gedit plugin development in C - c

I'm Interested in writing gedit-plugins in C. I've checked Gedit/NewMDIPluginHowTo
...but haven't had any luck with it.
How can I get more information about writing gedit plugins in C?

If you're willing to use Python instead, here is a tutorial for writing gedit plugins in Python.

The only tutorial is the one you already found :
I know it can be hard to understand in a first view, but if you read it a few times and give it a try with a basic example, you should be able to achieve getting results quite fast.
Is there something specific that you don't understand?
You can also download some examples of plugins available in C:

Well, you can always email some of the core Gedit developers about your question, I'm sure they have something to give. Try find them via Gedit: Help>About>Credits.
Good luck.


Mongo DB - bash: mongo: command not found

So I have been learning about databases and I'm new to it. In my udemy course the video was outdated for the installation of MngoDB version 6.0.1. The video instructor showed a way to install it using the vim editor. However it didn't work for me. Then I discovered that many people are going through the same problem and a guy told a solution to delete the file created with vim and instead use "system environment variable". I edited the path by adding a new one in which I did exactly as the guy mentioned to specify the 'bin' folder inside mongoDB in the Program files. And when I tried to run the 'mongod' command inside hyper I got this at the last line.
{"t":{"$date":"2022-09-09T10:05:27.885+05:30"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":23016,
"ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":27017,"ssl":"off"}}
The instructor did mention that I should see something like "Waiting for connections at port 27017". However the last line in hyper doesn't explicitly mention it in one line, but I think that's fine. Because the instructor was using a mac and I am using a Windows device. Now here comes the main error. When I open a new tab in Hyper and type 'mongo', I get this error
$ mongo
bash: mongo: command not found
I've researched a lot on stackoverflow but nothing helped me in the end. However I can provide with something that might help in figuring out the solution. Here's something unusual that I noticed. The 'bin' folder in C:/ProgramFiles/MongoDB/Server/6.0 seems to contain very few files. It has only 2 .exe applications namely - 'mongod.exe' & 'mongos.exe'. There is no 'mongo.exe' that my instructor has on her computer. I think this might be the root of the problem, however I'm not sure. also there are other files that seem to be missing. But I would like to mention that I've not tampered the files even once since I've installed them from the setup. I hope this is enough for you guys to solve this. Please help me.

Terminal app which takes up the whole terminal

I have been trying to figure out how to make an app similar to emacs in that when you run it, it runs in the terminal but it takes up the whole terminal and acts almost like a window. I can't find anything online about this, can anyone give me pointers of where to get started to figure this out?
For *nix, there is ncurses.
Wikipedia explains it to you: It is a library to write "GUI-like" applications in text format.
Also: Ncurses for Windows

fatal error: call to undefined function mssql_connect() on mac osx lion 10.7.4

So, I can execute php scripts from the terminal, but when the script tries to connect to the database using mssql_connect(), I run into this problem. I have gone through almost all of the sources available for this problem. But, it seems like I have something different. I'm fairly new to Mac, but I have followed most of the steps like uncommenting
#LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
from the httpd.conf file, turning on the web sharing under system preferences. However, I'm not sure if I need to uncomment php_mysql/(i).dll from the php.ini file as well, since I'm using ms sql and not my sql. Also, I do not seem to have php_mssql70.dll like it was suggested in one of the forums I ran into during my search. But, there are 2 lines in my .ini file that read
extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll \\Yes. They both read the same thing.
Can someone point me in the right direction please? I'm not sure if the information I gave is sufficient. But yes, I think I have read and tried to emulate 90% of the forums that claim to solve this problem.
NOTE: This post seemed quite close to what I am trying, given that the user is a noob at this. I haven't really set up PHP, Apache, etc by myself since I have only worked with Php and MySQL in school till now.
How to install/use php on mac v 10.7.2
Since you're not on Windows you need to ignore anyone mentioning anything containing '*.dll'.
Look for extensions.ini which should in the same folder as php.ini, or in a folder very close to it, and you should be able to enable it from there, it should be a .so file. If it is not already there then the extension is not installed at all. I have no idea how to add PHP extensions on OSX, though. :I

How to get list of files that a program is working with?

How to get list of files that a program is working with?
For example, if a program is downloading something, how can I know what and where that file is while downloading?
If you're trying to get this information programmatically, I don't know how to do it. If you are debugging something and want to follow what is going on, check out sysinternals.
Use a debugger, OllyDbg is a good one:
For the network activity, use a packet sniffer: Wireshark -

Is there something similar for emacs like vims's NERDtree

For vim there is a filesystem explorer called NERDtree:
Surely an alternative or superior package exists for Emacs?
I prefer dirtree (screenshot below) by Ye Wenbin. It feels pretty close to NERDTree / the TextMate drawer.
It took me a few minutes of trial and error to figure out the dependencies, so take a look at the install instructions (and a few minor edits to the source) I've got in this repo.
You can try NeoTree .
Have you looked at Speedbar ?
The Sunrise Commander seems to be a well written package, and it has a tree extension. For a screenshot of the tree extension in action, follow this link.
Who needs any tree, when you have the mighty ido-mode . If you can train your mind to find the files, rather than just your eyes whilst visually finding it, you will win. NO need to tell me how biology works, i don't care :-) you get the point.
Personally, I prefer the ECB's tree mode.
You should also check out the CEDET stuff.
They contain a lot of other useful stuff that you can use for similar development needs.
I use a little of emacs-nav and a little of dired to navigate my projects' file trees. For file management tasks, I mostly use bash (often from within emacs).
(Shameless reanswer from A good project tree browser for Emacs? - Stack Overflow)
I just now did a word search for "explore" in package-list-packages, and discovered project-explorer. Seems to fit exactly what I want today (I don't code hardly, but getting a grip on the structure of my Jekyll site).
Keys include TAB for folding and unfolding directories. Open files with RET or f, but with prefix, it will prompt nicely for which window, and even from there allow you to decide to use window or open up a new one to any side (I didn't find the prompt string in the package code, so it seems to leverage built in Emacs functionality nicely; indeed it looks like dired even).
It's available on Melpa and Marmalade, and packaged description points to sabof_project-explorer ยท GitHub.
I include the site's image for convenience:
I don't use projectile or helm, but it has some integration.
Try out lusty-explorer. It's a well done plugin.
Get it here
