Single column/primary key only table for referential integrity? - database

Maybe i'm going about this wrong but my working on a database design for one of my projects.
I have an entity with a classification column which groups up entities into convenient categories for the user. These classifications are predefined and unchangeable by the user (at least thats the current design).
I'm trying to decide if I should have a 'EntityClassification' table which contains simply an 'Id' column as the primary key with no other information in order to have an enforced relationship between the Entity:Classification -> EntityClassification:Id.
I don't plan to have a name/description column in EntityClassification since my current thought is that I'll need to support localization of these pre-defined names which will be done with static string table like resource files downloaded to the client based on their country/language. There really isn't any other data which is associated with this EntityClassfication that I would want and a table seems like it might be an overkill?
Is this common/recommend practice for this type of problem? We're using SQL Server 2008 and don't have an enum datatype for the database which would seem to be really what i'm trying to achieve.

You should have the table with name and description not only for end user display, but internal documentation so when the users say 'my query based on this classification doesn't work!' someone hired in the future will know which ID they're talking about.

Do you just want to ensure that the values in Entity:Classification are restricted to your pre-determined list? If so a check constraint might be what you need.
Such constraints aren't as flexible as foreign keys: to alter the checked values we have to drop and recreate the constraint, but then you say there are no plans to change the values so that shouldn't matter.


DB - Is table with just one column the right way?

i am trying to build a db structure for a multi-language admin panel, and one of the entities is Meal_Plans which will also be referenced by other tables in the design. I can't see at the moment useful attributes that will not have to be translated rather than id (even "active" won't be needed because all of the Meal Plans will be active by default), so the right way of doing things should be
TABLE Meal_PLans
TABLE MealPlan_Translations
PRIMARY_KEY (mealplan_id, language_code)
Is having a table with just one column legit? Because referencing mealplan_id inside MealPlan_Translations won't be correct, given that it won't be a unique value in that table.
Thanks for your help
Such a structure makes sense. It captures the concept of a MealPlan being an entity; you also keep the door open for possible future additions to the model.
Other option would be to only use a sequence for generating MealPlan id's and only capture them in the MealPlan_Translations table. Specifics depend on the DB you're using, e.g. MSSQL docs.
This option is also viable, but it doesn't allow a situation where a MealPlan doesn't have a translation (which may or may not be OK, depending on the domain you're modelling).

Design for amplifier make/model settings database?

As a personal project, I essentially want to create a web application that allows users to submit amplifier settings for specific tones, which will render images and create an archive of guitar tones for specific amps.
I know that I first should design a database to support this web application. After reading about relational databases and normalization, I have started to draft a database, but I've confused myself in the process.
So far, I've created the following tables:
tbl_Makes (list of amplifier brands):
tbl_Models (list of amplifier models, linked to their brand by the MakeID field):
But I am at a bit of a loss on how to design the remaining table(s). I assume I will need a tbl_Settings table which contains both MakeID, and ModelID as foreign keys, but also some sort of column(s) to hold the amplifier settings. The issue I'm currently facing is that most amplifiers have different settings, so I'm not sure how I'd handle that. Would I need an additional table for each amplifier model to hold its specific settings?
Any suggestions? Is my current database design ok, or does it need to be modified?
You may be breaking it down too far. A table with Make and Model may be good enough. However with your current design, you would make the MakeID a Foreign Key to the Make table's Primary Key (ID).
Then you'd have an "settings" table which has a ModelID, attribute, and value - since each AMP may have different attributes. You may want to have an attribute table and use attributeID if you want to control the attribute types (with a PK and FK relationship).
Oh, and for the love of God, please don't prefix tables with tbl_

Database Is-a relationship

My problem relates to DB schema developing and is as follows.
I am developing a purchasing module, in which I want to use for purchasing items and SERVICES.
Following is my EER diagram, (note that service has very few specialized attributes – max 2)
My problem is to keep products and services in two tables or just in one table?
One table option –
Reduces complexity as I will only need to specify item id which refers to item table which will have an “item_type” field to identify whether it’s a product or a service
Two table option –
Will have to refer separate product or service in everywhere I want to refer to them and will have to keep “item_type” field in every table which refers to either product or service?
Currently planning to use option 1, but want to know expert opinion on this matter. Highly appreciate your time and advice. Thanks.
I'd certainly go to the "two tables" option. You see, you have to distinguish Products and Services, so you may either use switch(item_type) { ... } in your program or entirely distinct code paths for Product and for Service. And if a need for updating the DB schema arises, switch is harder to maintain.
The second reason is NULLs. I'd advise avoid them as much as you can — they create more problems than they solve. With two tables you can declare all fields non-NULL and forget about NULL-processing. With one table option, you have to manually write code to ensure that if item_type=product, then Product-specific fields are not NULL, and Service-specific ones are, and that if item_type=service, then Service-specific fields are not NULL, and Product-specific ones are. That's not quite pleasant work, and the DBMS can't do it for you (there is no NOT NULL IF another_field = value column constraint in SQL or anything like this).
Go with two tables. It's easier to support. I once saw a DB where everything, every single piece of data went in just two tables — there were pages and pages of code to make sure that necessary fields are not NULL.
If I were to implement I would have gone for the Two table option, It's kinda like the first rule of normalization of the schema. To remove multi-valued attributes. Using item_type is not recommended. Once you create separate tables you dont need to use the item_type you can just use the foreign key relationship.
Consider reading this article :
It should help.

database design: a 'code' table that get referenced by other entities

I am building a database as a simple exercise, it could be hosted on any database server, so I am trying to keep things as much standard as possible. Basically what I would like to do is a 'code' table that get referenced by other entities. I explain:
id code
r role
p property
r admin
r staff
p title
then I would like to have some view like:
role (select * from code where xcode='r')
r admin
r staff
property (select * from code where xcode='p')
p title
then, suppose we have an entity
id - 1
role - admin (foreign key to role)
title - title (foreign key to property)
Obviously I cannot create foreign key to a view, but this is to tell the idea I have in mind. How can I reflect such behaviour using whenever possible, standard sql syntax, then as a second option, database additional features like trigger ecc... ?
Because if I tell that role and title in myentity are foreign key to 'code', instead of the views, nothing would stop me to insert a role in title field.
I have worked on systems with a single table for all codes and others with one table per code. I definitely prefer the latter approach.
The advantages of a table per code are:
Foreign keys. As you have already spotted it is not possible to enforce compliance to permitted values through foreign keys with a single table. Using check constraints is an alternative approach but it has a higher maintenance cost.
Performance. Code lookups are not normally a performance bottle neck, but it undoubtedly helps the optimizer to make sensible decisions about execution paths if it knows it is retrieving records from a table with four rows rather than four hundred.
Code groups. Sometimes we want to organise a code into sub-divisions, usually to make it easier to render complex lists of values. If we have a table per code we have more flexibility when it comes to structure.
In addition I notice that you want to be able to deploy "on any database server". In that case avoid triggers. Triggers are usually bad news in most scenarios, but they have product-specific syntax.
What you are trying to do is in most cases an anti pattern and design mistake. Just create the different tables instead of views.
There are some rare cases where this kind of design makes sense. In this kind include the xcode field in the primary key/ foreign key. So your entity will look like this:
id - 1
role - admin (foreign key to role)
title - title (foreign key to property)
You then can create check constraints to enforce role_xcode='r' and title_xcode='p'
(sorry I don't know if they are standard, they do exist in oracle and are so simple that I'd expect them on other rdbms's as well)

indexing pros cons in sql server 2008

I am working on social networking site. now our team decide to store user profile in denormalized manner. so our table structure is like this
here attribute it means one fields for user profile e.g. Firstname,LastName,BirthDate etc...
and groups means name of a group of fields e.g. Personal Details, Academic Info, Achievements etc..
Attribute/Groups master - it creates
hierarchy of groups and attributes.
Attribute_GroupId bigint
ParentId bigint
Attribute_GroupName nvarchar(1000)
ISAttribute bit
DisplayName nvarchar(1000)
DisplaySequence int
Attribute Control Info - stores which
control have to be populated at run
time for the attribute as well as its
validation criteria...
Attribute_ControlInfoId bigint
AttributeId bigint
ControlType nvarchar(1000)
DataType nvarchar(1000)
DefaultValue nvarchar(1000)
IsRequired bit
RegulareExpression nvarchar(1000)
And finally Attribute Values where for
every attribute , user wise values
will be stored
AttributeId bigint Checked
IsValueOrRefId bit Checked
Value nvarchar(MAX) Checked
ReferenceDataId bigint Checked
UserId bigint Checked
Now they are saying that we'll create index on Attribute Values table. there is no primary key also there.
AS there's huge data going to be stored in this table. e.g. if there are 50 million users and 30 attributes are there it'll store 1500 million records. in this case if we create index on table, isn't Insert and Update statement will be very slow as well as at time of data fetching for one user. quires will also be very slow.
i thought one option for that like instead of attribute wise values i can store one XML record for one user.
so, please can anybody help me out to find out best option for this case. how should i store data?
here i can not make hard code table because at any time new fields can be added by administrator so i need some data structure where i can easily add any fields in user profile with 1-2 steps only.
please reply me if anybody has better solution for this.
You guys need a dba!
This is one of those EAV tables that is going to bite you down the road!
Bill Karwin (his blog) put together a SQL Anti-patterns PPT
Link 1
Link 2
He offers 3 alternate solution to EAV.
Indexing is the least of your worries...
Check out those articles which highlight just how bad that design choice is, and what potential problems you're getting yourself into if you stick to that design:
Five Simple Database Design Errors You Should Avoid
Joe Celko: Avoiding the EAV of Destruction
Bad CaRMa
It seems to be a fairly common design problem - and it seems like a good idea to programmers to solve it that way, with a attribute/value table - but it's really not a good idea from a database performance point of view.
Now they are saying that we'll create
index on Attribute Values table. there
is no primary key also there.
As some SQL gurus like to say: "If it doesn't have a primary key, it's not a table".
You definitely need to find a way to get a primary key onto your tables - if you don't have anything that you can use per se, add a column "ID" of type "INT IDENTITY(1,1)" to it and put the primary key on that column. You need a primary key! Database design, first lesson, first five minutes....
You need to rethink your design and come up with something more clever to store the data you need.
