I'm creating n threads & then starting then execution after a barrier breakdown.
In global data space:
int bkdown = 0;
In main():
if(i==n-2)printf("breakdown imminent!\n");
if(i==n-1)printf("breakdown already occurred!\n");
In thread runner function:
void *runner(void *param)
if(bkdown==0){bkdown=1;printf("barrier broken down!\n");}
Expected order:
breakdown imminent!
barrier broken down!
breakdown already occurred!
Actual order: (tested repeatedly)
breakdown imminent!
breakdown already occurred!
barrier broken down!!
Could someone explain why the I am not getting the "broken down" message before the "already occurred" message?
The order in which threads are run is dependent on the operating system. Just because you start a thread doesn't mean the OS is going to run it immediately.
If you really want to control the order in which threads are executed, you have to put some kind of synchronization in there (with mutexes or condition variables.)
if(i==n-2)printf("breakdown imminent!\n");
if(i==n-1)printf("breakdown already occurred!\n");
Nothing stops this loop from executing until i == n-1 . pthread_create() just fires off a thread to be run. It doesn't wait for it to start or end. Thus you're at the mercy of the scheduler, which might decide to continue executing your loop, or switch to one of the newly created threads (or do both, on a SMP system).
You're also initalizing the barrier to n, so in any case none of the threads will get past the barrier until you've created all of them.
In addition to the answers of nos and Starkey you have to take into account that you have another serialization in your code that is often neglected: you are doing IO on the same FILE variable, namely stdin.
The access to that variable is mutexed internally and the order in which your n+1 threads (including your calling thread) get access to that mutex is implementation defined, take it basically as random in your case.
So the order in which you get your printf output is the order in which your threads pass through these wormholes.
You can get the expected order in one of two ways
Create each thread with a higher priority than the main thread. This will ensure that new thread will run immediately after creation and wait on the barrier.
Move the "breakdown imminent!\n" print before the pthread_create() and call use a sched_yield() call after every pthread_create(). This will schedule the newly created thread for execution.
For an assignment, I need to use sched_yield() to synchronize threads. I understand a mutex lock/conditional variables would be much more effective, but I am not allowed to use those.
The only functions we are allowed to use are sched_yield(), pthread_create(), and pthread_join(). We cannot use mutexes, locks, semaphores, or any type of shared variable.
I know sched_yield() is supposed to relinquish access to the thread so another thread can run. So it should move the thread it executes on to the back of the running queue.
The code below is supposed to print 'abc' in order and then the newline after all three threads have executed. I looped sched_yield() in functions b() and c() because it wasn't working as I expected, but I'm pretty sure all that is doing is delaying the printing because a function is running so many times, not because sched_yield() is working.
The server it needs to run on has 16 CPUs. I saw somewhere that sched_yield() may immediately assign the thread to a new CPU.
Essentially I'm unsure of how, using only sched_yield(), to synchronize these threads given everything I could find and troubleshoot with online.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sched.h>
void* a(void*);
void* b(void*);
void* c(void*);
int main( void ){
pthread_t a_id, b_id, c_id;
pthread_create(&a_id, NULL, a, NULL);
pthread_create(&b_id, NULL, b, NULL);
pthread_create(&c_id, NULL, c, NULL);
pthread_join(a_id, NULL);
pthread_join(b_id, NULL);
pthread_join(c_id, NULL);
return 0;
void* a(void* ret){
return ret;
void* b(void* ret){
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
return ret;
void* c(void* ret){
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
return ret;
There's 4 cases:
a) the scheduler doesn't use multiplexing (e.g. doesn't use "round robin" but uses "highest priority thread that can run does run", or "earliest deadline first", or ...) and sched_yield() does nothing.
b) the scheduler does use multiplexing in theory, but you have more CPUs than threads so the multiplexing doesn't actually happen, and sched_yield() does nothing. Note: With 16 CPUs and 2 threads, this is likely what you'd get for "default scheduling policy" on an OS like Linux - the sched_yield() just does a "Hrm, no other thread I could use this CPU for, so I guess the calling thread can keep using the same CPU!").
c) the scheduler does use multiplexing and there's more threads than CPUs, but to improve performance (avoid task switches) the scheduler designer decided that sched_yield() does nothing.
d) sched_yield() does cause a task switch (yielding the CPU to some other task), but that is not enough to do any kind of synchronization on its own (e.g. you'd need an atomic variable or something for the actual synchronization - maybe like "while( atomic_variable_not_set_by_other_thread ) { sched_yield(); }). Note that with an atomic variable (introduced in C11) it'd work without sched_yield() - the sched_yield() (if it does anything) merely makes busy waiting less awful/wasteful.
Essentially I'm unsure of how, using only sched_yield(), to
synchronize these threads given everything I could find and
troubleshoot with online.
That would be because sched_yield() is not well suited to the task. As I wrote in comments, sched_yield() is about scheduling, not synchronization. There is a relationship between the two, in the sense that synchronization events affect which threads are eligible to run, but that goes in the wrong direction for your needs.
You are probably looking at the problem from the wrong end. You need each of your threads to wait to execute until it is their turn, and for them to do that, they need some mechanism to convey information among them about whose turn it is. There are several alternatives for that, but if "only sched_yield()" is taken to mean that no library functions other than sched_yield() may be used for that purpose then a shared variable seems the expected choice. The starting point should therefore be how you could use a shared variable to make the threads take turns in the appropriate order.
Flawed starting point
Here is a naive approach that might spring immediately to mind:
/* FLAWED */
void *b(void *data){
char *whose_turn = data;
while (*whose_turn != 'b') {
// nothing?
*whose_turn = 'c';
return NULL;
That is, the thread executes a busy loop, monitoring the shared variable to await it taking a value signifying that the thread should proceed. When it has done its work, the thread modifies the variable to indicate that the next thread may proceed. But there are several problems with that, among them:
Supposing that at least one other thread writes to the object designated by *whose_turn, the program contains a data race, and therefore its behavior is undefined. As a practical matter, a thread that once entered the body of the loop in that function might loop infinitely, notwithstanding any action by other threads.
Without making additional assumptions about thread scheduling, such as a fairness policy, it is not safe to assume that the thread that will make the needed modification to the shared variable will be scheduled in bounded time.
While a thread is executing the loop in that function, it prevents any other thread from executing on the same core, yet it cannot make progress until some other thread takes action. To the extent that we can assume preemptive thread scheduling, this is an efficiency issue and contributory to (2). However, if we assume neither preemptive thread scheduling nor the threads being scheduled each on a separate core then this is an invitation to deadlock.
Possible improvements
The conventional and most appropriate way to do that in a pthreads program is with the use of a mutex and condition variable. Properly implemented, that resolves the data race (issue 1) and it ensures that other threads get a chance to run (issue 3). If that leaves no other threads eligible to run besides the one that will modify the shared variable then it also addresses issue 2, to the extent that the scheduler is assumed to grant any CPU to the process at all.
But you are forbidden to do that, so what else is available? Well, you could make the shared variable _Atomic. That would resolve the data race, and in practice it would likely be sufficient for the wanted thread ordering. In principle, however, it does not resolve issue 3, and as a practical matter, it does not use sched_yield(). Also, all that busy-looping is wasteful.
But wait! You have a clue in that you are told to use sched_yield(). What could that do for you? Suppose you insert a call to sched_yield() in the body of the busy loop:
/* (A bit) better */
void* b(void *data){
char *whose_turn = data;
while (*whose_turn != 'b') {
*whose_turn = 'c';
return NULL;
That resolves issues 2 and 3, explicitly affording the possibility for other threads to run and putting the calling thread at the tail of the scheduler's thread list. Formally, it does not resolve issue 1 because sched_yield() has no documented effect on memory ordering, but in practice, I don't think it can be implemented without a (full) memory barrier. If you are allowed to use atomic objects then combining an atomic shared variable with sched_yield() would tick all three boxes. Even then, however, there would still be a bunch of wasteful busy-looping.
Final remarks
Note well that pthread_join() is a synchronization function, thus, as I understand the task, you may not use it to ensure that the main thread's output is printed last.
Note also that I have not spoken to how the main() function would need to be modified to support the approach I have suggested. Changes would be needed for that, and they are left as an exercise.
I have this code:
int _break=0;
while(_break==0) {
if(someCondition) {
if(someOtherCondition)_break=1;//exit the loop
The problem is that if someCondition is false, the loop gets heavy on the CPU. Is there a way to sleep for some milliseconds in the loop so that the cpu will not have a huge load?
What I'm trying to do is a server-client application, without using sockets, just using shared memory, semaphores and system calls. I'm doing this on linux.
someOtherCondition becomes true when the applications receives the "kill" signal, while someCondition is true if the message received is valid. If it's not valid, it keeps waiting for a valid message and the while loop becomes a heavy infinite loop (it works but loads the CPU too much). I would like to make it lightweight.
I'm working on Linux (Debian 7).
If you have a single-threaded application, then it won't make any difference whether you suspend the execution or not.
If you have multiple threads running, then you should use a binary semaphore instead of polling a global variable.
This thread should acquire the semaphore at the beginning of each iteration, and one of the other threads should release the semaphore whenever you wish this thread to run.
This method is also known as "consumer-producer".
When a thread attempts to acquire a binary semaphore:
If the semaphore is released, then the calling thread acquires it and continues the execution.
If the semaphore is already acquired, then the calling thread "asks" the OS to block itself, and the OS will unblock it as soon as some other thread releases the semaphore.
The entire procedure is "atomic", i.e., no context-switch between threads can take place while the semaphore code is executed. This is generally achieved by disabling the interrupts. Everything is implemented within the semaphore code, so you need not "worry" about it.
Since you did not specify what OS you're using, I cannot provide any technical details (i.e., code)...
If you are trying to protect a critical section inside the loop (i.e., if you are accessing some other global variable, which is also being accessed by other threads, and at least one of those threads is changing that global variable), then you should use a Mutex instead of a binary semaphore.
There are two advantages for using a Mutex in this case:
It can be released only by the thread which has acquired it (thus ensuring mutual exclusion).
It can resolve a specific type of deadlocks that occur when a high-priority thread is waiting for a low-priority thread to complete, while a medium-priority thread is preventing the low-priority thread from completing (a.k.a. priority-inversion).
Of course, a Mutex is required only if you really need to ensure mutual exclusion for accessing the data.
Now that you've added some specific details on your system, here is the general scheme:
Step #1 - Before starting your threads:
// Declare a global variable 'sem'
// Initialize the global variable 'sem' with 'count = 0' (i.e., as acquired)
Step #2 - In this thread:
// Declare the global variable 'sem' as 'extern'
Step #3 - In the Rx ISR:
// Declare the global variable 'sem' as 'extern'
Spinning a loop without any delay will use a fair amount of CPU, a small time delay will reduce that you're right.
Using Sleep() is the easiest way, in Windows this is in the windows.h header.
Having said that, the most elegant solution would be to thread your code so that the code is only ever run when your condition is true, that way it will truly sleep until you wake it up.
I suggest you look into pthread and mutex. This will allow you to sleep that loop of yours entirely until the condition becomes true.
Hope that helps in some way :)
I have the following problem to solve:
Consider an application where there are three types of threads: Calculus-A,Calculus-B and Finalization. Whenever a thread type Calculus-A ends, it calls the routine endA(), which returns immediately. Whenever a thread type Calculus-B ends, it calls the routine endB(), which returns immediately. Threads like Finalization routine call wait(),
which returns only if they have already completed two Calculation-A threads and 2 Calculation-B threads. In other words, for exactly 2 conclusions of Calculus-A and 2 conclusions of Calculus-B one thread Finalization is allowed to continue.
There is an undetermined number of threads of the 3 types. It is not known the order of the routines called by threads. Threads Completion are answered in the order of arrival.
Implement routines endA(), endB() and wait() using semaphores. Besides the variables initialization, the only possible operations are P and V. Solutions with busy-waiting are not acceptable.
Here's is my solution:
semaphore calcA = 2;
semaphore calcB = 2;
semaphore wait = -3;
void endA()
void endB()
void wait()
I believe that there will be a deadlock due to the wait's initialization and if and wait() executes before endA() and endB(). Is there any other solution for this?
I tend to view semaphore problems as problems where one must identify "sources of waiting" and define for each a semaphore and a protocol for their access.
With that in mind, the "sources of waiting" are
Completions of CalcA
Completions of CalcB
Maybe, if I understood this right, a wait on whole completion groups, consisting of two CalcAs and two CalcBs. I say maybe because I'm not sure what "Threads Completion are answered in the order of arrival." means.
Completions of CalcA and CalcB should therefore increment their respective counters. At the other end, one Finalization thread gains exclusive access to the counters and waits in any order for the needed number of completions to constitute a completion group. It then unlocks access to the next group.
My code is below, although since I'm unfamiliar with the Dutch V and P I will use take()/give().
semaphore calcA = 0;
semaphore calcB = 0;
semaphore groupSem = 1;
void endA(){
void endB(){
void wait(){
The groupSem semaphore ensures all-or-nothing: the thread that enters the critical section will get the next two completions of each of CalcA and CalcB. If groupSem wasn't there, the first thread to enter wait could take two As and block, then be taken over by another thread that grabs two As and two B and then run away.
A worse problem that exists if the groupSem isn't there is if this second thread takes two As, one B and then blocks, and then the first thread grabs the second B. If somehow the result of the finalization allows more runs of CalculationA and CalculationB, then you may have a deadlock, because there may be no more opportunity for instances of calculation A and B to complete, therefore leaving the finalization threads hanging, unable to produce more calculation instances.
I am writing a multi-thread program, where one thread executes a lot of system calls (like read, write), and other thread executes normal calls like printf.
Suppose thread A is for normal calls, and thread B is for system calls, my main function is like
int main()
pthread_t thread_A;
pthread_t thread_B;
printf("Last thread to be executed was %c\n",write_last);
return 0;
By this, I found that the thread with system calls is executed last always. Even if I change the order of thread creation and joining, it is still thread B.
I have two questions, does the order of thread creation/joining matters? and is it because of the system calls that thread B is always executing last?
You're just measuring which thread finishes first, not which one runs first. Assuming they both run in parallel and start at roughly the same time, the one that spends less time working is going to finish first.
If you want to observe the sequence of operations in both, run the program under strace -f, but be aware that the overhead of tracing slows things down a lot and tends to eliminate parallelism in the traced program except when it's doing purely computational tasks with no system calls.
I have three threads, one thread is the main and the other two are worker threads. The first thread, when there is work to be done wakes up one of the two threads. Each thread when awakened perform some computation and while doing this if it finds more work to do can wake up the other working thread or simply decide to do the job by itself (By adding work to a local queue, for example).
While the worker threads have work to do, the main thread must wait for the work to be done. I have implemented this with condition variables as follows (the code reported here hides a lot of details, please ask if there's something non understandable):
MAIN THREAD (pseudocode):
//this function can be called from the main several time. It blocks the main thread till the work is done.
void new_work(){
//signaling to worker threads if work is available
//Now, the threads have been awakened, it's time to sleep till they have finished.
while (work > 0) //work is a shared atomic integer, incremented each time there's work to do and decremented when finished executing some work unit
while (1){
if (work == 0)
//code to let the worker thread wait again -- PROBLEM!
while (I have work to do, in my queue){
Here is the problem: when a worker thread wakes up the main thread I'm not sure that the worker thread calls a wait to put itself in a waiting state for new work. Even if I implement this wait with another condition variable, it can happen that the main thread is awake, does some work until reaches a point in which he has to wake up the thread that has not called a wait yet... and this can lead to bad results. I've tried several ways to solve this issue but I couldn't find a solution, maybe there is an obvious way to solve it but I'm missing it.
Can you provide a scheme to solve this kind of problem? I'm using the C language and I can use whatever synchronization mechanism you think can be suited, like pthreads or posix semaphores.
The usual way to handle this is to have a single work queue and protect it from overflow and underflow. Something like this (where I have left off the "pthread_" prefixes):
mutex queue_mutex;
cond_t queue_not_full, queue_not_empty;
void enqueue_work(Work w) {
while (queue_full())
cond_wait(&queue_not_full, &queue_mutex);
Work dequeue_work() {
while (queue_empty())
cond_wait(&queue_not_empty, &queue_mutex);
Work w = remove_work_from_queue();
Note the symmetry between these functions: enqueue <-> dequeue, empty <-> full, not_empty <-> not full.
This provides a thread-safe bounded-size queue for any number of threads producing work and any number of threads consuming work. (Actually, it is sort of the canonical example for the use of condition variables.) If your solution does not look exactly like this, it should probably be pretty close...
If you want the main thread to distribute work to the other two, then wait until both threads have completed their work before moving on, you might be able to accomplish this with a barrier.
A barrier is a synchronization construct that you can use to make threads wait at a certain point in your code until a set number of threads are all ready to move on. Essentially, you initialize a pthread barrier, saying that x number of threads must wait on it before any are allowed to continue. As each thread finishes its work and is ready to go on, it will wait on the barrier, and once x number of threads have reached the barrier, they are all allowed to continue.
In your case, you might be able to do something like:
pthread_barrier_t barrier;
pthread_barrier_init(&barrier, 3);
while (work_to_do) {
while(1) {
while (work_on_my_queue()) {
This should make your main thread give out work, then wait both worker threads to complete the work they were given (if any) before moving on.
Could you have "new job" queue, which is managed by the main thread? The main thread could dish out 1 job at a time to each worker thread. The main thread would also listen for completed jobs by the workers. If a worker thread finds a new job that needs doing just add it to the "new job" queue and the main thread will distribute it.
JobQueue NewJobs;
Job JobForWorker[NUM_WORKERS];
while(wait for new job)
do job (this may include adding new jobs to NewJobs queue)
signal job complete to main thread
main thread()
wait for job completion on any worker thread
now a worker thread is free put a new job on it
I believe that what you have here is a variation on the producer-consumer problem. What you are doing is writing up an ad-hoc implementation of a counting semaphore (one that is used to provide more than just mutual exclusion).
If I've read your question right, what you are trying to do is have the worker threads block until there is a unit of work available and then perform a unit of work once it becomes available. Your issue is with the case where there is too much work available and the main thread tries to unblock a worker that is already working. I would structure your code as follows.
sem_t main_sem;
sem_init(&main_sem, 0, 0);
void new_work() {
void do_work() {
while (1) {
// do stuff
// do more stuff
Now, if the worker threads generate more work then they can simply sem_post to the semaphore and simply defer the pthread_cond_signal till all the work is done.
Note however, if you actually need the main thread to always block when the worker is working, it's not useful to push the work to another thread when you could just call a function that does the work.