (a radix-sort/quick-sort for 10 elements to be sorted might not be the best choice).
Low level:
As for the latest processors it is not recommended to unroll a loop that has a small body. The processor provides its own detection mechanism for this and will short-circuit whole section of its pipeline.
Trust the HW prefetcher. Of course if your data structures are well designed ;)
Care about your L2 cache line misses.
Try to reduce as much as possible the local working set of your application as the processors are leaning to smaller caches per cores (C2D enjoyed a 3MB per core max where iCore7 will provide a max of 256KB per core + 8MB shared to all cores for a quad core die.).
The most important of all: Measure early, Measure often and never ever makes assumptions, base your thinking and optimizations on data retrieved by a profiler (please use PTU).
Another hint, performance is key to the success of an application and should be considered at design time and you should have clear performance targets.
This is far from being exhaustive but should provide an interesting base.
These days, the most important things in optimzation are:
respecting the cache - try to access memory in simple patterns, and don't unroll loops just for fun. Use arrays instead of data structures with lots of pointer chasing and it'll probably be faster for small amounts of data. And don't make anything too big.
avoiding latency - try to avoid divisions and stuff that's slow if other calculations depend on them immediately. Memory accesses that depend on other memory accesses (ie, a[b[c]]) are bad.
avoiding unpredictabilty - a lot of if/elses with unpredictable conditions, or conditions that introduce more latency, will really mess you up. There's a lot of branchless math tricks that are useful here, but they increase latency and are only useful if you really need them. Otherwise, just write simple code and don't have crazy loop conditions.
Don't bother with optimizations that involve copy-and-pasting your code (like loop unrolling), or reordering loops by hand. The compiler usually does a better job than you at doing this, but most of them aren't smart enough to undo it.
Collecting profiles of code execution get you 50% of the way there. The other 50% deals with analyzing these reports.
Further, if you use GCC or VisualC++, you can use "profile guided optimization" where the compiler will take info from previous executions and reschedule instructions to make the CPU happier.
Inline functions! Inspired by the profiling fans here I profiled an application of mine and found a small function that does some bitshifting on MP3 frames. It makes about 90% of all function calls in my applcation, so I made it inline and voila - the program now uses half of the CPU time it did before.
On most of embedded system i worked there was no profiling tools, so it's nice to say use profiler but not very practical.
First rule in speed optimization is - find your critical path.
Usually you will find that this path is not so long and not so complex. It's hard to say in generic way how to optimize this it's depend on what are you doing and what is in your power to do. For example you want usually avoid memcpy on critical path, so ever you need to use DMA or optimize, but what if you hw does not have DMA ? check if memcpy implementation is a best one if not rewrite it.
Do not use dynamic allocation at all in embedded but if you do for some reason don't do it in critical path.
Organize your thread priorities correctly, what is correctly is real question and it's clearly system specific.
We use very simple tools to analyze the bottle-necks, simple macro that store the time-stamp and index. Few (2-3) runs in 90% of cases will find where you spend your time.
And the last one is code review a very important one. In most case we avoid performance problem during code review very effective way :)
Measure performance.
Use realistic and non-trivial benchmarks. Remember that "everything is fast for small N".
Use a profiler to find hotspots.
Reduce number of dynamic memory allocations, disk accesses, database accesses, network accesses, and user/kernel transitions, because these often tend to be hotspots.
Measure performance.
In addition, you should measure performance.
Sometimes you have to decide whether it is more space or more speed that you are after, which will lead to almost opposite optimizations. For example, to get the most out of you space, you pack structures e.g. #pragma pack(1) and use bit fields in structures. For more speed you pack to align with the processors preference and avoid bitfields.
Another trick is picking the right re-sizing algorithms for growing arrays via realloc, or better still writing your own heap manager based on your particular application. Don't assume the one that comes with the compiler is the best possible solution for every application.
If someone doesn't have an answer to that question, it could be they don't know much.
It could also be that they know a lot. I know a lot (IMHO :-), and if I were asked that question, I would be asking you back: Why do you think that's important?
The problem is, any a-priori notions about performance, if they are not informed by a specific situation, are guesses by definition.
I think it is important to know coding techniques for performance, but I think it is even more important to know not to use them, until diagnosis reveals that there is a problem and what it is.
Now I'm going to contradict myself and say, if you do that, you learn how to recognize the design approaches that lead to trouble so you can avoid them, and to a novice, that sounds like premature optimization.
To give you a concrete example, this is a C application that was optimized.
Great lists. I will just add one tip I didn't saw in the above lists that in some case can yield huge optimisation for minimal cost.
bypass linker
if you have some application divided in two files, say main.c and lib.c, in many cases you can just add a \#include "lib.c" in your main.c That will completely bypass linker and allow for much more efficient optimisation for compiler.
The same effect can be achieved optimizing dependencies between files, but the cost of changes is usually higher.
Sometimes Google is the best algorithm optimization tool. When I have a complex problem, a bit of searching reveals some guys with PhD's have found a mapping between this and a well-known problem and have already done most of the work.
I would recommend optimizing using more efficient algorithms and not do it as an afterthought but code it that way from the start. Let the compiler work out the details on the small things as it knows more about the target processor than you do.
For one, I rarely use loops to look things up, I add items to a hashtable and then use the hashtable to lookup the results.
For example you have a string to lookup and then 50 possible values. So instead of doing 50 strcmps, you add all 50 strings to a hashtable and give each a unique number ( you only have to do this once ). Then you lookup the target string in the hashtable and have one large switch with all 50 cases ( or have functions pointers ).
When looking up things with common sets of input ( like css rules ), I use fast code to keep track of the only possible solitions and then iterate thought those to find a match. Once I have a match I save the results into a hashtable ( as a cache ) and then use the cache results if I get that same input set later.
My main tools for faster code are:
hashtable - for quick lookups and for caching results
qsort - it's the only sort I use
bsp - for looking up things based on area ( map rendering etc )

Optimal Buffer Sizing

I guess this is a performance computing question. I'm writing a program in C which produces a large amount of output, much more than can typically be stored in RAM in its entirety. I intend to simply write the output to stdout; so it may just be going to the screen, or may be being redirected into a file. My problem is how to choose an optimal buffer size for the data that will be stored in RAM?
The output data itself isn't particularly important, so let's just say that it's producing a massive list of random integers.
I intend to have 2 threads: one which produces the data and writes it to a buffer, and the other which writes that buffer to stdout. This way, I can begin producing the next buffer of output whilst the previous buffer is still being written to stdout.
To be clear, my question isn't about how to use functions like malloc() and pthread_create() etc. My question is purely about how to choose a number of bytes (512, 1024, 1048576) for the optimal buffer size, which will give the best performance?
Ideally, I'd like to find a way in which I could choose an optimal buffer size dynamically, so that my program could adjust to whatever hardware it was being run on at the time. I have tried searching for answers to this problem, and although I found a few threads about buffer size, I couldn't find anything particularly relevant to this problem. Therefore, I just wanted to post it as a question in the hope that I could get some different points of view, and come up with something better than I could on my own.
It's a big waste of time to mix design and optimization. This is considered one of the top canonical mistakes. It is likely to damage your design and not actually optimize much.
Get your program working, and if there is an indication of a performance issue, then profile it and consider analyzing the part that's really causing the problem.
I would think this applies particularly to a complex architectural optimization like multithreading your application. Multithreading a single image is something you never really want to do: it's impossible to test, prone to unreproducible bugs, it will fail differently in different execution environments, and there are other problems. But, for some programs, multithreaded parallel execution is required for functionality or is one way to get necessary performance. It's widely supported, and essentially it is, at times, a necessary evil.
It's not something you want in the initial design without solid evidence that programs like yours need it.
Almost any other method of parallelism (message passing?) will be easier to implement and debug, and you are getting lots of that in the I/O system of your OS anyway.
I personally think you are wasting your time.
First, run time ./myprog > /dev/null
Now, use time dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile.data bs=1k count=12M.
dd is about as simple a program as you can get, and it will write the file pretty quickly. But writing several gigabytes still takes a little while. (12G takes about 4 minutes on my machine - which is probably not the fastest disk in the world - the same size file to /dev/null takes about 5 seconds).
You can experiment with some different numbers in bs=x count=y where the combination makes, the same size as your program output for the test-run. But I only found that if you make VERY large blocks, it actually takes longer (1MB per write - probably because the OS needs to copy 1MB before it can write the data, then write it out and then copy the next 1MB, where with smaller blocks (I tested 1k and 4k), it takes a lot less time to copy the data, and there's actually less "disk spinning round not doing anything before we write to it").
Compare both of these times to your program running time. Is the time it takes to write the file the with dd much shorter than your program writing to the file?
If there isn't much difference, then look at the time it takes to write to /dev/null with your program - is that accounting for some or all of the difference?
Short answer: Measure it.
Long answer: From my experience, it depends too much on the factors that are hard to predict in advance. On the other hand, you do not have to commit yourself before the start. Just implement a generic solution and when you are done, make a few performance tests and take the settings with the best results. A profiler may help you to concentrate on the performance critical parts in your program.
From what I've seen, those that produce the fastest code, often try the simplest, straightforward approach first. What the do better than the average programmers is that they have a very good technique at writing good performance tests, which is by far not trivial.
Without experience, it is easy to fall into certain traps, for example, ignoring caching effects, or (maybe in your application?!) underestimating the costs of IO operations. In the worst case, you end up squeezing parts of the program which do not contribute to the overall performance at all.
Back to your original question:
In the scenario that you describe (one CPU-bound producer and one IO-bound consumer), it is likely that one of them will be the bottleneck (unless the rate at which the producer generates data varies a lot). Depending on which one is faster, the whole situation changes radically:
Let us first assume, the IO-bound consumer is your bottleneck (doesn't matter whether it writes to stdout or to a file). What are the likely consequences?
Optimizing the algorithm to produce the data will not improve performance, instead you have to maximize the write performance. I would assume, however, that the write performance will not depend very much on the buffer size (unless the buffer is too small).
In the other case, if the producer is the limiting factor, the situation is reversed. Here you have to profile the generation code and improve the speed of the algorithm and maybe the communication of the data between the reader and the writer thread. The buffer size, however, will still not matter, as the buffer will be empty most of the time, anyway.
Granted, the situation could be more complex than I have described. But unless you are actually sure that you are not in one of the extreme cases, I would not invest in tuning the buffer size yet. Just keep it configurable and you should be fine. I don't think that it should be a problem later to refit it to other hardware environments.
Most modern OSes are good at using the disk as a backing store for RAM. I suggest you leave the heuristics to the OS and just ask for as much memory as you want, till you hit a performance bottleneck.
There's no need to use buffering, the OS will automatically swap pages to the disk for you whenever necessary, you don't have to program that. The simples would be for you to leave in in RAM if you don't need to save the data, else you're probably better of saving it after generating the data, because it's better for the disk i/o.

Prefetching data to cache for x86-64

In my application, at one point I need to perform calculations on a large contiguous block of memory data (100s of MBs). What I was thinking was to keep prefetching the part of the block my program will touch in future, so that when I perform calculations on that portion, the data is already in the cache.
Can someone give me a simple example of how to achieve this with gcc? I read _mm_prefetch somewhere, but don't know how to properly use it. Also note that I have a multicore system, but each core will be working on a different region of memory in parallel.
gcc uses builtin functions as an interface for lowlevel instructions. In particular for your case __builtin_prefetch. But you only should see a measurable difference when using this in cases where the access pattern is not easy to predict automatically.
Modern CPUs have pretty good automatic prefetch and you may well find that you do more harm than good if you try to initiate software prefetching. There is most likely a lot more "low hanging fruit" that you can focus on for optimisation if you find that you actually have a performance problem. Prefetch tends to be one of the last things that you might try, when you're desperate for a few more percent throughput.

How to manipulate *huge* amounts of data

I'm having the following problem. I need to store huge amounts of information (~32 GB) and be able to manipulate it as fast as possible. I'm wondering what's the best way to do it (combinations of programming language + OS + whatever you think its important).
The structure of the information I'm using is a 4D array (NxNxNxN) of double-precission floats (8 bytes). Right now my solution is to slice the 4D array into 2D arrays and store them in separate files in the HDD of my computer. This is really slow and the manipulation of the data is unbearable, so this is no solution at all!
I'm thinking on moving into a Supercomputing facility in my country and store all the information in the RAM, but I'm not sure how to implement an application to take advantage of it (I'm not a professional programmer, so any book/reference will help me a lot).
An alternative solution I'm thinking on is to buy a dedicated server with lots of RAM, but I don't know for sure if that will solve the problem. So right now my ignorance doesn't let me choose the best way to proceed.
What would you do if you were in this situation? I'm open to any idea.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Sorry for not providing enough information, I'll try to be more specific.
I'm storing a discretized 4D mathematical function. The operations that I would like to perform includes transposition of the array (change b[i,j,k,l] = a[j,i,k,l] and the likes), array multiplication, etc.
As this is a simulation of a proposed experiment, the operations will be applied only once. Once the result is obtained it wont be necessary to perform more operations on the data.
EDIT (2):
I also would like to be able to store more information in the future, so the solution should be somehow scalable. The current 32 GB goal is because I want to have the array with N=256 points, but it'll be better if I can use N=512 (which means 512 GB to store it!!).
Amazon's "High Memory Extra Large Instance" is only $1.20/hr and has 34 GB of memory. You might find it useful, assuming you're not running this program constantly..
Any decent answer will depend on how you need to access the data. Randomly access? Sequential access?
32GB is not really that huge.
How often do you need to process your data? Once per (lifetime | year | day | hour | nanosecond)? Often, stuff only needs to be done once. This has a profound effect on how much you need to optimize your solution.
What kind of operations will you be performing (you mention multiplication)? Can the data be split up into chunks, such that all necessary data for a set of operations is contained in a chunk? This will make splitting it up for parallel execution easier.
Most computers you buy these days have enough RAM to hold your 32GB in memory. You won't need a supercomputer just for that.
As Chris pointed out, what are you going to do with the data.
Besides, I think storing it in a (relational) database will be faster than reading it from the harddrive since the RDBMS will perform some optimizations for you like caching.
If you can represent your problem as MapReduce, consider a clustering system optimized for disk access, such as Hadoop.
Your description sounds more math-intensive, in which case you probably want to have all your data in memory at once. 32 GB of RAM in a single machine is not unreasonable; Amazon EC2 offers virtual servers with up to 68 GB.
Without more information, if you need quickest possible access to all the data I would go with using C for your programming language, using some flavor of *nix as the O/S, and buying RAM, it's relatively cheap now. This also depends on what you are familiar with, you can go the windows route as well. But as others have mentioned it will depend on how you are using this data.
So far, there are a lot of very different answers. There are two good starting points mentioned above. David suggests some hardware and someone mentioned learning C. Both of these are good points.
C is going to get you what you need in terms of speed and direct memory paging. The last thing you want to do is perform linear searches on the data. That would be slow - slow - slow.
Determine your workflow -, if your workflow is linear, that is one thing. If the workflow is not linear, I would design a binary tree referencing pages in memory. There are tons of information on B-trees on the Internet. In addition, these B-trees will be much easier to work with in C since you will also be able to set up and manipulate your memory paging.
Depending on your use, some mathematical and physical problems tend to be mostly zeros (for example, Finite Element models). If you expect that to be true for your data, you can get serious space savings by using a sparse matrix instead of actually storing all those zeros in memory or on disk.
Check out wikipedia for a description, and to decide if this might meet your needs:
Here's another idea:
Try using an SSD to store your data. Since you're grabbing very small amounts of random data, an SSD would probably be much, much faster.
You may want to try using mmap instead of reading the data into memory, but I'm not sure it'll work with 32Gb files.
The whole database technology is about manipulating huge amounts of data that can't fit in RAM, so that might be your starting point (i.e. get a good dbms principles book and read about indexing, query execution, etc.).
A lot depends on how you need to access the data - if you absolutely need to jump around and access random bits of information, you're in trouble, but perhaps you can structure your processing of the data such that you will scan it along one axis (dimension). Then you can use a smaller buffer and continuously dump already processed data and read new data.
For transpositions, it's faster to actually just change your understanding of what index is what. By that, I mean you leave the data where it is and instead wrap an accessor delegate that changes b[i][j][k][l] into a request to fetch (or update) a[j][i][k][l].
Could it be possible to solve it by this procedure?
First create M child processes and execute them in paralel. Each process will be running in a dedicated core of a cluster and will load some information of the array into the RAM of that core.
A father process will be the manager of the array, calling (or connecting) the appropiate child process to obtain certain chunks of data.
Will this be faster than the HDD storage approach? Or am I cracking nuts with a sledgehammer?
The first thing that I'd recommend is picking an object-oriented language, and develop or find a class that lets you manipulate a 4-D array without concern for how it's actually implemented.
The actual implementation of this class would probably use memory-mapped files, simply because that can scale from low-power development machines up to the actual machine where you want to run production code (I'm assuming that you'll want to run this many times, so that performance is important -- if you can let it run overnight, then a consumer PC may be sufficient).
Finally, once I had my algorithms and data debugged, I would look into buying time on a machine that could hold all the data in memory. Amazon EC2, for instance, will provide you with a machine that has 68 GB of memory for $US 2.40 an hour (less if you play with spot instances).
How to handle processing large amounts of data typically revolves around the following factors:
Data access order / locality of reference: Can the data be separated out into independent chunks that are then processed either independently or in a serial/sequential fashon vs. random access to the data with little or no order?
CPU vs I/O bound: Is the processing time spent more on computation with the data or reading/writing it from/to storage?
Processing frequency: Will the data be processed only once, every few weeks, daily, etc?
If the data access order is essentially random, you will need either to get access to as much RAM as possible and/or find a way to at least partially organize the order so that not as much of the data needs to be in memory at the same time. Virtual memory systems slow down very quickly once physical RAM limits are exceeded and significant swapping occurs. Resolving this aspect of your problem is probably the most critical issue.
Other than the data access order issue above, I don't think your problem has significant I/O concerns. Reading/writing 32 GB is usually measured in minutes on current computer systems, and even data sizes up to a terabyte should not take more than a few hours.
Programming language choice is actually not critical so long as it is a compiled language with a good optimizing compiler and decent native libraries: C++, C, C#, or Java are all reasonable choices. The most computationally and I/O-intensive software I've worked on has actually been in Java and deployed on high-performance supercomputing clusters with a few thousand CPU cores.

C coding practices for performance or code size - beyond what a compiler does

I'm looking to see what can a programmer do in C, that can determine the performance and/or the size of the generated object file.
For e.g,
1. Declaring simple get/set functions as inline may increase performance (at the cost of a larger footprint)
2. For loops that do not use the value of the loop variable itself, count down to zero instead of counting up to a certain value
It looks like compilers now have advanced to a level where "simple" tricks (like the two points above) are not required at all. Appropriate options during compilation do the job anyway. Heck, I also saw posts here on how compilers handle recursion - that was very interesting! So what are we left to do at a C level then? :)
My specific environment is: GCC 4.3.3 re-targeted for ARM architecture (v4). But responses on other compilers/processors are also welcome and will be munched upon.
PS: This approach of mine goes against the usual "code first!, then benchmark, and finally optimize" approach.
Edit: Just like it so happens, I found a similar post after posting the question: Should we still be optimizing "in the small"?
One thing I can think of that a compiler probably won't optimize is "cache-friendliness": If you're iterating over a two-dimensional array in row-major order, say, make sure your inner loop runs across the column index to avoid cache thrashing. Having the inner loop run over the wrong index can cause a huge performance hit.
This applies to all programming languages, but if you're programming in C, performance is probably critical to you, so it's especially relevant.
"Always" know the time and space complexity of your algorithms. The compiler will never be able to do that job as well as you can. :)
Compilers these days still aren't very good at vectorizing your code so you'll still want to do the SIMD implementation of most algorithms yourself.
Choosing the right datastructures for your exact problem can dramatically increase performance (I've seen cases where moving from a Kd-tree to a BVH would do that, in that specific case).
Compilers might pad some structs/ variables to fit into the cache but other cache optimizations such as the locality of your data are still up to you.
Compilers still don't automatically make your code multithreaded and using openmp, in my experience, doesn't really help much. (You really have to understand openmp anyway to dramatically increase performance). So currently, you're on your own doing multithreading.
To add to what Martin says above about cache-friendliness:
reordering your structures such that fields which are commonly accessed together are in the same cache line can help (for instance by loading just one cache line rather than two.) You are essentially increasing the density of useful data in your data cache by doing this. There is a linux tool which can help you in doing this: dwarves 1. http://www.linuxinsight.com/files/ols2007/melo-reprint.pdf
you can use a similar strategy for increasing density of your code. In gcc you can mark hot and cold branches using likely/unlikely tags. That enables gcc to keep the cold branches separately which helps in increasing the icache density.
And now for something completely different:
for fields that might be accessed (read and written) across CPUs, the opposite strategy makes sense. The trouble is that for coherence purposes only one CPU can be allowed to write to the same address (in reality the same cacheline.) This can lead to a condition called cache-line ping pong. This is pretty bad and could be worse if that cache-line contains other unrelated data. Here, padding this contended data to a cache-line length makes sense.
Note: these clearly are micro-optimizations, to be done only at later stages when you are trying to wring the last bits of performance from your code.
PreComputation where possible... (sorry but its not always possible... I did extensive precomputation on my chess engine.) Store those results in memory, keeping cache in mind.. the bigger the size of precomputation data in memory the lesser is the chance of doing a cache hit. Since most of recent hardware is multicore you can design your application to target it.
if you are using several big arrays make sure you group them close to each other on where they would be used, boosting cache hits
Many people are not aware of this: Define an inline label (varies by compiler) which means inline, in its intent - many compilers place the keyword in an entirely different context from the original meaning. There are also ways to increase the inline size limits, before the compiler begins popping trivial things out of line. Human directed inlining can produce much faster code (compilers are often conservative, or do not account for enough of the program), but you need to learn to use it correctly, because it can (easily) be counterproductive. And yes, this absolutely applies to code size as well as speed.
