time to create a bot for second life using linden scripting language? - linden-scripting-language

how much time does it take to create a simple dance performing bot in second life using Linden Scripting Language ?? , i have no prior knowledge of lsl , but i know various object oriented and event driven programming languages .

Well, it's pretty simple to animate avatar: you'll need a dance animation (those are pretty easy to find, or you could create your own), put it in a prim (which is basic building object in SL), and then create a simple script which first requests permission to animate desired avatar:
llRequestPermissions(agent_key, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
You receive response in run_time_permissions event and trigger your animation by name:
run_time_permissions(integer param)
llStartAnimation("my animation");
Those are the essentials; you'll probably want to request permissions when an avatar touches your object, and stop animation on second touch... or you could request for permissions for each avatar which is in certain range.
As for the "bot" part, Second Life viewer code is open source; if you don't want to build it yourself, there are several customizable bots available. Or you could simply run an official SL viewer and leave it on; there is a way to run several instances of SL viewer at the same time. It all depends on what exactly you need it for.
Official LSL portal can be found here, though I prefer slightly outdated LSL wiki.

Slight language mismatch: To make an object perform a dance is currently known as "puppetry" in a SecondLife context. The term "bot" currently means control of an avatar by an external script api.
Anyway in one instance, it took me about two hours to write, when I did one for a teddy bear a few weeks back, but that was after learning alot from taking apart some old ones, and i never did finish making the dance, it just waggles the legs or hugs with the arms, but the script is capable for however many steps and parts you can cram in memory.
Puppetry of objects has not improved much in the past decade. It is highly restricted by movement update rates and script limitations. Movement is often delayed under server load and the client doesn't always get updates, which produces pauses and skips in varying measure. Scripts have a maximum size of 64k which should be plenty but in actuality runs out fast with the convolutions necessary in lsl. Moving each linked prim in an object seperately used to need a script in each prim, until new fuctions were introduced to apply attributes by linknumber, still many objects use old scripts which may never be updated. Laggy puppets make for a pitiful show, but most users would not know how to identify a good puppetry script.
The popular way to start making a puppet script is to find an older open source puppet script online, and update it to work from one script. Some archane versions are given as 'master' and 'slave' scripts which need to be merged placing the slave actions as a function into the master, changing llMessageLinked( ) for the function name. Others use an identical script for each prim. I said popular, not the simplest or easiest, and it will never be the best.
Scripting from scratch, the active flow needs to go in a timer event with nothing else in it. Use a different state for animating if a timer is needed when waiting because it's a heavy activity and you don't need any more ifs or buts.
The most crucial task is create a loop to build parameters from a list of linknumbers, positions, and rotations into a parameter list before the llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( ). Yes, that's what they called it because it's a heavy list based function, you may just call it SLPPF inworld but not in the script. Because SLPPF requires the call to have certain constants for each parameter, the parameter list for each step will need to include PRIM_LINK_TARGET, linknumber, PRIM_POS, position, PRIM_ROT, rotation for each linked part in the animation step.
Here's an example of putting a list of a single puppetry step into SLPPF.
list parameters;
integer index;
while ( index < total ) { // total number of elements in each list
parameters += [
PRIM_LINK_TARGET, llList2Integer( currentstep, index ),
PRIM_POS, llList2Vector( currentstep, index+1 ),
PRIM_ROT, llList2Rotation( currentstep, index+2 )
index += 3;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( 0, parameters );
How you create your currentstep list is another matter but the smoothest movement over many linked parts will only be possible if the script isn't moving lists around. So if running the timer at 0.2 seconds isn't any improvement over 0.3, it's because you've told lsl to shovel too many lists. This loop with three list calls may handle about 20 links at 0.1 seconds if the weather's good.
That's actually the worst of it over, just be careful of memory if cramming too many step lists into memory at once. Oh and if your object just vanishes completely, it's going to be hanging around near <0,0,0> because a 1 landed in the PRIM_LINK_TARGET hole.


Efficient retrieval of lat-lon points that are within a square boundary

I have a react-native application that populates pins on a map that have been submitted by users. The front end gets the corners of the window and then the back end goes through each pin to check if it falls within the boundary, and returns the ones that do.
This is taking too long on the backend and I want to ask the community for ideas, because I doubt I have the best one.
My idea is to store tables of pins grouped by quadrants, effectively a cache, and then I can in almost constant time return the pins from the quadrants involved.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
Maybe using NoSQL?
A month later it seems geohashing is probably the best way, plus AWS has a library for automatically handling this with dynamodb. Apparently it takes the corners of the screen, lat/lon, and automatically returns the items from the DB in the view, in, I assume, constant time, since that's the whole point of geohashing, getting performance that works at scale..
Otherwise, using a geohashing library that is built for serving mobile apps likely exists.

How can I optimize Robot Framework to speed up testing of an Angular application?

I know the basics of optimizing Robot Framework for speed on normal applications, but this is not a normal application. It's not a question of going as fast as possible, because if the code executes too fast on an Angular application, it'll try to click an element that isn't enabled or visible, or an element that doesn't exist yet. Timing issues abound, and the result is that I'm using a keyword (below) to slow down my program universally. The problem is that it's hard-coded, and I'm looking for a more "programatic" (programatical? I don't know the exact term) solution that will wait for an element to be clickable and then click it as soon as it is.
This is the keyword I use after every single click (${SLOW_TIME} is a global variable set to 0.5s):
Slow Down
# Slow Down ${SLOW_TIME}
[Arguments] ${SLOW_TIME}
Sleep ${SLOW_TIME}
This is my current solution, which was written to verify that an element is ready to be clicked for test verification purposes, not speed. It's not complete (needs "Is Clickable") and occasionally causes the program to wait longer than it has to:
Verify Element Is Ready
# Verify Element Is Ready id=myElementId
# Click Element id=myElementId
[Arguments] ${element}
Variable should exist ${element}
Wait until element is visible ${element}
Wait until element is enabled ${element}
I'm aware that Robot Framework isn't built for speed, but for long tests I'm tired of doing nothing for 10 minutes waiting for it to finish, only to see that I have an incorrect [Fail]. If the solution involves Python, Javascript, or Java, I can work that in.
EDIT: I'm currently using ExtendedSelenium2Library, but its implicit waits don't always work, so I wanted a second layer of waiting, but only as long as necessary.
First solution to explore would be to use libraries specifically designed for Angular based web applications, such as AngularJsLibrary or ExtendedSelenium2Library. As far as I know, ExtendedSelenium2Library is the one that works best (but perhaps not without any issues, I think it does have a few issues)
Next thing to know is, given that your element indeed is visible, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's ready to be clicked. There are quite a few ways to get around this kind of issues.
One way is to put a sleep in your test setup, to give the page some time to fully initialize. I'm personally not a fan of this solution. This solution also doesn't work well for pages that load new content dynamically after the initial document was initialized.
Another way is to wrap your click element in a wait, either by writing your own in Python or, using something like Wait Until Keyword Succeeds

Keeping repository synced with multiple clients

I have a WPF application that uses entity framework. I am going to be implementing a repository pattern to make interactions with EF simple and more testable. Multiple clients can use this application and connect to the same database and do CRUD operations. I am trying to think of a way to synchronize clients repositories when one makes a change to the database. Could anyone give me some direction on how one would solve this type of issue, and some possible patterns that would be beneficial for this type of problem?
I would be very open to any information/books on how to keep clients synchronized, and even be alerted of things other clients are doing(The only thing I could think of was having a server process running that passes messages around). Thank you
The easiest way by far to keep every client UI up to date is just to simply refresh the data every so often. If it's really that important, you can set a DispatcherTimer to tick every minute when you can get the latest data that is being displayed.
Clearly, I'm not suggesting that you refresh an item that is being edited, but if you get the fresh data, you can certainly compare collections with what's being displayed currently. Rather than just replacing the old collection items with the new, you can be more user friendly and just add the new ones, remove the deleted ones and update the newer ones.
You could even detect whether an item being currently edited has been saved by another user since the current user opened it and alert them to the fact. So rather than concentrating on some system to track all data changes, you should put your effort into being able to detect changes between two sets of data and then seamlessly integrating it into the current UI state.
There is absolutely no benefit from holding a complete set of data in your application (or repository). In fact, you may well find that it adds detrimental effects, due to the extra RAM requirements. If you are polling data every few minutes, then it will always be up to date anyway.
So rather than asking for all of the data all of the time, just ask for what the user wants to see (dependant on which view they are currently in) and update it every now and then. I do this by simply fetching the same data that the view requires when it is first opened. I wrote some methods that compare every property of every item with their older counterparts in the UI and switch old for new.
Think of the Equals method... You could do something like this:
public override bool Equals(Release otherRelease)
return base.Equals(otherRelease) && Title == otherRelease.Title &&
Artist.Equals(otherRelease.Artist) && Artists.Equals(otherRelease.Artists);
(Don't actually use the Equals method though, or you'll run into problems later). And then something like this:
if (!oldRelease.Equals(newRelease)) oldRelease.UpdatePropertyValues(newRelease);
And/Or this:
if (!oldReleases.Contains(newRelease) oldReleases.Add(newRelease);
I'm guessing that you get the picture now.

manage Asynchronous sequence in silverlight?

In my project I want remove some rows first then afterwards insert new rows.
But some times what happens is it inserts the new rows first then afterwards removes the starting rows.
To solve this problem I need to manage the operations in a proper sequence.
Please help me out.
This is a common pattern/problem with Silverlight as pretty much "everything" is asynchronous (for good reasons).
Depending on how your Adds and Removes are triggered, you could queue up tasks (e.g. a list of delegates) and have each task execute the next one off the list when they complete.
The alternative is going to sound a little complex, but the solution we came up with is to create a SequentialAsynchronousTaskManager class that operates in a similar way to the SilverlightTest class which uses EnqueueConditional() methods to add wait conditions and EnqueueCallback()s to execute code.
It basically holds a list of delegates (which can be simple Lambda expressions) and either executes it regularly until it returns true (EnqueueConditional) or just executes some code (EnqueueCallback).

Is it bad practice to "go deep" with your application of callbacks?

Weird question, but I'm not sure if it's anti-pattern or not.
Say I have a web app that will be rendering 1000 records to an html table.
The typical approach I've seen is to send a query down to the database, translate the records in some way to some abstract state (be it an array, or a object, etc) and place the translated records into a collection that is then iterated over in the view.
As the number of records grows, this approach uses up more and more memory.
Why not send along with the query a callback that performs an operation on each of the translated rows as they are read from the database? This would mean that you don't need to collect the data for further iteration in the view so the memory footprint shrinks, and you're not iterating over the data twice.
There must be something implicitly wrong with this approach, because I rarely see it used anywhere. What's wrong with this approach?
Actually, this is exactly how a well-developed application should behave.
There is nothing wrong with this approach, except that not all database interfaces allow you to do this easily.
If we talk about tabularizing 10 records for a yet another social network, there is no need to mess with callbacks if you can get an array of hashes or whatever with a single call that is already implemented for you.
There must be something implicitly wrong with this approach, because I rarely see it used anywhere.
I use it. Frequently. Even when i wouldn't use too much memory repeatedly copying the data, using a callback just seems cleaner. In languages with closures, it also lets you keep relevant code together while factoring out the messy DB stuff.
This is a "limited by your tools" class of problem: Most programming languages don't allow to say "Do something around this code". This was solved in recent years with the advent of closures. Think of a closure as a way to pass code into another method which is then executed in a context. For example, in GSQL, you can write:
def l = []
sql.execute ("select id from table where time > ?", time) { row ->
l << row[0]
This will open a connection to the database, create a statement and a result set and then run the l << it[0] for each row the DB returns. Note that the code runs inside of sql.execute() but it can access local variables (l) and variables defined in sql.execute() (row).
With this kind of code, you can even generate the result of a HTTP request on the fly without keeping much of the page in RAM at any time. In my case, I'd stream a 2MB document to the browser using only a few KB of RAM and the browser would then chew 83s to parse this.
This is roughly what the iterator pattern allows you to do. In many cases this breaks down on the interface between your application and the database. Technologies like LINQ even have solutions that can send back code to the database.
I've found it easier to use an interface resolver than deep callback where its hooked up through several classes. MS has a much fancier version than mine called Unity. This provides a much cleaner way of accessing classes that should not be tightly coupled
