WPF distinguish between coding-SelectionChanged and the mouse-SelectionChanged - wpf

I have a machiavellian question (for me).
In my WPF application I have a ListBox that has in the ItemTemplate a Combobox. When the user select a ComboBoxItem, I have to do some complex operations on the ObservableCollection that is the ItemsSource of the ListBox, then I have to show the ListBox with the changed data. The problem is that if I handle the event "SelectionChanged" of the ComboBox control, every time I modify the source-class of the comboboxItems I enter in the method that handle the event, and this generate wrong results. In short I have to distinguish, in some way, between the SelectionChanged generated by code, and the SelectionChanged generated manually by the user with the mouse.
I have tried many ways, but nothing that works :-(
The soution I thought was the best, is to handle the event "GotFocus" or "MouseUp" of the ContentPresenter of the ItemContainerStyle of the Combo, or else to handle the same events ("GotFocus" and "MouseUp") of the ItemsPanel of the Combo, but the method I handled didn't capture the event (in debug the cursor doesn't enter at all in the method).
I can't use a boolean to stop the method "SelectionChanged" until the "first round" is finished, because the changes of the source-class of the ComboBoxItems occurs after that the method has been all executed.
The default value of the Combos is not always the first (it would be too easy :-)), and not always the same. Everytime the user select an item of one of the Combo, the default value of the other Combos has to change.
Can you help me?
<Style x:Key="modComboCriteriEventParts" TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
<EventSetter Event="Selector.SelectionChanged" Handler="cb_SelectionChanged"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="modLBoxCriteriParts">
<ComboBox Style = "{StaticResource modComboCriteriEventParts}"
ItemsSource = "{Binding CriteriItemList}"
ItemContainerStyle = "{DynamicResource modComboContainerParts}"
SelectedIndex = "{Binding valueSelected}" ... />
<ListBox x:Name="lbCriteri" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
ItemsSource = "{Binding CriteriList, Source={StaticResource P_CriteriDataSource}}"
ItemTemplate = "{DynamicResource modLBoxCriteriParts}"
... />
' Code Behind
Private Sub cb_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
Dim ri as New RicambiCriteriList() As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItem)
' some complex operations with ri ...
be = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(Me.lbCriteri, ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty)
Dim allCriteri As P_Criteri = DirectCast(be.DataItem, P_Criteri)
allCriteri.AddData (ri)
e.Handled = True
End Sub
' Source-Class
Public Class P_Criteri
Private _CriteriList As New ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItem)
Public ReadOnly Property CriteriList() As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItem)
CriteriList = _CriteriList
End Get
End Property
Public Sub AddData(ByVal CriteriListPass As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItem))
For Each a As P_CriteriItem In CriteriListPass
End Sub
End Class
Public Class P_CriteriItem
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Sub New(ByVal criterioPass As String, ByVal CriteriItemListPass As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItemValore), _
ByVal widthCriteriValuesPass As Double)
Me._criterio = criterioPass
Me._CriteriItemList = CriteriItemListPass
Me._widthCriteriValues = widthCriteriValuesPass
End Sub
Private _criterio As String = ""
Private _CriteriItemList As New ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItemValore)
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Public Property criterio() As String
Return Me._criterio
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not Object.Equals(Me._criterio, value) Then
Me._criterio = value
Me.OnPropertyChanged ("criterio")
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property CriteriItemList() As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItemValore)
Return Me._CriteriItemList
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ObservableCollection(Of P_CriteriItemValore))
If Not Object.Equals(Me._CriteriItemList, value) Then
Me._CriteriItemList = value
Me.OnPropertyChanged ("CriteriItemList")
End If
End Set
End Property
Protected Overridable Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String)
Dim handler As PropertyChangedEventHandler = Me.PropertyChangedEvent
If handler IsNot Nothing Then
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class P_CriteriItemValore
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Sub New(ByVal criterioValorePass As String)
Me._criterioValore = criterioValorePass
End Sub
Private _criterioValore As String = Nothing
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Public Property criterioValore() As String
Return Me._criterioValore
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not Object.Equals(Me._criterioValore, value) Then
Me._criterioValore = value
Me.OnPropertyChanged ("criterioValore")
End If
End Set
End Property
Protected Overridable Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String)
Dim handler As PropertyChangedEventHandler = Me.PropertyChangedEvent
If handler IsNot Nothing Then
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
End If
End Sub
End Class

Firstly I think its better to handle events on the item container itself and not on the content presenter within the item. And now that I think of it that's probably why you don't see the events. The container is probably eating the events for selection.
But either way if you can't catch the MouseDown/GotFocus events, you can use the PreviewMouseDown/PreviewGotFocus events. Just in case you are not sure what these mean you should read up on wpf event routing architecture and bubbling and tunneling events.


ListView with grouping and sorting not refresh while INotifyPropertyChanged used

I have my own class which uses INotifyPropertyChanged correctly (Raising updates events), but when a property of type DateTime updated and called (View.Run) the listView not updating untill another property changing (not this property)
Now with the code:
Public Class EntryInfo
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
ReadOnly Property DateAccessed As Date
Return _Access
End Get
End Property
Readonly Property Property1 as object
Return _Property1
End Get
End Property
Friend Sub NotifyPropertyChanged(ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(info))
RaiseEvent ApropertyHasChanged()
End Sub
Then when I need to Change the "DateAccessProperty" I use this code:
Friend Sub SetAccessTime(Dt As Date)
_Access = Dt
End Sub
After this I have a ListView named "LV1"
Dim Coll as new observableCollection(Of EntryInfo)
....... filing "Coll" with items (EntryInfo)
Lv1.ItemsSource =Coll
Then I do the following:
Do some sort and group operations.
Changing "DateAccessed" value. so that the "ApropertyHasChanged" event fired and at this point I used the following code
Private Sub RefreshViewNow()
Dim _view As ListCollectionView = TryCast(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(LV1.ItemsSource), ListCollectionView)
If _view IsNot Nothing Then _view.Refresh()
'\\\ Items.Refresh()
End Sub
But _view not refreshed.
But if the property "Property1" changed the _View refreshed.
Any help?
The solution is by set the following "_view" properties:
_view.IsLiveFiltering = True
_view.IsLiveGrouping = True
_view.IsLiveSorting = True
or at least one of them if you want one of them only to be activated.

WPF Combobox Item Update

I am rather new to the WPF setup and I am running into an issue where as far as I can see I have set it up correctly to have my combobox bound to a observable collection of object.
The Combobox will update when I add or delete items. If I make a change the items in the drop down will not show any differently but if I select one that was edited it will now show the new information but only when selected.
I have set up the object class to use INotifyPropertyChanged correctly I think but it does not seem to be functioning. Going to attach the code below so that you can easily see exactly what I am trying to describe.
What I am trying to do it allow a user to push a button and have the text inside a combobox update to show the new text.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Window2
Public _names As New System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of TestClass)
Public Sub BaseLoading() Handles MyBase.Loaded
Dim AddNewItem As New TestClass
AddNewItem.groupName = "Item " + (_names.Count + 1).ToString
cbo_Names.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, New Binding With {.Source = _names})
End Sub
Private Sub button_PreviewMouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
Dim AddNewItem As New TestClass
AddNewItem.groupName = "Item " + (_names.Count + 1).ToString
_names(0).groupName = ("Value Changed")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class TestClasss
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public _groupName As String = ""
Public Property groupName As String
Return _groupName.ToString
End Get
Set(value As String)
_groupName = value
onPropertyChanged(New PropertyChangedEventArgs(_groupName))
End Set
End Property
Public Event PropertyChagned(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Public Sub onPropertyChanged(ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)
RaiseEvent PropertyChagned(Me, e)
End Sub
End Class
<Window x:Class="Window2"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Button x:Name="button" Content="Button" PreviewMouseDown="button_PreviewMouseDown"/>
<ComboBox x:Name="cbo_Names" Margin="30,5,30,5" IsEditable="False" ItemsSource="{Binding _names, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True,Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" DisplayMemberPath="groupName" SelectedItem="{Binding _names, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True,Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
I would appreciate any help locating what I am missing.
You should pass the name of the data-bound property (instead of the value of the property) to the constructor of the PropertyChangedEventArgs:
onPropertyChanged(New PropertyChangedEventArgs("groupName"))
If you are using at least Visual Studio 2015, you could consider making the following change to your onPropertyChanged routine:
Public Sub onPropertyChanged(<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName> Optional ByVal propertyName As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
End Sub
Then, in the setter for groupName you can call onPropertyChanged without specifying the property name, and it will be taken from the name of the caller (that is, it will end up being "groupName").
Effectively, this is doing the same thing as the previous answer, but in a way that is easier for you to code and maintain. (Along with the <CallerMemberName> attribute, this works well with NameOf, both making your code more robust against any changes in names of properties.)

Wpf MVVM UI do not update implementing modularity,eventaggregator

i'm currently experimenting wpf communication between two views of different modules using prism IEventAggregator. publishing module and subscribing module is working fine, for some reason i can't understand why the subscriber UI is not updating.i place a button to display a msgbox at the subscriber module just to be sure that it receives it and it does. and i think i properly implement the INotifyPropertyChanged.
if i place subscribe in subscriber view's code-behind it works as i want it to be....do i do it the wrong way? please correct me. thanks.
a separate class for module message passing. this class is from this post http://www.shujaat.net/2010/12/wpf-eventaggregator-in-prism-40-cal.html
Public Class SendServices
Public Shared Property SendMessage As EventAggregator
Shared Sub New()
SendMessage = New EventAggregator
End Sub
End Class
Publisher :
Public Class Module1ViewModel
Private _msgsend As String
Public WriteOnly Property MessageSend As String
Set(value As String)
_msgsend = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub Send()
SendServices.SendMessage.GetEvent(Of SendStringEvent).Publish(New SendString With {.Name = _msgsend})
End Sub
End Class
Subscriber :
Public Class Module2ViewModel
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Private _receivedMSG As String
Public Property ReceivedMSG As String
Return _receivedMSG
End Get
Set(value As String)
_receivedMSG = value
End Set
End Property
'Binded to subscriber View button using interactions
Public Sub Received()
End Sub
Private Sub ReceivedMessage(msg As SendString)
_receivedMSG = msg.Name
End Sub
Public Sub New()
SendServices.SendMessage.GetEvent(Of SendStringEvent)().Subscribe(AddressOf ReceivedMessage, ThreadOption.UIThread, False)
End Sub
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Protected Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal name As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(name))
End Sub
End Class
Subscriber View code-behind
Public Class Module2View
Sub New()
Me.DataContext = New Module2ViewModel
End Sub
End Class
and the binding part to display the message
<TextBox Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="111,39,0,0" Name="TextBox1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="158" Text="{Binding Path=ReceviedMSG}"/>
You don't fire the OnPropertyChanged event because you are directly setting the field _receivedMSG in your handler which is bypassing the property setter which fires the event.
So you should use the property setter instead:
Private Sub ReceivedMessage(msg As SendString)
ReceivedMSG = msg.Name
End Sub

Two-way WPF binding to Properties of a class inside of an ObservableCollection

I've searched as best as I can, and I can't find an answer to this specific problem that I have... WPF binding seems to be great and all, but I end up banging my head against the wall more often than not.
Okay, I have a singleton class which is ultimately the one that I'm binding to:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Public Class AmandaSeyfried
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Shared _config As New config
Public Event PropertyChanged(sender As Object, E As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Protected Overridable Sub OnPropertyChanged(propertyName As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
End Sub
Private Shared _thisInstance As AmandaSeyfried
Protected Sub New()
' initialization goes here
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetSingleton() As AmandaSeyfried
' initialize object if it hasn't already been done
If _thisInstance Is Nothing Then
_thisInstance = New AmandaSeyfried
End If
' return the initialized instance
Return _thisInstance
End Function
Public Class CountryTranslation
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Private Property _englishCountryName As String = ""
Public Property EnglishCountryName As String
Return _EnglishCountryName
End Get
Set(value As String)
If _englishCountryName <> value Then
_englishCountryName = value
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("EnglishCountryName"))
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Property _foreignCountryName As String = ""
Public Property ForeignCountryName As String
Return _foreignCountryName
End Get
Set(value As String)
If _foreignCountryName <> value Then
_foreignCountryName = value
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("ForeignCountryName"))
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Event PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
End Class
Private WithEvents _countryTranslations As New ObservableCollection(Of CountryTranslation)
Public Property CountryTranslations As ObservableCollection(Of CountryTranslation)
If _config.GetKeyTextValue("countryTranslations") <> "" Then
Dim reader As New IO.StringReader(_config.GetKeyTextValue("countryTranslations"))
Dim Serializer As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(_countryTranslations.GetType)
_countryTranslations = Serializer.Deserialize(reader)
End If
Return _countryTranslations
End Get
Set(value As ObservableCollection(Of CountryTranslation))
_countryTranslations = value
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("CountryTranslations"))
End Set
End Property
Private Sub CountryTranslationCollectionChanged(sender As Object, e As Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) Handles _countryTranslations.CollectionChanged
Dim newStringWriter As New IO.StringWriter
Dim NewSerializer As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(_countryTranslations.GetType)
NewSerializer.Serialize(newStringWriter, _countryTranslations)
_config.SaveKeyTextValue("countryTranslations", newStringWriter.ToString)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("CountryTranslations"))
End Sub
End Class
_config is a misnamed helper class that stores and retrieves data from a local SqlCe instance. Essentially the object is serialized, stored in the DB, and then pulled out of the DB any times it's needed and deserialized back into an object. All in all, it seems to be working fairly well.
My problem is that although I can bind to the object, and I can monitor when a row is added in a WPF DataGrid via the CollectionChangedMethod handler, I don't get any notification when either of the two properties of CountryTranslation are changed.
The rest of my related code is... XAML... there's obviously more, but I don't believe the XAML portion of the binding is to blame, so I'll trim it to the relevant:
<toolkit:DataGrid Margin="12,12,12,12" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=KarenSmith.CountryTranslations, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="Auto" SelectionMode="Single">
<toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Width="283" Binding="{Binding EnglishCountryName,Mode=TwoWay}" />
<toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Width="283" Binding="{Binding ForeignCountryName,Mode=TwoWay}" />
And the nice and simple code-behind:
Public Class Preferences
Public Property KarenSmith As AmandaSeyfried = AmandaSeyfried.GetSingleton
Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
DataContext = Me
End Sub
Private Sub Close_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
End Class
If I throw some break points on the Getter and Setters of the CountryTranslation class, I can monitor when they're being changed (via the datagrid, so binding is working), but try as I might I can't figure out how to raise an event based upon that back in the main class to subsequently update the datastore to show the changes.
Usually I add a CollectionChanged event to the ObservableCollection, which attaches a PropertyChanged event to it's items when they get added, and that event listener listens for changes and would handle them as needed.
Here's an example: (hope the syntax is correct since I just ran it through a C# to VB.Net converter)
Public Sub New()
AddHandler MyCollection.CollectionChanged, AddressOf MyCollection_CollectionChanged
End Sub
Private Sub MyCollection_CollectionChanged(sender As Object, e As CollectionChangedEventArgs)
If e.NewItems IsNot Nothing Then
For Each item As MyItem In e.NewItems
AddHandler item.PropertyChanged, AddressOf MyItem_PropertyChanged
End If
If e.OldItems IsNot Nothing Then
For Each item As MyItem In e.OldItems
RemoveHandler item.PropertyChanged, AddressOf MyItem_PropertyChanged
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MyItem_PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)
If e.PropertyName = "Some Property" Then
End If
End Sub
The C# version looks like this:
public MyViewModel()
MyCollection.CollectionChanged += MyCollection_CollectionChanged;
void MyCollection_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewItems != null)
foreach(MyItem item in e.NewItems)
item.PropertyChanged += MyItem_PropertyChanged;
if (e.OldItems != null)
foreach(MyItem item in e.OldItems)
item.PropertyChanged -= MyItem_PropertyChanged;
void MyItem_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Some Property")

WPF ComboBox binding not working as expected

I want my WPF ComboBox's ItemsSource property to be bound to MyListObject's MyList property. The problem is that when I update the MyList property in code, the WPF ComboBox is not reflecting the update. I am raising the PropertyChanged event after I perform the update, and I thought WPF was supposed to automatically respond by updating the UI. Am I missing something?
Here's the CLR object:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class MyListObject
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Private _mylist As New List(Of String)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Property MyList() As List(Of String)
Return _mylist
End Get
Set(ByVal value As List(Of String))
_mylist = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub AddName(ByVal name As String)
End Sub
Private Sub NotifyPropertyChanged(ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(info))
End Sub
Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) _
Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
End Class
Here is the XAML:
<Window x:Class="Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyListObject" ObjectType="{x:Type local:MyListObject}"/>
<ComboBox Height="23"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyList, Source={StaticResource MyListObject}}"
<TextBox Height="23"
VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<Button Height="23"
And here's the simple code-behind:
Class Window1
Private obj As New MyListObject
Private Sub btn_AddName_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) _
Handles btn_AddName.Click
End Sub
End Class
You are binding to a list of strings. That list class does not implement Inotifyproperty. You should use an observablecollection instead.
I also notice in your code behind you declare
Private obj As New MyListObject
This is not the static resource you bound the combo box to. So your add call would not be reflected in your view.
The ObservableCollection is most likely the solution, but if it still gives you grief, you can directly access your static resource by calling the following code after your list gets updated:
DirectCast(Me.FindResource("MyListObject"), ObjectDataProvider).Source = _myList
Try using a BindingList(Of T) instead of a List(Of T).
Edit: I am new to WPF and it does look like BindingList isn't a complete solution to your problem, but it might be a step in the right direction. I was able to test the MyListObject converted to BindingList in WinForm and the ListChanged event was raised to the ComboBox which then updated its list.
I found this (possible) solution to wrap your class in an ObservableCollection that might help you solve your problem
Enabling WPF Magic Using WCF - Part 1
This is the code to update your object to a BindingList. Combine your code with the code from that resource and you should be good to go.
Public Class MyListObject
'Private _mylist As New List(Of String)
Private _mylist As New BindingList(Of String)
'Public Property MyList() As List(Of String)
' Get
' Return _mylist
' End Get
' Set(ByVal value As List(Of String))
' _mylist = value
' End Set
'End Property
Public Property MyList() As BindingList(Of String)
Return _mylist
End Get
Set(ByVal value As BindingList(Of String))
_mylist = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
