cursor is locked in the <input> when browsing in Nokia E72 - mobile

I developed a simple web app in the browser where there are 3 input boxes . The first input box has a ajax search suggestion box drop down when user starts keying in something. For example, the first input box is for user to key in username, when user key in "alan", a dropdown-like suggestion box will show below the input box to show top 5 usersname contain the word "alan", the list is query from a sql server. After user select one of the username from the list, the user name is displayed in the input box, this is working fine.
But the problem is that after user selected the username from the dropdown-like list of usernames, the cursor is locked in the first input box and not able to move out from this input box. I've tried to set the focus to 2nd inputbox by putting in document.getElementbyID("secondinputboxid").focus hope but it doesn't set the focus to the second input box, really need help here.


Elementary Q: In Ride interface, in text edit tab, the search text field doesn't work. Is it the same for you?

I hope that someone responds to very elementary questions as well as the difficut ones. It's more than oe months that i use Ride for RobotFramework and i could never use the Search button on Text editor tab of Ride.
i write a word (not keyword) and i click the search button ( not Apply Changes button) and nothing happens. is it normal?
Thanks for any insight
The Search Button expects to have the text box on its left filled with the words to search.
You can also select the text and press Ctrl-G that will fill the text box an start the search (from the top of the file). Shift-Ctrl-G does the same but backwards.
This is a very rudimentary search function, but allows to find and replace if you have previously put content in memory (Ctrl-C), you can Search and then Ctrl-V.

how to set focus to an input element when page gets scroll in ios?

I am working on a project based on angular and ionic. I have a page consisting of sign up form. It has four fields namely email,mobile no, password and confirm password.The issue I am facing is that when I tap on confirm password field then keypad gets open and page gets scrolled. then confirm password field loses its focus. cursor is not get set to that field as well as whatever I typed on keyboard is not get shown in field unless I click outside.

Opening Button to open form based on combo box selection

I currently have a MS Access database of members.
I have a form that has a combo box which is populated with just the first and last names of members. (using a test database for now)
What im struggling with is how do i create a button that opens another form i have created but using the selection in the dropdown box to populate the fields in the newly opened form.
When a user from the dropdown box is selected an open is clicked i want it to open the profile form populated with their details.
pictures and access files can be found on my ftp server:
Pass: ftpuser
I can't access ftp site from work so can't see what you've got thus far however, the key bits you want to look at here are:
Add a button to the form and the On Click Event to open your profile form. Something along the lines of docmd.openform "frmProfile", acNormal
You need something to pass the member you've selected in the combo box to the profile form. One way might be to use OpenArgs so have a look at that
You then could use the passed variable in OpenArgs to select the data you want to fill out your profile form.
OK, I've had a look at the file now. Here is what you need to do to fix your problems (and a couple of extra bits which aren't causing an issue but will improve the look and feel).
On the Format of the Home form and the Member Search form, set Navigation Buttons and Record Selector to false. - This removes the unnecessary elements for a "single" form, you're not looking at records.
On the member search form, remove the binding to the members table. - You don't need to bind this form, as the recordsource of the combo is pulling the data required separately. if you look at your form before you change it, you'll notice you've got 1 of 10 records...
Also, remove the filter criteria and set filter on load to No - You were filtering the wrong form.
On the combo box, remove the after update event. - I'm not sure what that was trying to do but its completely unnecessary.
On the command button, add an onclick event which has the following code DoCmd.OpenForm "Profile", acNormal, , "ID = " & Me.Combo361 & ""
Save everything and enjoy. :)
You weren't far wrong with the filter, but it's actually a WHERE clause when opening another form - sorry, my bad misdirection. What you were doing was filtering the original form - ie the member search form. Also, you don't need to put ' quotes around the ID, it's a number not a string.
If you have problems I can probably host this fixed version somewhere for you to download.

How to display suggestions in a textbox while searching?

Can anybody has working code example using CN1 for a search text box, which displays suggestions dynamically while user types text into it. Please help.
AutoCompleteTextView: An editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the content of the edit box with.
The drop down can be dismissed at any time by pressing the back key or, if no item is selected in the drop down, by pressing the enter/dpad center key.
The list of suggestions is obtained from a data adapter and appears only after a given number of characters defined in list.
For more detail explanation check AutomCompleteTextView Example
Hope this will help you.

How to implement textinput control and identification

I have a text input box where users can add text, however I would like my program to identify the text in the box and match it up with text in a database.
So the user essentially can't add any text which isn't on the database. So the user will type in the text input box and maybe like a quick selection box appears below it to identify what is being added based on the items on the database.
Not sure where to start implementing this.
Textboxes are just normal textinput components at the moment:
<s:TextInput id="searchInput3" includeIn="AddingInput3" x="126" y="304"change="onChange3(event)"/>
Database is just a local xml file
Looks like you meant auto completion in your text input.
You must search for this in your favorite search engine: "flex text input auto complete" and you should get many results.
One such example for the same is:
