What posix_fadvise() args for sequential file write? - c

I am working on an application which does sequentially write a large file (and does not read at all), and I would like to use posix_fadvise() to optimize the filesystem behavior.
The function description in the manpage suggests that the most appropriate strategy would be POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL. However, the Linux implementation description doubts that:
Under Linux, POSIX_FADV_NORMAL sets the readahead window to the default size for the backing device; POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL doubles this size, and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM disables file readahead entirely.
As I'm only writing data (overwriting files possibly too), I don't expect any readahead. Should I then stick with my POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL or rather use POSIX_FADV_RANDOM to disable it?
How about other options, such as POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE? Or maybe do not use posix_fadvise() for writing at all?

Most of the posix_fadvise() flags (eg POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM) are hints about readahead rather than writing.
There's some advice from Linus here and here about getting good sequential write performance. The idea is to break the file into large-ish (8MB) windows, then loop around doing:
Write out window N with write();
Request asynchronous write-out of window N with sync_file_range(..., SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE)
Wait for the write-out of window N-1 to complete with sync_file_range(..., SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE | SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE | SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER)
Drop window N-1 from the pagecache with posix_fadvise(..., POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)
This way you never have more than two windows worth of data in the page cache, but you still get the kernel writing out part of the pagecache to disk while you fill the next part.

It all depends on the temporal locality of your data. If your application won't need the data soon after it was written, then you can go with POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE to avoid writing to the buffer cache (in a similar way as the O_DIRECT flag from open()).

As far as writes go I think that you can just rely on the OSes disk IO scheduler to do the right thing.
You should keep in mind that while posix_fadvise is there specifically to give the kernel hints about future file usage patterns the kernel also has other data to help it out.
If you don't open the file for reading then it would only need to read blocks in when they were partially written. If you were to truncate the file to 0 then it doesn't even have to do that (you said that you were overwriting).


pread/pwrite, buffers and disk cache

If my code does something like fd = open("/dev/sdXY", ...) and pwrite(fd, ...)/pread(fd, ...), do the I/O operations skip the buffers or disk cache? Suppose /dev/sdXY is a unmounted, formatted disk partition (ext4, ufs, etc.).
I ask that because there is a need to grant contiguous file storage in an application I'm working on and I read that the only way to achieve it is doing something like what I described. However, I may remove the need for contiguous storage if that would lead in lost of buffers, disk cache or some other useful feature.
I'm also confused about if I would need to re-implement low level stuff since the partition would already be formatted with a file system. I read that would be the case for RAW disks/partitions. I already know it will be needed to handle which blocks are free or in use, files and folders structures, etc., I'm already working on that.
Another question: I have only seen something about buffers when reading about fopen()/fread()/fwrite() and C++'s file streams. Is it right that only these streams and the f* family of functions have some kind of buffer, unlike open/write/read/pwrite/pread/etc? Is this buffer the same as disk cache or something different?
A last one: Is HDD cache handled by its own drive or by file system (ext4, ufs, etc.)?
The simple answer is 'it depends'. What's hard is characterizing what it depends on.
Simply using open() doesn't avoid the kernel disk buffer pool. To do that, you need special options (O_DIRECT) on Linux. However, using open() does avoid using hidden application buffers; you get to choose where the data is read from or written to without any intermediate copies. By contrast, the f* family of functions do have a 'hidden' application buffer; the data is frequently read into an I/O buffer associated with the FILE * file stream, and then copied into your application buffers.
If your /dev/sdXY device is already formatted with a file system but you want to ensure contiguous file storage for a file, you are going to have to replicate a significant portion of the file system driver to ensure you allocate the space correctly. It is unlikely to be a sensible use of your time or energy. Yes, you would need to reimplement all sorts of low-level disk space management — it would be entirely non-trivial. Further, the implementation for ext4 would be quite different from the implementation for ufs, etc — so you'd really have your work cut out for you.

improving small file read times with USB2 attached ext2 volume

I'm a more experienced Windows programmer than I am a Linux programmer. Apologies if I'm missing something obvious.
I need to read >10,000 small files (~2->10k) on a USB2 attached ext2 volume running Linux. The distro is a custom and runs busybox.
I'm hoping for tips on improving these writes. I'm doing the following
handle = open(O_CREAT|O_RDWR)
read(handle, 2kBuffer)
since my reads are small, this one read() tends to do the job in one call
Is there anything I can do to improve the performance? since it's a custom distro of Linux running on a USB2 (removable) disk are there any obvious kernel settings or mount options that I may be missing?
I would definitely recommend opening the file readonly if you only intend to read from it.
Aside from this, have you tried doing several operations in parallel? Does it speed things up? What work are you actually doing with the data read from the files? Does the other work take significant time?
Have you profiled your application?
mount the device with "atime" disabled (you really don't need avery read() call to cause a write of meta data). See the noatime mount option. The open() call also takes a O_NOATIME flag doing the same, on a per file basis.
(Though, many kernels/distros have made the "relatime" option default for some time now, yielding mostly the same speedups)
Since reads from disk are block-sized (and ext* doesn't support block suballocation), if you've simply got a bunch of tiny files that don't come anywhere close to filling a block on their own, you'd be better off bundling them into archives. This may not be a win if you can't group related files together, though.
Consider ext4? The dir_index option in ext3 is standard in ext4 and speeds up anything with lots of files in the same directory. It places metadata, directory, and file blocks much more contiguously on disk, and greatly reduces the number of non-data blocks required to track each data block (although that matters more for large files than small). There's a proposal to inline a small file's data into its inode, but I don't think that's in upstream.
If you're seek-bound (as opposed to bandwidth-bound), it may help to call fadvise(FADV_WILLNEED) on a set of files before reading from any of them. The kernel takes this as a hint to readahead into the file cache. Do be careful, though: reading ahead more than cache can hold is wasteful and slower. There's a proposal to add fincore to determine when your files have gotten evicted, but I don't think that's upstream yet either.
If it turns out you're bound by bandwidth, having the files compressed with LZO or gzip can help. The CPU should still be faster decompressing than the disk reads with these compression methods (as opposed to LZMA or bzip2).
Most distros are horrible about setting their blockio-level caching way too low. Try setting
blockdev -setra 8192 /dev/yourdatasdev
it will use a bit more RAM, but the extra caching works well in just about any situations. If you have lots of RAM, use bigger values, I am yet to see a downside to this, the throughput and latency just gets better and better with more RAM allocated to it. There's of course a 'saturation' level, but the stock settings are so low (512) that any improvement tends to have dramatic effects without allocating too much memory for these buffers.
If it is metadata access that slows you down, I like to use a silly trick of putting updatedb in crontab, running in short intervals, which keeps the metadata cache warm and preloaded with all the useful info.

Creating unflushed file output buffers

I am trying to clear up an issue that occurs with unflushed file I/O buffers in a couple of programs, in different languages, running on Linux. The solution of flushing buffers is easy enough, but this issue of unflushed buffers happens quite randomly. Rather than seek help on what may cause it, I am interested in how to create (reproduce) and diagnose this kind of situation.
This leads to a two-part question:
Is it feasible to artificially and easily construct instances where, for a given period of time, one can have output buffers that are known to be unflushed? My searches are turning up empty. A trivial baseline is to hammer the hard drive (e.g. swapping) in one process while trying to write a large amount of data from another process. While this "works", it makes the system practically unusable: I can't poke around and see what's going on.
Are there commands from within Linux that can identify that a given process has unflushed file output buffers? Is this something that can be run at the command line, or is it necessary to query the kernel directly? I have been looking at fsync, sync, ioctl, flush, bdflush, and others. However, lacking a method for creating unflushed buffers, it's not clear what these may reveal.
In order to reproduce for others, an example for #1 in C would be excellent, but the question is truly language agnostic - just knowing an approach to create this situation would help in the other languages I'm working in.
Update 1: My apologies for any confusion. As several people have pointed out, buffers can be in the kernel space or the user space. This helped pinpoint the problems: we're creating big dirty kernel buffers. This distinction and the answers completely resolve #1: it now seems clear how to re-create unflushed buffers in either user space or kernel space. Identifying which process ID has dirty kernel buffers is not yet clear, though.
If you are interested in the kernel-buffered data, then you can tune the VM writeback through the sysctls in /proc/sys/vm/dirty_*. In particular, dirty_expire_centisecs is the age, in hundredths of a second, at which dirty data becomes eligible for writeback. Increasing this value will give you a larger window of time in which to do your investigation. You can also increase dirty_ratio and dirty_background_ratio (which are percentages of system memory, defining the point at which synchronous and asynchronous writeback start respectively).
Actually creating dirty pages is easy - just write(2) to a file and exit without syncing, or dirty some pages in a MAP_SHARED mapping of a file.
A simple program that would have an unflushed buffer would be:
Stdio, by default only flushes stdout on newlines, when connected to a terminal.
It is very easy to cause unflushed buffers by controlling the receiving side. The beauty of *nix systems is that everything looks like a file, so you can use special files to do what you want. The easiest option is a pipe. If you just want to control stdout, this is the simples option: unflushed_program | slow_consumer. Otherwise, you can use named pipes:
mkfifo pipe_file
unflushed_program --output pipe_file
slow_consumer --input pipe_file
slow_consumer is most likely a program you design to read data slowly, or just read X bytes and stop.

mmap( ) vs read( )

I'm writing a bulk ID3 tag editor in C. ID3 tags are usually at the beginning of an mp3 encoded file, although older (version 1) tags are at the end. The app is designed to accept a directory and frame ID list from the command line, then recurse the directory structure updating all the ID3 tags it finds. The user may additionally choose to remove all older (version 1) tags. Another option is to simply display the current tags, without performing an update. The directory might contain 2 files or 2 million. If the user means to update the files, I was planning to load the entire file into memory, perform the updates, then save it (the file may be renamed as well). However, if the user only means to print the current ID3 tags, then loading the entire file seems excessive. After all the file could be 200mb.
I've read through this thread, which was insightful - mmap() vs. reading blocks
So my question is, what the most efficient way to go about this -- read(), mmap() or some combination? Design ideas welcome.
Edit: It's my understanding that mmap essentially delegates loading a file into memory, to the virtual memory subsystem. It seems to me, the VMM would be highly optimized on most systems as it's critical for system performance.
It really depends on what you're trying to do. If all you need to do is hop to a known offset and read out a small tag, read() may be faster (mmap() has to do some rather complex internal accounting). If you are planning on copying out all 200mb of the MP3, however, or scanning it for some tag that may appear at an unknown offset, then mmap() is likely a faster approach.
For example, if you need to shift the entire file down a few hundred bytes in order to insert an ID3 tag, one simple approach would be to expand the file with ftruncate(), mmap the file, then memmove() the contents down a bit. This, however, will destroy the file if your program crashes while it's running. You could also copy the contents of the file into a new file - this is another place where mmap() really shines; you can simply mmap() the old file, then copy all of its data into the new file with a single write().
In short, mmap() is great if you're doing a large amount of IO in terms of total bytes transferred; this is because it reduces the number of copies needed, and can significantly reduce the number of kernel entries needed for reading cached data. However mmap() requires a minimum of two trips into the kernel (three if you clean up the mapping when you're done!) and does some complex internal kernel accounting, and so the fixed overhead can be high.
read() on the other hand involves an extra memory-to-memory copy, and can thus be inefficient for large I/O operations, but is simple, and so the fixed overhead is relatively low. In short, use mmap() for large bulk I/O, and read() or pread() for one-off, small I/Os.
Don't bother with mmap unless your code is CPU bound, specifically due to lots small reads and writes. mmap may sound nice, but it isn't the awesome why isn't everyone using this alternative it looks like.
Given that you're recursing through potentially large directory structures, your bottleneck will be directory IO and concurrency. mmap is not going to help.
Reading the linked to question finds this answer that supports my experience:
mmap() vs. reading blocks
If you're not normally going to be streaming the file in and then processing it, but rather hopping around (like read the tags at the front and then jump to the end, etc.) then I would use mmap simply because your code will be cleaner and easier to maintain treating the file as a large buffer without having to actually manage the the buffering and paging yourself.
As has been mentioned, if you're processing a lot of data disk I/O is likely going to dominate your processing anyway. mmap may be faster than read, but for reasonable implementations, it's likely not THAT much faster, especially on todays hardware which has continually got faster and faster while disk drives have been stuck at 7200 and 10,000 RPM for years and years.
So, go with mmap and make your code easy and neat.
I don't know if standard POSIX functions reside inside what you are allowed or you will to use for the development but think about these two functions:
int ftruncate(int fildes, off_t length);
int truncate(const char *path, off_t length);
defined in unistd.h, which can be used to truncate a file up to a specified length. In this way you could easily
find where ID3 tags frame begins (don't know if you can compute it easily by just reading the header of the MP3 file but I guess yes)
save the offset
close the file
truncate the file with the provided function
open the file in append binary mode and write new tags
I'm not sure about the performance, you should test this method, but it should load much less things inside ram while providing a senseful way of doing it.

Read a line of input faster than fgets?

I'm writing a program where performance is quite important, but not critical. Currently I am reading in text from a FILE* line by line and I use fgets to obtain each line. After using some performance tools, I've found that 20% to 30% of the time my application is running, it is inside fgets.
Are there faster ways to get a line of text? My application is single-threaded with no intentions to use multiple threads. Input could be from stdin or from a file. Thanks in advance.
You don't say which platform you are on, but if it is UNIX-like, then you may want to try the read() system call, which does not perform the extra layer of buffering that fgets() et al do. This may speed things up slightly, on the other hand it may well slow things down - the only way to find out is to try it and see.
Use fgets_unlocked(), but read carefully what it does first
Get the data with fgetc() or fgetc_unlocked() instead of fgets(). With fgets(), your data is copied into memory twice, first by the C runtime library from a file to an internal buffer (stream I/O is buffered), then from that internal buffer to an array in your program
Read the whole file in one go into a buffer.
Process the lines from that buffer.
That's the fastest possible solution.
You might try minimizing the amount of time you spend reading from the disk by reading large amounts of data into RAM then working on that. Reading from disk is slow, so minimize the amount of time you spend doing that by reading (ideally) the entire file once, then working on it.
Sorta like the way CPU cache minimizes the time the CPU actually goes back to RAM, you could use RAM to minimize the number of times you actually go to disk.
Depending on your environment, using setvbuf() to increase the size of the internal buffer used by file streams may or may not improve performance.
This is the syntax -
setvbuf (InputFile, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFFER_SIZE);
Where InputFile is a FILE* to a file just opened using fopen() and BUFFER_SIZE is the size of the buffer (which is allocated by this call for you).
You can try various buffer sizes to see if any have positive influence. Note that this is entirely optional, and your runtime may do absolutely nothing with this call.
If the data is coming from disk, you could be IO bound.
If that is the case, get a faster disk (but first check that you're getting the most out of your existing one...some Linux distributions don't optimize disk access out of the box (hdparm)), stage the data into memory (say by copying it to a RAM disk) ahead of time, or be prepared to wait.
If you are not IO bound, you could be wasting a lot of time copying. You could benefit from so-called zero-copy methods. Something like memory map the file and only access it through pointers.
That is a bit beyond my expertise, so you should do some reading or wait for more knowledgeable help.
BTW-- You might be getting into more work than the problem is worth; maybe a faster machine would solve all your problems...
NB-- It is not clear that you can memory map the standard input either...
If the OS supports it, you can try asynchronous file reading, that is, the file is read into memory whilst the CPU is busy doing something else. So, the code goes something like:
start asynchronous read
wait for asynchronous read to complete
if end of file goto exit
start asynchronous read
do stuff with data read from file
goto loop
If you have more than one CPU then one CPU reads the file and parses the data into lines, the other CPU takes each line and processes it.
