Drag-on-Drop in Tab Item in Silverlight 4 - silverlight

I have a tab control with two tab items (TABITEM_A, TABITEM_B). TABITEM_A contains a tree view item that can be drag (in this scenario an tree view item will be drag to TABITEM_B) while TABITEM_B have a listbox that was dragged from TABITEM_A.
I already set the TreeViewDragDropTarget so that I can perform dragging and set the TABITEM_B AllowDrop property to true.
Now, the problem is that when I try to drag an item (from TABITEM_A) to TABITEM_B and drop it (in the highlighted text of TABITEM_B) the Drop event of TABITEM_B is not triggered. Thus, I cannot add the dragged item in the list box of TABITEM_B.
Please help.


How can I trigger drag over or drag drop event in a form containing a listview when I drag items from a listView?

I would like to trigger drag events when I drag selected items from a ListView in a C# Windows Forms application onto the enclosing form. The ListView AllowDrop Property is set to True to allow dragging within the ListView. If I set the form AllowDrop property to = true, the drag events are triggered when I drag items from outside the form, but not when I select ListView Items and drag them onto the enclosing form.

How to stop combo box scroll event from bubbling up the visual tree?

I have custom WPF Popup for a combo box that contains a list view to display items. I have a problem when scrolling down on the list view. After the list view scrolls up/down completely the scroll event bubbles up to the parent view and results in the parent view scrolling up/down. What I am expecting is the list view should scroll up/down completely and stop scrolling instead of passing the event up the visual tree.

Unable to drop in Listvieitem when auto scroll occur in list view

I am unable to drop in ListViewItem when auto scroll occurs in list view in UWP app.
I am able to drag and drop to the end and top but not to the middle.
Unable to drop in the positions where auto scrolling ocures.
Can anyone please help?
ListBox doesn't have CanReorderItems property, so I think you are using ListView. When you drag the item to the edge of the ListView, it do will auto scroll. But it doesn't scroll to the end of the list as you described, it can be controlled by your operation. Drag the item back the scroll viewer will stop scroll and you can drop the item to the place auto scrolling occurs as following picture shows.

Drag a not selected item from list with an already selected item does not come into drag info on mouse down event?

In WPF ItemsControl, dragging an item (not selected) with an already selected item with control key pressed, does not give the clicked item into selected items list of the items control. Therefor the second item (which wasn't selected but dragged) never gets dropped as it is not in the selected list of items control.
The DragInfo object is being created on drag source's mouse left button down event.
Instead of using the selected item, use InputHitTest in the MouseDown event to find the element that was clicked, and use this element's DataContext to create the DragInfo object.
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but you can handle OnPreviewMouseleftButtonDown event and add the dragged (but not selected) item to SelectedItems.

How to find out in which element the item is placed after drag and drop in WPF

How can I know in which element drag and drop element is placed? For example I have 3 buttons named Button1, Button2, Button3. Drag a treeview item and drop it into one of the 3 buttons. How can I find out in which button it is placed?
The button control has an OnDrop method, and an associated Drop event. You just need to hook up the event for each button.
Drop Event
