SQL Server Mangement Studio Alter Script (2005) - sql-server

Is it possible to generated ALTER sql script from the changes you perform in Server Studio. This is possible in different tools for mysql, basically you get the log of executed statements. Is similar thing possible here, or how do you go about finding out what the modification (ALTER) script is?
-- MB

You will be able to auto generate change scripts in SSMS. Take a look at this article, I believe it might be what you are looking for. http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1723
from the article
As a part of my best practices, I always save the T-SQL scripts used for creation and modification of objects in SQL Server. When creating and modifying tables using SQL Server Management Studio designer it is easy to right click in the designer and select "Generate Change Script...", but is there a way to automatically script the creation and/or modification of tables made through of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) designer? This tip shows you an option that exists within SSMS to automatically generate these scripts for all table changes when using the table designer.

If you're altering a table (by right-clicking and selecting Design, then there is a button named Generate Change Script on the Table Designer toolbar.
If you're talking about changes made in a properties window, there is a script button at the top of each of those that can generate scripts for changes you make through the UI.

Not sure about SQL Server 2005, but in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and later, you can definitely do this.
When you modify a table in the table designer (right-click on a table in your Object Explorer and pick "Design" from the menu), you can have SSMS generate the ALTER script for you by right-clicking in the designer and choosing "Generate Change Script":


How do I commit database table changes in Visual Studio 2012 Web Express?

This is probably obvious, but I can't see it.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Web Express. I open an existing database table using the internal editor, go to table definition and add a couple of extra columns.
I can see the T-SQL for a create table, if I save the table I get a prompt to save a SQL file, if I run the SQL it's a create table...
How do I just alter the existing table? Do I really have to do this manually?
On the top left there is going to be a button that says "Update". This will push the changes to your database. It will then create an alter script that you will run.
{To overcome the issue in MS SQL Server 2012 - this cell has changed, the change has not been committed to the database}
Find the "Change Type" Drop-Down Menu towards the left side of the third row, in which you can locate the Update option, which will update the records in your table.

Create Database Instance from Model

*Seems like there is some confusion. I created a SQL Server Compact Edition file and can see it from the Server Explorer. I can also right click and add tables manually. What I want to do is run the generated sqlce file to add all of the tables and columns from my model to the SDF.
-- background --
In Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate), I designed a model using the model designer. It created an edmx file. I right clicked the model and chose "Generate Database from Model..." and created an sqlce file. My understanding is that I should be able to execute this file on an sdf somehow to create a SQL Server Compact Edition Instance of my database. I don't see the option on right click to execute the sql code, and the other option is to "Run SQL Scripts in Solution Explorer" which doesn't seem to make sense.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yea4bc1b.aspx It says to drag the sqlce file to a database reference, but I'm not really sure what they mean. I have tried to drag it to the server explorer where the sdf is connected.
I tried right clicking on the sdf in the Server Explorer to do New SQL Query and pasting the sqlce in, but it seems that Create Table isn't supported.
Any ideas?
Generate Database from Model... only generates tables and relationships.
You need to have a database created already, and have it in the Database References folder. Then you drag your script file to that database reference, as described in your mentioned link.

In SQL Management Studio 2005 can I generate JUST the constraints and indexes ALTER SQL queries?

In SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager when someone used "Generate SQL Script" on a database it was possible to untick "generate the CREATE command ..." and "generate the DROP command ..." option and then tick the "Script indexes" "Script Full Indexes" etc. This would generate a script filled with ALTER TABLE commands (assuming the database had tables with indexes and constraints).
My problem is that in SQL Management Studio for 2005 (and I think 2008) this ability seems to have disappeared. When I chose not to generate the CREATE scripts but tick all of the options for indexes etc. it generates a blank file.
Am I missing something in the options??
Can anyone help?
Unfortunately that option seems to have been retired. You will have to generate them yourself using a script. Several examples exist on the web: link
There is also a utility here that looks like it will work for you as well: link

How to edit SSMS Script Table As templates?

In the context menu of a table in SQL Server Management Studio there are several items under the common item Script Table as:
and the same for all objects, e.g. stored procedures, functions, etc.
How can I edit the templates used by that menus?
You cannot edit the templates used by SQL Server Management Studio (which would be a nice feature).
You can create your own (parameterised templates) in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\Templates\Sql (for SQL Server 2008)
What do you want to do with this?
Have you seen the SSMS tools pack which adds some right click options?

Generating SQL change scripts in SSMS 2008

I have gone through many related SO threads and got some basic info.
Already generated DB diagram.
After that i am unable to find a button/option to generate SQL scripts (create) for all the tables in diagram.
"Generate script" button is disabled, even on clicking the table in diagram.
However i enabled the auto-generate option in tools->designer. But what to do with previous diagrams.
I just want an easy way to auto-generate such scripts (create/alter) and would be gud if i get auto-generated stored procs for insert/selects/update etc.
EDIT: I could do generate scripts for DB objects.
1. How to import DB diagram from another DB.
2. How to generate (and manage their change integrated with VS source control) routine stored-procs like insert, update and select.
Ok let me ask another way, can experts guide on the usual flow of creating/altering tables (across releases), creating stored-procs (are stored-procs the best way to go ?) and their change-management using SSMS design tools and minimal effort ?
You can go to the Object Explorer in SSMS, and right-click on your own database, and then pick "Tasks" > "Generate Scripts" to generate a whole bunch of scripts for your database.
Mind you - this is just a single set of CREATE statements, basically.
If you're using the visual table designer to modify your tables, you can also have it create a script to handle the changes you've made.
And in Visual Studio 2010 Professional or up, you can also take snapshots of databases, and compare two sets of your database and generate ALTER scripts from those .
