multiple windows - wpf

I set up two Windows in my WPF C# Blend project. Now what I would like to know (and I have trouble finding some clear documentation) is how to run both windows on application startup and in what way I can pass code from window to window.

In the app.xaml file for the solution, it specifies which window to run upon startup. A quick solution to open the other one is to tack on an event handler to the startup window's Loaded event which opens the second window.
However, that's not too scalable of a solution if this is part of a larger project. Having a separate class which can open each window, then neither window needs to know about the other.
As for passing data between them, using events can offer a more loosely-coupled solution. I'd push for a more MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, then let each of the ViewModels raise events that the other can respond to. You can declare your own subclass of EventArgs which would supply the information which needs to be passed.
Sorry for the delay in response. Simply, to have one Window share data with another Window, the receiver must have a way to receive that data. Defining a public property in the receiver will allow the sender to specify the data with a simple property call. By default, a Window's controls are internal, so you can access them within the same assembly, but that's not the best way to do it.
WPF has a really rich binding infrastructure that you should be taking advantage of. Do do this, your object which is providing data to the Window needs to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. This will alert the UI that data has changed, and the binding should update the target with the changed data. The MSDN page describing the interface as well as a sample implementation can be found here.
When you implement that interface, that will expose an event (PropertyChanged) which will fire when data has been changed. The object providing data to the other window can register an event handler to listen for these changes, and then it will have the updated value.
Here's an example implementation of a simple class with a FirstName and LastName property.
class FirstNameViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return firstName; }
if(firstName == value)
firstName = value;
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("FirstName"));
private string lastName;
public string LastName
get { return lastName; }
if(lastName == value)
lastName = value;
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("LastName"));
You can see that there's some code duplication in here--that's often refactored into a base ViewModel class. You'll see that this exposes the PropertyChanged event. Attach an event handler to it, and in the PropertyChangedEventArgs object the handler receives, the PropertyName property will contain the name of the property that was changed (the same as the string passed to the constructor in each of the setters above). The sender parameter will be a reference to the object itself. Cast it to the correct type, and you'll have access to the properties.
Hopefully that gets you a start. I wrote a very contrived sample that I can upload somewhere if you'd like to see it. It opens 2 windows, then you can see that typing in one window causes the typed text to appear in the other one, and vice versa.

If you want to pass data between the windows you should have pointers to the other window in each window. Either that, or you could read up on using a singleton-class. This is handy if you want the windows to share settings, more than sending a lot of data between them.


WPF Is there a simple way to update GUI from main thread [duplicate]

I'm a web and backend programmer by nature. Normally I try to avaoid making windows programs. Now I have to make a WPF client.
I have a background task that raises an event every often time. (It is working like a poller and when the criteria are met an event is raised). Noob as I am I wrote this code that was attached to the event to update the UI.
private void IsDisconnectedEvent()
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
DisconnectWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
This gives an exception because I am not on the same thread. After some googling I found that I should change the code with:
private void IsDisconnectedEvent()
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
DisconnectWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
This works, but this is not the only event and thus makes my code horrible ugly. Are there better ways to do this?
Regarding this:
This works, but this is not the only event and thus makes my code
horrible ugly
Yes, your WPF-based code will definitely be extremely horrible unless you understand and embrace The WPF Mentality.
Basically, all interactions between your custom logic (AKA Business logic or Application Logic) and the WPF UI should manifest in the form of Declarative DataBinding as opposed to the traditional imperative approach.
This means that there should be nothing like this:
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
anywhere in your code, simply because introducing things like that makes your code dependent on the UI and thus only executable on the UI thread.
Instead, the WPF approach to that would be to declaratively DataBind the Visibility propety of the UI element (IN XAML) to a relevant bool property that you can operate from the outside, like this:
<UserWindow Visibility="{Binding ShowUserWindow, Converter={my:BoolToVisibilityConverter}}">
<!-- ... -->
Then, you would need to create a relevant class that contains the properties the UI is expecting to bind to. This is called a ViewModel.
Notice that in order to properly support Two-Way WPF DataBinding, your ViewModels must Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When doing so, it is also convenient to have the PropertyChanged event from that interface marshalled to the UI thread, so that you no longer have to worry about setting the ViewModel's properties by using the Dispatcher.
Therefore our first step is to have all our ViewModels inherit from a class like this:
(taken from this answer):
public class PropertyChangedBase:INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
//Raise the PropertyChanged event on the UI Thread, with the relevant propertyName parameter:
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) (() =>
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Once we have our Property Change Notification Dispatch to the UI Thread in place, we can proceed to create a relevant ViewModel that suits, in this case, the UserWindow and it's DataBinding expectations:
public class UserViewModel: PropertyChangedBase
private bool _showUserWindow;
public bool ShowUserWindow
get {return _showUserWindow; }
_showUserWindow = value;
OnPropertyChanged("ShowUserWindow"); //This is important!!!
Finally, you would need to set the Window's DataContext to an instance of it's corresponding ViewModel. One simple way to do that is in the Window's constructor:
public UserWindow() //Window's Constructor
InitializeComponent(); //this is required.
DataContext = new UserViewModel(); //here we set the DataContext
As you can see in this example, there is literally no need to manipulate the UI element's properties in procedural code. This is good not only because it resolves the Thread Affinity issues (because now you can set the ShowUserWindow property from any thread), but also because it makes your ViewModels and logic completely decoupled from the UI and thus testable and more scalable.
This same concept applies to EVERYTHING in WPF.
One detail that I need to mention is that I'm making use of a technique of Combining MarkupExtension and IValueConverter in order to reduce the the XAML boilerplate involved in using Converters.
You can read more about that in the link and also the MSDN DataBinding page linked above.
Let me know if you need further details.

Update WPF Window Asynchronously

I am creating a simple WPF app that when you click on a button it runs through a few steps like copy the file to a new location, convert the file then it copies the new file back to the original location.
The steps are working fine but I would like to have the WPF window update to which step it is on and hide the button while it is running.
The window only updates once it has finished running my code. I think I used to be able to do this on classic forms with me.refresh but this doesn't work on WPF.
Is something I can do to update the window after each step is complete?
Thank you
Button1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden
FileCopy("C:\Test.xsf", AppPath & "\Convert\test.xsf")
Image7.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden
Image3.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
Program.StartInfo.FileName = xDefs
Program.StartInfo.Arguments = "/q"
Image5.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
FileCopy("AppPath & "\Convert\test.csv, "C:\Test.csv")
Button1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
In order to update the UI while your program is busy, you'll need to use the Dispatcher class to add your update request onto the UI message queue. Take this synchronous example:
public void DoWorkWithFile(string filePath)
We could use the Dispatcher class to break this up and feed messages back to the UI in between tasks:
public void DoWorkWithFile(string filePath)
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Copied" });
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Converted" });
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Copied back" });
private object RunOnUiThread(Action method)
return Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, method);
I know this is a VB.NET tagged question but I'll just go ahead and share a C# solution. I hope you know enough of it to port it to VB. This is the first time and posting anything to stackoverflow, if it solves your problem please mark it as the answer :-)
You must first know a thing or two (actually a lot more) on data binding. You basically create a view model, define the property that changes with time and bind this to the window. In this case you must define a value to keep track of the current operation and let the button control.
Disclaimer, I wrote this in notepad and haven't tested it on visual studio. Be on the lookout for typos.
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace FileConverter
//define the various states the application will transition to
public enum OperationStatus
//Defines the view model that shall be bound to the window.
//The view model updates the UI using event notifications. Any control that had enabled
//binding will get updated automatically
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged//This interface defines an event used to raise an event and notify subscribers of a changed in data
private OperationStatus _FileConvertionStatus;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public OperationStatus FileConvertionStatus
return _FileConvertionStatus;
//Notify all UIElements / objects that had subscribed to this property that it has changed
public void RaisePropertyChanged(object sender,string propertyName)
//check if there is any object that had subscribed to changes of any of the data properties in the view model
PropertyChanged(sender,new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void StartFileConvertion(string filePath)
//Any time we change the property 'FileConvertionStatus', an event is raised which updates the UI
StartCopyingToNewLocation(); //call your copying logic
StartFileConvertion(); //call your conversion logic
CopyFileToOriginalLocation(); //...
//Now for the UI section
In the constructor of the window, you must bind the window to the view model right after this window has been initialized
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
ViewModel vm=new ViewModel();
//setting the data context property the window implicitly binds the whole window to our view model object
string filePath="c:\file.txt";
//start the file manipulation process
//Next step we need to bind the button to the 'FileConvertionStatus' property located in the view model. We don't bind the button to the whole view model, just the property that it's interested in. Having bound the window to the view model in the previous code, all child elements get access to the public properties of this view model (VM from now on). We do the property binding in XAML
..Button x:Name="btnStartFileProcessing" Enabled="{Binding FileConvertionStatus}"...
We're almost there. One this is missing. You'll notice that the 'Enabled' property is a Boolean value. The 'FileConvertionStatus' property is enum. Same way you can't assign an enum to a Boolean directly, you need to do some convertion. This is where converters come in.
Converters allow you to define how one property can be converted to a different one in XAML. In this case we want the button to be enabled only when file conversion is successful. Please do some reading into this.
Create a class as shown below:
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace FileConverter
public class OperationStatusToBooleanConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType,object parameter,System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
OperationStatus status=(OperationStatus)value;
case OperationStatus.OperationCompelete:
return true; //enable the button when everything has been done
return false;//disable the button as the file processing is underway
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,object parameter,System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Next step is to define the converter in XAML code. Think of this as initializing it though it can't be further from the true :-). Its more of importing the namespace into the xaml.Put the code below in the App.XAML file. Doing such declaration in the App.XAML file makes the code visible globally.
In the Application.Resources XAML tag, declare the converter as shown below
<MyConverters:OperationStatusToBooleanConverter x:Key="OperationStatusToBooleanConverter"/>
Final Step
Redo the binding code in the button to include the converter.
...Button Enabled="{Binding FileConvertionStatus,Converter={StaticResource OperationStatusToBooleanConverter}}" x:Name="btnStartFileProcessing" ...
Please note that I haven't thread-optimized this code, the main problem is that all work is being done on the UI thread which can lead to the window hanging if an operation takes long.
The amount of work needed to properly set the binding up as per MVVM code standards is a lot. It might seem like an over-kill and at times, it actually is. Keep this in mind though, once the UI gets complex MVVM will definitely save the day due to the separation of concerns and binding strategies.

MVVM - navigating between views

I have a ListBox that is bound to a ViewModel that exposes a parameter of type ObservableCollection. I have setup an ICommand that gets fired when one of the rows in the ListBox is selected. (using method 3 in this post - it works great by the way).
Now my question (which has nothing to do with method 3 described above or the ListBox) is when my ICommand is fired and what I want to do is navigate to a different page (eg: details page), where is the logic stored (or how do I do it?).
The reason I ask is that I am not sure how to setup the command method in the ViewModel class such that it remains testable.
ps: I am using Prism and was also wondering if it provides any classes/patterns for Navigation.
Just to elaborate on the use of IEventAggregator - it gives you a simple Pub/Sub model for sending arbitrary messages between decoupled (ie neither needs to know anything about the other) parts of the application. So we can get a reference to the IEventAggregator in our ViewModel constructor (this is automatically resolved for you by the framework) ie:
private IEventAggregator eventAggregator;
public PublisherViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
Then in our selection changed handler, we can publish the event:
var changedEvt = eventAggregator.GetEvent<MyListboxChangedEvent>();
This relies on our custom event class MyListboxChangedEvent:
public class MyListboxChangedEvent : CompositePresentationEvent<int> {}
So finally, in the ViewModel which responds to this action, we set up a subscription to the event, and corresponding handler method:
public SubscriberViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
var changedEvt = eventAggregator.GetEvent<MyListboxChangedEvent>();
changedEvt.Subscribe(OnListBoxChanged, ThreadOption.UIThread);
public void OnListBoxChanged(int selectionId)
// do whatever we need
Seems like a lot of glue, but it becomes a logical method for wiring the different parts of the UI together, and it becomes second nature pretty quickly.
Have you considered using the EventAggregator to send the message that you want to show a different view. The StockTrader application included in the PRISM distribution will provide a good example of the use.

How do you call identically named properties on different types which don't share an interface?

I have a DataTemplate that needs to set the IsSelected property on an ItemsControl's container (such as TreeViewItem, ListViewItem or ComboBoxItem). However, it doesn't know the type of the container until it's passed in to it. Since IsSelected isn't part of a common base class or interface, nor is it a common dependency property registered with AddOwner to the various classes (Duh, MS!!! WTF not?!!), I ended up with this mess...
if (container is TreeViewItem) {
(container as TreeViewItem).IsSelected = true;
if (container is ListBoxItem) {
(container as ListBoxItem).IsSelected = true;
if (container is ComboBoxItem) {
(container as ComboBoxItem).IsSelected = true;
...which not only is verbose, but requires me to modify it if I ever use a different ItemsControl that uses different container types! Not good!
Sure I could enhance it a little by putting this logic in extension methods (damn C# for not having extension properties!!) called IsContainerSelected and SetContainerSelected and putting them on UIElement, then moving the above code inside there, but it's just making the outside neater. The inside is still a mess.
My only other thought is to use reflection and look for an IsSelected property and use that if found, but I'm always leery of doing things like that. However, since there isn't a common interface or base class, I'm not really sure I have a choice here.
For context, I'm sharing a complex data template between several different ItemsControls and the template itself has controls that can receive focus such as checkbox and textbox. However, when those controls receive focus via the mouse, the underlying container item doesn't get selected and whatever was selected before remains so.
My workaround is to use an attached behavior that utilizes the preview events to intercept the focus before it happens and set the underlying item accordingly, which works great when I've hard-coded TreeViewItem or ListBoxItem, etc., but I don't want to hard-code the type since the control shouldn't really care. So that's the part that breaks down.
Ugh!!! Why didn't MS just register the same attached property or at least create an ISelectableContainer interface?!!
I have read your answer, and it does make sense - in your case, IsSelected may obviously be part of the ViewModel, and that seems to be the best solution in your case.
But you asked for further explanation about C# dynamic features. C# 4.0 now has some dynamic functionalities, which allow us to create code that would only be possible in languages like Python, Ruby or JavaScript. This, of course, has its cost - a dynamic abuse would not only make code slower, but also more confusing - because you would lose compile-time errors and IntelliSense.
I have written a simple example so you may understand it better:
public class ClassOne
public int SameProperty { get; set; }
public class ClassTwo
public int SameProperty { get; set; }
public class ClassThree
public string SameProperty { get; set; }
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
dynamic wrapper = new ClassOne();
wrapper.SameProperty = 5;
wrapper = new ClassTwo();
wrapper.SameProperty = 15;
wrapper = new ClassThree();
wrapper.SameProperty = "Now it is a string!";
// And now a run-time error...
wrapper.AnotherProperty = "And this won't work...";
As you can see, wrapper has no definite type whatsoever - a dynamic reference will allow any kind of method or property invocation, since the actual binding will only be made during run-time, not compile-time.
Of course, this example is very naive, but sometimes dynamic code may be useful - it is a good option to avoid explicit reflection, or to avoid long if...else statements based on type (like your snippet above).
I'm not sure that I fully understand your problem, but you could try adding an IsSelected boolean to your model and then binding that property against the Item control it's contained in. That way, you just have to worry about setting that property in the model, regardless of the container.
Per #mdm20's answer, he suggested modifying the ViewModel, which is of course normally what you want to do. However this is a purely view-related issue (keyboard navigation-related) and isn't reflected in the ViewModel at all, nor in this case should it be.
But that gave me an idea! Since I'm using a custom control to render the item in whichever items control (via its data template) it's being added to, that control naturally does have multiple instances (all of which are pointing to the same ViewModel instance), which is what I want!
Therefore, rather than adding the IsSelected to the ViewModel, I added it to the user control itself, then I just bind to that within the data template for the respective ItemsControl which I do know about. I can then set the IsSelected property in the code-behind for the user control as needed (i.e. during the preview mouse events, etc.) and the underlying ItemsControl responds appropriately! Works great and keeps the ViewModel clean since neither the model, nor the viewmodel need to know about it. The IsSelected remains purely in the UI which is where in this particular case it should be!

Changing the UI language dynamically

I have a multi-language silverlight application where the resources are stored in resx files for different languages and bound to the buttons' and labels' Content Properties inside the xaml.
When setting the thread's UI culture in the constructor of the silverlight's page every thing works fine, but when changing it based on user's selection (through combobox selection)
the interface doesn't change. I need the page to redraw the controls and rebind to the resource files based on the new thread's UI culture.
I am not sure what mechanism you are using to bind your view to your localization repository, but I am guessing that the problem lies with notification.
The view will only update the data in a binding when it gets a notification event. Most likely, the object with the localization data that you are binding to is not sending notifications when the culture changes.
You might consider adding an INotifyPropertyChanged to the object that holds your localization strings. Then, add a method to that class called "NotifyThatEverythingChanged". In that method, just send that the property string.Empty has changed, which tells the UI to update everything in the data context.
In my case, I have the object that the RESX auto-generated for me called MyUIStrings. It has a bunch of static strings in it. I derive from that class, and add the functionality to notify that everything has changed. The UI will act accordingly:
public class NotifyableUIStrings : MyUIStrings, INotifyPropertyChanged
public void NotifyThatEverythingChanged()
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
var handlers = PropertyChanged;
if(handlers != null)
handlers(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
