CakePHP and Plugins - cakephp

I need to create plugins that hook into the functionality of my main application. CakePHP plugins only instantiate themselves when its own controller is called meaning I cannot affect the processes of my main application.
I like the idea of having self contained pluggable models , is there any other way to get this to work? Creating models on the fly etc or write a plugin system from scratch with no cakeiness!

You can use components and behaviors (from the plugins) into your core application. There is one very good presentation of Pierre MARTIN Using reusing-plugins. It's a really inspirational resource.

We have put quite a lot of work into making plugins truly self contained in Infinitas
You can have a look at some of the methods that are used, but the main code is in the events. Everything from cache configs, db connections and include assets like css/js are done from within the plugin, even injecting some markup into views is handled.


How should Prism modules know about each other's views?

I'm very new to modules in Prism and am struggling to understand how to use them properly. I want to have a navigation panel like in the image below, which I stole from Google.
Let's say that I have 3 modules for 3 separate concerns: NavigationModule, HelpModule, and FeedbackModule. If I want to show "Help" when the app first loads, my understanding is that I would do something like the following:
Define Regions for navigation and content in my Shell (main WPF project)
Upon execution, load the navigation view into the navigation Region
Upon initialization of the NavigationModule, load a view from HelpModule into the main content Region
This leaves me with a few questions about what modules should know about each other:
Should the Shell's project have a reference to the NavigationModule in order to load its view?
Should the NavigationModule have a reference to the HelpModule in order to load its view? And a reference to FeedbackModule in order to load its views on demand?
If the answer to these questions is "no," then what's the best way for modules to be aware of each other's views? I could create a shared class library with constants for view names, but it seems a bit troublesome to maintain a bunch of strings that way whereas with references I could use nameof(). I would appreciate any direction. Thanks.
Modules should not "know" each other in the sense of having a project reference from one module to another, because that kind of defeats anything gained from having modules in the first place, that is, to have a modular application (built of components that can be swapped out independent of each other).
Modules should interact through shared interfaces, which are define outside of modules, that is either in the framework or in assemblies that "are" no modules themselves. Depending on your requirements, you should define upfront (and enforce in the build process) which modules there are and which interface-assemblies and which module is allowed to reference which interface-assembly.
So how to show the Help-view when the application loads? Send a message (e.g. via IEventAggregator or any other communication mechanism) when it's time to load the initial view (whatever that may be). The Help-module listens for the message and navigates to the Help-view. Important: the SessionResume-module might also listen for our message. It's the responsibility of whomever choses which modules to deploy to only deploy modules that are compatible with each other.

Can I NOT use requirejs in marionette/backbone?

People mention requirejs together with marionette, backbonejs and the like.
requirejs seems an asset loader -- executing your rules on when to load what.
I know the first 'page' of my single-page-app already needs most of the files. If I don't mind loading all files in one go, can I simply ignore requirejs?
Technically yes. Only dependencies for marionette-backbone are
jQuery v1.8+
Underscore v1.4.4 - 1.6.0
Backbone v1.0.0 - 1.1.2 are preferred
Backbone.Wreqr (Comes automatically with the bundled build)
Backbone.BabySitter(Comes automatically with the bundled build)
Further require.js can manage use code structure in a manner which give your code much resource efficient code at the end. From my point of view for simple application which you need simple set of views,models and collection with manageable amount of code it ok to proceed without require.js.
But if your application have complex logic and higher number of resources it's good to go require.js. Because it not good to send 15+ like individual resource requests server at very beginning of your application load. Require can make any number of your resource in to one server resource. That's the advantage.
What I prefer is one request of all css, one for all js, one for sprite image for graphic if things are big to handle which allow to create fast performing application.
Take you decision looking at the amount of resources of the project. It's not essential have require.js form the beginning of your application development.

ExtJs: basic questions

I'm currently learning ExtJs, but I can't seem to grasp my mind arround the following.
What is the difference between the array notation and the requires notation
For example:
requires: ['namespace.view.MyPanel']
Do they do the same or ... ?
And why do I have to put ALL the views, models, controllers and stores used in the application inmediatley in the app.js?
Can someone clear those thing out to me? :)
Requires will just load the files matching the class name from the server. It will not instantiate anything. You should require what is needed in each view/controller/model, you don't need to have it all in app.js.
For instance, if you have a MyModel that has a relation to MySubModel, then MyModel would require MySubModel. Requires is essentially about loading other classes when needed so that they are fetched from the server before being used - since using a class when it is not loaded creates a noticable delay due to ExtJS having to fetch the class from the server before instantiating it.
The models, views and controllers arrays in a controller are a convinient way to require such resources as you don't have to specify the path to the models/controllers/views folders. See the docs on controller models config for example.
A guide on how to structure your application is available here even though I don't really like that they load all views and all controllers in this approach. But it's a good start. You can dynamically load stuff later on when your application grows.

How do you structure your Backbone + RequireJS applications?

I've been struggling trying to strike the right balance between reusability and complexity when it comes to organizing my Backbone objects into AMD's (for medium- to large-scale applications)
(A) Should every Backbone object (models, views, etc) be in their own module?
(B) Should related Backbone objects be in the same AMD module? (ie: PersonModel, PersonCollection, PersonView objects in the same module definition)
Option (A) seems to allow the most flexibility and reusability, but also the most complexity because of the (potentially) high number of files. While option (B) may make it easier to manage things, but less flexible and really difficult to unit test.
How is (or has) everyone else structured these things?
I good thing about requirejs is that it allow you to abstract the physical files into structured namespaces. You can take the approach (A) and create each backbone class in their own file, then create a "namespace" module to glue all the related classes together.
// Suppose you have PersonView.js, PersonCollectionjs, PersonModel.js as modules
// create a Person module to function as namespace
define(["PersonModel", "PersonCollection", "PersonView"], function(model, collection, view) {
return {
Model: model,
Collection: collection,
View: view
This keep the modules organized in their own files and gives you some flexibility to write one module per class without requiring you to expose this organization for the rest of the application (I really don't like to have to write require("PersonView", "PersonModel" ... ) every time I need to use the person's objects, it's easier and cleaner for consumers to declare a dependency on a "namespace" instead of independent classes).
For medium to large backbone projects I prefer to use requirejs with a separate module for every model, collection, and view. I also use the "Text" plugin for requirejs so I can load underscore templates just as I would any other module. This for me seems to be the sanest way to manage a large project and I have never really felt overwhelmed with the number of files I have.
+1 on using the requirejs optimizer when pushing your app to production. Works really well.
I just released an open source toolkit which will hopefully help others as much as it helps me. It is a composition of many open source tools which gives you a working requirejs backbone app out of the box.
It provides single commands to run: dev web server, jasmine single browser test runner, jasmine js-test-driver multi browser test runner, and concatenization/minification for JavaScript and CSS. It also outputs an unminified version of your app for production debugging, precompiles your handlebar templates, and supports internationalization.
No setup is required. It just works.

White labeling CakePHP: What's the best way to provide customization hooks/callbacks to implementers?

I'm developing a CakePHP application that we will provide as a white label for people to implement for their own companies, and they'll need to have certain customization capabilities for themselves.
For starters, they'll be able to do anything they want with the views, and they can add their own Controllers/Models if they need to add completely new stuff. However, I'd rather advise against touching my controllers and models, to make version upgrading easier.
Esentially, the customization capabilities I'm planning to give them are going to be quite basic, I just need to call "something" when certain things happen, so they can do things like update external systems, e-mail themselves/the clients, things like that.
I'm wondering what's the best way to do this?
My plan is to have a "file" (with one class) for each controller of mine, to keep things reasonably organized. This file will have a bunch of empty methods that my code will call, and they'll be able to add code inside those methods to do whatever they need to do.
The specific question is, should this class full of empty methods be a Component? A Controller? Just a regular plain PHP class?
I'll need to call methods in this class from my Controllers, so I'm guessing making it a Controller is out of the question (unless maybe it's a controller that inherits from mine? or mine inherits from theirs, probably).
Also, I'd need the implementer of these methods to have access to my Models and Components, although I'm ok with making them use App::Import, I don't need to have the magic $this->ModelName members set.
Also, does this file I create (etiher Component or Controller) have to live in the app folder next to the other (my) controllers/components? Or can I throw it somewhere separate like the vendors folder?
Have you done something like this before?
Any tips/advice/pitfalls to avoid will be more than welcome.
I know this is kind of subjective, I'm looking to hear from your experience mostly, if you've done this before.
Two ideas that spring to mind:
create abstract templates (controllers, models, whatever necessary) that your clients can extend
write your controllers/components/models as a plugin within their own namespace
Ultimately you seem to want to provide an "enhanced" Cake framework, that your clients still have to write their own Cake code in (I don't know how this goes together with your idea of "basic customization capabilities" though). As such, you should write your code in as much an "optional" manner as possible (namespaced plugins, components, AppModel enhancements, extra libs) and provide documentation on how to use these to help your clients speed up their work.
I would setup a common set of events and use something like the linked to event system to handle this.
That lets the clients manage the event handler classes (read the readme to see what I mean) and subscribe to and broadcast events application-wide.
Also - if you want to have your users not muck about with your core functionality I recommend you package your main app as a plugin.
